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Why no cross-faction arena teams?


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That has nothing to do with cross-faction. You are getting confused. Also lol that article, 90% of that article never occurred.


Are you just being obtuse or do you really think your point of "They have never said a word about cross-faction ever" is still correct?


And the article had nothing to do with cross faction? Did you actually read it?

"We know that the flexible matchmaking and mixed matches are not ideal. They are only in until cross-server queuing is available and are the primary reason Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2 are Pre-Season, along with the opportunity to collect data and refine various systems in preparation for Season One.'

Edited by TezMoney
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Are you just being obtuse or do you really think your point of "They have never said a word about cross-faction ever" is still correct?


And the article had nothing to do with cross faction? Did you actually read it?

"We know that the flexible matchmaking and mixed matches are not ideal. They are only in until cross-server queuing is available and are the primary reason Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2 are Pre-Season, along with the opportunity to collect data and refine various systems in preparation for Season One.'


Cross faction =/= Cross-server

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Cross faction only undermines any sense of realm. Thats why swtor has one of the worst pvp communities I've ever seen in an mmo. There is no faction, everyone either side can be an enemy so you have contempt all round. The reason you have all the premade hate is their is no reason to promote better gaming on your faction as the new players on your faction are seen as farm targets too. In most pvp mmos you have some sort of realm pride and a reason for the big guilds to try and help new players come through. Theres none of this type of community in swtor.


Its not surprising all the pvp guilds were falling over themselves to get out of this game. Bioware have no idea how to do pvp in an mmo, this isnt a lobby fps/moba. Also theres no way you can balance to both arena deathmatch and warzones. They are totally different and is one of the things that really messed up the balance in warhammer. You need to balance to a defined group size.


***? You are blaming something that isn't in the game (cross faction) for making the game's community terrible... are you complaining about the fact that it will match 2 same-faction regs teams against each other, if a group of the opposing faction can't be found relatively soon? That change was entirely necessary, due to lower population. Pops vs your own faction are much better than no pops. Getting so caught up with faction v faction in instanced PvP in this game is silly. 1) This game's leveling is good, but its level of endgame content is not as good. This, in combination with the legacy system (class buffs etc.), and the fact that you have to roll new toons to experience more of the KOTOR 3-10 story, encourage altoholism. Many people play on both factions often, and don't hold much allegiance to either one. 2) The population is not high enough to maintain stable populations for both factions.


Anyway, I think I already explained why a desire for faction solidarity is a poor reason for opposing cross-faction arenas.

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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Arenas must be removed from the game completely. They do not teach people to play objectives. It's just pure deathmatch. Deathmatches must happen elsewhere, for example sieges.

So why to bother to fix it?


Arenas were designed as DEATHMATCHES


as for cross faction: NO. Sith and Republic should not join forces for the sake of lesser que time.

Edited by Ramtar
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Sith and Republic should not join forces for the sake of lesser que time.


1) It would just be for arenas


2) It's not just to lower queue times. It is also to address that fact that solo rating on any given server is easier to obtain on one faction than it is on the other. It is a serious problem when a large contributor to one's rating can be the access to intel on what good and bad players are queuing at that time, and then queuing on the "winning side" based off of that intel.


3) It would also deter queue synching, especially on the lower population faction.


4. Baron Deathmark literally says "2 teams, selected by random draw[/b"]. You think the Hutts give a flying **** about what government their gladiators pledge allegiance to?

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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best idea ever. but tor players rather premade steamroll same ole players on one side or the one que time that other faction actully does play. and rest is imp vs imp or pub vs pub . depending on server you on. caus eone faction is usally double player amount on every server. get rid of faction, implement gear check remove bolster, and lets move on....oh this tor, the elite pvper can only beat up on regs, in premades or without, yet pve or regs player cant play ranked on there teams or in solo que... so one sided as always in this game for sure.
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Eric Musco


Cross Server Queues. | 06.05.2013, 02:29 PM


While the exact details of which features will make Game Update 2.4 are still being hardened I can definitely say that Cross-Server Queueing is not in the plan for it. We’ve taken a hard look at Cross Server Queuing in the past and accomplishing it is a *significant* challenge that would take a lot of time away from other things we are working on. Emphasis on significant. It’s not forever off the table but it’s not in the plan right now.


Even though it is too early to share specifics I can say that Game Update 2.4 as it is being worked on right now has features and changes that should cause a significant improvement of queue times for ranked Warzones in particular. Emphasis on significant!

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Eric Musco


Cross Server Queues. | 06.05.2013, 02:29 PM


While the exact details of which features will make Game Update 2.4 are still being hardened I can definitely say that Cross-Server Queueing is not in the plan for it. We’ve taken a hard look at Cross Server Queuing in the past and accomplishing it is a *significant* challenge that would take a lot of time away from other things we are working on. Emphasis on significant. It’s not forever off the table but it’s not in the plan right now.


Even though it is too early to share specifics I can say that Game Update 2.4 as it is being worked on right now has features and changes that should cause a significant improvement of queue times for ranked Warzones in particular. Emphasis on significant!


Here we go again....



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I have brought this up myself, and have since seen several posts about cross-faction pvp. I think it makes perfect sense. For those who genuinely concerned with Lore, I will say you obviously aren't paying attention to the fact that you are already fighting for a hutt's amusement, which makes no lore sense at all for sith or jedi, or agents, or troopers. So that shouldn't be an argument against this. Although honestly, I could care less about the Lore when it comes to rated pvp gameplay.

The plusses are numerous and would fix a lot of solo ranked quing problems right away. Huttball could also be cross-faction just cause it makes sense the same way as arenas. You are already fighting for hutts and not for your faction, like is suggested with civil war and or voidstar.

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