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Dual Spec , Dual Equip, Dual Bar layout.


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Old wish. Very old.


Here's what would knock the stuff out of the cheers:


Dual Spec

- Two sets of skills

Dual Equip

- On each set of skill you can assign a gear that gets auto-equipped upon changing

Dual Bar Layout

- Save the buttons and button asignments per spec.


Give it a 10 second cast. Only OOC. Only outside Warzones. Add a question on entering a warzone what spec you want (so instant switch durong load).


Players can spec tank for pve. Heal for pvp only or Rage for daily missions... This loweres the barrier of 'peeking into another part of the game'.

Edited by chillshock
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Old wish. Very old.


Here's what would knock the stuff out of the cheers:


Dual Spec

- Two sets of skills

Dual Equip

- On each set of skill you can assign a gear that gets auto-equipped upon changing

Dual Bar Layout

- Save the buttons and button asignments per spec.


Give it a 10 second cast. Only OOC. Only outside Warzones. Add a question on entering a warzone what spec you want (so instant switch durong load).


Players can spec tank for pve. Heal for pvp only or Rage for daily missions... This loweres the barrier of 'peeking into another part of the game'.


I love it when people are clueless about what they ask for and make up new terms for it.

Dual spec: Having multi saved spec and quick bars. (When you change your spec, you change your ability)

Item rack: Swap different gear combination with 1 click.

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I love it when people are clueless about what they ask for and make up new terms for it.

Dual spec: Having multi saved spec and quick bars. (When you change your spec, you change your ability)

Item rack: Swap different gear combination with 1 click.


I love when someone goes ahead and gets personal... claiming someone to not know terms before looking carefully and realizing that I wasn't even asking for an "Item Rack" "Outfitter" "Layout-Manager" "Skill-Swapper" "Hotbar-Changer" "Bartender" "Button Manager" ... Have you any idea how incredibly many names I have read, seen and heard for the same stuff during the bas 10+ years of mmo gaming? :D


I suggested Dual-Equip: directly tied to the dual spec swap.

I suggested Dual-Bar-Layout: also directly tied and switching with the sepc-change.


Now off with you to flame someone else!

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I love when someone goes ahead and gets personal... claiming someone to not know terms before looking carefully and realizing that I wasn't even asking for an "Item Rack" "Outfitter" "Layout-Manager" "Skill-Swapper" "Hotbar-Changer" "Bartender" "Button Manager" ... Have you any idea how incredibly many names I have read, seen and heard for the same stuff during the bas 10+ years of mmo gaming? :D


I suggested Dual-Equip: directly tied to the dual spec swap.

I suggested Dual-Bar-Layout: also directly tied and switching with the sepc-change.


Now off with you to flame someone else!


If you've heard so many different names for something why create more names? Or you Google other names.


BTW reread your OP. No where does it say anything about being tied to switching spec. Sounds more like 3 different things related to swapping spec not linked.

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You know - it's not like even one third of all that is going to be implemented. It's been asked for since beta of this game. And actually since beta of World of Warcraft... and games before that... The idea is so darn old. And linked or unlinked: I picked terms where anyone would understand the general meaning. Because it's not "exactly this way" ...

Dual spec, dual equip (I don't care if by auto swap, outfitter, equipment manager, equipment pages, spec-slots, ...) and the matching dual bar layout (again totally generic).


You aren't stupid: You understand what is being asked for. And unless you agree or disagree with more sensible reasons than "the word is wrong" (I'd almost call it grammar-nazi-style or maybe knitpicking or even missing-the-obvious-point) I'd kindly request you to refocus on the topic instead of behaving like a 1st semester law-student.


You'd really have to WANT to complain, to not understand what I said. And if that's all you wanted to do: Pick one of them many MANY nonsensical topics in the boards. Maybe in general discussion or even the pvp boards (nerf threads are mostly great for some trolling). Or you could even start your own! ;)

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Just that wow dual spec would suck hard without equipment manager... so: don't just copy ONE part. :D


if i recall


duel spec was added first, then

the equipment manager was added in a later time.


i don't mind baby steps.


i would like to see macros, and targetoftarget, but one can only hope.

