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Manaan Barrel Wars - please put an end to it

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I'd like to direct the developers' attention to and voice my concerns about the foolishness of placing individual-based objectives in group-oriented content. Namely, those stupid kolto barrels in the Depths of Manaan flashpoint from which you have to destroy 500 for the achievement. They were, in my past few runs, the source of signifcant stress and annoyance and I'd humbly like to request a change.


There's nothing wrong with destroying kolto barrels per se, but it's the fact that they only count for the person interacting with hte barrel that makes it very problematic. Once people started realizing this, they abandoned pretty much all common sense and group obligations. Now, most of the Manaan runs I'm put into (judging from the 10 or so runs I've had in the last two days), team members are obsessed with those barrels to the exclusion of everything else. They heedlessly charge ahead and pull every group, regardless of their state of HP in an effort to get to them first. We have wiped many times in the last few days because impatient DPS charged into multiple groups to destroy the kolto barrels, with complete disregard for the consequences. As a healer, usually I'm left holding the bag and I almost never get my chance at those barrels since I'm pretty much always forced to try to keep their sorry butts alive. Also, on some occasions, I have noticed stealth-capable people completely abandoning the group and stealthing ahead to destroy barrels.


That is why I must conclude that individual objectives in group content only server to create discord and it was a very bad idea to put in in the first place. Please change it, so that if one person destroys a barrel, it counts for every team member. Increase the total number of barrels that need to be destroyed to something like 2000 to keep it balanced. You would alleviate a lot of stress from healers everywhere :)


P.S.: Also, please make sure not to repeat this in the Legacy of the Rakata flashpoint. If it's going to have similar destructible objects, please make them strictly group-based!

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Very easy solution ........ dont heal them .....


If they really pull to much than they can handle than let them pay the price for it. And in the end .... those koltobarrels are not really needed. Kuat doesn't have them and neither does Korriban/Tython. I get the issue here is that they masspull in order to be 1st but than again ..... let them pay the price for it.


Personally I follow these rules:

- When I'm a tank

You pull it you tank it

If someone uses pushbacks to scatter adds than I'm not gonna get them back


- When I'm dps

I pull it, I tank it. If I die than its my mistake of doing so.


- When I'm healer

Annoying people won't get my heals. What I call annoying is different per run and up to my mood.


Translating these rules to manaan barrel wars:

- as healer I won't heal them

- as a tank I won't get aggro on the mobs they have pulled so zealous

- as a dps I will only attack mobs who are hitting the people who pay attention to the fight



1 last thing. I assume this will be over within a few weeks or so when most people will have their achievement.

Edited by fire-breath
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But why rage about it? This flashpoint is dull face roll, mobs don't do any damage. It's most probably soloable anyway. I always kick barrels while there meanwhile killing mobs, healing people or tanking whatever I do at the time. Your problem is not with barrels or objectives but tons of bad players. Unfortunately there is no way to not interact with bad players. Would be so nice if there was some elite server you could progress to after completing some benchamarks for quality of game play :D
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Very easy solution ........ dont heal them .....


If they really pull to much than they can handle than let them pay the price for it. And in the end .... those koltobarrels are not really needed. Kuat doesn't have them and neither does Korriban/Tython. I get the issue here is that they masspull in order to be 1st but than again ..... let them pay the price for it.


Personally I follow these rules:

- When I'm a tank

You pull it you tank it

If someone uses pushbacks to scatter adds than I'm not gonna get them back


- When I'm dps

I pull it, I tank it. If I die than its my mistake of doing so.


- When I'm healer

Annoying people won't get my heals. What I call annoying is different per run and up to my mood.


Translating these rules to manaan barrel wars:

- as healer I won't heal them

- as a tank I won't get aggro on the mobs they have pulled so zealous

- as a dps I will only attack mobs who are hitting the people who pay attention to the fight



1 last thing. I assume this will be over within a few weeks or so when most people will have their achievement.


Self-righteousness is always so cute. Personally if I'm in an FP to do a certain job, I do my damn job. But I guess some MMO players prefer the "take your toys and go home" style of play if the rest of the group isn't playing exactly like they want them to.

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Self-righteousness is always so cute. Personally if I'm in an FP to do a certain job, I do my damn job. But I guess some MMO players prefer the "take your toys and go home" style of play if the rest of the group isn't playing exactly like they want them to.

The people mentioned in the OP were playing in such a way as to wipe the group. In a flashpoint that is otherwise face roll easy.


That is 50 times more selfish than any healer that stops healing them because they're tired of the behavior.

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I'd like to direct the developers' attention to and voice my concerns about the foolishness of placing individual-based objectives in group-oriented content.


Agreed this is very annoying, and not at all what group pve is supposed to be about...

This is just like the prisonner achievement on KDY.

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This achievement really grinds my gears as well.


Group wide application, sure, I get it 500 is fine, 1000 would be fine. But 500... and you have to smash it personally... all it's done is make Mannan a race.


And no, you cannot solo get the achievement by just walking into Manaan alone as the barrels WILL NOT ACTIVATE/be usable while solo, they require a group. Otherwise I would simply grind it out by myself and not trouble anyone.



Frankly, the best advice I have right now is to get a friend and two man Maanan multiple times: one run first player gets all the kolto, second run the other and repeat until done. Or better yet, find a player who doesn't care for it and just let them be in the group so you can activate them at all.



Having a 4 man team all rushing for barrels is just silly and I'll be very glad when I finish this one.

Edited by Transairion
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It's soloable.


Actually i find funny the competiton about who is faster xD

And finally, if someones goes too far and dies bc of this its his fault gg and move on xD

Unfortunately, you need to be in a group to hit the kolto barrels, I already tried it out. So the only way to do it would be via group-finder, or find someone who wants to stay in group with you.


I haven't had too much trouble with it yet since not that many players know about it, but I can see how this can happen. But I'm sure it will stop once everyone has completed the achievement.

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i never saw people running ahead or stealthing..just don't heal them


Yeah, thought about that, but if you don't heal them and they die, you'll be next on the chopping block. Whereas if you can somehow keep them alive, at least you won't have to tank all the adds. It's pretty much a lose-lose scenario because you either encourage reckless behavior or let them die to teach them a lesson and most likely die as well in the process.


P.S.: I had some good Manaan runs today, apparently, there are still disciplined people around!

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I agree. it's quite stupid that it only counts for the person smashing the barrels, especially since people after the achievement can't solo it (barrels can't be smashed in solo mode).

The prison break achievement in KDY was annoying, but I think this is worse.

Please, Bioware, either make barrel-smashes count for the whole group (and maybe raise the number of barrels needed), or lower the barrels needed for the achievement to something more reasonable, like 50/75.



And yes, I am one of the people who runs ahead smashing the barrels. I'm a sucker for achievements, though I'll do my best to avoid causing problems for my groupmates.

Edited by DarthVitrial
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I don't know, an achievement like that, together with the Prisoner one from KDY, makes no sense to me... :D


I mean, why put it there in the first place? Kolto Barrels make more sense like life savers once in a while, but they lose their purpose if the team just mindlessly smashes them just because. :confused:

At this point make them simple environmental decorations and remove interaction completely. :p


Same goes with the Prisoners' one in KDY. I still lack it only because every time I tryed one guy in the team freed that *last* prisoner I needed to fulfill it...! :mad:

Of course I could go and solo it to that point, but... Isn't the purpose of Group Content to encourage grouping? :confused: If so, that's failing. :p


My suggestion to avoid frustrations of any kind? Make it count groupwide. Make both of them, actually. That'd save lots of ppl from frustration, because I know I'm not the only one facing that behaviour countless times around... :(

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