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Why Keep Removing Jeelvic?


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When the Gree event ends, the Gree vendors stay.


When the Bounty event ends, the Bounty vendors stay.


When the Rakghoul event ends, Jeelvic disappears.


Why doesn't Bioware want us to purchase items from Jeelvic outside of the Rakghoul event? Also, everything in the tunnels is still EXACTLY the same (NPCs, enemies, etc) except Jeelvic has been removed (I left a character standing where he should be). Bioware actually went out of their way to make sure we can't buy anything from Jeelvic outside of the Rakghoul event. Why?

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To give the people who have the hard-to-get stuff a little bit more of a buzz from it for a little while, for that relatively short space of time before everyone and his dog have got one.


Rare stuff is cool because it is rare. When it stops being rare it stops being cool.



That's my guess. Either that or they just like being mean. :)

Edited by PLynkes
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Wait. Jeelvic is the "Typhoid Mary" of the Rakghoul Plague? Just think of all the characters with whom he's had contact. /shudder


Well, you only get infected if you lick him. He looked like a giant chocolate dipped ice cream cone, how was I supposed know?

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It's fair the way it is now. It's just a game. If it bothers someone that much they should cancel their subscription and tell BWEA that's why.

This is a pretty ridiculous answer. Why do people always feel the need to throw out the, "It's just a game" comment? We all are well aware that it's just a game but some people actually enjoy it and like to know why the devs do certain things that don't make sense. You know, it's called having a discussion.

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I think "why does one part of the game act a certain way while other, otherwise identical parts of the game play by different rules" is a meaningful question.


First, the events are not otherwise identical -- Gree is for endgame players (50-55), and the Rakghoul Resurgence is for mid- to endgame players (25-55). Bounty Contract Week is accessible around level 15.


Second, that the older events (Gree, Bounty Contract.) were already coded, so either BW wanted this event to be different for the sake of being different, or BW didn't like how something was working in the older events but didn't feel strongly enough to change how the older events worked.


Specifically, players with lots of alts can run the event all week on multiple characters and save up Reputation Trophies to use in the following weeks (since unlike comms, the amount used, not the amount gained, is capped). This is a good thing for players that don't want to have to wait, but a bad thing for developers trying to pace out events so that people have reasons to keep playing.


And the reason that the level range is nontrivial is because the more character you have that can run the event increases the number of Reputation Trophies you can accumulate per week, and thus how many times you need to run the event.

Edited by eartharioch
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Because he is the reason for the plague and bugged out for the next planet.


I hope this is it - a Jawa boss fight of some kind would both be hysterical and fun.


To the Op: I also find it frustrating. I saved all the materials for the pet he sells, but it requires Legend rank.


After the reset, I was able to get Legend, left my character in his area, but to no avail - either I could not find him, or he was gone already before the 10 seconds you get before being booted from the tunnels.


Either way, if drawing out content is a concern, leaving him there for 1 day wouldn't make all that much difference, and would allow folks who played the event a chance to get the rewards they'd want (and certainly not ALL of them).

Edited by arunav
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And the reason that the level range is nontrivial is because the more character you have that can run the event increases the number of Reputation Trophies you can accumulate per week, and thus how many times you need to run the event.


With that logic, the Bounty Hunter vendors should be even more gone after the event ends.

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It's fair the way it is now. It's just a game. If it bothers someone that much they should cancel their subscription and tell BWEA that's why.


lol... no reason to be so dense. One can have a gripe or whatever with the game and still enjoy it every day. Cancel the subscription ? That's silly....:rolleyes:

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They don't just remove the jawa when the rakgoul event ends. They remove the entire cavern area. If you happened to have a character that logged out in the cavern zone before the event closed down, as soon as you log into that character and take one step in any direction you should receive a message in giant red letters and an automatic port back to the fleet. I assume they remove the vendor to prevent any incentive to try and stick around.in an area you aren't supposed to be in.
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The reputation vendors for legacy armor and weapons remain for the Rakghoul event just like they do for Gree and BBA. Jeelvic is not a reputation vendor but a specialty goods vendor, something the other events don't have afaik. He sells specialty goods that are only available for a limited time, forcing people to make a decision within a limited time frame and making the items (relatively) rare. I like it the way it is and it would be cool if the Gree event would get its own special crystal vendor, too, that is only available for the duration of the event.
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To give the people who have the hard-to-get stuff a little bit more of a buzz from it for a little while, for that relatively short space of time before everyone and his dog have got one.


Rare stuff is cool because it is rare. When it stops being rare it stops being cool.



That's my guess. Either that or they just like being mean. :)


really cool stuff is cool because of the artwork or what it does. if it is only cool for you because there are people that want it but cant get it, you might want to seek therapy.

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It's fair the way it is now. It's just a game. If it bothers someone that much they should cancel their subscription and tell BWEA that's why.


I don't think leaving the vendor in for a week after is unreasonable, they've done it before, I believe with the first gree event, the chevin and such were left in for a week after. No reason this should be any different. It's a week, not a big deal. I'm not cancelling my sub over it, but I don't think it's unreasonable. I'd like to be able to get my new pet, instead of waiting until March of 2015 or whenever they run the bloody event again lol.

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