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Conquest and Screwing PVEr's


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There's barely any difference between a lvl 55 doing a lvl 10 FP repeatedly, and a lvl 55 queueing up for PvP. They're both grinding points. They're both throwing themselves at content that isn't hard (bull if you think solo queue unranked PvP is "hard", it's either your team slaughters them or the other slaughters you).



You really think these two things take an equivalent amount of skill? Are you for real?


Wow. You must be terrible at PVP. I mean, like mind-blowlingly terrible. Either that, or you're one of those fools who camps our node and cries in ops chat the whole game because the rest of the team can't carry them. LMAO.

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You really think these two things take an equivalent amount of skill? Are you for real?


Wow. You must be terrible at PVP. I mean, like mind-blowlingly terrible. Either that, or you're one of those fools who camps our node and cries in ops chat the whole game because the rest of the team can't carry them. LMAO.



It's quite hard to take any sort of solo queue seriously as having "skill" when at least half the players don't have 2018 expertise gear, and just get shredded by anyone that does. PvP is miserable for me so I just stopped doing at all, slaughter or be slaughtered (very few inbetweens) wasn't really very fun.


Sub-55 PvP was even, I was lvl 11 vs lvl 28's with double my skills available (I didn't get cc until like lvl 15-20). Turned my off PvP very hard.



But, at the very least, you can't go afk in a FP and get the rewards. You have to actually finish it. Doesn't matter how easy it is. I can run around like a headless chicken in PvP and still get rewarded. PvE doesn't reward losing or even doing nothing.

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It's quite hard to take any sort of solo queue seriously as having "skill" when at least half the players don't have 2018 expertise gear, and just get shredded by anyone that does. PvP is miserable for me so I just stopped doing at all, slaughter or be slaughtered (very few inbetweens) wasn't really very fun.


I hate to break it to you, but the reason you get shredded over and over isn't because of expertise. It's because you're bad at PVP. If you don't believe me, do the dailies for a week, get a basic set of 2018 gear, queue in again, and I guarantee you that you're still going to get destroyed because you don't know how to play. The better you get, the more competitive and closer the matches will become. But the problem is you, not the gear.


And is lowbie pvp unbalanced? OH HELL YES IT IS. Which is fine. Because little league pvp is for learning how to play your class, basic strategies, trying out new advanced classes/specs, leveling etc... Those should be your goal, not winning, because It's not exactly serious business.


But, at the very least, you can't go afk in a FP and get the rewards. You have to actually finish it. Doesn't matter how easy it is. I can run around like a headless chicken in PvP and still get rewarded. PvE doesn't reward losing or even doing nothing.


You know, I see this claim a lot. And it's true that that you can be a jerk, sit at west, and go AFK while you update your facebook page and screw the rest of your team. But I have to say that I've done almost exclusively pvp during both events (on a RP Server no less) and I rarely see this happening. Are there a bunch of new bad players queuing in? Sure. Are they undergeared. Oh hell yes. But the vast majority of them are actually trying to play - and some of them, once they get more experience, will be pretty decent players. As for the few AFKers? That's something that could be fixed by giving us a better warzone kicking mechanism.


The answer here isn't to reward 55's mindless spacebaring through level 10 content. It's to reward the people actually trying out new content, even if they're sometimes failing at it because there's a steep learning curve.

Edited by Prisoner
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I hate to break it to you, but the reason you get shredded over and over isn't because of expertise. It's because you're bad at PVP. If you don't believe me, do the dailies for a week, get a basic set of 2018 gear, queue in again, and I guarantee you that you're still going to get destroyed because you don't know how to play. The better you get, the more competitive and closer the matches will become. But the problem is you, not the gear.


And is lowbie pvp unbalanced? OH HELL YES IT IS. Which is fine. Because little league pvp is for learning how to play your class, basic strategies, trying out new advanced classes/specs, leveling etc... Those should be your goal, not winning, because It's not exactly serious business.


Amusing, cause I do have a full set of 2018 and as soon as I got it I DID start dominating the ungeared noobies. PvP gear is a huge advantage, you try and deny a +60% damage buff is nothing I don't know what to tell you. I simply don't PvP cause I hate it in general and had to lose 10 trillion times against 2018 players to grind that gear out.


Funny that.



