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No title for conqueroring CZ-198, big game breaking bug for this week.


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My guess is they'll fix this Mid-Oct when Titans of Industry Conquest week occurs. Devs probably don't need 2x the bug reports on this. Hopefully, sooner though.

At least we could get some information. I am just stunned at how there is not even a information if it's a bug or not. :confused:

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Hey folks,


We are still looking into this and I don't have any ETA at this time.




Still waiting to see any updates for this... a lot of your customers are interested in the outcome. Please keep us in the loop. Thanks in advance for some information.

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It won't be retroactive in that it automatically grants when 2.10.1 goes live, but we are looking into a way to get the Achievement and Title to those who earned it.


- Tait


I thought it was said that you keep records of Conquests somewhere, so just add them manually to players? Should not be that hard for someone with admin privileges. I remember the Live Chat support in the early days of the game could add stuff retroactively (btw, what happened to that, it was awesome)

Edited by Aries_cz
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^^ this.


Honestly I don't think a title for CZ was ever planned, which is why it was never implemented. But stupid people and their "game breaking bug" that is intended caused them to change their minds. If you wanted a legacy title, why did you invade a planet that doesn't have one?

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^^ this.


Honestly I don't think a title for CZ was ever planned, which is why it was never implemented. But stupid people and their "game breaking bug" that is intended caused them to change their minds. If you wanted a legacy title, why did you invade a planet that doesn't have one?


It was planned, because certain someone discovered it while digging around his basement.

Not that I have the title, but I think that granting it retroactively should not be a problem, assuming there are still some people with admin rights floating around in the game, like they used to be around launch on Live Chat support.

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^^ this.


Honestly I don't think a title for CZ was ever planned, which is why it was never implemented. But stupid people and their "game breaking bug" that is intended caused them to change their minds. If you wanted a legacy title, why did you invade a planet that doesn't have one?

I don't think anyone said it as a fact but asked for a confirmation if it is a bug or not. I think you just earned yourself some kind of a very special trophy in the magical world of internet. Quite a feat and gratz on coming to cry about a bug fix after it has been confirmed as a bug and a fix promised. This is the new kind of internet special. Cheers!

Edited by Ruskaeth
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Honestly I don't think a title for CZ was ever planned, which is why it was never implemented. But stupid people and their "game breaking bug" that is intended caused them to change their minds. If you wanted a legacy title, why did you invade a planet that doesn't have one?


If what I was told is correct the title and point in the meta-achievement were both present on the PTS. Blackhole and Section X both have titles/achievements currently, both are dailies areas just like CZ. I know for sure that my guild committed to taking CZ and were well into the process before anyone noticed they had been removed. To make matters more pertinent we were locked in a pretty intense battle to win the planet and consumed a lot of resources we might have otherwise sat on. The news that there was no title/achievement, and now the update that we may or may not get it retroactively, has been a huge blow to morale from what I've seen. The possibility that we'll have to reconquer a planet we already invested so much in is not appealing at all. It may not be a game breaking bug in that the game won't work as is, but it has certainly turned some of our players away from Conquest in general.


So either the info I got from my guildie is incorrect or your supposition is wrong. Either way it sounds like you have no personal investment in the topic and are just looking to troll it up, because your comment seems to add nothing of real value to the discussion.

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If what I was told is correct the title and point in the meta-achievement were both present on the PTS. Blackhole and Section X both have titles/achievements currently, both are dailies areas just like CZ. I know for sure that my guild committed to taking CZ and were well into the process before anyone noticed they had been removed. To make matters more pertinent we were locked in a pretty intense battle to win the planet and consumed a lot of resources we might have otherwise sat on. The news that there was no title/achievement, and now the update that we may or may not get it retroactively, has been a huge blow to morale from what I've seen. The possibility that we'll have to reconquer a planet we already invested so much in is not appealing at all. It may not be a game breaking bug in that the game won't work as is, but it has certainly turned some of our players away from Conquest in general.


So either the info I got from my guildie is incorrect or your supposition is wrong. Either way it sounds like you have no personal investment in the topic and are just looking to troll it up, because your comment seems to add nothing of real value to the discussion.


Anything present on the PTS is not final and can be removed from the final game with no warning. Don't use that as justification.

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I think the overall point here is; If it is a conquestable planet, there should be title and such given for it. If they are not going to give a title, etc for it, don't allow it to be a planet for conquest.


The Devs made it so CZ-198 could be contested, therefore there should have been a title and such granted for conquering it. The fact that they didn't could be due to alot of things. But now they say they are going to fix it, they should go back and see who won the planet and just award the title/achievement.


Even though this should be relatively easy, the hard part is determining WHO was in the conquering guild at the close of that weeks event. Personally, if 2 or 3 new members get it who weren't in the guild that week, I don't care. I know my guild WON'T let a huge influx of people in just to get the reward so they can /gquit 10 mins later if it becomes retroactive.

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Yea Tait it would be nice for an update.


Today's addition of the Achievement didn't seem to register we COMPLETED the Achievement already.


So I've logged a ticket and pointed CS folks to my SCREEN shots of the conquest completed, with my points and everything.


Just waiting on BW to clean up the mess and make sure we get our achievement points and TITLE of course.

Edited by dscount
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