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Why does BW hate solo players that much?


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Its a mmo, not a singleplayer game.


If you dont want to cooperate and play with others its obvious that your game will be limited.


SWTOR was developed in part as a sequel to KOTOR 2. People have every right to expect a fleshed out singleplayer experience.

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SWTOR was developed in part as a sequel to KOTOR 2. People have every right to expect a fleshed out singleplayer experience.


The whole 8 class stories + 2 "global" stories are not enough? Stop acting like there is not enough solo content, even when there is PLENTY of soloable content in current Conquest event

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SWTOR was developed in part as a sequel to KOTOR 2. People have every right to expect a fleshed out singleplayer experience.


SWTOR is an MMO.

People GET a fleshed out single player experience as well as group content and PVP.

The fact that it's a spiritual successor to KOTOR doesn't mean it will be focused on single player content. Otherwise, creating a new KOTOR would've been easier and less expensive.

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Seems like Bioware is going out of their way to drive out people who just like to solo pve.


If you are like me, hating GSF, PvP and group play in general, then you're pretty much done after finishing your story line and hitting the lvl cap. Strongholds looked to be something to fill the void, but again, the solo pve player is actively and deliberately limited in options to participate (point wise I mean)


This week's personal (yeah , right... personal, big joke that). conquest looked like I actually could make the required point total. Sadly the solo pve'er again gets chopped off at the feet.


What is personal in a conquest if most of the objectives require a group to do, apart from crafting and spending oodles of credits on getting the required mats? Bioware why do you dislike solo pve players so much?


Not sure, but it sounds like you have at least one lvl 55 character. What's the problem?


For this week's conquest event I decided not to waste any mats by going after the crafting points. I've done GSF a lot and Balmorra HEROICS, Ilum, BoI x 2, FE x 1, One run of Esseles and HMFP's. After 3 days, totalling 12-14 hours I've got over 32k points. There are still two days to go.


Oh yeah, the only stuff I did in groups were the HMFP's. And of course GSF.


Again, what's the problem?

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that's just your standard, run of the mill brainless argument that no longer holds true... if that were true there wouldn't have been a solo story line to begin with.


Your so wrong its not even funny, there has to be a solo way to level all end game is group related it is the staple of MMORPG's your playing the wrong game.

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SWTOR was developed in part as a sequel to KOTOR 2. People have every right to expect a fleshed out singleplayer experience.

You could run a single toon, doing your class quest, all planetary quests and all side quests, all bonus series quests, followed by the post-50 quests on Belsavis, Ilum, Black Hole, Section X, Makeb, GSI, CZ and Oricon completely solo, easily spending 200+ hours gameplay (without ever doing the same quest more than once), and without ever joining a group.


If that's not a solo friendly MMO, than your standards are impossible to meet.

Edited by Khevar
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SWTOR was developed in part as a sequel to KOTOR 2. People have every right to expect a fleshed out singleplayer experience.


You are not entitled to jack! You don't like the way this game is go play something else. This is an MMO with a TON of solo play. If it's not enough for a few complainers go find something that fits your anti-social, entitled gaming style because Swtor is not it.

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I repeat, "Heaven forbid you have to do group content in an MMO"


There is nothing wrong with solo content, but there is everything wrong with people like you seemingly demanding that everything be solo content, especially in a MMO where the social aspect of grouping is supposed to be the primary focus. You're almost as bad as the pve players that whine about pvp content where pvp players rarely say a word about having to do pve all the time.

You are an idiot. At no point whatsoever did I demand "that everything be solo content," although I'm not sure why I expect you'll read this when you obviously didn't read my first post. Regardless, there is nothing about making a game multiplayer that means I should *have* to enjoy socializing to enjoy the game. I live in a lovely neighborhood, but I don't have to invite the entire block over to my house to properly enjoy it. Who are you to say what is "supposed to be the primary focus"?


Sorry pal, but my money entitles me to just as much of an opinion about how the game should be run as yours, get over it.

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You are an idiot. At no point whatsoever did I demand "that everything be solo content," although I'm not sure why I expect you'll read this when you obviously didn't read my first post.


