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TOR vs WildStar


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WS bored the crap out of me during beta, I'm waiting for a free trial to go back and see what its like in a post launch environment.


Wait for it to eventually go Free to Play. Nothing has really changed since Beta evcept some difficulties and they added MORE tells to some abilities.

PvP is Chaos.

The game is targeting the Uber hardcore player and will have to go F2P if they wanna stay afloat.

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EDIT: WildStar will have Megaservers :) Its advantage is grooowing ^^


This has to be a troll. Absolutely has to be. First of all, having mega servers can't be an advantage, since TOR has had megaservers for quite some time now. secondly, trying to sell a dying game population as a good thing is not a rational argument.

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This has to be a troll. Absolutely has to be. First of all, having mega servers can't be an advantage, since TOR has had megaservers for quite some time now. secondly, trying to sell a dying game population as a good thing is not a rational argument.


I think you missed the sarcasm in his post.

Either that or I imagined it and he was actually serious. :eek:

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its so funny, so many idiots yelling on the forums months ago about how Wildstar would do so much better than SWTOR, yet Wildstar is going do have to server merges only 3 months after launch, SWTOR at least took a few more months before it had to do merges. In hindsight the sub only system they wanted might have very well backfired on them. Also, mainly targeting hardcore players might have seemed like a good idea but in the end it did not really do much good, it would have been better to spread out and target more casual players to from what I have been hearing. Yeah, either way, I wonder what some of the people who said that Wildstar would not go down as fast as this game did will have to say now, its sure to be hilarious :D


Yeah they can still recover, anyone know if they have said anything about going f2p? because I know some people said that the developers said that the game would shut down before going f2p. And also that they made the extremely ridiculous claim that "one day a game will beat WoW" and heavily implied that they were going to do it. Hey if they let go of the whole notion of a sub only model and go to a hybrid model they could very likely pull out, and if they target casual and light-core players as well as the hardcore players. But until then and unless they do things could get worse.

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Also, mainly targeting hardcore players might have seemed like a good idea but in the end it did not really do much good, it would have been better to spread out and target more casual players to from what I have been hearing.

I agree that they should have added casual level end game alongside the hardcore content but targetting hardcore players only never sounded like a good idea to me.


The hardcore players from years ago have grown up now and don't have the time to play, and the younger players that fill in the hardcore gaps now have too much choice gamewise (back then it was only really WoW and a few others, that was your choice and you stuck with it) and they don't tend to have the patience to grind for months. A lot of players don't want to do that anyway, it's a really bad business model to make people pay monthly for it on top.


I'd only really consider going back if they dropped it to f2p and added casual level content.

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I agree that they should have added casual level end game alongside the hardcore content but targetting hardcore players only never sounded like a good idea to me.


yeah I just said "seemed like a good idea" because several months ago on these forums some people when talking about wildstar kept shouting about "filthy casuals" and how wildstar would destroy this game as they were targeting "hardcore players" and I even saw one say that everything should be built around hardcore play and that casuals should just follow through as anything that works for hardcores would work for casuals. Yeah I know in hindsight these people were highly opinionated of themselves and kind of ignorant.They just kept shouting random stuff acting as if they were the majority. Appealing to hardcore is a very good idea but only if they don't sacrifice casual players and casual content as well.

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yeah I just said "seemed like a good idea" because several months ago on these forums some people when talking about wildstar kept shouting about "filthy casuals" and how wildstar would destroy this game as they were targeting "hardcore players"

Yeah, as if TOR is a game which appeals to the truly "hardcore" in the first place. If all the truly "hardcore" (however we define that) players left TOR, the game wouldn't even notice.

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Yeah, as if TOR is a game which appeals to the truly "hardcore" in the first place. If all the truly "hardcore" (however we define that) players left TOR, the game wouldn't even notice.


they apparently did when Wildstar came out. But I noticed people in chat days later and weeks later saying they were back and yelling about Wildstar. Similar thing with ESO before that. a small bump in fleet totals, but in the end nothing that everlasting, at least on my server. It was just embarrassing to watch them talk about how they were "forced" to come back after leaving to play Wildstar or ESO ( and wasting a bunch of money on the game release when they maybe should have waited to see if the game was good before investing so much in it ).

