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see them on tons of sights for the old republic. best part is its phoney. i mean they advertise totaly great super game. what ya get is a **** sandwhich with dry bread. its so dissapionting watching all these posts about houseing when there are so many other things they could be doing, cross server, factionless pvp, actully balancing the classes, and teams. and you get houseing that does nothing. i mean houseing biowear? really. may as well pack it in and call your game pve only. maybe hire a few devs who can create fun pvp, or zones were i dont lag every 3 seconds, or a engine that can handle 13 players pvping in same zone. they spend more money on auto responses then they do improving the game...maybe merge eruo servers and american ones so ques actully pop 24/7 or war zones with 4 6 8 or 10 players to team, so many options they can do, so little work they get done. if people in real life worked as poor as these devs you wouldnt make it week on job, yet they get to give us houseing...so lame bio, you just look smell and are deadbeat......get somewhat of clue...
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*blablablablablablablablablabla* when there are so many other things they could be doing, cross server, factionless pvp, actully balancing the classes, and teams.


*blablablablablablablablablabla* really. may as well pack it in and call your game pve only. maybe hire a few devs who can create fun pvp, or zones were i dont lag every 3 seconds, or a engine that can handle 13 players pvping in same zone. they spend more money on auto responses then they do improving the game...maybe merge eruo servers and american ones so ques actully pop 24/7 or war zones with 4 6 8 or 10 players to team, so many options they can do, so little work they get done.


*blablablablablablablablablabla* get somewhat of clue...


So... you play a PvE oriented game for the PvP and then get upset because the PvP isn't a priority 100% of the time?

There's a name for people like you... delusional.


If you want to play a game that is 100% focused on PvP, you should find a game that isactually advertised as a PvP game, not a story driven PvE game...

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"if people in real life posted as poor as these posters they wouldnt make it week on job, yet we have to read such drivel"


Here's a thought - become less clueless yourself about how to post a constructive statement, with paragraphs and occasional use of the new line character. Your current posting style suggests you expended so little effort in thinking about it that it doesn't feel worth trying to figure out what the heck you're on about.

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see them on tons of sights for the old republic. best part is its phoney. i mean they advertise totaly great super game. what ya get is a **** sandwhich with dry bread. its so dissapionting watching all these posts about houseing when there are so many other things they could be doing, cross server, factionless pvp, actully balancing the classes, and teams. and you get houseing that does nothing. i mean houseing biowear? really. may as well pack it in and call your game pve only. maybe hire a few devs who can create fun pvp, or zones were i dont lag every 3 seconds, or a engine that can handle 13 players pvping in same zone. they spend more money on auto responses then they do improving the game...maybe merge eruo servers and american ones so ques actully pop 24/7 or war zones with 4 6 8 or 10 players to team, so many options they can do, so little work they get done. if people in real life worked as poor as these devs you wouldnt make it week on job, yet they get to give us houseing...so lame bio, you just look smell and are deadbeat......get somewhat of clue...


You know...I spent let's see 150.00 on housing. I think they did the smartest thing they could. Many. many players are happy.

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"if people in real life posted as poor as these posters they wouldnt make it week on job, yet we have to read such drivel"


Here's a thought - become less clueless yourself about how to post a constructive statement, with paragraphs and occasional use of the new line character. Your current posting style suggests you expended so little effort in thinking about it that it doesn't feel worth trying to figure out what the heck you're on about.


I'll sum it up for you: "I only play this game for PvP and completely ignore all the other facets of the game, and the only important thing is what I like, not what anyone else likes, so anything that is not PvP is redundant and should not waste development effort on".


AKA: I don't like housing so nobody else does either and it was dumb to implement it.


(ps. the complete buying/selling madness on the GTN certainly indicates that housing is anything but impopular)

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wow, you spent 150.00 on nothing then. sadly. and since when has one new op every 2 years been good pve? it gets boring after 3 weeks...sorry. flashpionts? dont make me laugh.


And you pay $15 a month on digital pixels to beat other digital pixels. Last time I checked, Bioware doesn't mail out trophies for the most Uber Pvper in the game, so your point is moot. Point stands, if you expected this game to be anything other than a PVE driven story game with major focus towards PvP, you were delusional.

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wow, you spent 150.00 on nothing then. sadly. and since when has one new op every 2 years been good pve? it gets boring after 3 weeks...sorry. flashpionts? dont make me laugh.


No offense but you must be delusional. Dread Fortress and Dread Palace were released in October 2013.


Your math is absolutely terrible. :eek:

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wow, you spent 150.00 on nothing then. sadly. and since when has one new op every 2 years been good pve? it gets boring after 3 weeks...sorry. flashpionts? dont make me laugh.


