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conquest 35 000 target to high for casual players


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So, 7 hours to get to 35K per toon. 21 hours for three toons. Not everone gets to play 21 hours per week.


Is it "casual" to have 3 level 55's? If you decide to be "casual" and play for less than 21 hours per week, should you not be happy in the decision you made, even if it means you can't achieve every single thing in the game with every single character you might have created?

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Casuals are the bread and butter of the gaming industry. They are the ones that will spend money hand over fist on a game. Get used to the fact jack that casuals are and will be the future of the industry in the 21st Century for a long time to come.


This is only partially true, depending on what your definition of "casual" is. Fans are the ones who spend money hand over fist, that has nothing to do with how often they play or what caliber of play they bring to the game. Creating games that cater to casual players has to be the quickest way to doom your game to failure because while casuals are a majority, they tend not to stick around nor do they spend the kind of money a fanatic will.


Your "facts" fly in the face of every gaming industry report for the last decade.

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This is only partially true, depending on what your definition of "casual" is. Fans are the ones who spend money hand over fist, that has nothing to do with how often they play or what caliber of play they bring to the game. Creating games that cater to casual players has to be the quickest way to doom your game to failure because while casuals are a majority, they tend not to stick around nor do they spend the kind of money a fanatic will.


Your "facts" fly in the face of every gaming industry report for the last decade.


Well, the definition of casual and hardcore tends to vary depending on the day, unfortunately. However, in the sense that you use to term to describe the game hopping part of the community is incorrect as well. Creating games that have appealed to the "casual" gamer is what has been the boon for the industry - mainly in mobile gaming platforms, but that has since translated over to console and PC gaming in the last couple of years.

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It's doable for just about anyone, on one character at least.

Unfortunately it also suddenly makes the game very alt unfriendly, since if you have limited time you'll have to ask yourself "Do I want to get something nice for my stronghold and dedicate my whole week to playing one character? Or do I actually want to play an alt and enjoy the story?"


Yes, that's what it comes down to for me. And since I prefer to have fun and play my characters, I'll do that, bide my time fitting out my stronghold(s) with cheap decorations and once I have more time and a better stronghold bonus I'll take a shot at the conquests.



Yeah, I actually agree.


I mean, I'm all for the casual players, but if you want to conquer a planet and get rewards, you have to actually play a bit...


See, my guild is small and full of rather casual players with jobs and families and such. We don't have a guild ship and even if we had we'd still not stand a snowball's chance in hell at making it into the top 10. So all the points would be wasted unless we can get the personal rewards. If we cannot get those, either, there's no point for us in taking part at all. (Which isn't really a big drama, it would just be nice.)


I think it would be nice if the progress would carry over to the next week, like it is with other dailies. Then the goal could even be raised for those who think it's too low. They could knock themselves out meeting the goal weekly, while the casuals could meet the goal once a month or whenever their time allows.

Edited by KyaniteD
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So all the points would be wasted unless we can get the personal rewards.

I'm pretty sure the rewards are per week per legacy, not per week per toon.


I've reached over 35,000 points on 3 alts (crafting FTW), but I only got the personal reward on the first toon.


So if you're not interested in guild conquests, but do want the personal conquest rewards, you only need to get points on one toon.

Edited by Khevar
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It's actually not that high you are trying to measure points rewards for 2 days of play time.

Choose 1 character do your weekly pvp, weekly GSF a few FP's and you are almost at 35k.


It's not that hard if you look at it for a week long achievement but if you try to do it in a few days it will not be that easy.

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I think my post was unclear. I wrote:


So, 7 hours to get to 35K per toon. 21 hours for three toons. Not everone gets to play 21 hours per week.


The response was:


35 hours for 5 toons. 154 hours for 22 toons. Not everyone gets to play 154 hours per week.


But seriously, what does the time it takes to max 3 toons have to do with anything? Also they said "by accident", meaning they obviously weren't trying to maximize their points. If you can get 20k by playing like normal and not even realizing it in 4 hours, I call that well done.


In the above post I was referring to my other post:


A tier system would not do any harm I think.


That being said, 35K seemed high to me at first but is doable with a moderate amount of work (obviously easier with guild ship invasion bonus).


However, I now have to decide which toon to focus on and that is inconvenient. I have one toon for GSF and ops (healer), another for flashpoints (tank) and a third for dailies and ops (dps). They are all in the same guild but in order to make sure I reach the 35K on at least one toon I need to focus on that one.


