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The Harbinger, Begeren Colony, and The Bastion currently unavailable


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I'm going to do a little devil's advocate here. Years and years ago Final Fantasy XI was getting hacked by an outside source and it made the game fairly unplayable for almost 2 weeks. There was nothing the devs could really do about the random crashes and the players were getting pretty pissed off since they weren't being told what was causing the crashes.

I'm not saying that's what is going on here but give it time I'm sure things will get cleared up.

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ACTUALLY I am a charter customer and I DID get a 1/2 off month when their system failed last week, so there. :p


Point taken and noted. So what I played in Swtor Beta . The matter of it is, it is just a game and all we got to do is grin and bare it. Nothing will change I mean if you get something out of it (Thumbs up for you). You have got what you wanted. I clearly dont care how long it takes as long I get to play today. Now if it happens that its not up today.....oh well ill go play diablo 3 and try tomorrow after work.

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If I play for an average of 2 hrs a day, or tops of 40hrs a month, the amount of money lost per hour is quite different. Bust out yer calkyulater on thatun'there!


But that is your choice, not Bioware's. That was kinda the point of the post - you voluntarily pay to not play far more hours than what is "denied" to you by issues like this.

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As someone who paid extra money to move multiple lvl 55s to this server im going to have to agree.


Now that I have to agree, something along that lines. If you paid a butt load of money into the game to move a huge group of 55s to a server and it constantly having issue I think that's fair, but if you sit at home and play this 18 hours a day and you have nothing going on in your life then yeah.....think its just wrong to complain about it lol

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HEY shut up their doing the best they can they cant help it that it crashed shut up and let them do there job to fix it:rak_01:



I would assume that they are doing "their job" regardless of what people post here. Do you really think that the whole dev team is reading posts? I doubt that they read this period. They post updates and thats about it. So let the people rage. No harm done.

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i got my legs blown off in the war, i have a **** load of time to play and i cant play right now yet im paying for the ****** *** service and im pissed too, there happy now???


If your looking for sympathy for what happened I will only say this, I am sorry that has happened to you and I commend you and thank you for your service. I am talking about the people who just sit at home who HAVE legs and do nothing. I would be pissed too not having the ability to walk.

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Personally, all I care about is that the server comes back online, and with little to no issues. I mean yes, servers tend to get worn down and they need to be reset or cleaned from time to time. That's why many other MMOs take a Tuesday or something to shut ALL the servers down to do maintenance on them so they don't have issues like this. It would be nice if they did, at least they would have a constant active approach to any issues prior. But then again, server shut downs randomly are going to happen. It just happens to be majorly on The Harbinger this time. Best thing to do is either make random kill time toons on another server, or just grin and bare it. See you guys all in game. :D



Verdinand Lv55 Marauder [Harbinger]

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But that is your choice, not Bioware's. That was kinda the point of the post - you voluntarily pay to not play far more hours than what is "denied" to you by issues like this.
It's not about the hours I don't choose to play. I literally cannot use the game outside of 2 hr time windows, and due to the server lags and bombs, cannot play at all. I know this isn't life-threatening, but it IS an inconvenience. If the starter on my car is faulty, I can try and fix it, pay to get it fixed, or go to the company who made it. In this scenario, we only have the third choice. Like saying the year round bus ticket I bought doesn't work today because the system is down, but I only ride the bus 20 times a year so my opinion is invalid??
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Now that I have to agree, something along that lines. If you paid a butt load of money into the game to move a huge group of 55s to a server and it constantly having issue I think that's fair, but if you sit at home and play this 18 hours a day and you have nothing going on in your life then yeah.....think its just wrong to complain about it lol


Most people aren't like that. Just because people are on right now doesn't mean they have "no life". I'm sick of this "If you don't work a 9-5 job you have no life". No, some of us work in the dead of night while the rest of you privelaged lot sleep. This is the only time some people get to play, some people only get an hour a day, maybe two, especially if their craptastic employer likes to overwork them AND they have a family to balance things out with.


So when you spend all day or even all week looking forward to that 1-2 hours you get to play, you get understandably pissed off when your server, and only your server, crashes. Try not to make assumptions about people.

Edited by Zyrious
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Sadly this thread shows nothing confirming a rollback.



With that said, we all know there will be one, just a matter of how far we get rolled back.


Yeah I found nothing either, but if Bio/EA has taught us anything it is that we will get what we get and they don't give a sh-t...

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