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The "forgotten" parts of the game need some lovin'...


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GSF needs more maps, the number of maps right now is abysmal.


PvP also needs more maps, the number of maps is decent for someone just starting out, but for the people who have been playing PvP since launch (not me, I hate PvP) it's really repetetive.


Roleplayers need some lovin' despite getting strongholds and the /chair /sleep emotes. Chat bubbles would be welcome, I know there's been statements that it slows down the game, but give us the option at least, since most will only use them in social events where the FPS isn't all that important anyway.


It would be nice if you made a quickie make-over of some of the main characters in the storylines now that we have a ton of new outfits.

Darth Baras for example, would probably benefit from a makeover in general (and a diet)


Anyways, just some ramblings on a saturday afternoon.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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In general it never ceases to amaze me how much empty and forgotten things there really are in this game.


I've sometimes trekked across Hoth and Alderaan just for giggles. It's insane to see huge areas like the starship graveyard with a large amount of interiors being utterly empty and devoid of any players. Not to mention some other parts of the big planets that probably only see a few players per month. Even smaller places like Taris are likely unexplored by the majority of the players, unless they're chasing an achievement or datacron.


The scope of the zones and the massive amount of work that goes unused stands in stark contrast with the current focus on instant content and even small arenas in the case of PvP.


They should really come up with a way to repurpose those zones. It's too bad that this game doesn't have a downleveling mechanic like GW2 (which would be a godsend for bonus series despite the flaws it also has).


But some meaningful cycling events (not the reputation grind seasonal variation) could still be organised in those places. Like: "The Empire has landed a massive forward base on Alderaan, go destroy / defend it."

There could even be some GSF content added to the defense or assault of planets.


The Conquest system already takes a few steps in that direction, but it's still far too much about the classic grind formula imo.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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i only need companion armor dyes not to glitch out in conversations. Jedi robes coming in few days!


I totally agree for the class story makeovers, especially some major NPCs wearing the new stuff. Atris robe reskin for some Jedi would be nice. You know.


And a button to replay story line on existing characters...

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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GSF needs more maps, the number of maps right now is abysmal.


PvP also needs more maps, the number of maps is decent for someone just starting out, but for the people who have been playing PvP since launch (not me, I hate PvP) it's really repetetive.


Roleplayers need some lovin' despite getting strongholds and the /chair /sleep emotes. Chat bubbles would be welcome, I know there's been statements that it slows down the game, but give us the option at least, since most will only use them in social events where the FPS isn't all that important anyway.


It would be nice if you made a quickie make-over of some of the main characters in the storylines now that we have a ton of new outfits.

Darth Baras for example, would probably benefit from a makeover in general (and a diet)


Anyways, just some ramblings on a saturday afternoon.


I agree wholeheartedly! While I don't PvP anymore (unless I have to), I do still play GSF from time to time, and it gets tiring playing the same maps over and over with little variation. I can say for certain, I'd play GSF more if they added more maps/modes/ships.

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GSF needs more maps, the number of maps right now is abysmal.


PvP also needs more maps, the number of maps is decent for someone just starting out, but for the people who have been playing PvP since launch (not me, I hate PvP) it's really repetetive.


Roleplayers need some lovin' despite getting strongholds and the /chair /sleep emotes. Chat bubbles would be welcome, I know there's been statements that it slows down the game, but give us the option at least, since most will only use them in social events where the FPS isn't all that important anyway.


It would be nice if you made a quickie make-over of some of the main characters in the storylines now that we have a ton of new outfits.

Darth Baras for example, would probably benefit from a makeover in general (and a diet)


Anyways, just some ramblings on a saturday afternoon.


I am a fan of GSF, but lets not call it the forgotten part of the game.


Ops needs more Ops, its going to be 14-16 months or more from our last new Op to the next one.


FPs need more non-tacticals or at least some hard modes.


More companions, or especially more story for existing companions.

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PvPers are forgotten and don't get enough love? Have you SEEN the conquest objectives?


Fun fact - some pvp'ers wouldn't be happy until the entire game were pvp, and then they'd turn on eachother furiously disagreeing over how it should be balanced.

Edited by Uruare
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I am a fan of GSF, but lets not call it the forgotten part of the game.


Ops needs more Ops, its going to be 14-16 months or more from our last new Op to the next one.


FPs need more non-tacticals or at least some hard modes.


More companions, or especially more story for existing companions.


I want a new companion( like treek and HK) that wield lightsabers cause half the classes in the game dont get a lightsaber/force user comp.


I don't normally pvp but can't ever go wrong with new GSF and pvp maps


Can't go wrong with new ships/ship rolls for GSF( or PVE GSF)


We just got a new tactical in manan will probs get another when forged alliances part 3 comes out. But would be niece to see something besides KDY while lvling pre 55 in the form of tactical also some new FPs in general would be nice.



We will probs get a new op when the next expansion comes out

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But would be niece to see something besides KDY while lvling pre 55 in the form of tactical also some new FPs in general would be nice.


