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Legacy Shell Sets for Droids


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Would it be possible to add in a Legacy-bound droid set to a vendor in the future?


The type I mean would be empty shells, instead of what is currently available on CZ-198 (high-end schematics or un-moddable pieces). I think this would make using our droid companions easier, especially at level cap, and on par with the other available companions.

Edited by arunav
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What does it matter? If someone wants to use a droid comp, they're within their rights to request what the op requested.


Yeah, some of my favorite companions are droids, but it is harder to gear them. If Legacy shells were available, one could make a good tank set and a good dps set.


For example, it would be convenient to have an HK set you could send around to your various characters.


With Legacy shells available on many reputation vendors, I don't see why adding a droid set would be a problem.


As for lower levels, to the poster above, cybertech makes moddable droid parts. There are a lot from quest rewards and planetary comm vendors as well.

Edited by arunav
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Scorpio, HK, T7, ship droids...I never thought of it, but that is a great idea. I would go one step further than have the droid parts be a specific slot (head, hands, feet, etc) so one could use the coms for gear instead of having to craft an armoring.
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What does it matter? If someone wants to use a droid comp, they're within their rights to request what the op requested.


Just seems like a waste of effort for a select few companions when you can make and buy droid parts with Cybertech and Planetary Comm Vendors and since I doubt you're going to be having your companion tank an OPs, what is wrong with mods good enough for Dailies?


It's not like you can use Epic 66+ mods in Droid gear anyways.

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Just seems like a waste of effort for a select few companions when you can make and buy droid parts with Cybertech and Planetary Comm Vendors and since I doubt you're going to be having your companion tank an OPs, what is wrong with mods good enough for Dailies?


It's not like you can use Epic 66+ mods in Droid gear anyways.



Er, certain orange droid gear has slots for mods I think that's kind of the whole point of what he's asking.


I know I'd really appreciate not having to spend all my Beryillus (50+) crafting Bound flat-stats droid armor if I could just use mods instead, they'd likely end up superior actually.



If anything why would you be against make Droid companions more useful when non-droid companions have been able to wear your leftover gear since forever.

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Er, certain orange droid gear has slots for mods I think that's kind of the whole point of what he's asking.


I know I'd really appreciate not having to spend all my Beryillus (50+) crafting Bound flat-stats droid armor if I could just use mods instead, they'd likely end up superior actually.



If anything why would you be against make Droid companions more useful when non-droid companions have been able to wear your leftover gear since forever.


I just put 156 in Hk but I haven't done any CZ armor. Looked pretty spendy.

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It's not like you can use Epic 66+ mods in Droid gear anyways.


Actually, that's exactly the point, at least at level cap. Before level 53, there isn't really much of a disadvantage for droids. At 55, there is a significant difference.


Folks gear out their regular companions all the time. Dailies go by faster, and it makes soloing some group content possible and fun.


It seems like an unnecessary oversight to leave droids out, as, again, some players may prefer their droid companions. I like T7 and HK, the latter especially. I know several folks whose favorite companion is Scorpio.


Alongside some Legacy droid shells, it would be great if 3.0's armorings worked with droid parts, paralleling regular gear. For example, head slot = sensor, chest = primary core 1 or 2, etc.


BW can decide what they think is fair in this respect. The current system isn't, in my opinion. I'm pretty confident their numbers on how many players make use of the CZ-198 schematics would back this up.

Edited by arunav
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Actually, that's exactly the point, at least at level cap. Before level 53, there isn't really much of a disadvantage for droids. At 55, there is a significant difference.


Folks gear out their regular companions all the time. Dailies go by faster, and it makes soloing some group content possible and fun.


It seems like an unnecessary oversight to leave droids out, as, again, some players may prefer their droid companions. I like T7 and HK, the latter especially. I know several folks whose favorite companion is Scorpio.