Did you read what you wrote? Because you sure as hell are implying it.


Regardless, there is nothing about making a game multiplayer that means I should *have* to enjoy socializing to enjoy the game. I live in a lovely neighborhood, but I don't have to invite the entire block over to my house to properly enjoy it. Who are you to say what is "supposed to be the primary focus"?


I dunno, 17 years worth of MMO's maybe? Only in the past couple years after WoW have they started getting more solo friendly, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but solo players like you seem to get pissy a lot whenever any kind of content requires a group, which defeats the point of the genre as a whole.


Sorry pal, but my money entitles me to just as much of an opinion about how the game should be run as yours, get over it.


That's nice. You're still being a whiny brat about it. "Wahhh I can't solo this!" "What do you mean I have to group up and talk to people!?"


Some solo content is fine, but damn a lot of you people should really stick to single player games.

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You are an idiot. At no point whatsoever did I demand "that everything be solo content," although I'm not sure why I expect you'll read this when you obviously didn't read my first post. Regardless, there is nothing about making a game multiplayer that means I should *have* to enjoy socializing to enjoy the game. I live in a lovely neighborhood, but I don't have to invite the entire block over to my house to properly enjoy it. Who are you to say what is "supposed to be the primary focus"?


Sorry pal, but my money entitles me to just as much of an opinion about how the game should be run as yours, get over it.

Looking through this thread, it seems the complaint you had about being forced to do group content was the end of the Oricon storyline.


One the one hand, I can understand why you might be frustrated by this fact. But I think you're missing the fact that the Dread Masters story arc was largely told through operations.


It started on the planetary quest of Imperial Balmorra, but then continued through Eternity Vault, Karagga's Palace, Explosive Conflict, Terror From Beyond and Scum and Villainy. All of these were another leg in the story.


This means, that those of us that like to run operations actually had meaningful reasons to run these operations. It wasn't just "kill moar busss" and "get moar lewt". The story was good.


The finale was Dread Fortress and Dread Palace. As a part of this, a new daily area was added. This part didn't require a group.


From your perspective, I guess you saw a "new story" on Oricon that you couldn't finish. What actually happened was, you saw a small piece of a much larger storyline that was specifically directed toward group content.


There are fully HUNDREDS OF HOURS of solo-specific storytelling in this game. People that like operations were given the Dread Masters arc. It seems as if you'd only be happy if operations players were given crappy stories that you didn't care about. Why can't we have nice things, too?

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It may be an MMO but it's also a platform that is hard to come by in other games. You can argue that there are solo RPG's on the market that somewhat fill the same function but they usually lack repeatable content, which results in a certain linearity and a much shorter lifespan. It's in this sense that MMO's also cater to solo players. Hence, I think they should do more for the solo players. Not at the expense of group content but in addition to it. Surely it wouldnt be that hard to add a few more conquest missions? I mean, the conquest points are there regardless of someone being in a guild or not, giving people the impression that everyone can partake.
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It may be an MMO but it's also a platform that is hard to come by in other games. You can argue that there are solo RPG's on the market that somewhat fill the same function but they usually lack repeatable content, which results in a certain linearity and a much shorter lifespan. It's in this sense that MMO's also cater to solo players. Hence, I think they should do more for the solo players. Not at the expense of group content but in addition to it. Surely it wouldnt be that hard to add a few more conquest missions? I mean, the conquest points are there regardless of someone being in a guild or not, giving people the impression that everyone can partake.


What more could solo players possibly want? They can literally do the entirety of 1-55 completely solo, they can do several forms of solo content at 55 to get some half way decent pve gear. Most of the conquest stuff is completely solo able. All I did was level my sorc last week and get to 35k while doing some FP's and WZ's in between leveling. I wasn't even trying to do conquest crap. I was just playing the game.


People who complain about group content at 55 should really just stop.....There is plenty of solo content and barely enough end game group content. Heaven forbid new content that gets added has some group content placed into it.

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I've come to utterly loath the whole mentality that mmo is to mean that you have to do everything that could possibly matter in a big group.


Why? Because I can't stand most of my fellow players. I'm not anti-social - I'm anti idiot.


