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Hook limit way too low.


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What else can I say:

NPC slots: too few.

Hooks limit overall: way too low.


There is just way too much big, empty dead space.


Try about 150-250 NPC and 1000-1500 hooks @ DK. That would probably make that place a bit 'alive'.


Best alternative: No limit, except the hooks that are there.

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I thought this at first as well, but then I looked around and realized that because I wanted to max my percentage quickly, I had put trophy pictures and basic chairs and couches on any available slot. Once I took a few of those out I had more hooks to work with.


That being said, it would still be nice to have more options. I don't know if the limit exists for game perfomance issues or to give an attainable completion goal. If it's a performance issue, it makes sense, but if not, they could make it so once you hit 100% you can continue to place things as long as you have empty hooks. I'd be all for that.

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I'd love to have more hooks as well. Especially on the flagship. We hit max pretty early without expanding the space yet and its pretty bare in the grand scheme of things. Adding at least 50 more hooks but hopefully a 100 more would be nice. I know that when we expand the ship we'll get more hooks but we'll also get a whole new room that needs lights, rugs, tables, seating, posters, signs, etc, etc so its not really much of a help. The hook limit is, I agree, way to low. And I believe most of my guild feels the same way.
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I absolutely agree with this post. I've been running into serious problems with my strongholds and can barely put anything on the walls. I really like how the little trophies look in big groups, but it's just not feasible because of how many hooks they take up.


Even if we just had another 50-100 hooks available, I think it would make an enormous difference.


The guild ship, on the other hand, is incredibly low for the hook numbers. Our guild can't really afford to expand our ship much, so we've been trying to put most of our "RP spaces" on the bridge. We're at 100% capacity and have huge areas of empty space. We need at least another 100 or 200 hooks.

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More hooks would be nice I agree but I also shudder at the ones that just throw junk in the room just to get a bonus.


And that is why percentage and bonus should never have been linked to begin with.


And deffinitly agreed on the higher hook count, very necesary to make good looking strongholds

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I have only very VERY few trophies. I don't even have a complete "Wall of trophies" - wich is basically the only function these really would have - and I still have my medbay only planned.


And no matter what I do - 25 (!?!) NPC limit spells three words: BIG, DEAD, EMPTY.


Come on - for a place that size there should be at least 2 guards per door + waiters/droids/service-personell plus the crewmembers of the legacy... and really: the alts should be there as well.


Nope - the current hook limit is a big turnoff.

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And no matter what I do - 25 (!?!) NPC limit spells three words: BIG, DEAD, EMPTY.


Come on - for a place that size there should be at least 2 guards per door + waiters/droids/service-personell plus the crewmembers of the legacy... and really: the alts should be there as well.


I totally agree with this

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There should be no limits to the hooks you can use, I dislike having a spartan environment or rooms empty because of a cap (275 in Corusant Stronghold)


If its the completion part, it should be by layout and not % of allowed hooks as layouts can be reconfigured to have more or less hooks. Maybe I'm wrong on this mechanic but I just dislike having and HQ or home that feels too big. I don't want a musem.

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Contra! I am a minimalist.


I love clear and tidy rooms (as well as at my house). all that I have not used for three months I do not need and it goes to ebay. I would never clutter my apartment as it requires BW to have 100% Conquest Bonus.


Conclusion: Gladly more hooks, but the minimum quantity for 100% SIGNIFICANTLY down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I replied to a different thread, but this is more current, so I'll just copy/paste:


I 100% agree. My stronghold is huge, filled with lots of cool-looking stuff, but is quiet as a tomb and eerily empty-feeling, despite all the decorations. The 25 hook limit is just too few. I have sacrificed several design ideas just to get the look I have, and there is still so much left to do. I can't understand why they would give us so many NPCs to buy, that you then have to basically ignore just to get more companions or pets in.


I truly hope this will be looked at again once they have an idea of what the servers can handle. I'd happily give up all the other stronghold NPC hooks if I could consolidate them to my main, if that would help. I think even a boost of just 10 more would be fantastic.

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I am all for maximizing options for people to decorate to their heart's content. More hooks, raise the NPC limit, just give us everything, Bioware.


That said, I would really like to see some of these "empty as a tomb" 100% completed stongholds people keep bemoaning. I bet they look like a hoarder's storage unit.

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