You know, I see this claim a lot. And it's true that that you can be a jerk, sit at west, and go AFK while you update your facebook page and screw the rest of your team. But I have to say that I've done almost exclusively pvp during both events (on a RP Server no less) and I rarely see this happening. Are there a bunch of new bad players queuing in? Sure. Are they undergeared. Oh hell yes. But the vast majority of them are actually trying to play - and some of them, once they get more experience, will be pretty decent players. As for the few AFKers? That's something that could be fixed by giving us a better warzone kicking mechanism.


The answer here isn't to reward 55's mindless spacebaring through level 10 content. It's to reward the people actually trying out new content, even if they're sometimes failing at it because there's a steep learning curve.



So, um, did you actually even read what the Conquest points awarded were?


Because 1000 points for SM Ess isn't actually a lot. You don't get points for the bonus bosses in SM (you can't solo Ess boss regardless).



People are hardly getting rewarded for running Ess story mode. Not at all. There wasn't even any exploiting for that because the reward was so low so what are you even on about?



I ran Ess until I got a decoration then **** of there, it was miserable. Do you really think ANYONE got a lot of points for doing that? Seriously?

Edited by Transairion
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After that single flashpoint for 2k you are legacy locked for the week and the same point with 6k HM. So 8k that you can easily make with several PVP matches in a single day. The difference is you can come back the next day and get the same amount of points. Those flash points can't be done again. Then the other difference is a PVP'er can ALSO do those FP's and get the points. Sure PVE'ers can go into PVP and just screw things up, but why should they be forced to PVP? I hate doing PVP, but now I'm stuck and about to become dead weight for some poor team because BW can't design a balanced system for this content that had several extra months for QA and still has issues.


Why should a PvP'er be forced to PvE? I have already shown for 2 planets that it is easy to achieve over 35k on one toon even with the legacy lockouts in a short period of time. What can be done in 3 hours of PvE cannot be replicated by doing PvP without exploiting.

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Amusing, cause I do have a full set of 2018 and as soon as I got it I DID start dominating the ungeared noobies. PvP gear is a huge advantage, you try and deny a +60% damage buff is nothing I don't know what to tell you. I simply don't PvP cause I hate it in general and had to lose 10 trillion times against 2018 players to grind that gear out.


Funny that.


I'm not denying that there isn't an advantage when all things are equal. If two equally skilled players go against each other, sure gear gives the advantage. But that almost never happens because reg warzones are such a mashup of who happens to queue in, what gear they have, and how experienced they are. The vast majority of the times games are lost because of stupid playing, or one team using actual teamwork and the other just derping around. Losses where one team simply outgears the other are pretty rare from what I've seen.


And dude, seriously? Hyperbole much? It takes maybe a week or two of consistent playing, even if you're getting your *** kicked halfway across the map, to get 2018 gear. The biggest stat bump comes from the augments, which are annoying to get because they're expensive - but not something that's unique to PVP.


Anyway, I don't believe that you roll newbs in your 2018 gear, because if you did someone who takes the easysauce way out like you, would still be queuing up. I mean, you're the person who thinks it takes the same amount of skill to pvp as it does to spacebar a 55 through a level ten flashpoint. It's pretty obvious to everyone that you don't know what the hell you're talking about and that the wins you do get are probably because of other people carrying you.


So, um, did you actually even read what the Conquest points awarded were?


Because 1000 points for SM Ess isn't actually a lot. You don't get points for the bonus bosses in SM (you can't solo Ess boss regardless).


It is a lot when it takes so little time to actually do it (like what? 5-8 min to run through, tops?). That's why every time I did a /who of the guild on the top of our leader board last week there were constantly 5-8 55's from running Black Talon and people constantly in the Battle of Ilum cheesing their points until Bioware shut that **** down.

Edited by Prisoner
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Amusing, cause I do have a full set of 2018 and as soon as I got it I DID start dominating the ungeared noobies. PvP gear is a huge advantage, you try and deny a +60% damage buff is nothing I don't know what to tell you. I simply don't PvP cause I hate it in general and had to lose 10 trillion times against 2018 players to grind that gear out.


Funny that.






So, um, did you actually even read what the Conquest points awarded were?