I'm anti needing to adjust my pace and playstyle to accommodate for the stupidest, slowest and most incompetent windowlickers in the group.


I'm anti needing to rely on people that typically can't even come up with a character name that isn't pants-on-head retarded.


My ability to enjoy the aspects of these games that order people are required for is hindered far more than it is broadened by making other people a requirement.


I can rely on me to not be a turd-smoking idiot that should beware revolving doors, escalators and particularly confusing one way street signs.


I can't rely on others in these games. Being in a guild has next to no inherent impact on this - People are fricken stupid much of the time in Guilds as much as out.


Even when they're not, they're typically not playing at my pace. Most are too freaking slow. I like to clip along, and I've learned by experience that most don't roll at the speed I favor. Very few clip faster. Most putz along at what feels to me like the speed of derp, life they're perpetually playing with one hand down their pants.


I don't find it fun to take 45 minutes to do the dailies I can solo in 30. I don't find it fun to have to sit and wait for other people to afk, or to make them wait for me.


Best case scenerio is that other people didn't bother me. That's not positive - that's neutral. That's zip, zero, no impact at all.


Moat of the time, having to rely on others in these games just ticks me off.


And the bleating cow-noises about how 'they're social games' makes me wish I could superglue their faces to someone else's ***.


I neither need nor appreciate having my face forcefully superglued to other people's asses like tolerating them is supposed to be fun while that drag around like cripples that get lost in stairwells and are at risk of drowning whenever it rains.


Got all the friends I want, thanks. All full up on acquaintances too.


I don't want to join your guild, join your website, follow you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, tumblr or reddit, and I don't want to have to listen to you eat and Ralph about more crap I don't care about siding around in your vent or Mumble or Teamspeak all freaking day.


I like to listen to music when I play. I'd rather listen to static at 100 dB than moat of the chirping, chortling stupidity I've typically heard in lowery much every voice I've ever been in regularly.


Most people are gorram boring. And my tolerance was gone years ago for the rampant misogyny, racism and similar that I don't find funny or 'just joking around' in any social venue.


So yes, while I love being able to play with other people, and mmo's are very much for me thank you very much, stupidity is not for me.


Unfortunately, most people feel far too much like work to put up with, and the best time are when they shut up and pay their role right.


I'm sure I'm just as insufferable to some as they are to me too.


Social. Yeah, sure. I like some, and I can't stand most.


When a game system makes me feel like it's trying to make me put up with idiots beyond my tolerance, not happening.


And this conquest system seems like it's a great addition to the Skinner box. A real idiot magnet, drawing that magical combination of the super competetive with 80+ hours a week to do nothing but eat, sleep, raid/farm/brainless activity goes here, repeat.


I'll be over here, avoiding it like plague.

Edited by Uruare
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I'd like to be able to do challenging content with worthwhile rewards without being at the mercy of the groupfinder's auspices or other people's timetables. No pop, no play. While I understand the "Dread Masters' story was told through operations" angle, it is something of a bummer to be cut off from seeing the conclusion (I've done DF, DP PUGs have been uniformly disastrous).


Dailies are okay and this game has quite a variety of them. However, relying solely on dailies as content to keep solo-inclined players around is not going to work. I want it all, I'm greedy like that. I do warzones, sometimes operations on a casually PUGy basis, flashpoints if the groupfinder gods smile upon me.


Soloing the Makeb GSI H2+ when it was new was nice. In fact, that remains my favorite heroic in the game: short and sweet, no artificial timesinks or running around. Oricon H2+ is not quite so nice, because the overabundance of CC is tedious rather than challenging. Sure, the champs pack a punch, too, but twitching or swaying helplessly for half of the encounter isn't my idea of entertaining gameplay.


I'd like to see more H2+ level of difficulty missions that aren't bogged down with CC or mechanics that require several people to click stuff. I'd like to be able to earn higher grade comms without having to wait and wait and wait and wait for a GF pop or loiter on fleet looking for an ops group. Maybe some unreasonably expensive exchange system to buy Arkanian+ tokens with ulti comms.