I'm pretty sure they tried to find a solution to that, since this is a very alt-friendly game. I really enjoy the conquest system so far, but I would really love to play with all my toons without the risk of not reaching the 35K.


A possible solution: Allow the transfer of conquest points between two alts as long as they are in the same guild.


As mentioned in that post, I don't feel 35K is too high. I was saying that I would have liked it if the goal was reachable somehow through the cumulative effort of all my toons in the legacy, e.g. through transferring of points from one toon to another, because I like to play all three more or less equally but for different roles. But when I play each toon for 6 hours, the worst case that could happen is that I have 30K each and miss the goal on each and every one of them. (That's just the theoretical math, obviously.) With the option of transferring points I could reach the 35K on two of them with the same amount of work.


My problem is that I can't be sure if I can play for x amount of hours before the weekly timer runs out, so in order to make sure that I reach the goal I have to play toon 1 instead of toon 2, otherwise I risk not reaching the goal on any toon. If I could transfer the points or the points would carry over into the next week I wouldn't have that issue.


Imagine the Warzone Weekly would reset during the weekly reset. You have 14 points and it resets to 0 before you could play one more game. Again, I don't think 35K is too much. I also don't want to reach that goal on all my toons either (that was apparently unclear in my post).


And regarding this:


Is it "casual" to have 3 level 55's? If you decide to be "casual" and play for less than 21 hours per week, should you not be happy in the decision you made, even if it means you can't achieve every single thing in the game with every single character you might have created?


If having 3 level 55's is not considered "casual" anymore, what is having 10 (hardcore?), 16 (extreme hardcore?), or even 22 (super extreme hardcode?) level 55's like? As stated plenty of times on these forums, leveling in this game is rather easy. Even with only 5 hours per week it would not be difficult to have several level 55's.


As I said, I am not trying to reach everything on every toon. I don't plan to outfit every toon in 180+ gear, nor do I fly GSF in all of them. I actually compartmentalize them, e.g. one toon for GSF, another for FPs and the third for dailies or ops. Now, if I could pool all the points I get for the three toons into one and reach the goal on ONE toon, that would be optimal for me.


TL;DR: I don't think 35K is too much but if I could transfer the points from one toon to another I'd consider that a nice QoL improvement.

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I don't think it's that high. I've been working 10h shifts since the update so inbetween sleep and meals I've only had a handful hours to play yet I'm currently at 100K from crafting alone.


Did you use old materials that were collecting dust in your cargo hold or were these newly collected mats? I have plenty of mats stored up to craft all week. But those stacks won't last very long.

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Crafting aside, one level 55 can get 35000 through some grinding:


(let's assume there's no orbital support and no stronghold bonus; personally, I had orbital support on Makeb from the guild ship, and ~13% bonus from the strongholds - I could get more, but I was just too depressed cluttering my beautiful stronghold with metal junk/trophies. I'll have to tear it all off eventually and decorate normally).


- 8 heroics on Alderaan(1-1.5 hours) - 4000points per day.

- one tactical flashpoint - 1000points per day.

That's it. No queues, no wait, no super-good equipment(I use augmented Oricon/some basic gear in a legacy suit on my sentinel, and 168 hilts - and, yes, I know it sucks).


That's your 35000 points right here - actually, you get another bonus for your weekly quests, so you may even take five flashpoints, not seven. And your kill count goes through the roof very fast, so that 250 kills objective on Alderaan? You'll get it in no time, too.

Edited by Kulyok
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I don't think it's that high. I've been working 10h shifts since the update so inbetween sleep and meals I've only had a handful hours to play yet I'm currently at 100K from crafting alone.

You've probably blown through a couple million credits worth of crafting materials for that. Has it been worth it?

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If you are to the point that you won't even try to get a reward, you were not the intended target for conquests.


cant blame her for trying


all the whines for dumbing down content have been met

Makeb a joke now

Old World Flashpoints have had so much content removed its amazing you can still have a fight between bosses


Its the same pattern over and over and over


Those that want everything handed to them complain and whine and MMO devs (EA not only one guilty of this) dumb the games down


To quote South Park

The bar has been lowered so far its dangerous to even go looking for the bar now


So cant really blame OP for wanting the 35k (which I got in 2 days on 4 different characters simply by running a few flashpoints (1 tactical and 1 hm each through GF for 3 of them), Mass Exodus on 2 rep characters, and some crafting. Hell one of the 4 sitting at 50k conquest simply by crafting alone and has yet to be played at all) reduced. She has learned that not trying will eventually pay off and the developers will dumb it down so she can also be a special little flower who feels included and loved by the game developers.


