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*Problem* Grade 6 Underworld....


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I would hope you've been here long enough to know that you won't be getting a response from BW/EA on the weekend.


So where were you going with this thread if you didn't want answers from your fellow forum users?


On top of which, they aren't known for answering many direct requests. It has happened, but in my year+ lurking in these boards it's not been a common occurrence. As was suggested, the best way to get clarification would to try Customer Service, although even there holding the breath isn't recommended.


For what it's worth, and I know it's not much, as long as I've been playing I have seen no Bountiful or Rich grade 6 missions. Well, maybe for companion gifts, but that's not what we're after. As a suggestion, you might look into the looted crew skill missions, I think some of those are purple and have a better return than the Abundant crap shoot.

Edited by Macarrin
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On top of which, they aren't known for answering many direct requests. It has happened, but in my year+ lurking in these boards it's not been a common occurrence. As was suggested, the best way to get clarification would to try Customer Service, although even there holding the breath isn't recommended.


For what it's worth, and I know it's not much, as long as I've been playing I have seen no Bountiful or Rich grade 6 missions. Well, maybe for companion gifts, but that's not what we're after. As a suggestion, you might look into the looted crew skill missions, I think some of those are purple and have a better return than the Abundant crap shoot.


Yes, the wealthy ones. I suspect it is a simple over sight when all the other grades have bountiful and rich, including grade 9.

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Yes, the wealthy ones. I suspect it is a simple over sight when all the other grades have bountiful and rich, including grade 9.


Like I said above, the abundant levle 6 missions seem to crit at a similar rate as the rich and bountiful missions at other levels, so you're really not losing out on anything by not having the bountiful and rich missions.

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Like I said above, the abundant levle 6 missions seem to crit at a similar rate as the rich and bountiful missions at other levels, so you're really not losing out on anything by not having the bountiful and rich missions.


My own experience does not equal yours. All in all it is still a situation that EAware should address.

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My own experience does not equal yours. All in all it is still a situation that EAware should address.


They really don't need to address this, and I wouldn't even call it an issue. You're still able to get the purple Grade 6 mats from the available missions. There isn't a bug preventing you from you doing so. Working as intended.

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They really don't need to address this, and I wouldn't even call it an issue. You're still able to get the purple Grade 6 mats from the available missions. There isn't a bug preventing you from you doing so. Working as intended.


Only in your opinion. When you consider ever other grade has bountiful and rich missions...including the one right after it Grade 9.

Edited by Taorus
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Try grade 1 underworld metal. There is no bountiful or rich mission for that, either.


Actually there are...:D


Fueling Dissent: is a Grade 1 Bountiful Fabric mission.


Correction. Yes there are no Grade 1 bountiful or rich.



Odd that there are fabric ones.

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Still does not mean it should not be brought in-line with other missions.


In what sense? You've already been proven wrong that Bountiful and Rich missions exist for every material. Grade 6 Purple mats already drop. There is plenty in this game that actually doesn't work correctly that BioWare should be focusing on. This really doesn't deserve developer attention.

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In what sense? You've already been proven wrong that Bountiful and Rich missions exist for every material. Grade 6 Purple mats already drop. There is plenty in this game that actually doesn't work correctly that BioWare should be focusing on. This really doesn't deserve developer attention.


Only in you opinion does it not deserve attention, Luckily my own opinion carries the same weight. Why not let the devs decide for themselves.


And I was not wrong, There are no grade 1 bountiful or rich missions for metal, there are for grade 1 fabrics. Grade 5 has bountiful and rich....Grade 9 has bountiful and rich mission. See which grade was missing? Hint: its between 5 and 9.

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Anyone else not getting any Bountiful or Rich grade 6 Underworld metal or fabric quests?


3 different characters zero bountiful or rich missions.




PS: Yes, I have put in a ticket.


I do, but it feels like those are getting rarer. On the other hand, I have gotten a FULL SET of rich companion gift missions several times now. I mean all my crew missions are rich gift missions. Multiple times.


pps. on topic: I do get bountiful or abundant missions, they are just rare. But I dont remember whens the last time I saw a rich grade 6 underworld trading mission.


edit: I just had one rich underworld trading mission, so yes, those still exist.

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My own experience does not equal yours. All in all it is still a situation that EAware should address.


Translation: "My random experience was too random."


Seriously: It's always been like this. I'd suggest that Grade 6 only has two normal levels of resource gathering because Grade 6 of the crafting skills only make gear for 2 levels instead of 7, like every other Grade. The same thing happens with Treasure Hunting, Diplomacy, and Investigation. Resource quests are just Moderate and Abundant, but Gifts missions go up to Rich. Grade 9 adds Bountiful and Rich back because it covers 5 levels instead of just 2, and I suspect they wanted a bit better coverage for endgame crafting.


