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have had enough.


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honestly, all pvpers should be doing something to get devs attention. i no alot of players who still play love this game. so do i. it really can be great game. and when matches are even, well i love the team im facing to, can be that good of feeling. maybe if all players bombed them with tickets, or posted in area devs read, or something. we might get changes. but instead we fight about why premades dont belong in regs or vice versa. maybe ask ourselfs what can grab the dumb devs attention and make them see how bad they really are. should be fun game for everyone, not just super ubber premade farm grps, and one day wont be enough players to farm, if this keeps up. cause game will die. just my two cents...
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The problem isn't premades. The problem with PvP in SWTOR is that it is accessible to everyone. Thus, everyone thinks they can PvP. As long as there is XP and credits to be gained, the mouth breathers will continue to pollute PvP.




Compared to mmos with serious pvp the skill of the average pug you can be stuck with varies a huge amount. In 7+years playing daoc and war I never came across one player like the bads you can get lumbered with in swtor pvp. Wouldnt surprise me if some click.

Edited by Tellenn
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I agree 200% and I've said as much in a few other posts here, and so I will reiterate here, to add my vote and voice with yours. Regarding the the pre-made groups I have no problem with that in and of itself, though you are right that's what most likely is the cause of many unbalance matches.


So yes, you are sooo right...As I've said before....I don't know how many times I've been in a match where once it was over, and you look at the results, all the winners were on top with 30-40 kills each or more, and all 8 of the losing team on the bottom with single digit kills, about 3-5. I've actually been on both sides of this....and frankly don't even like it that much on the winning side....it's not all that fun for me to have a practically no challenge, blow out win, not very rewarding. On the flip side of the coin, it's absolutely infuriating. So there is no doubt, that whatever the reason, it is a total Fail, time and again to provide a fair and balanced match. Period. Which makes it no fun for a lot of people.


So what do we do. It needs to be fixed. I too love the game. It's like being able to drive a Ferrari that has it's side bashed in. I'm not going to stop driving or get another car, it's a great one, it just needs to be fixed. I would say the fix is really, almost sadly, pretty easy. What needs to happen, is to establish a list of factors for each individual player in the queue, for the computer to look at, and from that assign basically a grade or number based on the value of each player. You then split accordingly based on the results to get an even match.


Now back to your point about premade groups....if that group is say 4 grade A players, then they will likely have a quite a bit of a longer wait, as the computer searches for 4 other grade A players to put against them....oh well, that's what it's going to have to be....far better that those 4 people have to wait longer than ending up in a match with 8 far less experienced players who are going to have an awful time because of a completely unbalanced match.


This would not be difficult to do, and it would have instant positive results for the community as a whole.


The trick as you mentioned, is to get the developers to actually Do something. Pounding away here in the forums is one way. Something else I was thinking about....Social media can be pretty powerful as well....at this point with the obvious frustration many people clearly feel, perhaps some public shaming might be in order, to simply point out the awful job in addressing this issue that has a consistent negative impact for so many people. Twitter, Facebook, other forums, blogs, etc. I obviously feel Very strongly about this as well, and so have been considering the social media option, because something really needs to be done about this.


So glad you posted, and you are definitely not alone, having experienced this several times each day on both sides of the coin, I guarantee there are a Lot of people who agree with this, and it is way past time for something to be done.

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]Stop being anti social in a MMO.


ok. the thread is stupid. but I wish you would stop citing MMO in these premade threads. it's just as much an MMO if every single person in the WZ were solo queued. massively multiplayer online. it's just as much an MMO if there were a solo queue and 5 different sized grp queues or just one queue with no restrictions.

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ok. the thread is stupid. but I wish you would stop citing MMO in these premade threads. it's just as much an MMO if every single person in the WZ were solo queued. massively multiplayer online. it's just as much an MMO if there were a solo queue and 5 different sized grp queues or just one queue with no restrictions.



no let him say that games already dead enough if he needs to justify being a ***** in pvp cause he cant do **** himself then let him ;)

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no let him say that games already dead enough if he needs to justify being a ***** in pvp cause he cant do **** himself then let him ;)


I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm fairly certain it has nothing to do with what I said.

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I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm fairly certain it has nothing to do with what I said.



]Stop being anti social in a MMO


in contrast to your post on citing this poor gentlemen. The only reason he brought this argument up was to justify premades hences his poor skills at pvp so now you know what im talking about.

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and again more whiners. 6 Syllables

problem with premades ? 5 syllables

make a premade yourself 6 syllables


Total number of syllables were right, but you had them in the wrong placement. I got some advice, but my feedback is a bit prescriptive:


Again more whiners.

You have problems with premades?

Make your own premade.

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honestly, why do the so called elite get so worked up bout premades? i used to premade all the time, and it didnt feel great beating down undergeared average players either. so whats your piont? all i see is flames but nothing to fix the problems, do you like steamrolling fresh meat every match? some of the worst games out there have a que system that works great, except this one. the game population will only go down guys, not up if it isent fixed. except it. you can premade all ya want, nobody is saying you cant. but there just needs to be a check on who you match up with, if no match you go into regs solo. or are elite players scared of loseing? thats all i get form it, if we cant auto win we wont play the game...wow. considering when the game came out, reg ques were unreal fun. without premades. now, imp or pub team 2 healers dps tanks agianst other team no heals, tanks all dps, or undergeared players...sad that elitest players will rather see the game population fail. guess the game just for them then...
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ok. the thread is stupid. but I wish you would stop citing MMO in these premade threads. it's just as much an MMO if every single person in the WZ were solo queued. massively multiplayer online. it's just as much an MMO if there were a solo queue and 5 different sized grp queues or just one queue with no restrictions.


