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conquest 35 000 target to high for casual players


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... Players just have to do a very little bit of research (to understand how to craft and what materials are needed) and then execute. Again, doing less than that and it becomes click a button, get the reward, and why bother with that? I want to have to think and do more than the mouse figuring out that pushing the lever drops a food pellet.


I agree. If you make the effort to understand what is required it's not terribly hard. It's just not as easy as you make it out, especially for a casual, which is what this thread is about.


Add to that the arguably crappy personal conquest rewards and limited playtime and why would a casual do it anyway? If I only have an hour to play every other night, I'm not going to use it to obtain a couple of lame rewards.

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I agree. If you make the effort to understand what is required it's not terribly hard. It's just not as easy as you make it out, especially for a casual, which is what this thread is about.


Add to that the arguably crappy personal conquest rewards and limited playtime and why would a casual do it anyway? If I only have an hour to play every other night, I'm not going to use it to obtain a couple of lame rewards.


Define a casual.


Please, someone give a hard definition of it!

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I agree. If you make the effort to understand what is required it's not terribly hard. It's just not as easy as you make it out, especially for a casual, which is what this thread is about.


Add to that the arguably crappy personal conquest rewards and limited playtime and why would a casual do it anyway? If I only have an hour to play every other night, I'm not going to use it to obtain a couple of lame rewards.


So your definition of "casual" includes "the lack of ability to do a Google search and read the results for 15 minutes"?

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So your definition of "casual" includes "the lack of ability to do a Google search and read the results for 15 minutes"?


The only thing everyone seems to agree on when it comes to defining 'casuals' is....everyone has a different definition!


I am, however, glad you laid out a road map for others interested in gaining conquest points to follow. Whether or not they follow your lead is up to them. I did the same as you regarding conquest crafting last week.


Personally, I'm not keen on the personal conquest rewards. Until that changes, I'm not interested. Still, I think it's well done and pretty slick for those who are.

Edited by tharbison
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I actually thought 35000 was too high. I took a break from the game Monday night to play at real life. Last night I played for about 4 hours. Did HM BoI, HM FE, Random Tactical, KDY, Random GF HMFP, Ilum Heroic, BH Weekly, 3 Balmora Heroics and some crafting at the same time. Ended the night with 37000 points. This was with 1 stronghold bonus and guild ship bonus. Alt that I was also crafting on ended the night with 18000 points and never left the stronghold.


So I stand corrected, getting the entire 35000 in 4 hours play isn't difficult even for a casual player, it is however way easier if you can team up with a group of 4 to do it just so you get the pops in GF faster. I plan on getting the 18000 watchmen to 35000 tonight then hopefully I can get sage there Thursday and be done with conquest in time for college football season to start. Hook'em

Edited by mikebevo
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I actually thought 35000 was too high. I took a break from the game Monday night to play at real life. Last night I played for about 4 hours. Did HM BoI, HM FE, Random Tactical, KDY, Random GF HMFP, Ilum Heroic, BH Weekly, 3 Balmora Heroics and some crafting at the same time. Ended the night with 37000 points. This was with 1 stronghold bonus and guild ship bonus. Alt that I was also crafting on ended the night with 18000 points and never left the stronghold.


So I stand corrected, getting the entire 35000 in 4 hours play isn't difficult even for a casual player, it is however way easier if you can team up with a group of 4 to do it just so you get the pops in GF faster. I plan on getting the 18000 watchmen to 35000 tonight then hopefully I can get sage there Thursday and be done with conquest in time for college football season to start. Hook'em


Yup. Agree with everything you said including the Hook'em. I hope Charlie has his big boy pants on because the honeymoon doesn't last very long here in Austin.

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Most of the complaints were last week, where there were far fewer PVE options - and in particular, the only flashpoint rewards matched up with the Group Finder awards. This week, there were several flashpoints that can be repeated indefinitely for good points. So it was a lot easier to hit 35K this week. Arguably, too easy, at least with esselles at any difficulty.
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Define a casual.


Please, someone give a hard definition of it!


hard definition? not sure.


but IMO its a state of mind. its not how many hours a week you play but rather how intensely you play. if you log in and hang around with friends, maybe run something, do a quest here and there - you are probably casual. if you play 5 hours a week, but 3 of those hours is spent raiding cutting edge content and you minmax within the inch of your life - you are probably hardcore.


do you care about being the best, or are you just here to relax and go with a flow?

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Queue up war supplies crafting and you're done. 15 seconds of clicking. Maybe you'll have to do that twice during the week if your guild doesn't invade the planet with the good crafting bonus. Tomorrow morning I'll hit 400k on one of my characters where I have done exactly nothing except queue up crafting 3 times.


35k is plenty low.

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I am a casual player and I made 150k points on three characters in the two days (75k on my main) just crafting. I just send my companions to gather mats and then make war supplies and prefabs. I sold off a few of the prefabs to pay for missions but when this week is over I am still going to have a ton of prefabs and war supplies to sell off or use to decorate my stronghold.
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Queue up war supplies crafting and you're done. 15 seconds of clicking.