I've been playing since release, and this was well known. It's not a bug. There is nothing here that is malfunctioning. The fact that the pattern is seen in every one of the "Material/Gift" mission skills confirms that it is an intended behavior. People played for a year with 400 as the cap, running Abundant missions to get the highest level materials. They got everything they needed to craft every craftable thing in the game. Nothing has changed with the system.


It's not a bug just because you want it to be some other way.

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I'm pretty sure no gathering and mission skills have better than "abundant" available for grade 6. It's been that way for months. So I'm gonna say it's not a bug.


My own experience does not equal yours. All in all it is still a situation that EAware should address.

Well, they're not going to.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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It's been this way since launch, so no, it's not a bug, and there's no reason to change it. When they upped the cap to 450 they also had to skip missions that bring back level 7 and 8 mats, since those were already in the game and acquired a different way. Do you want them to re-label every high level material in the game too so they can make the top tier return level 7 mats instead of level 9?


This is a cosmetic issue only. Abundant level 6 missions are exactly the same as Rich level 5 missions, and return purple level 6 mats. What difference does it make what the mission is labeled? I'd rather they spend their time developing new content or fixing bugs than reworking the entire crafting system to change a label you dislike at one level.

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I demand an answer directly from BioWare on this issue that doesn't impact the game in any material way at all, I just think I deserve an answer because I can post on this forum or something.


Oh, and all you non-BioWare employees who respond telling me that it's not actually a problem, that's your OPINION! Just like it's my OPINION that this needs to be fixed AND that 3x5=49. And OPINIONS are just as important as FACTS, don'tcha know? :rolleyes:

Edited by DarthTHC
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I demand an answer directly from BioWare on this issue that doesn't impact the game in any material way at all, I just think I deserve an answer because I can post on this forum or something.


Oh, and all you non-BioWare employees who respond telling me that it's not actually a problem, that's your OPINION! Just like it's my OPINION that this needs to be fixed AND that 3x5=49. And OPINIONS are just as important as FACTS, don'tcha know? :rolleyes:


You forgot to mention that it is a slap in the face... ;)

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You forgot to mention that it is a slap in the face... ;)
I skipped most of the first post after realizing that it complains about something that is well-known and working as intended. From your comment, though,I have to ask: Did the OP demand that BW slap him in the face or something? Because they won't do that on the weekend. And I think he'd have to travel to Austin to get slapped.


I've never tried to get BW to slap me in the face, so I'm a little unsure about the specifics. Perhaps Eric or another yellow name can reply with the proper procedure to get slapped in the face? Does the slap come from someone in Tech Support or Customer Support?


Oh, and, yeah, I get my fair share of purples to drop from the Abundant Rank 6 missions in UT, TH, and Diplomacy. So I'm not seeing any reason for the OP to get all huffy and ask BW to slap him in the face.

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I skipped most of the first post after realizing that it complains about something that is well-known and working as intended. From your comment, though,I have to ask: Did the OP demand that BW slap him in the face or something? Because they won't do that on the weekend. And I think he'd have to travel to Austin to get slapped.


I've never tried to get BW to slap me in the face, so I'm a little unsure about the specifics. Perhaps Eric or another yellow name can reply with the proper procedure to get slapped in the face? Does the slap come from someone in Tech Support or Customer Support?


Oh, and, yeah, I get my fair share of purples to drop from the Abundant Rank 6 missions in UT, TH, and Diplomacy. So I'm not seeing any reason for the OP to get all huffy and ask BW to slap him in the face.


I think we should setup a support network of players around the globe so he doesn't have to travel all the way to Austin to be slapped in the face.


I can cover the Great Lakes region of the US and Canada without having to expect anyone to travel too far to get slapped in the face.

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I skipped most of the first post after realizing that it complains about something that is well-known and working as intended. From your comment, though,I have to ask: Did the OP demand that BW slap him in the face or something? Because they won't do that on the weekend. And I think he'd have to travel to Austin to get slapped.


I've never tried to get BW to slap me in the face, so I'm a little unsure about the specifics. Perhaps Eric or another yellow name can reply with the proper procedure to get slapped in the face? Does the slap come from someone in Tech Support or Customer Support?


Oh, and, yeah, I get my fair share of purples to drop from the Abundant Rank 6 missions in UT, TH, and Diplomacy. So I'm not seeing any reason for the OP to get all huffy and ask BW to slap him in the face.


When I called tech support to complain they had not given me the physical slap in the face to match the metaphorical one consistently mentioned in the forums, they gave me the following instructions.


  1. Grip your phone firmly in your hand.
  2. Move it approximately 12 inches from your face.
  3. Return it to it's previous position as quickly and with as much force as possible.
  4. Repeat until you feel sufficiently slapped.


Hope it helps!

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I'm pretty sure no gathering and mission skills have better than "abundant" available for grade 6. It's been that way for months. So I'm gonna say it's not a bug.



Well, they're not going to.


How do you know they are not going too? Ever ask?

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