No, no it really isn't. Ya know in the good ole days MMO's actually required groups to do anything, some even required a group just to level up. Solo queue players today are spoiled and are in general playing the wrong genre.

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come to pot5, its ghost town all day until 5pm then the ques start. i used to play 5 to 6 7 games from 4 am to 7am everyday, now one if lucky. healthy game tho guys, real healthy....


You're complaining about queue's being dead at 4am? Seriously? lol.....

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come to pot5, its ghost town all day until 5pm then the ques start. i used to play 5 to 6 7 games from 4 am to 7am everyday, now one if lucky. healthy game tho guys, real healthy....


Is that because of premades or is it because the population itself is dwindling because of new games coming out, or players leaving because the lack of added PvP content, or the fact that school is starting up again?


You can blame premades all you want, but until you ask every single player that has left why they left you are just stating an opinion with no basis in fact.

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As a person who rides solo and also sometimes runs in a group, I can honestly say being in a group has little to no effect unless you get that off chance of an arena. Some people just cant be carried no matter how good you or the people you play with are. If that sounds elitist I am sorry but that is the truth. I feel bad when I play toons I know I suck on because I know I am dragging the team down a bit. If half of a team is running around like chickens with their heads cut off, you won't win.


Furthermore, there have been times the premades have been just awful and instead of trying to work with the PUGS, they do/say nothing because they are in comms and think they don't need the rest of the team when SHOCKER... THEY DO. And the best part is when their half of the team ragequits because the pugs are "bad" when you can't always tell what is going on out in Timbuktu where your premade is.


Premades are not the problem and have never been the problem. Communication in /ops is the solution to any of the anti-premade arguments I have seen thus far. If PUGs refuse to communicate with a team that is on them and not the fault of the premade you are against. Is it easier with comms? Yes, but /ops is just as effective for calling "x south" or "x pylon" as saying it in comms.

Edited by SenaZane
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Now back to your point about premade groups....if that group is say 4 grade A players, then they will likely have a quite a bit of a longer wait, as the computer searches for 4 other grade A players to put against them....oh well, that's what it's going to have to be....far better that those 4 people have to wait longer than ending up in a match with 8 far less experienced players who are going to have an awful time because of a completely unbalanced match.


This would not be difficult to do, and it would have instant positive results for the community as a whole.


So making people who are good wait longer to PvP (which is usually the only thing they do in the game) has "instant positive results for the community as a whole"? Cool. Let's make this game even more casual.

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]Stop being anti social in a MMO


in contrast to your post on citing this poor gentlemen. The only reason he brought this argument up was to justify premades hences his poor skills at pvp so now you know what im talking about.


Premades=poor skills? Not exactly. I've gone up against good premades and bad premades (I'm normally solo queued), it just depends on who is in them. The premades argument has been made time and time again, it's honestly getting tiring. Very, very rarely is there a time when I am up against a full premade group that is simply face-rolling us. When/ if that does happen, I normally just leave and don't run into that again. Infinite Darkness has experienced this with people just leaving at the beginning when they have their full 8-man queue-sync groups rolling, and because of that they very rarely get to play a full match.


To sum things up: premades are not really an issue and Bioware isn't going to change anything. Yeah, every once and a while you might get stomped by one, but it doesn't to happen often.

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So making people who are good wait longer to PvP (which is usually the only thing they do in the game) has "instant positive results for the community as a whole"? Cool. Let's make this game even more casual.


^that's sarcasm, for anyone who missed it^


And I agree wholeheartedly.

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"...for the community as a whole." 8 is more than 4. Seriously if I have to explain one more word than that, then you should just take out your brain and throw it in the trash.


And if 4 of those 8 are only in it for the quick relics with no intention of PvPing after gaining them?


Seriously, you can not comment on what is good "for the whole" if you do not know why those players are PvPing.


It seems like most of these evil premade threads stem from the idea that PvP in SWTOR is supposed to be about 1 vs 1 and, honestly, this is how a lot of people play. However, PvP in SWTOR is a team effort where maximizing your advantages is a must. Yes, that means in AHG instead of grabbing orbs when your teammates are 2 v 2ing the enemy jumping in to give your side a 3 v 2 advantage. Or if you're a DPS learning how to peal for your healer so that he/she is able to more easily concentrate on healing your team. If players insist on zerging in and expecting eight 1 v1s then those players will continue to get stomped by those players that understand that teamwork is more important. This goes for both PUGs and premades alike.

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And if 4 of those 8 are only in it for the quick relics with no intention of PvPing after gaining them?


Seriously, you can not comment on what is good "for the whole" if you do not know why those players are PvPing.


It seems like most of these evil premade threads stem from the idea that PvP in SWTOR is supposed to be about 1 vs 1 and, honestly, this is how a lot of people play. However, PvP in SWTOR is a team effort where maximizing your advantages is a must. Yes, that means in AHG instead of grabbing orbs when your teammates are 2 v 2ing the enemy jumping in to give your side a 3 v 2 advantage. Or if you're a DPS learning how to peal for your healer so that he/she is able to more easily concentrate on healing your team. If players insist on zerging in and expecting eight 1 v1s then those players will continue to get stomped by those players that understand that teamwork is more important. This goes for both PUGs and premades alike.


Seriously.....I've lost count of how many pugs completely ignore marked targets, and then you call it out in chat and they still ignore the marked targets. They are too busy derping on a losing fight because they cant figure out why the guy they are trying to kill is always at full health.

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