The game has been taking steps in what I consider the right direction lately. Variety can't hurt and giving soloists something to do can only help with player retention.


As for conquests, I've decided it's really not my thing. I'll likely hit 35k on a character I play in warzones... if not, I won't lose any sleep over it. The rewards are too trivial to warrant going out of my way to grind points.

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<pathetic rant>


You're in the wrong genre. You should go find a single player game.


I'd like to be able to do challenging content with worthwhile rewards without being at the mercy of the groupfinder's auspices or other people's timetables.


There's this feature called a guild. You should try joining one.


I'd like to be able to earn higher grade comms without having to wait and wait and wait and wait for a GF pop or loiter on fleet looking for an ops group.


That's what guilds are for. You should not be able to earn the higher tier comms solo. The entire point of end game raids is to earn higher tier gear through higher difficult content. Being able to earn the top tier gear solo would make end game completely pointless.

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What more could solo players possibly want? They can literally do the entirety of 1-55 completely solo, they can do several forms of solo content at 55 to get some half way decent pve gear. Most of the conquest stuff is completely solo able. All I did was level my sorc last week and get to 35k while doing some FP's and WZ's in between leveling. I wasn't even trying to do conquest crap. I was just playing the game.


People who complain about group content at 55 should really just stop.....There is plenty of solo content and barely enough end game group content. Heaven forbid new content that gets added has some group content placed into it.

Not sure why you are getting so defensive, what's it to you? I'm not trying to affect the way you play the game. You can play group content 24/7 for all I care, it doesnt affect me. So what is it you are afraid of, is it that not everyone plays the game the exact same way as you do?


Also, not sure how FP'es and warzones can be considered solo content. You can queue solo but you're still forced to play with other people. And not everyone is capable of actually solo'ing group content, as in some of the FP'es. (not refering to myself here)


My new BFF!

Edited by MidichIorian
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You're in the wrong genre. You should go find a single player game.


The cute part is that you apparently think I'm somehow unaware that single player games exist, or that I don't play them.


Tell you what though - I'll do whatever the frak I want to, and you can do whatever it is you do. When I want your advice on what games I should be playing, you'll get the memo.


Don't wait up for it.

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The cute part is that you apparently think I'm somehow unaware that single player games exist, or that I don't play them.


Tell you what though - I'll do whatever the frak I want to, and you can do whatever it is you do. When I want your advice on what games I should be playing, you'll get the memo.


Don't wait up for it.


And yet you continue to choose to play a genre that is the exact opposite of what you want.

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And yet you continue to choose to play a genre that is the exact opposite of what you want.


Except it isn't. I'm anti idiot, not anti social. Just like I said, and now I'm repeating myself.


I like group stuff when I can rely on said group. That's a big issue ah least half the time, in guilds and out just the same.


I don't enjoy tolerating people that these games make me work - yes, WORK- with, when much of the time, they'd not people I'd hire to do anything other than be road hazards on experimental driving ranges.


I hate trying to work with the incompetent, uncomprehending and stupid.

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Except it isn't. I'm anti idiot, not anti social. Just like I said, and now I'm repeating myself.


I like group stuff when I can rely on said group. That's a big issue ah least half the time, in guilds and out just the same.


I don't enjoy tolerating people that these games make me work - yes, WORK- with, when much of the time, they'd not people I'd hire to do anything other than be road hazards on experimental driving ranges.


I hate trying to work with the incompetent, uncomprehending and stupid.


I think the real problem here is you're actually not very good at the game and cant find a guild to stay in because of it.

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And my tolerance was gone years ago for the rampant misogyny, racism and similar that I don't find funny or 'just joking around' in any social venue.


I'm not anti-social - I'm anti idiot.


I'm anti needing to adjust my pace and playstyle to accommodate for the stupidest, slowest and most incompetent windowlickers in the group.


I'm anti needing to rely on people that typically can't even come up with a character name that isn't pants-on-head retarded.


You sound like you'd be a joy to play with, sign me up. We can ridicule ******* and idiots all day long, but we'll be sure to stop just short of racism or misogyny, because we'd hate to plummet off our ridiculously high horse and realize how ignorant we sound.

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