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*Problem* Grade 6 Underworld....


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that it what I suspect, but I see rich and bountiful grade 4 companion gifts, but don't remember materials. I started thinking, maybe it is the same as with grade 6th. See: confusing.

OP had the right to be confused. I don't find his first post aggressive or demanding, just curious. AND I'd like to hear from BW on this -are they gonna ever change it, or not and why.


What needs to be changed? Relabel the existing missions bountiful and rich? That sure accomplishes a lot. :rolleyes:

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that it what I suspect, but I see rich and bountiful grade 4 companion gifts, but don't remember materials. I started thinking, maybe it is the same as with grade 6th. See: confusing.

OP had the right to be confused. I don't find his first post aggressive or demanding, just curious. AND I'd like to hear from BW on this -are they gonna ever change it, or not and why.

There's nothing that needs "fixing," so you want Eric Musco to post "It's WAI, people, it's WAI?"

Edited by branmakmuffin
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But why? Top what purpose? To make it consistent just for the detail-oriented nature of a small portion of the population? If that's the case, should we also renumber all materials so we don't skip levels 7 and 8 when leveling gathering skills?


My point is it serves no practical purpose, and would be time that could be better spent on other areas of game development.


I now nothing of MMO developing, but it shouldn't be a big deal to add 3-4 missions to the random generator?

The purpose would be obvious -to make it less confusing for less experienced players.


Or is it that YOU know how it works and feel pro and above all that rookies that are ignorant on this? ;) If it makes you feel better, that is the first good reason for me to leave it as it is :D

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There are threads on this subject going back to 2012. I'm pretty sure BioWare was aware of those posts.

I'm more sure they didn't change Grade 6 mission types since then. Probably because it is


(wait for it ...)


working as intended.


And nobody cared much recently until the Grade 6 became valuable again ... greedy OP? Yeah, probably.

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Well, anyone playing the game for a bit longer knows that there are no rich and bountiful on 6'th grade UT, BUT it might be confusing for new players . And I for one sure don't know WHY it was intended this way and IF it needs changing or not. Would be logical to patch this.

Before Strongholds I did'nt pay much attention to 4th grade UT, but I haven't seen rich and bountiful metals and silks of this grade as well. I can assume grade 4th is the same an 6th but I haven't figured it out to be sure last week.

IMO it shouldn't be this way as it is confusing. AND I guess making fun of people oblivious to grade 6th feature is not constructive.


Grade 4 rich / bountiful do exist, though as with a lot of mission skills, suffer from the bloat of gift missions choking out actual materials missions.


There are some inconsistencies across mission skills and even mission skills / faction combinations where less rich / bountiful exist in one grade compared to another, and which IMO should have been cleaned up and normalized years back but for whatever reason were never addressed.


As to why grade 6 was designed the way it is, that would be a question for the original development team, though you can see from the pattern established in Grades 1-5 as to why grade 6 doesn't have bountiful or rich materials missions.


Grade 1 represents seven player levels, Grades 2-5 each represent eight player levels, Grade 9 represents 2 player levels.


Crew skill points map to player levels, and the first half of a skill / grade band only has moderate / abundant missions, while the second half of a skill / grade band has bountiful / rich missions.


If the pattern from 10-58 (Grade 1-5) had been repeated at Grade 6, Grade 6 would have continued through level 55 / skill 450, with Rich / Bountiful missions appearing above skill level 400.


Why they didn't just make each grade cover say 5 levels such that the final grade level of the original game would have ended at 400 / 50 and had equally distributed level / skill bands per grade is beyond me.


Though why they didn't continue grade 6 through 55 / 450 is clear, and that is they wanted to separate crew skills and the materials used between the original game and the expansion content.


The way they did that, and the number schemes, does leave a lot to be desired if you are looking for consistency and a system that appears logical and well thought out - though it doesn't keep the system from being functional.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I now nothing of MMO developing, but it shouldn't be a big deal to add 3-4 missions to the random generator?