I'm pretty sure the only ones laughing are those laughing at your pathetic, sad, piss poor post. But keep going they are very entertaining to read.

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There was a demand for housing, Bioware fullfilled that demand and got a lot of positive reviews, not perfect granted but its still pretty good. Just because you did not want housing doesn't mean other people didn't, and how are your likes and dislikes and more important than theirs?
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And you pay $15 a month on digital pixels to beat other digital pixels. Last time I checked, Bioware doesn't mail out trophies for the most Uber Pvper in the game, so your point is moot. Point stands, if you expected this game to be anything other than a PVE driven story game with major focus towards PvP, you were delusional.




Do in-game trophies count? Cause if they do, then bioware DOES mail out trophies for the most Uber Pvpers in the game :p

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Do in-game trophies count? Cause if they do, then bioware DOES mail out trophies for the most Uber Pvpers in the game :p


I would say yes, IF...... You could keep them after servers shut down, but I don't think that's the case. But, hey, you can put them fancy trophies in your house that the OP despises so much. Amirite?

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see them on tons of sights for the old republic. best part is its phoney. i mean they advertise totaly great super game. what ya get is a **** sandwhich with dry bread. its so dissapionting watching all these posts about houseing when there are so many other things they could be doing, cross server, factionless pvp, actully balancing the classes, and teams. and you get houseing that does nothing. i mean houseing biowear? really. may as well pack it in and call your game pve only. maybe hire a few devs who can create fun pvp, or zones were i dont lag every 3 seconds, or a engine that can handle 13 players pvping in same zone. they spend more money on auto responses then they do improving the game...maybe merge eruo servers and american ones so ques actully pop 24/7 or war zones with 4 6 8 or 10 players to team, so many options they can do, so little work they get done. if people in real life worked as poor as these devs you wouldnt make it week on job, yet they get to give us houseing...so lame bio, you just look smell and are deadbeat......get somewhat of clue...


Translation: Bioware did something that was not PvP related and I am unhappy, so therefore everyone must stop having fun and just PvP.


Guess what OP, I am a seasoned PvPer too, but I love the housing too.

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see them on tons of sights for the old republic. best part is its phoney. i mean they advertise totaly great super game. what ya get is a **** sandwhich with dry bread. its so dissapionting watching all these posts about houseing when there are so many other things they could be doing, cross server, factionless pvp, actully balancing the classes, and teams. and you get houseing that does nothing. i mean houseing biowear? really. may as well pack it in and call your game pve only. maybe hire a few devs who can create fun pvp, or zones were i dont lag every 3 seconds, or a engine that can handle 13 players pvping in same zone. they spend more money on auto responses then they do improving the game...maybe merge eruo servers and american ones so ques actully pop 24/7 or war zones with 4 6 8 or 10 players to team, so many options they can do, so little work they get done. if people in real life worked as poor as these devs you wouldnt make it week on job, yet they get to give us houseing...so lame bio, you just look smell and are deadbeat......get somewhat of clue...


Where is CM Punk when we need him? He would have a field day with the grammar in this post.

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I have to ask first if the OP's primary language is English. If not, then I applaud you for your effort in attempting to put together a coherent sentence. You didn't succeed, but the accomplishment is in the effort put forth.


If English IS your primary language, however, then I weep at the thought of this dribble being passable in today's educational system. It must make teachers smack themselves on the forehead, thinking they could have had a V-8, at the thought of their higher education going to waste.


As far as what I gathered was the subject of the OP... take into account that player housing was a huge part of the previous Star Wars MMO, "Star Wars: Galaxies". While this may be in no form or fashion anything near what you were able to do in Galaxies, it gives those who spent hours decorating their bunkers and guild halls a sense of nostalgia. So in that respect, I give Bioware props, although the credit-sink that this is does not meet with my approval whatsoever.


Okay, I'm going to go watch some Teen Titans GO! and attempt to retrieve some of my lost brain cells from reading this thread.

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I don't PvP at all. I didn't really want housing at all. For my personal tastes and preferences, it was something I thought was something of a waste. I decided that it was a good idea because there clearly were (and are) a lot of players in the game that wanted housing. Just because I personally don't really want a particular type of content doesn't mean it has no value. For example, I've never done a single warzone despite having played SWTOR since launch, and never participate in any form of open world PvP whatsoever. When events have certain portions that take place in "forced" PvP areas I don't do that part of the event. Does that mean that adding new PvP content is a waste? That no one likes it?


And you know what, the housing system did introduce SO much more than just housing. My guild had a great time in the first week of guild conquests and it fostered a real sense of community. So overall, I ended up loving this new content, even though I was in no way looking forward to it.

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