I have no doubt the Guild ship cost will be lowered because of whines

I have no doubt the 35k weekly limit will be lowered because of whines

I have no doubt of this and much much more all because devs today lack a backbone to stand up and say, "NO, giving everything away is NOT whats best for our game".


OP will get her wish because others like her who wish not to even try have gotten their wishes and desires at the cost of game integrity and design.


Welcome to the new generation of gamers

Long gone are the days of earning your way and your keep.

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Aren't there only 7 heroics on Alderaan? Or is the imperial side [AREA 4] repeatable?


I was going republic - my main's imperial guild is on hiatus(I think), still gathering funds. And Republic have 8:

- three regular ones(Proof of Treason, save the operative and red-handed);

- bonus series: three killik ones(two near the speeder point, one in the Killik area, easy to spot while you're doing the other two), and two heroics on the next speeder point, near the circle.


As for the Empire, I've yet to do them more than once or twice, but I really don't think I will, after this week's grind. AREA 4 shouldn't be repeatable, no.

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I'm pretty sure the rewards are per week per legacy, not per week per toon.


I've reached over 35,000 points on 3 alts (crafting FTW), but I only got the personal reward on the first toon.


So if you're not interested in guild conquests, but do want the personal conquest rewards, you only need to get points on one toon.



Thanks for sharing this. I think that's rather important to know, for both casuals and those willing to grind it out on several characters. The way the window is set up it's easy to mistake it for a per-character reward.

Edited by KyaniteD
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Thanks for sharing this. I think that's rather important to know, for both casuals and those willing to grind it out on several characters. The way the window is set up it's easy to mistake it for a per-character reward.

Shoot, I need to apologize for the misinformation.


I thought I had 3 toons with 35k+. Instead I had 1 toon with 100k+ and two others with 25k.


Once I actually got the other 2 toons to 35k, I got the reward on each. It is a per-character reward. :o

Edited by Khevar
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two heroics on the next speeder point, near the circle.

AFAIK there's only one heroic, and one normal quest which for some reason is repeatable. Maybe I should check if the normal quest awards conquest points too...


Edit: Nope, the "retrieve holocron from sith lord" repeatable non-heroic does not count. I'm only aware of the "expose rist spies and defeat their boss" heroic in that area, so if there's another, would you kindly tell me where?

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Welcome to the new generation of gamers

Long gone are the days of earning your way and your keep.


Yeah those filthy casuals ruin everything. Just like the filthy unions that made working in factories easier. Nothing like the excitement of the good ole days of going to work and wondering if that day was the day you were going to loose an arm or even die. Man, the adrenaline rush was awesome.


Or how about them filthy school bus manufacturers. Kids today don't know how good they got it, so how can they appreciate anything when they don't have to slog 5 miles uphill in waist deep snow with only burlap bags covering your feet as shoes.


Filthy casuals. How dare they take away all our hard work that gives us the right to be special snowflakes first.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Shoot, I need to apologize for the misinformation.


I thought I had 3 toons with 35k+. Instead I had 1 toon with 100k+ and two others with 25k.


Once I actually got the other 2 toons to 35k, I got the reward on each. It is a per-character reward. :o


This bears repeating

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Please make it a 3 tier system


12 500 small reward

25 000 medium reward

35 000 big reward


as it is now i will not try to get rewards because i don't hove the time to reach 35 000 .


Quit your whining!


It is your choice to put RL ahead of game time.


/head shake/



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Yeah those filthy casuals ruin everything. Just like the filthy unions that made working in factories easier. Nothing like the excitement of the good ole days of going to work and wondering if that day was they day you were going to loose an arm or even die. Man, the adrenaline rush was awesome.


Or how about them filthy school bus manufacturers. Kids today don't know how good they got it, so how can they appreciate anything when they don't have to slog 5 miles uphill in waist deep snow with only burlap bags covering your feet as shoes.


Filthy casuals. How dare they take away all our hard work that gives us the right to be special snowflakes first.


How dare they even play MMOs and enjoy what someone else (who didn't leave their house) was enjoying! Filthy plebians!

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I would rather see a legacy wide reward. That way no matter what character I am playing I can work towards my weekly reward.


+1 I play on a variety of characters every week. this way discourages me from getting my healer alt if the team needs it. i need to stay on my dps and get ma pointz

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