Because 1000 points for SM Ess isn't actually a lot. You don't get points for the bonus bosses in SM (you can't solo Ess boss regardless).



People are hardly getting rewarded for running Ess story mode. Not at all. There wasn't even any exploiting for that because the reward was so low so what are you even on about?



I ran Ess until I got a decoration then **** of there, it was miserable. Do you really think ANYONE got a lot of points for doing that? Seriously?


Unless you were on Corellia you got 2k for SM Esseles and 500 for a warzone. I did a lot of solo Esseles runs because they gave 4x the points in half the time of a warzone until the crackdown. Maybe because I usually PvP instead of PvE that I was willing to suffer the grind, but either way I got 2 toons to personal goal just doing Esseles SM.

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Unless you were on Corellia you got 2k for SM Esseles and 500 for a warzone. I did a lot of solo Esseles runs because they gave 4x the points in half the time of a warzone until the crackdown. Maybe because I usually PvP instead of PvE that I was willing to suffer the grind, but either way I got 2 toons to personal goal just doing Esseles SM.


Er, my data is pre-Invasion bonus multipliers.


Of course if you invade a FP boosting planet, invading FP will give you more. If you invade a PvP planet (last week it was GSF), you got 1000 per game and those games flew by at rocket speed. You actually got stuff for those as well, like 10-15k per game not the 1k from rushing through Ess. Plus Requisition/Fleet Comms.


You probably should've invaded Corellia then, or are you one of those people who don't consider Starfighter PvP? Cause' invading a Flashpoint planet then doing a Flashpoint... um that's working as intended.



And dude, seriously? Hyperbole much? It takes maybe a week or two of consistent playing, even if you're getting your *** kicked halfway across the map, to get 2018 gear. The biggest stat bump comes from the augments, which are annoying to get because they're expensive - but not something that's unique to PVP.


Anyway, I don't believe that you roll newbs in your 2018 gear, because if you did someone who takes the easysauce way out like you, would still be queuing up. I mean, you're the person who thinks it takes the same amount of skill to pvp as it does to spacebar a 55 through a level ten flashpoint. It's pretty obvious to everyone that you don't know what the hell you're talking about and that the wins you do get are probably because of other people carrying you.


Unless the price of gear has gone down significantly, it takes a lot longer to get PvP gear than you claim. Especially if you're not zerging all your Ranked comms into regular comms. Maybe if you win every game, sure, you get like 100+ comms. I've lost games and got like 55 comms for a miserable dragged out game... That's abyssmal



Also, don't pretend to know me. If I wanted an "easysauce" way out, why would I have not exploited? Why would I want it fixed? Cause doing SM Ess just for the decoration a few times sucked hard, and I always had to do it with another player as the bonus boss can't be summoned alone (Black Talon's can, which is kinda bull IMO).


I'm just not so blind to think that the solution to one specific (Hard Mode, mind you) exploit fix deserved to kill of FP's as a viable source of Conquest points. How many sub-50 players are going to be able to contribute next time it appears?


GSF - Yep

PvP - Yep

PvE - One Black Talon/Ess, 1 KDY. Oops, guess that's all.


The whole reason BT/Ess was even there at all was for lowbies who couldn't do Ilum and couldn't do False Emperor SM's, let alone any of the Hard Mode's.



The whole exploit, again, was Hard Mode skipping bosses and inviting 3 people inside at bonus boss, then final boss for like 10 minutes of effort resulting in a huge influx of points.


That was bad.


The solution was to make every boss a requirement for the points so all four had to start and finish together. But they didn't do that. They just made them all a Weekly so you can STILL DO the exploit, you can just only do it once.



I don't like PvP, but the solution to Ranked PvP win traders and so on isn't to make it so you can only do one PvP match per week. That's just stupid.

Edited by Transairion
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The whole exploit, again, was Hard Mode skipping bosses and inviting 3 people inside at bonus boss, then final boss for like 10 minutes of effort resulting in a huge influx of points.

While this was certainly the most egregious abuse of the system to gain conquest points, you're forgetting the players that ran SM Battle of Ilum in a full group and still finished in 15 minutes or so.


This is why flashpoints on infinite repeat was a bad idea. Not just because people were inviting 3 more players at the end.

Edited by Khevar
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With pve your always going to be able to game the system. Run content that is totally inappropriate for your gear.