35k is plenty low.


You crafting guys make it sound so easy! '15 seconds clicking'....lol. Let's take a look at the numbers...


War Supplies: Starhip Weapons requires 48 scavenged compounds to craft at the lowest tier. If I remember, you get 500 conquest points per craft. So...simple math tells us using crafting alone, you'd need to craft 70 Starship Weapons to hit the personal conquest goal of 35k. 70 Starship Weapons * 48 scavenged compounds each = 3,360 scavenged compounds.


Now I suppose some of you crafters have piles and piles of the required scavenged compounds just sitting around. Most people don't. They used them all getting their conquest prize last week. So...send out your companions to get them! Ok...at the lowest tier, lets say you get 8 scavenged compounds each time you send them. 3,360 / 8 = 420 missions you have to send your companions on to get to 3,360. That doesn't count all the b.s. missions you have to send them on just to get the ones that will get you the scavenged compounds. So conservatively, maybe double or triple that number.


Not too bad! But a little more than '15 seconds of clicking' lol :p

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You crafting guys make it sound so easy! '15 seconds clicking'....lol. Let's take a look at the numbers...


War Supplies: Starhip Weapons requires 48 scavenged compounds to craft at the lowest tier. If I remember, you get 500 conquest points per craft. So...simple math tells us using crafting alone, you'd need to craft 70 Starship Weapons to hit the personal conquest goal of 35k. 70 Starship Weapons * 48 scavenged compounds each = 3,360 scavenged compounds.


Now I suppose some of you crafters have piles and piles of the required scavenged compounds just sitting around. Most people don't. They used them all getting their conquest prize last week. So...send out your companions to get them! Ok...at the lowest tier, lets say you get 8 scavenged compounds each time you send them. 3,360 / 8 = 420 missions you have to send your companions on to get to 3,360. That doesn't count all the b.s. missions you have to send them on just to get the ones that will get you the scavenged compounds. So conservatively, maybe double or triple that number.


Not too bad! But a little more than '15 seconds of clicking' lol :p


There are more options than the lowest tier item that costs 16 of each mat. Also, there are crafting bonuses to consider as well as strong hold bonuses. This you get 750 points for crafting a standard War Supply given the invasion bonus. If you have a 100% stronghold bonus that's 1250 points. Also, the Invasion Force objective is repeatable this week so if you're invading Voss that's 4k points per Invasion Force or 6k if you have a 100% SH bonus. It adds up pretty quick if you're set up to craft in decent numbers...honestly crafting needs a significant nerf IMO.

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There are more options than the lowest tier item that costs 16 of each mat. Also, there are crafting bonuses to consider as well as strong hold bonuses. This you get 750 points for crafting a standard War Supply given the invasion bonus. If you have a 100% stronghold bonus that's 1250 points. Also, the Invasion Force objective is repeatable this week so if you're invading Voss that's 4k points per Invasion Force or 6k if you have a 100% SH bonus. It adds up pretty quick if you're set up to craft in decent numbers...honestly crafting needs a significant nerf IMO.


Sure there are more options, but, the higher the tier, the more time the mat missions take. It's a tradeoff. Lowest tier = more mats/less time, highest tier = less mats/more time.


My point is, it is MUCH more involved than '15 seconds of clicking' lol. As you point out, and as I've said, lots of assumptions must be made to get to 35k using crafting only. (do you have the mats? do you have crafters? do you have stronghold bonus? do you have planet bonus?). Typically, the answer to these questions for most players is 'no', so '15 seconds of clicking' is more like 6-8 hours at least.

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There are more options than the lowest tier item that costs 16 of each mat. Also, there are crafting bonuses to consider as well as strong hold bonuses. This you get 750 points for crafting a standard War Supply given the invasion bonus. If you have a 100% stronghold bonus that's 1250 points. Also, the Invasion Force objective is repeatable this week so if you're invading Voss that's 4k points per Invasion Force or 6k if you have a 100% SH bonus. It adds up pretty quick if you're set up to craft in decent numbers...honestly crafting needs a significant nerf IMO.


I'm pretty sure invasion bonuses only apply if you have a guild with a guild ship and you're invading that specific planet that gives you the bonus. Otherwise, you get just the base points plus the bonus from your strongholds. For example, I'm in a guild, but we have four people in it. No guild ship. No invasion bonus. I could stand on... I think it's Voss that has the crafting bonuses, right? I coudl stand on Voss and make an Invasion Force, and I would get the 2k from making the force, the 250 points from making a War Supply, and my 11% bonus from my one stronghold that's near 46% completion. My guild's not invading Voss, so we don't get double those numbers.


That said, 35k was a bit on the higher side, and it likely wouldn't be as big an issue if Invasion Forces were repeatable back when that was the personal goal. However, 25k seems extremely low with repeatable invasion forces - if they weren't repeatable, then 25k seems about right.


Just my thoughts on it, from a non-Invading player.

