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Scammed on the GTN


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Caveat emptor is not an excuse for people to pollute a market with offers that will only be accepted in error.


^ This...


We simply do not live in a world where you're allowed to be as tricky and clever as you like and use the "buyer beware" as a defense.


It just doesn't hold water and the law doesn't allow it.

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Because he took a gamble on a price he set to try and make a profit.


Without knowing his true intent this is the only appropriate assumption.


And I disagree, and clearly others disagree as well...


When it comes right down to it, this entire thread exists because people believe that it is not reasonable behavior on the part of the seller.


That you do (and Darth_Wicked), doesn't negate the majority opinion on the matter.


At the end of the day, you're welcome to your view and your opinion, but I see from the posts that you're in the minority.

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And I disagree, and clearly others disagree as well...


When it comes right down to it, this entire thread exists because people believe that it is not reasonable behavior on the part of the seller.


That you do (and Darth_Wicked), doesn't negate the majority opinion on the matter.


At the end of the day, you're welcome to your view and your opinion, but I see from the posts that you're in the minority.


You can continue to choose to believe you're in the majority but from what I've seen in this thread, you're in the minority as the majority recognize this as not a scam and buyer irresponsibility.

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I'm not sure who made you king or emperor to determine such, as far as any "pollution" is concerned. People are FREE to place on the GTN whatever item they want, at whatever price they want.


And [originally] people were free to send emails to anybody they wanted. And, as is human nature, some people abused this privilege by sending out emails with ridiculous offers that only a clueless person would accept. When enough people got sick of this, they made up a word for it.


But why wouldn't a scammer defend a spammer?

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^ This...


We simply do not live in a world where you're allowed to be as tricky and clever as you like and use the "buyer beware" as a defense.


It just doesn't hold water and the law doesn't allow it.


People are free to set the price that they want.


No matter how underhanded you perceive it, you're just going to have to deal with it.

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Ha! Gets funnier every time, coming from someone who has continued to demonstrate a complete failure to grasp the concept himself.


Coming from the person who said this...

You are correct, he wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. That's why the scam worked.

You read it here first folks:


If you ever do something while not actually paying attention to what you're doing, you can always(!) claim you were scammed. True story.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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And [originally] people were free to send emails to anybody they wanted. And, as is human nature, some people abused this privilege by sending out emails with ridiculous offers that only a clueless person would accept. When enough people got sick of this, they made up a word for it.


But why wouldn't a scammer defend a spammer?


There you go again, letting your paranoia cloud your reasoning.


No one will take you seriously if you accuse everyone who disagrees of being a scammer.

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Hey if you want to admit defeat go ahead.


Admitting that neither he nor you are interested in an honest debate, yes. You're more interested in misrepresenting other people's opinions than honestly discussing anything. As evidenced by the continued use of strawman arguments all over your responses.

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Admitting that neither he nor you are interested in an honest debate, yes. You're more interested in misrepresenting other people's opinions than honestly discussing anything. As evidenced by the continued use of strawman arguments all over your responses.


Lol. If you can't refute my points, don't try to chicken out by calling them strawman arguments. It makes you look bad and no one will take you seriously in an honest debate. Let the big kids debate, if you can't handle being disproven.

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Lol. If you can't refute my points, don't try to chicken out by calling them strawman arguments. It makes you look bad and no one will take you seriously in an honest debate. Let the big kids debate, if you can't handle being disproven.


Ahh, but your points have been refuted, you simply have chosen to ignore that.

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Lol. If you can't refute my points, don't try to chicken out by calling them strawman arguments. It makes you look bad and no one will take you seriously in an honest debate. Let the big kids debate, if you can't handle being disproven.


Why would I bother to refute a logical fallacy?

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Lol @ scammers: "Call it anything you want, just don't call it a scam."


So everyone on this thread that disagrees with the fact that there was no scam and the OP didn't pay attention... Is by definition a scammer? :confused:


That must be half the people who play this game or the GTN at any rate.

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Ahh, but your points have been refuted, you simply have chosen to ignore that.


My points haven't been refuted because you're treating assumption as facts and evidence, which is a silly premise.


The only fact here is the OP wasn't scammed because the GTN provides all the info necessary to buy something and gives a confirmation click.


I've yet to see with all that a scam.

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The only fact here is the OP wasn't scammed because the GTN provides all the info necessary to buy something and gives a confirmation click.


That doesn't mean it can't be a scam.


What logical fallacy?


The various strawman arguments, silly.


There was no scam.


You can keep saying that all you want but it doesn't make it true.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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