Alongside some Legacy droid shells, it would be great if 3.0's armorings worked with droid parts, paralleling regular gear. For example, head slot = sensor, chest = primary core 1 or 2, etc.


BW can decide what they think is fair in this respect. The current system isn't, in my opinion. I'm pretty confident their numbers on how many players make use of the CZ-198 schematics would back this up.


But as it stands, Dailies are already plenty of fast with current moddable droid gear. I mean it would be nice to slot those mods but since you can't bring them into any content that would use them, I just don't see the need at the moment.

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But as it stands, Dailies are already plenty of fast with current moddable droid gear. I mean it would be nice to slot those mods but since you can't bring them into any content that would use them, I just don't see the need at the moment.


You can also say that exact same thing about every other companion.


But oh look you can give them Legacy Bound moddable gear now can't you?


You can give them full 186 gear if you feel like it.



Equal rights for droids please

Edited by Transairion
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Beyond Dailies, what do you need them in for endgame?


This seems to basically be your point throughout the thread. Yet, I don't see 55s stop using their companions or putting time into them. Many even have custom looks with CM armor put together. In other words, they build in progression for companions as well, just as while leveling.


Most folks I know have 1 or 2 they use most often, and these are geared as best as suits the person's play-style. For example, most people in our guild use their elite comms to gear their companions, since they can't use them for anything else. Some folks throw in 180 pieces when they have extras as well.


This isn't possible for a droid companion like HK or Scorpio. And the difference is very noticeable.


All I am suggesting is a Legacy droid set that would make the process on par with every other companion, and hopefully some changes to armoring slots so they fit into droid pieces as well, as mentioned earlier in the thread (head slot = sensor, chest = primary cores, and so on).


Why would anyone be against this? It just allows players to gear whichever companion they like using the most, and use Legacy gear for it if they choose to.

Edited by arunav
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They should have a legacy set for droids, and it shouldn't cost much, and shouldn't take much work at all given droids don't even display the armor, so artwork isn't even required.


They also need to drop the armoring restrictions (at least for non-class Ops bonus pieces) that prevent using end game armoring in existing mod droid parts.


Lastly, they need to remove the idiotic weapon type restriction from barrels and hilts removed from end game items that prevents use in companions that use different weapon types (e.g. Agent / Temple).


Players should never feel disadvantaged for using a specific companion.

Edited by DawnAskham
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They should have a legacy set for droids, and it shouldn't cost much, and shouldn't take much work at all given droids don't even display the armor, so artwork isn't even required.


They also need to drop the armoring restrictions (at least for non-class Ops bonus pieces) that prevent using end game armoring in existing mod droid parts.


Lastly, they need to remove the idiotic weapon type restriction from barrels and hilts removed from end game items that prevents use in companions that use different weapon types (e.g. Agent / Temple).


Players should never feel disadvantaged for using a specific companion.



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What I want are low level droid shells. As it is, using a droid companion is a pain in the *** at the best of times.

They could make some CC with almost zero effort if they would just throw a full set of level 1 droid gear into the cash shop or the next set of boxes. They don't even need to do any artwork for them, since droid shells don't modify the appearance of any droid companion. But a level 1 orange droid set would be hugely appreciated by people who like to unlock HK-51 on the starter planet and level up with him. The only other option for moddable droid gear is that ****** crafted set where you can't get all the pieces on until around level 30.

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BoL "shells" would make perfect sense from the Gree vendor, for example, given how much the Gree rely on their droids, and would be especially popular with people that have unlocked HK-51 on multiple characters.


A "non-weapon" mainhand/offhand for the Ship Droid would also be nice.

Edited by LilyJedi
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They could make some CC with almost zero effort if they would just throw a full set of level 1 droid gear into the cash shop or the next set of boxes. They don't even need to do any artwork for them, since droid shells don't modify the appearance of any droid companion. But a level 1 orange droid set would be hugely appreciated by people who like to unlock HK-51 on the starter planet and level up with him. The only other option for moddable droid gear is that ****** crafted set where you can't get all the pieces on until around level 30.