In pvp that isnt the case. You cant ezmode it as you never know what your going to face each time you going into a wz.


Yeah, because in PVP you did not need any gear. You get the points also for loosing, so u can walk in naked ^^.

Edited by Hawkeyezzzzz
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Unless the price of gear has gone down significantly, it takes a lot longer to get PvP gear than you claim. Especially if you're not zerging all your Ranked comms into regular comms. Maybe if you win every game, sure, you get like 100+ comms. I've lost games and got like 55 comms for a miserable dragged out game... That's abyssmal


I don't know when the last time you did PVP was, but yes, it takes maybe a week or two of doing the dailies to get the basic set of PVP gear. And no you don't have to trade ranked into regular coms to do it. I would know, because I have three fully geared toons at 55 atm.


Furthermore, if you didn't even want to do that, you can buy cheap blue mods, armorings and enhancements off of the GTN and be almost on par with the basic set because of the way bolster works. Hell you could even probably use the basic set you get off of Makeb and do okay for the first week or two. Again, the augments are the pain in the *** to get, because they're expensive.


It really does sound like you stopped PVPing a year and a half ago, back when the gap between Recruit and War Hero was like the Grand Canyon. With bolster, the gear gap is not that big anymore and gear itself is easy and accessible to get unless you're super lazy or trading all of your reg comms up because you're just in there for the relics.


How many sub-50 players are going to be able to contribute next time it appears?


Who cares about the contributions of sub 50 players? Why would conquests be balanced around them at all?

Conquest is something for the people who have already hit the level cap and are bored to do to keep them playing the game and paying a sub. Almost no game creates content like this centered around lowbie toons.


I don't like PvP, but the solution to Ranked PvP win traders and so on isn't to make it so you can only do one PvP match per week. That's just stupid.


No, the solution to that is to take conquest points away from ranked warzones entirely. Let ranked be it's own thing, give it actual decent rewards outside of the conquest stuff, and give it cross server queuing. Otherwise you're going to have teams queueing against each other at five am /stucking out to make the fights go faster. Unlike regs, it's just way too easy to abuse otherwise. And frankly most ranked pvpers are going to want the carebears on their teams anyway.

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I don't know when the last time you did PVP was, but yes, it takes maybe a week or two of doing the dailies to get the basic set of PVP gear. And no you don't have to trade ranked into regular coms to do it. I would know, because I have three fully geared toons at 55 atm.


Furthermore, if you didn't even want to do that, you can buy cheap blue mods, armorings and enhancements off of the GTN and be almost on par with the basic set because of the way bolster works. Hell you could even probably use the basic set you get off of Makeb and do okay for the first week or two. Again, the augments are the pain in the *** to get, because they're expensive.


It really does sound like you stopped PVPing a year and a half ago, back when the gap between Recruit and War Hero was like the Grand Canyon. With bolster, the gear gap is not that big anymore and gear itself is easy and accessible to get unless you're super lazy or trading all of your reg comms up because you're just in there for the relics.


I stopped PvPing after I got a full War Hero set (I think it was just War Hero, not Elite War Hero), and then about the very next week a new tier came out and all the previous tiers had their expertise removed. So I was left with a full set of nothing really, after a whole lot of effort.



Bolster is basically worthless, I've gone in plenty of times just with Bolster and still stomp/get stomped if another player has actual PvP gear, their damage is increased too much. Bolster just lets you die slightly slower than without.


After I got 2018 expertise again with whatever set I have now, after again grinding for weeks because Bolster isn't enough to be actually competitive against actual PvP gear it was back to normal but at that point I quite simply couldn't be bothered anymore since for me win or lose PvP just isn't something I enjoy.



Frankly I enjoyed the Recruit gear stage of PvP a lot more, just got given that set put it on and bam I was competitive immediately. I'm sure if you actually enjoy PvP grinding out a full set of the lowest tier is fun, but when every game is miserable it takes a lifetime.



No, the solution to that is to take conquest points away from ranked warzones entirely. Let ranked be it's own thing, give it actual decent rewards outside of the conquest stuff, and give it cross server queuing. Otherwise you're going to have teams queueing against each other at five am /stucking out to make the fights go faster. Unlike regs, it's just way too easy to abuse otherwise. And frankly most ranked pvpers are going to want the carebears on their teams anyway.


