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Have you ever re rolled same class and side before and why?


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Yes, I've done it with several classes. The reason(s) vary, but the biggest one is to be able to experience the amazing class and companion stories again.



And also to see the different alignment choices, or to go through the class stories with a different companion. :D

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I have 3 sins, 3 marauders, 2 snipers/one agent, and two mercs as duplicates. I liked the stories, then deciced to see how the different LS/DS/Grey choices played out on the subsequent playthroughs.


Plus having one of every crafter, multiple gathering alts is a necessity ;)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I've done so for several classes. I have two reasons. 1 - I did the first one either light side or dark and the second time I do the opposite or, 2 - The first was either male or female and now I'm doing the opposite to do the romance choices for both male and female.


As for #1, true, there's not a whole lot different, but sometimes it's just fun to play a dark Jedi or a light Sith. /shrug


As for #2, I expect there's a lot of guys who would NEVER play a female because . (fill in the blank) . but to me it's the story. I want ALL the stories, even the romance lines ................. and yes, sometimes it is nicer to see a cute female running in front of me for a couple hours

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Because I enjoy being a dual-wielding BH BOSS (forgot about the censors) who shoots people in the face with Healing Lasers. And my commandos do the same thing.


Sith Warriors have a companion achievement that involves a character's alignment, so on servers I play on, I try to have two SWs.


And to play with other advance classes from time to time. Or replay the stories I love.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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Yes. I currently have 2 gunslingers. As well, I'm working on my second scoundrel, and my second Guardian. My reasoning: More Operations lockouts. With legacy gear, having a second of each of the main classes I play means I can run DF/DP NiM twice a week, with the same role and much of the same gear.


Outside those 6 toons, I have every other advanced class (pub and imp) at least once (to 55).

Edited by Kurin
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Currently on one server I have ....


Imp side

55 LS Merc (M), 55 DS PT (M)

55 LS Mara (F), 55 DS Jug (M)

55 LS Sin (M), 55 DS Sorc (F)

55 LS Snipe (F), 55 DS Op (M)


Pub Side

55 LS Van (M)

55 LS Guard (M)

55 LS Sage (M), 55 LS Shad (F)

55 LS Scoun (M), 55 LS Slinger (M)


Mid Grinds

43 DS Mara (M)

44 DS Jug (F)

44 DS Sorc (F)

43 LS Merc (F)

43 DS Snipe (M)

37 DS Slinger (F)

38 LS Sent (F)

37 DS Comm (F)


+ a 37 DS BH I moved to another server to be the head of a legacy there (and to make room for the 3rd Sorc).


The reasoning behind all this was to have one of each AC, gender, allgnment and species (although just realised I've got no female Mirialan or Miraluka and not really done alignment with the Jedi options)

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Yeah I have three of each of some AC'es and a couple of the same class. It was a combination of server re-rolls, boredom and wanting to have more than one of my, at the time, favorite AC. I do hate the leveling process with a burning passion though, didnt like it the first time around and certainly didnt like it the 5th (which is the case with my consulars). Edited by MidichIorian
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I debated doing it for the story I had a 35 sniper but forgot story since I was away and returned.


Did you ever do it?

Rolled a second consular because I wanted to have a Sage healer beside my Shadow tank. Then rolled a new Shadow tank because legacy armor and fast dailies farming for the win. :D

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I have


2 Shadow tanks

2 Assassin "tanks" (mostly in dps gear because of low level)

2 Sentinels

2 Sorcerers (dps & healer)

1 Operative and 1 soon-to-be-Operative

Also planning on starting Sage healer on Red Eclipse so I then would have two of them too.


Anyone notice any pattern?

Edited by Halinalle
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Yes loads of times. I've done each class story an average of 5 times. More for the ones I enjoy, like SW, Agent, SI and Jedi...less for things I don't like, such as consular, trooper. It's all about the stories, class and companions.
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Several times. I rerolled agent once, because I hated Sniper abilities animations and graphics (too much "imp rep", because I played him as LS), so I finished the story and rerolled as Operative (much more neutral colored abilities).


And since I started doing class story videos, I have rerolled Smuggler and Huntress, and I might reroll a Inquisitor (I want to play Sorc instead of Assassin, and I do not like some choices I made on my first playthrough with that class). As for other classes, I will just make gender-swapped and AC-swapped alts of the ones I already have. And I will naturally have to roll a psychotic DS Sith Warrior at some point to get Dark Jaesa

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