The purpose would be obvious -to make it less confusing for less experienced players.


Or is it that YOU know how it works and feel pro and above all that rookies that are ignorant on this? ;) If it makes you feel better, that is the first good reason for me to leave it as it is :D


Some people fear change. There are many reasons to change/fix it. They say it doesn't need fixing,


A) Its always been that way.

B) You can get them from abundant missions. (Which there is ONE:eek:)

C) Because



As you have stated from a new players prospective it should, I have stated "When you consider that the GSH update requires a considerable amount of these mats. It would behoove the player base as a whole."

Edited by Taorus
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There are threads on this subject going back to 2012. I'm pretty sure BioWare was aware of those posts.

I'm more sure they didn't change Grade 6 mission types since then. Probably because it is


(wait for it ...)


working as intended.


And nobody cared much recently until the Grade 6 became valuable again ... greedy OP? Yeah, probably.


Or perhaps I am in it to...("wait for it") Help the player base as a whole. Because I am sure you can understand that this would not benefit just myself.:rolleyes:

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I now nothing of MMO developing, but it shouldn't be a big deal to add 3-4 missions to the random generator?

The purpose would be obvious -to make it less confusing for less experienced players.


Or is it that YOU know how it works and feel pro and above all that rookies that are ignorant on this? ;) If it makes you feel better, that is the first good reason for me to leave it as it is :D


Nice attempt to try and turn it personal Freud. Better luck next time. ;) (I love how the winky emote can be used to hide a passive aggressive attack. :D)


This is the first time I've ever heard someone complain about it. Seems to me most rookies manage to sort it out without too much trouble the same way they sort out the missing Grade 7 and 8 materials tiers. I have no personal preference either way to be honest other than what I've already stated. It seems the time would be better spent developing other areas of the game.


tl;dr; Of all the issues in the game, why pick this one to complain about?

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tl;dr; Of all the issues in the game, why pick this one to complain about?

He thinks he can make more money if BW changes it. He doesn't realize that all they would probably do is change the names, since changing the yields would alter the game economy in unpredictable ways.


Frankly, IMHO this issue isn't worth Eric's time to craft and vet a reply to it, much less the time it would take a coder to alter, validate, and integrate (and possibly break) the code to change it. I'd rather they spent dev time on, for example, implementing training dummies we could place in our Strongholds. Or the 3.0 expansion. Or a lot of other things.

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Nice attempt to try and turn it personal Freud. Better luck next time. ;) (I love how the winky emote can be used to hide a passive aggressive attack. :D)


This is the first time I've ever heard someone complain about it. Seems to me most rookies manage to sort it out without too much trouble the same way they sort out the missing Grade 7 and 8 materials tiers. I have no personal preference either way to be honest other than what I've already stated. It seems the time would be better spent developing other areas of the game.


tl;dr; Of all the issues in the game, why pick this one to complain about?


I don't see him complaining, Simply asking that maybe it should be change.


Plus when you consider this:

EAware is working on update 3.0, and in 3.0 is a rumored level increase. It only seems logical that there will be new recipes for crafting. It has been stated many time that the are multiple Dev's on the team, one would think one is working on crafting. Now, I admit I do not know the inner workings of making an MMO. But its seems that while they are working on this expansion, they could review the prior tiers and bring them all in line with each other.


So, I do not think it would eat to much time in to other projects. Don't fear change.

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Nice attempt to try and turn it personal Freud. Better luck next time. ;) (I love how the winky emote can be used to hide a passive aggressive attack. :D)


This is the first time I've ever heard someone complain about it. Seems to me most rookies manage to sort it out without too much trouble the same way they sort out the missing Grade 7 and 8 materials tiers. I have no personal preference either way to be honest other than what I've already stated. It seems the time would be better spent developing other areas of the game.


tl;dr; Of all the issues in the game, why pick this one to complain about?


didn't want to make this passive or aggressive. Just can't agree with people writing it shouldn't be changed just because, mocking the OP or derailing the thread any other way.

