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  1. Rollbacks confirmed http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7651274#edit7651274
  2. Sadly this thread shows nothing confirming a rollback. With that said, we all know there will be one, just a matter of how far we get rolled back.
  3. So my question, since this has been going on for a couple days now, why isn't anything permanent being done about it? Instead of just rebooting the servers and rolling everyone's characters back? This is causing a lot of unrest in the community... I don't normally post on forums, but this is getting a bit out of hand. I'm not looking for any kind of freebies or handouts, I just want to enjoy the game that I have put a LOT of money into. Sure, I could start characters on another server, but the amount of time I have put into my Legacy characters on Harbinger would take a very long time to reproduce. Most people would say that not being able to access the server you play on isn't a big deal. I disagree. When you have spent years developing 10+ characters on a single server, starting over fresh is akin to a kick in the face. Starting fresh and new on a server where you have a good solid foundation of characters/income makes a world of difference. I don't ask for much. Stable servers. That's all.
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