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GSF made ground PVP redundant ...


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Few of my friends shared this opinion .. here is why ...



- In PVE you play against a repeatable opponent. GSF requires dynamic, contextual skill sets.


GSF>Ground PVP

- Ground PVP is two dimensional, GSF requires awareness in 3d


PVE>Ground PVP

- PVE requires greater "ability sequencing" than Ground PVP




Contentious huh :)

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Few of my friends shared this opinion .. here is why ...



- In PVE you play against a repeatable opponent. GSF requires dynamic, contextual skill sets.


GSF>Ground PVP

- Ground PVP is two dimensional, GSF requires awareness in 3d


PVE>Ground PVP

- PVE requires greater "ability sequencing" than Ground PVP




Contentious huh :)


Contenious is probably an understatement. Post this in the PVP forum, see what they have to say.


I'm obviously a GSF fan, but I'm thinking this does not compute. If:



- In PVE you play against a repeatable opponent. GSF requires dynamic, contextual skill sets.


then couldn't you just as legitimately say:


Ground PVP>PVE

- In PVE you play against a repeatable opponent. Ground PVP requires dynamic, contextual skill sets.



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GSF has the PVP returned the tactical component that is missing from the Ground PVP since the prohibition of changing the talent trees during the war zone.


Ground PVP is more and more drifted towards PVE, DPS and Damage to play a major role towards intelligent and clever game.


Last but not least the introduction of the Rated Arena have let the Ground PVP degenerated into a mindless brawl largely.


I play GSF rather than Ground PVP. Rated PVP I do not play since it was changed from WZ to arenas.

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I prefer space pvp to ground pvp as well.


At ground pvp if you are in a game with clueless teammates your enjoyment from games reduced drastically whereas in space pvp you can carry your team to an extent and still get to have fun even if you know you are likely to lose.

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High end Ground PvP requires extensive class knowledge, and a high APM, I have no idea what this comment is going at.


All I was saying here is that execution of rotation is important in pvp .. but more important in pve :)

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All I was saying here is that execution of rotation is important in pvp .. but more important in pve :)


There are no rotations in PVP.


What would also answers the question whether the OP has ever played PVP. Obviously no.:D

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OP's post is meant to incite. Anything with a poorly formed transitive proof and hatred for PvE broadly is not a good post.




I do agree that GSF is much more compelling than the ground game. I feel that GSF gets a lot of depth and play variety very easily compared to the ground game, which features 1-2 specs per class, and you marry your class at level 10 and then are stuck in a gear treadmill, albeit a reasonably paced one compared to many games.


Ultimately, though:


In PVE you play against a repeatable opponent.


In PvE, you fight a scripted encounter versus mechanics that are orders of magnitude stronger than you. Depending on the encounter, each one can be very different, and there's a huge variety of them. Meanwhile, in PvP, the fact that one enemy might slowly fly forward and shoot rapids until OOM at 8k is not a compelling argument- it's fun to kill him because you know he's a person, but he had no chance there. Your play experience is much more variable in PvP environment, especially in a high skill floor / high skill cap one such as GSF.


But even with that, most people who make statements such as this have never really plumbed the death of PvE offered by the genre. They usually haven't done anything challenging enough to understand why these encounters are compelling, why the big teamwork setups are thrilling, etc. The part that is missing is that it's still a massively multiplayer experience, but you are all working towards the same goal, but the night your buddy nails his job is a night that everyone can cheer and win.



So claiming PvE < PvP is ludicrous. PvE has class depth, play depth, encounter depth, rotational depth, large group team work, specialized skills. PvP has class depth and team work, and has to make do with that.



Anyway, I don't really buy OP's conclusions, but I really do believe that GSF is the best part about SWTOR.

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