See it often here and the way I see it: if someone "complains" they probably have their reasons. Dismissing their complaints is useleess -if you feel it is irrelevant -ignore the complaint (as BW does more often than not). Flaming the thread doesn't help anyone, it just boosts the ego of some active posters.


Couldn't we just all go along? ;)

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didn't want to make this passive or aggressive. Just can't agree with people writing it shouldn't be changed just because, mocking the OP or derailing the thread any other way.

See it often here and the way I see it: if someone "complains" they probably have their reasons. Dismissing their complaints is useleess -if you feel it is irrelevant -ignore the complaint (as BW does more often than not). Flaming the thread doesn't help anyone, it just boosts the ego of some active posters.


Couldn't we just all go along? ;)

You mean by making our posts purely on topic and not about other posts or other posters? Gosh, if only we could just fallow your example on this.

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He thinks he can make more money if BW changes it. He doesn't realize that all they would probably do is change the names, since changing the yields would alter the game economy in unpredictable ways.


Frankly, IMHO this issue isn't worth Eric's time to craft and vet a reply to it, much less the time it would take a coder to alter, validate, and integrate (and possibly break) the code to change it. I'd rather they spent dev time on, for example, implementing training dummies we could place in our Strongholds. Or the 3.0 expansion. Or a lot of other things.


You continue to state greed as a reason other posters are asking if this should be changed. Projecting much?

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didn't want to make this passive or aggressive. Just can't agree with people writing it shouldn't be changed just because, mocking the OP or derailing the thread any other way.

See it often here and the way I see it: if someone "complains" they probably have their reasons. Dismissing their complaints is useleess -if you feel it is irrelevant -ignore the complaint (as BW does more often than not). Flaming the thread doesn't help anyone, it just boosts the ego of some active posters.


Couldn't we just all go along? ;)


The ridiculous deserves to be ridiculed. That is how society must deal with the ridiculous, regardless what it is, to prevent it from propagating.

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The ridiculous deserves to be ridiculed. That is how society must deal with the ridiculous, regardless what it is, to prevent it from propagating.


Yes, Because asking that something that seems out of place be changed to be brought more in lines with levels of other tiers is....ridiculous.:rolleyes:

Edited by Taorus
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Anyone else not getting any Bountiful or Rich grade 6 Underworld metal or fabric quests?


3 different characters zero bountiful or rich missions.




PS: Yes, I have put in a ticket.


Then you wasted a ticket


Grade 6 has never given out bountiful and rich missions, only abundant and moderate

but the abundant has always returned like a rich


I thought maybe they would change that with introduction of grade 9 missions but they didn't


Now if you wanna bug about a underworld trading mission

Send in a bug report about grade 3 cause that also never has a rich and rarely has a bountiful mission and for grade 3 abundant most certainly doesn't return crit success EVER.


Grade 3 purple is easily the hardest metal in game to obtain

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Then you wasted a ticket


Grade 6 has never given out bountiful and rich missions, only abundant and moderate

but the abundant has always returned like a rich


I thought maybe they would change that with introduction of grade 9 missions but they didn't


Now if you wanna bug about a underworld trading mission

Send in a bug report about grade 3 cause that also never has a rich and rarely has a bountiful mission and for grade 3 abundant most certainly doesn't return crit success EVER.


Grade 3 purple is easily the hardest metal in game to obtain


Good point. But wouldn't now, since they are working on the 3.0 Expansion be a good time to ask that all the tiers be brought in line. You would think that in 3.0 there will an some form of update to crafting and that it wouldn't/shouldn't really add anymore time to bring all of the gathering missions in line.

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didn't want to make this passive or aggressive. Just can't agree with people writing it shouldn't be changed just because, mocking the OP or derailing the thread any other way.