I had some thoughts in some topic or another on here to at the very least retrofit the old leveling flashpoints to take advantage of a bolster effect to widen the range of when they're all playable while leveling.


Getting more on the leveling tacticals note though, they might as well bolster Black Talon and Esseles and throw those into the 10-54 tactical queue with KDY. They already don't require the traditional full group anyway and wouldn't need to be changed much (just the bolster and maybe some kolto stations) to fit the more forgiving design of a tactical.


Actual NEW flashpoints would be better, of course. But some revamps to the old flashpoints would be a nice start.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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GSF grinding needs to be faction wide, once i upgrade a ship on a toon it should be upgraded for all of my toon of same faction. Grinding on each and every toon is not optimal. I think the number of players doing gsf would if it were like this, someone who is leveling a new toon would prefer gsf as another method of leveling too.
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GSH is a whole patch for role players. GSF should just be forgotten, open world space or nothing. I want more class story, NEW HM flashpoints not remakes and no more tacticals, Ops, more Ops.


This is silly.


There's no reason for them NOT to continue developing HM and tactical flashpoints simultaneously; They did so with the CZ-198 flashpoints.


Don't go extremist.


A better question would be: Why are we getting tactical ONLY, instead of both tactical AND HM's?




^^ The above is a rhetorical question BTW. The cynic in me knows the answer already.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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This is silly.


There's no reason for them NOT to continue developing HM and tactical flashpoints simultaneously; They did so with the CZ-198 flashpoints.


Don't go extremist.


A better question would be: Why are we getting tactical ONLY, instead of both tactical AND HM's?




^^ The above is a rhetorical question BTW. The cynic in me knows the answer already.


Because they're saving the HM versions for 3.0.

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Great post title. Then I click in to find it's another 'more pvp maps' post. /sigh

The idea that pvp and GSF are 'forgotten' parts of the game is ludicrous.


FWIW, there are forgotten parts of the game, and yes it would be nice to see something new for them. The idea of some tweeks to the early class stories is good. I don't know if anyone plays space on rails anymore, but it would be nice for it not totally become a forgotten ghetto. Maybe attach some unique decorations or gear to it, or make it part of one or two conquest weeks.


Regarding pvp maps, I find that extra maps would not hugely improve pvp. Ultimately, pvp is about going up against other players, trying to kill them. The scenery doesn't affect that much.


The only exception I can think of would be something radically different, such as a map like the old Alterac Valley from Vanilla WOW. That was a huge 40 v 40 map with lots of PVE objectives. That would be awesome.

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Good suggestions IMO, I would add that if they at least enabled chat bubbles for group use that would be a plus.


I personally would like to see them close the open seams in the environments, get rid of the "hit a box, hold and carry my rifle like a pistol" bug and get rid of the "mob is far away but hits you like he/she is next to you" bug.

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I'm all for adding new things to old content. In fact, I'd love to see it done more. There's tons of opportunity to add, for instance, new maps to existing planets with completely randomized spawns. Have players actually look for treasure. Make us explore again.


Yeah this would be very cool. I always enjoy visiting the old planets when I have a purpose, like gathering datacrons. It really helps to have an "excuse" to do it.

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Great post title. Then I click in to find it's another 'more pvp maps' post. /sigh

The idea that pvp and GSF are 'forgotten' parts of the game is ludicrous.


FWIW, there are forgotten parts of the game, and yes it would be nice to see something new for them. The idea of some tweeks to the early class stories is good. I don't know if anyone plays space on rails anymore, but it would be nice for it not totally become a forgotten ghetto. Maybe attach some unique decorations or gear to it, or make it part of one or two conquest weeks.


Regarding pvp maps, I find that extra maps would not hugely improve pvp. Ultimately, pvp is about going up against other players, trying to kill them. The scenery doesn't affect that much.


The only exception I can think of would be something radically different, such as a map like the old Alterac Valley from Vanilla WOW. That was a huge 40 v 40 map with lots of PVE objectives. That would be awesome.

I use space on rails to push me that final amount that I need to lvl sometimes. It is a nice break and gives good exp fast. I think one thing that hurts that is how hard/expensive it is to get the ship parts for the lvl 55-55 space missions.

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PvPers are forgotten and don't get enough love? Have you SEEN the conquest objectives?


I never said PvP'ers were forgotten.

I said that PvP needs more maps (both GSF and ground PvP).

Also, please note that I loathe ground PvP (and don't do much GSF because of the repetetive maps), so it's not like I'm biased.


I am a fan of GSF, but lets not call it the forgotten part of the game.


It certainly feels like it is.

Sure, they added a bunch of ships and put in new colour thingies, but what it really needs is more maps.

You can have a gazillion different ships, but if you play on the same 3-4 maps all the time, it's gonna get boring fast.

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I realize that this is not a high priority thing, but I would love to them go through and update the clothes/armor of some NPCs. We have much more better looking armor then we did at launch, and most of the NPCs look the same. For example, why don't I see a jedi in the valiant jedi armor or temple guardian set walking around the temple at Tython? I know that they were cartel armor sets, but couldn't that also be used as a form of marketing for the cartel market?
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