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Uhm - tot is already in swtor?


To be honest - the whole "let the users build cool interfaces" was win in wow. Imho. Many disagree and some would even call it cheating to clean up the mess. But UI wise bio could take a lot from all the player-inspired improvements that were added by blizzard over the years.


Dual Spec, Equipment Manager, Proc Displays, Buff-Grouping for long time buffs, ...

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I prefer the Field Respec option that we currently have over the dual-spec feature WoW had.


I'm not a fan of recycling features from other games just because it worked in the other game for some people. I understand many people were very excited to get dual spec in WoW and it was a great feature, but it still had limitations that we currently do not have in this game because we have a different tool that functions in a way that allows us to quickly and easily reset all of our skill points and redistribute them however we see fit for any of the 3 trees instead of only be able to switch back and forth between 2 of them.


The equipment manager idea would be a nice quality of life addition to SWTOR that I wouldn't mind having though. I tend to find that the equipment managers in other games have led to me forgetting to update the equipment set after getting an upgrade, which can be just as equally frustrating as having to search your inventory for pieces of a second or third set of armor. However, I'm willing to concede that this is probably just my problem and not likely to be the norm for everyone or anyone else.


As for the toolbar idea, I'm not sure it's really needed. When I use my field respec it vacates a few buttons from my toolbars and when I choose new skills I just have to place them in the vacant slots. Your idea here would work best when linked to the dual spec in the same way WoW implemented the features.


Bottom line though, I think the dual spec idea is a step-backwards from what we have right now with the Field Respec. I wouldn't mind the other two features, but I think they would be less effective for myself than they could potentially be for others.

Edited by Orizuru
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I prefer the Field Respec option that we currently have over the dual-spec feature WoW had.


I'm not a fan of recycling features from other games just because it worked in the other game for some people. I understand many people were very excited to get dual spec in WoW and it was a great feature, but it still had limitations that we currently do not have in this game because we have a different tool that functions in a way that allows us to quickly and easily reset all of our skill points and redistribute them however we see fit for any of the 3 trees instead of only be able to switch back and forth between 2 of them.


The equipment manager idea would be a nice quality of life addition to SWTOR that I wouldn't mind having though. I tend to find that the equipment managers in other games have led to me forgetting to update the equipment set after getting an upgrade, which can be just as equally frustrating as having to search your inventory for pieces of a second or third set of armor. However, I'm willing to concede that this is probably just my problem and not likely to be the norm for everyone or anyone else.




Why do people consistently argue this? What in the world makes you think "field respec" and "dual-spec" are mutually exclusive? No one anywhere has argued that "field respec" should be removed for "dual-spec".


As for the toolbar idea, I'm not sure it's really needed. When I use my field respec it vacates a few buttons from my toolbars and when I choose new skills I just have to place them in the vacant slots. Your idea here would work best when linked to the dual spec in the same way WoW implemented the features.


Bottom line though, I think the dual spec idea is a step-backwards from what we have right now with the Field Respec. I wouldn't mind the other two features, but I think they would be less effective for myself than they could potentially be for others.


You haven't had to switch from healer to DPS before, have you? while it may only vacate a few item slots, it invalidates the whole bar layout you had. You may still have those base heal abilities, but you certainly don't want them in prominent positions anymore.

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Why do people consistently argue this? What in the world makes you think "field respec" and "dual-spec" are mutually exclusive? No one anywhere has argued that "field respec" should be removed for "dual-spec".


Logically I think one makes the other redundant. I feel that Field Respec is the more flexible of the two and achieves the same results. I didn't imply that they are mutually exclusive. I simply stated that I find the current tool to be a superior system to a blatant ripoff of Blizzard's IP.