See it often here and the way I see it: if someone "complains" they probably have their reasons. Dismissing their complaints is useleess -if you feel it is irrelevant -ignore the complaint (as BW does more often than not). Flaming the thread doesn't help anyone, it just boosts the ego of some active posters.


Couldn't we just all go along? ;)


agree the mocking is bad but on flip side the OP could have, you know, asked on fleet or even (god forbid) ran a few abundant missions to test it out when he noticed grade 6 NEVER offered bountiful or rich missions.


To often today in society we allow people to be lazy and careless and think they should be rewarded for this.


Hes not the first person to ask about this.

I know I myself have answered this question no less then ten times over the years on fleet


Didn't need to go straight to ticket and bug report

Could have just asked any crafter really.


Sorry both sides (the OP and the flamers) at fault here

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The ridiculous deserves to be ridiculed. That is how society must deal with the ridiculous, regardless what it is, to prevent it from propagating.


do we really need social policemen here? My last words on this: I feel it ridiculous when I click the thread I'm interested in only to see the topic derailed in mocking/flaming/trolling/etc by people not interested in OP concerns at all.


Back to the topic the issue is:

1) Is it fine right now, or is it confusing

2) Is it important enough to have it changed or not

3) Is it very hard to change (like NPC limit in strongholds) or is it exemplary "15 minutes of dev work"


I'm all for adding rich and bountiful to 6th grade UT, and changing abundant to give abundant results (ciridium). And I believe it shouldn't be much fuss in terms of MMO developing.

I know there are many bugs still unsolved in this game, but the thread is about grade 6 UT

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I don't see him complaining, Simply asking that maybe it should be change.


Plus when you consider this:

EAware is working on update 3.0, and in 3.0 is a rumored level increase. It only seems logical that there will be new recipes for crafting. It has been stated many time that the are multiple Dev's on the team, one would think one is working on crafting. Now, I admit I do not know the inner workings of making an MMO. But its seems that while they are working on this expansion, they could review the prior tiers and bring them all in line with each other.


So, I do not think it would eat to much time in to other projects. Don't fear change.


I didn't say he was complaining. I said he was issuing a thinly veiled passive aggressive attack and attempting to hide it behind a winky emote.


I said you were complaining, and that it's not worth the time and effort for them to fix. Although I don't work in MMO development, I am a computer programmer and I can tell you there is no such thing as a small change in a program as large and complex as SWTOR.


As was stated earlier, you have to factor in testing, validation and all of the other things that go into getting a change done, and as we saw after RotHC launched, changing these missions can create some interesting bugs. From the mundane (where failed missions return blank messages) to the economically crippling (where certain missions begin returning way too much, or way too little, screwing the economy up).


If they rearrange the missions as part of an overall rework of crew missions for 3.0, sure, I'm fine with that. There's just no reason to bother with it for it's own sake. IMO, the minor benefit received from making the change is not worth the time, effort and risk involved. (Much like this thread by now, so this will be my last post here.)

Edited by Brewski
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do we really need social policemen here? My last words on this: I feel it ridiculous when I click the thread I'm interested in only to see the topic derailed in mocking/flaming/trolling/etc by people not interested in OP concerns at all.


Back to the topic the issue is:

1) Is it fine right now, or is it confusing

2) Is it important enough to have it changed or not

3) Is it very hard to change (like NPC limit in strongholds) or is it exemplary "15 minutes of dev work"


I'm all for adding rich and bountiful to 6th grade UT, and changing abundant to give abundant results (ciridium). And I believe it shouldn't be much fuss in terms of MMO developing.

I know there are many bugs still unsolved in this game, but the thread is about grade 6 UT


I haven't seen an inkling of a reason for why it could be confusing or would need a fix. So far all I've heard is, "its not in line with other tiers" without a single case of anyone ever once not knowing where or how to send their companions to get Tier 6 mats.


As long as players are able to get the mats they need, I don't see an issue here.

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