But there, your solution doesn't matter cause Bioware implemented what I said anyway.


That's basically how it is for PvE's now. Some people exploited, they wanted to fix the exploit, so made them all Weeklies worth the same points as before.

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Frankly I enjoyed the Recruit gear stage of PvP a lot more, just got given that set put it on and bam I was competitive immediately.


Okay. Half of your post doesn't even make sense to me (you quit back with War Hero when there was no bolster, but now you are an expert on how much bolster sucks? I don't get it.). And this, above? Actually made me laugh my *** off and blink at my screen in disbelief. You must be the only person in the entire game that actually think the Recruit/War Hero gap was small, LMAO. There's just no point in talking to you because reality about what goes on in PVP and you don't co-exist on the same planet.


LOL Whatever. Have fun raging against perceived slights to PVE. Hopefully Bioware doesn't listen to you.

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Okay. Half of your post doesn't even make sense to me (you quit back with War Hero when there was no bolster, but now you are an expert on how much bolster sucks? I don't get it.). And this, above? Actually made me laugh my *** off and blink at my screen in disbelief. You must be the only person in the entire game that actually think the Recruit/War Hero gap was small, LMAO. There's just no point in talking to you because reality about what goes on in PVP and you don't co-exist on the same planet.


LOL Whatever. Have fun raging against perceived slights to PVE. Hopefully Bioware doesn't listen to you.



Well with Bostered PvE gear you get bolstered but not a lot. PvP Gear gives 2018 bolstered (and like 1700ish without or in Open World PvP).


Recruit gave 2018 straight off the bat, and other PvP gear gave 2018 still (but if I recall, it just had better actual stats like Aim and so on). So you don't take like 30-60% more damage from another player flat out like you do now if you go on with just Bolster. As far as I know you have to grind up to the lowest tier just to get 2018 in a WZ now.



I really don't care what you think though, this isn't even a PvP topic.



PvP is repeatable, GSF is repeatable, the only PvE repeatedable was "not allowed" and fixed to deal with an exploit and all of a sudden everyone who wants to run a FP is a cheater.


No dice.



Those the op realize that there are heroics they can do that they can do and gives 2x the points of flashpoints


Heroics can only be done once per day. FP's can, or could be done more than that.

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Well with Bostered PvE gear you get bolstered but not a lot. PvP Gear gives 2018 bolstered (and like 1700ish without or in Open World PvP).


Recruit gave 2018 straight off the bat, and other PvP gear gave 2018 still (but if I recall, it just had better actual stats like Aim and so on). So you don't take like 30-60% more damage from another player flat out like you do now if you go on with just Bolster. As far as I know you have to grind up to the lowest tier just to get 2018 in a WZ now.



I really don't care what you think though, this isn't even a PvP topic.



PvP is repeatable, GSF is repeatable, the only PvE repeatedable was "not allowed" and fixed to deal with an exploit and all of a sudden everyone who wants to run a FP is a cheater.


No dice.





Heroics can only be done once per day. FP's can, or could be done more than that.


There is a 2-3% difference in stats between the average bolstered gear and Obroan, and there is a 2% stat difference between Obroan and Brut. Bolstered gear is 1936 expertise exactly which is a 1.2% difference in damage bonus from 2018. If you have less expertise in that you are wearing something you shouldn't be. (like ancient PvP gear or endgame raid gear.) Recruit gear was just over 1100 expertise compared to War Hero's 1330 expertise.


However recruit gear was approaching 20% difference in stats behind War Hero. and that's not even counting the augments since nobody is going to augment recruit gear.


Please stop spread falsehoods.


PvP and GSF should require winning, period. We don't need people /stucking ranked games for conquest points.

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There is a 2-3% difference in stats between the average bolstered gear and Obroan, and there is a 2% stat difference between Obroan and Brut.


However recruit gear was approaching 20% difference in stats behind War Hero. and that's not even counting the augments since nobody is going to augment recruit gear.


I have/had no issue with stat differences.


But it's a lot easier to be competitive without a +60% damage difference (before taking into account actual stats) and so on between a geared and ungeared player. It's huge.



But I do agree it should probably require winning. You don't get points for losing PvE, you get nothing.


