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Nerf Balance shadows?


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Thats just too much dmg,2 decent shadows are capable of pulling over 5k dps together in an arena is just too much for current hps to even have a chance with.This was in a solo queue reg with random teams,probably if the other team had more healers the dps could of been higher,but having this much potential dmg is too much imo,I main a Pyro VG and the highest dps I've pulled in arenas is just under 2k dps :/.

nerf their dmg and buff their survivability pls.


Edited by Aehgo
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Thats just too much dmg,2 decent shadows are capable of pulling over 5k dps together in an arena is just too much for current hps to even have a chance with.This was in a solo queue reg with random teams,probably if the other team had more healers the dps could of been higher,but having this much potential dmg is too much imo,I main a Pyro VG and the highest dps I've pulled in arenas is just under 2k dps :/.

nerf their dmg and buff their survivability pls.



While madness sins need a nerf, assault/pyro has no room to complain about any other class putting out big damage, you have carnage level burst that is easier to deliver and sustained dps that no "Burst" spec should have access to.

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I'll take a nerf on my Assassin if Operatives get a huge buff.


Buff what? This game is actually really balanced generally at the moment, at least a hell of a lot more than it used to be. Operatives need no buffs, I like mine just as she is, at a stage where I kick arse but stay out of the "OMG NERF NERF OP I CNT KILL DEM!" spotlight. Every class can beat eachother quite easily (Though guardian is arguably the hardest class to kill at 55), it's all about the skill of the player and a little bit about the gear

Edited by LloydTwoscoops
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Not sure why Assassin/Shadows are being spoken about in this thread. 9/10 Sorcerers put out more DPS than Assassins in PvP.


Buff what? This game is actually really balanced generally at the moment, at least a hell of a lot more than it used to be. Operatives need no buffs, I like mine just as she is, at a stage where I kick arse but stay out of the "OMG NERF NERF OP I CNT KILL DEM!" spotlight. Every class can beat eachother quite easily (Though guardian is arguably the hardest class to kill at 55), it's all about the skill of the player and a little bit about the gear


Operative DPS does need buffs.


Only because Operative DPS got a buff to the point where it's capable of killing people. Doesn't make it good, it just makes it better than what it was (which was a dead spec for years). They nerfed it again by taking away the knockdown on HS.

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Not sure why Assassin/Shadows are being spoken about in this thread. 9/10 Sorcerers put out more DPS than assassins in PvP.




Operative DPS does need buffs.


Only because Operative DPS got a buff to the point where it's capable of killing people. Doesn't make it good, it just makes it better than what it was (which was a dead spec for years). They nerfed it again by taking away the knockdown on HS.

Meh, only talking from my experience with operatives, I hardly ever get into a problem 1v1 on the offnode/enemy pylon (Usually a decent guardian or shadow that actually knows how to play).

Moving onto shadow though I really think the only thing that should be nerfed is their immunity to everything ability (Forgot what its called it's been a while since I played mine), to allow stuns to pass through the immunity would lower the use of it down to a tiny bit lower than saber reflect for guardians

Edited by LloydTwoscoops
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Again, yet another QQing thread from someone that can't stand getting killed by a spec that has been completely unviable for the longest time.


I wasnt getting killed lol,that is my char in the SS,and its stupid to have the potential to do so much dmg

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Again, yet another QQing thread from someone that can't stand getting killed by a spec that has been completely unviable for the longest time.


Remember pre2.0 when madness assassin was better than deception and there were more people playing madness, man that selective memory

Edited by Adovir
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I wasnt getting killed lol,that is my char in the SS,and its stupid to have the potential to do so much dmg


You were also the only dps with three healers on your team carrying you. I could easily do the exact same thing on almost any of my dps classes with 3 healers stacked behind me.


Edit: Especially with the team you were playing. 3 and not one enemy dps could break 200k? Come on.

Edited by Raansu
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Yes let's nerf balance and then take away master strike from vigilance guardians and while were at it drop force barrier from sages because they aren't squishy right? Oh and uh we'll take ion cylinder out of the game too because it makes killing vanguards too hard :(

Seriously why all the calls for the nerfs? Balance/madness is not op some people just don't have the common sense to look at their debuffs and run away/evasion/pop a few quick heals

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looks like skill to me...


That just looks like 1 good player vs. a few mediocre and a few bads to me, and he just got lucky the other team had 2 heals and no one else on his team was doing any dps, so his numbers are inflated.


Regs can be a bad showcase for anecdotal evidence.


Those numbers won't happen in ranked...well I guess it's possible but like 99.999% chance the skill level will not be that unbalanced.

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You were also the only dps with three healers on your team carrying you. I could easily do the exact same thing on almost any of my dps classes with 3 healers stacked behind me.


Edit: Especially with the team you were playing. 3 and not one enemy dps could break 200k? Come on.


I would love if you could post screenshots of all your toons doing 2.5k dps in an arena, and because it is so easy, you should be able to do that no problem right?

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Buff what? This game is actually really balanced generally at the moment, at least a hell of a lot more than it used to be. Operatives need no buffs, I like mine just as she is, at a stage where I kick arse but stay out of the "OMG NERF NERF OP I CNT KILL DEM!" spotlight. Every class can beat eachother quite easily (Though guardian is arguably the hardest class to kill at 55), it's all about the skill of the player and a little bit about the gear


You can do same damage as middle spec Sins (stealth class)? Or Mercs (both specs)? Or Sorcs (both specs)? :confused: Or you can survive without pocket healer only with our mighty shield probes and evasions? Really? :rolleyes:

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I have to say, madness feels a little OP to me. While it doesn't have deception level burst, it can still put out a surprisingly high amount of burst for a spec that's built around sustained damage (for the most part, that is). I main an Assassin and from time to time I do dabble in Madness, especially on the launch of the buffs. When I play it killing people just feels easier than it should be. Melee specs can't run from me because of a root that can be applied every 9s and all of the dot damage goes right through most defensive abilities that I'm aware of. I feel that madness would be fine if the assassinate proc was nerfed in some way (or removed but that may be going too far) or if the dots themselves were cleansable by a healer. As it is the spec just feels far more powerful to me than it seems like it should and what little fun it is to play is simply from the chuckles it gives from killing things so easily.
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