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I'm pretty sure invasion bonuses only apply if you have a guild with a guild ship and you're invading that specific planet that gives you the bonus. Otherwise, you get just the base points plus the bonus from your strongholds. For example, I'm in a guild, but we have four people in it. No guild ship. No invasion bonus. I could stand on... I think it's Voss that has the crafting bonuses, right? I coudl stand on Voss and make an Invasion Force, and I would get the 2k from making the force, the 250 points from making a War Supply, and my 11% bonus from my one stronghold that's near 46% completion. My guild's not invading Voss, so we don't get double those numbers.


That said, 35k was a bit on the higher side, and it likely wouldn't be as big an issue if Invasion Forces were repeatable back when that was the personal goal. However, 25k seems extremely low with repeatable invasion forces - if they weren't repeatable, then 25k seems about right.


Just my thoughts on it, from a non-Invading player.


No offense, but non-invading conquest sounds like the bigger issue than the threshold for the weekly...

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War Supplies: Starhip Weapons requires 48 scavenged compounds to craft at the lowest tier. If I remember, you get 500 conquest points per craft. So...simple math tells us using crafting alone, you'd need to craft 70 Starship Weapons to hit the personal conquest goal of 35k. 70 Starship Weapons * 48 scavenged compounds each = 3,360 scavenged compounds.


Yeah, you are not taking into consideration several things:


1. High level mats require less components. It's not 16 per mat per war supply.


2. Prefabs also count generate points, and they require less mats than war supplies do.


3. Synthetic and Industrial prefabs can be combined to generate Universals which generate even more points than the first two. So you get points for the synth and industrial and then even more points for combining them.


4. War supplies can be combined to make Invasion forces which generate MANY MORE points than base war supplies. So you get the points for the base war supplies and then ALOT more for combining them.


5. Stronghold bonuses increase the points you get even more.


6. Planetary bonuses may even further increase the rate of point gains.



If you can't muster 35k points in a week you aren't trying. 25k is too easy IMHO. I had my personal and guild bonus point requirements on three of my characters by Tuesday afternoon.

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No offense, but non-invading conquest sounds like the bigger issue than the threshold for the weekly...


Nah, I don't care about having "complete control of a planet." I only care about getting one of each crafting node in my house so I can easily get exactly what materials I need without running across planets and scouring fields to find them as they pop up. Once I get one of every node type, I'm not going to worry about hitting even personal conquest goals, unless our guild somehow grows exponentially to the point where we could actually make a showing. Right now, it's me, another guy who plays a lot, and two guys who are a lot less active than the two of us.

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I agree with you that casual, and some not so casual players, will have trouble getting 35k points. On the other hand, the reward isn't that great to begin with (at least for a 55er). The equivalent of 45k + assorted Jawa junk can be gotten by doing the Czerka dailies for 15-20 minutes. The only rather valuable thing is the gathering lockbox, but I imagine Bioware would save that for the top tier anyway. Anyway, what would the 12k point reward be? 10,000 credits? Doesn't really seem worth it.


Agreed, which is probably why I don't bother with Conquest.

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I dislike current "rat race", when all people are automatically counted the participants of the Conquest and the time is limited for all. Some people can play almost 24/7, while some others only on weekend, etc. From my point, the planning of Conquest should be changed in line with other weekly activities:


1. Any person can decide whether he/she will participate in the Conquest activities or not. I agree that with developing of more complex system, BW can offer the different levels of participation with different rewards.

2. When the Conquest is taken, the time for its completion should be unlimited. Any person can do these missions and quests until it will be done. If it is finished for less than 1 week, then OK, you can participate in next weekly activity immediately since next week. If you typically spend, for example, 12 days, then you may miss one of consequent Conquest. If 14 days or more, then you obviously miss the nearest Conquest.

3. Need to clearly explain, whether the mission or task is character- or legacy- (account-)based. Currently we have only the status: Incomplete, Complete and Repeatable, no any other indication.

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Yeah, you are not taking into consideration several things:


1. High level mats require less components. It's not 16 per mat per war supply.


2. Prefabs also count generate points, and they require less mats than war supplies do.


3. Synthetic and Industrial prefabs can be combined to generate Universals which generate even more points than the first two. So you get points for the synth and industrial and then even more points for combining them.


4. War supplies can be combined to make Invasion forces which generate MANY MORE points than base war supplies. So you get the points for the base war supplies and then ALOT more for combining them.


5. Stronghold bonuses increase the points you get even more.


6. Planetary bonuses may even further increase the rate of point gains.



If you can't muster 35k points in a week you aren't trying. 25k is too easy IMHO. I had my personal and guild bonus point requirements on three of my characters by Tuesday afternoon.


I agree - 35k is fair. But - it definitely takes WAAAAY longer than '15 seconds of clicking' even under the best circumstances!

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Sure there are more options, but, the higher the tier, the more time the mat missions take. It's a tradeoff. Lowest tier = more mats/less time, highest tier = less mats/more time.


Crew missions are a fairly inefficient means to acquiring mats. Farming in the open world is much more efficient. Granted that does take more than the 15s of clicking like you said, but in an hour or so you can gather enough mats to craft you way to far more points than any other means as far as I'm aware.

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