This is no longer true, if you are newly back to the game. Starting on Coruscant/DK, you can purchase orange droid parts for either credits or commendations. By NS, if I recall correctly, all the parts you need are available for sale, with blue, level-appropriate mods in them already.


If there are any missing, you can pick up empty, moddable crafted ones from a cybertech on the GTN, or craft them yourself.


This issue really doesn't need a CM solution. As others pointed out, orange legacy shells should be incredibly simple to make and could be put on one of the many rep vendors.


The Gree seem to like droids. BAM - done.


EDIT - someone beat me to it about the Gree :D

Edited by arunav
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Er, certain orange droid gear has slots for mods I think that's kind of the whole point of what he's asking.


I know I'd really appreciate not having to spend all my Beryillus (50+) crafting Bound flat-stats droid armor if I could just use mods instead, they'd likely end up superior actually.



If anything why would you be against make Droid companions more useful when non-droid companions have been able to wear your leftover gear since forever.



Yeah piggy backing here there is low level green droid parts crafted by Cybertechs that are customizable. Sometimes green gear has moddable slots. I think the customizable cores start at 14. Plus Planet com vendors/Specialty vendors on Dromund Kaas and up have moddable gear.

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This is no longer true, if you are newly back to the game. Starting on Coruscant/DK, you can purchase orange droid parts for either credits or commendations. By NS, if I recall correctly, all the parts you need are available for sale, with blue, level-appropriate mods in them already.

The level locks for the comm gear are identical to the green crafted ones. You can't equip the last couple of pieces until around level 30 or 40 using either set. The orange parts for the last couple slots are sold on Voss.


This is contrary to all other companions in the game where you can put moddable adaptive orange sets on them at level 1 and go from there. It's a simple request to have ONE set in the entire game, from some readily obtainable source, that lets you do the same thing with droid companions. There is no such set in game now, from any source. And it would be a trivial amount of work to make it, because there is no visible artwork required, just copy paste the existing orange shells, change the level lock to 1, and that's it.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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They should have a legacy set for droids, and it shouldn't cost much, and shouldn't take much work at all given droids don't even display the armor, so artwork isn't even required.


They also need to drop the armoring restrictions (at least for non-class Ops bonus pieces) that prevent using end game armoring in existing mod droid parts.


Lastly, they need to remove the idiotic weapon type restriction from barrels and hilts removed from end game items that prevents use in companions that use different weapon types (e.g. Agent / Temple).


Players should never feel disadvantaged for using a specific companion.


I agree with this.

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I think a Bind to Legacy droid 'armor' set is a great idea.


I wholeheartedly agree that armor bound to slot should not prevent its use in droid parts. Change the flags so that you can't just buy comms belts/bracers for top tier armoring but can still gear out a droid companion just as easily as a humanoid.


I agree that barrels and hilts should be usable by companions with oddball (Tech) weapons. A simple "Main Hand" and "Off-hand" flag is sufficient to keep people from buying off-hand items to make main hand weapons.

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I wholeheartedly agree that armor bound to slot should not prevent its use in droid parts.

The other thing that might ultimately be easier all the way around would be to just redesignate the slots on all the droids to also accept appropriate conventional adaptive armor pieces, and add to all the droid companions the Adaptive Armor wearing skill. Then if you want to just gear up a droid at low levels, or to equip him with spare raid drops, you can slap a CM adaptive armor set on him and go to town.

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Just seems like a waste of effort for a select few companions when you can make and buy droid parts with Cybertech and Planetary Comm Vendors and since I doubt you're going to be having your companion tank an OPs, what is wrong with mods good enough for Dailies?


It's not like you can use Epic 66+ mods in Droid gear anyways.


Says who? And for some one who always talks about how some of the more mundane things are still content to you, then who are you to be telling someone else their content is a waste of time?

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