You haven't had to switch from healer to DPS before, have you? while it may only vacate a few item slots, it invalidates the whole bar layout you had. You may still have those base heal abilities, but you certainly don't want them in prominent positions anymore.


You would be correct. I do not heal. Ever. I do not enjoy it. Which is partly why I did make statements explaining that I felt it could have some benefit to other players, but just wouldn't be necessary for me. I can see your point here and would be more than happy to see a feature that provides what you need to overcome this, but since I mostly just switch between tank and dps, it's a feature that I myself do not need and can get by without.

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Logically I think one makes the other redundant. I feel that Field Respec is the more flexible of the two and achieves the same results. I didn't imply that they are mutually exclusive. I simply stated that I find the current tool to be a superior system to a blatant ripoff of Blizzard's IP.




You would be correct. I do not heal. Ever. I do not enjoy it. Which is partly why I did make statements explaining that I felt it could have some benefit to other players, but just wouldn't be necessary for me. I can see your point here and would be more than happy to see a feature that provides what you need to overcome this, but since I mostly just switch between tank and dps, it's a feature that I myself do not need and can get by without.


I've always imagined dual-spec working in this game like an addon to field respec. You use the normal field respec ability but then you do a separate action to apply a template which fills in your talent points and populates your action bars.


Sorry if I came off a bit...curt. Dual-spec would help me a lot and I genuinely don't understand people arguing against it...at least as I describe it above.

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I prefer the Field Respec option that we currently have over the dual-spec feature WoW had.


I'm not a fan of recycling features from other games just because it worked in the other game for some people. I understand many people were very excited to get dual spec in WoW and it was a great feature, but it still had limitations that we currently do not have in this game because we have a different tool that functions in a way that allows us to quickly and easily reset all of our skill points and redistribute them however we see fit for any of the 3 trees instead of only be able to switch back and forth between 2 of them.


The equipment manager idea would be a nice quality of life addition to SWTOR that I wouldn't mind having though. I tend to find that the equipment managers in other games have led to me forgetting to update the equipment set after getting an upgrade, which can be just as equally frustrating as having to search your inventory for pieces of a second or third set of armor. However, I'm willing to concede that this is probably just my problem and not likely to be the norm for everyone or anyone else.


As for the toolbar idea, I'm not sure it's really needed. When I use my field respec it vacates a few buttons from my toolbars and when I choose new skills I just have to place them in the vacant slots. Your idea here would work best when linked to the dual spec in the same way WoW implemented the features.


Bottom line though, I think the dual spec idea is a step-backwards from what we have right now with the Field Respec. I wouldn't mind the other two features, but I think they would be less effective for myself than they could potentially be for others.


I'm sorry but what we have is crap compared to dual spec. Having reset up quick bars every time you change spec waste so much time. You get a group and hold on let me respect, a couple min later they are ready. Really how many different spec does anyone play? No one is asking to have this replace anything. People want to save a spec and the quick bar set up that goes with it.


Everything in ever MMO is a rehash from another MMO.

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I really don't care much for the actual words to describe a function, but what I would like to see...


I have a Sith Inquisitor Assassin, I prefer to play her in DPS mode, but with the new style of doing OPS that start as 16 players and in last boss split into two groups of 8 to get the 30 ultimates, I am often asked to off-tank when we split up.


I don't mind buying a second set of gear to be able to tank, and training the tanking skills and setting the quick bar to allow me to tank. But it would be nice if the game could store the DPS and Tank gear, and the appropriate DPS and Tank quick bars; so as I "respec" from one to another; the quick bars are automtically loaded for me, and my appropriate gear palced on my character. That would be an awesome quality of life improvement.



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Dual infers two. I prefer the word "multi" spec, as it loses the limitation of two. I wouldn't mind having 3 or 4 saved specs.




Ideally, I think the best implementation would be a reworking of the existing Field Respec system in a way that provides a number of saved templates that could each be linked to a unique load-out of the gui/toolbars.


I think that would satisfy everyone who has contributed to this discussion so far.

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