Having repeatability and Conquest Points granted evenly across the board shouldn't be too much to ask frankly.

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I have/had no issue with stat differences.


But it's a lot easier to be competitive without a +60% damage difference (before taking into account actual stats) and so on between a geared and ungeared player. It's huge.



But I do agree it should probably require winning. You don't get points for losing PvE, you get nothing.


Excuse me? Bolstered gear is 1936 expertise, or 1.2% damage bonus difference.

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Excuse me? Bolstered gear is 1936 expertise, or 1.2% damage bonus difference.


Last time I walked into PvP with my PvE gear I didn't get anywhere near that, I had like 1200-1500 Expertise.


The difference between PvP tiers doesn't interest me because if you're PvPing in a full set of PvP gear, you're geared.




This is getting terribly offtopic and it isn't even my topic.

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Last time I walked into PvP with my PvE gear I didn't get anywhere near that, I had like 1200-1500 Expertise.


The difference between PvP tiers doesn't interest me because if you're PvPing in a full set of PvP gear, you're geared.

If you have 1200 expertise its because you are either

A) wearing ancient PvP gear, (there was a reason expertise was removed from War Hero and Elite War Hero)

B) you're wearing PvE gear that is above the rating of the current PvP teirs. Basically if it drops from a operation, don't wear it. High end PvE gear gets a hefty expertise penalty to make up for the fact that it has significantly more PvE stats. You can go buy greens off the GTN and get 1936 expertise.



This is getting terribly offtopic and it isn't even my topic.

Then don't bring the stuff up if you don't want to discuss it.

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PvP and GSF should require winning, period. We don't need people /stucking ranked games for conquest points.


My concern is that if there's a win requirement, you'll have guilds queuing two ranked teams at 4 am /stucking as they trade wins. Making conquest points for only wins is going to practically guarantee shenanigans. This is why I really think ranked needs to be entirely separate from the conquest system with cross server queuing with its own unique and cool rewards to get people to play. Unlike regs, the ranked system is much easier to abuse.


Plus, I really think that tying points to wins would be a huge mistake. Encouraging people to do more pvp is healthy for PVP as a whole. While I have seen a lot of inexperienced derps doing hilarious boneheaded stuff, I haven't seen any afkers or people troll dancing in the hundreds of warzones I've done during conquests. The vast majority of people seem to be trying to play, and given time and experience, some of them will actually get better. Noobs shouldn't be penalized because they got rolled by a more experienced premade.


Maybe tying it to medals is the way to go. It's really not hard to get eight medals, but it does require at least a minimum of participation, if that's what people are worried about. But I really think that tying it to wins would be a huge mistake.


As far as PVE goes, there seem to be a ton of ways to get points this week between the crafting and heroics and world bosses and killing mobs and such. In a few weeks, flashpoints take center stage in their own event, so I'm not sure why people's knickers are still in a twist about this.

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As far as PVE goes, there seem to be a ton of ways to get points this week between the crafting and heroics and world bosses and killing mobs and such. In a few weeks, flashpoints take center stage in their own event, so I'm not sure why people's knickers are still in a twist about this.


Because the "fix" was not just applied to last week's, it was applied to all?


The FP event, as you put it, it going to be full of 1000 point Weeklies as a result of the exploit fix. All Flashpoint related Conquest stuff (well, group finder is a daily I guess) is now a Weekly thanks to the heavy-handed response, which is bad.


I'm sure not sure how crafting really counts as PvE either... and the killing mobs is one off. As may be the WB's (I didn't check those, but TC at least is a Weekly lockout. Nim Pilgrim just sucks to do in general). This week I'm just doing Heroics really, we're not even attempting to get top 10 at all. At least the Personal Target is only 25,000 this time.

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Because the "fix" was not just applied to last week's, it was applied to all?


The FP event, as you put it, it going to be full of 1000 point Weeklies as a result of the exploit fix. All Flashpoint related Conquest stuff (well, group finder is a daily I guess) is now a Weekly thanks to the heavy-handed response, which is bad.


Of which there will be nineteen unique flashpoint achievements for a total of 38000 Conquest Points with the bonuses (which are on all three planets). That week, PVP players will have to do seventy six PVP matches to make the same amount of points.


So... yeah. Why exactly are you crying again?

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