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PS: Before you start crying at me, saying that ToR is better, omg, omg. I stopped playing Wildstar because I like star wars universe more. Still, Wildstar beats ToR with their features.


No TOR wipes the floor with WIldStar in every way. I mean does WS have fully voiced quests? Raids that actually work? Yeah. So I respect your opinion but no WS is most certainly not better.

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. They could also get rid of this stupid min 3 characters to commit search thing, like you can't search Mask of Revan because of "of" in between..


Search on gtn is fine. if you want to search for Mask of "Revan type" in "mas rev" and it will find it.

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Search on gtn is fine. if you want to search for Mask of "Revan type" in "mas rev" and it will find it.


Yeah, but when you do Shift+Click it won't find it. You'll have to delete "of". You know, to be honest, we don't need HM or NiM Operations, we can just play SM with gear for level 10 :)

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No TOR wipes the floor with WIldStar in every way. I mean does WS have fully voiced quests? Raids that actually work? Yeah. So I respect your opinion but no WS is most certainly not better.


The biggest problem of WS is graphics, but in terms of solutions, it's really good game. It was more expanded in day of its premiere than TOR after 3 years.

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The biggest problem of WS is graphics, but in terms of solutions, it's really good game. It was more expanded in day of its premiere than TOR after 3 years.


Since my first mmo, I never look to play an MMO for good graphics. There are other types of games to play if I wanted good graphics. Graphics is close to the last thing I'd care about in an mmo.

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The biggest problem of WS is graphics, but in terms of solutions, it's really good game. It was more expanded in day of its premiere than TOR after 3 years.


graphics isn't the problem with WS and is not the reason the game hasn't succeeded.

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Yeah, sadly it doesn't have Star Wars Universe behind.


warhammer is one of the oldest most expansive intellectual properties out there that's been used in games... nearly as old as Star Wars. didn't save Warhammer MMO any. and neither did star wars label save Galaxies (and no, the game was dying LONG before SWTOR came along). ESO is sort of limping along despite being set in a universe with a very large number of existing fans.


I know its hard to accept... but there are other factors that determine success of the game. setting a game in a universe that already has existing fans? that's only enough to get people to try it. its not enough and has never been enough to keep people playing it.


windstar's problem was not graphics (whether you find art style appealing is entirely subjective opinion). it wasn't original IP. it was 1. game design itself - niche game hoping to break into non niche markets. 2. the fact that developers were even more stubborn and inflexible than original TOR team. 3. the fact that market is already saturated so you have to have more than one hook to keep your players playing and paying.

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The OP. The one who decided to make a foolish list before he left for "greener pasture", then come crawling back because he saw something he liked.


You know why I decided to not comment in this thread? Because of people like you. My list is not foolish. WildStar is way better than TOR in many ways. All you can say is that I'm stupid troll. Why? Because you don't have any arguments to prove me wrong. I'm referring to all people answering in this thread.

And yeah, the main reason why so many people are playing this game is Star Wars Universe and also memories of KotOR.


warhammer is one of the oldest most expansive intellectual properties out there that's been used in games... nearly as old as Star Wars. didn't save Warhammer MMO any. and neither did star wars label save Galaxies (and no, the game was dying LONG before SWTOR came along). ESO is sort of limping along despite being set in a universe with a very large number of existing fans.


I know its hard to accept... but there are other factors that determine success of the game. setting a game in a universe that already has existing fans? that's only enough to get people to try it. its not enough and has never been enough to keep people playing it.


windstar's problem was not graphics (whether you find art style appealing is entirely subjective opinion). it wasn't original IP. it was 1. game design itself - niche game hoping to break into non niche markets. 2. the fact that developers were even more stubborn and inflexible than original TOR team. 3. the fact that market is already saturated so you have to have more than one hook to keep your players playing and paying.


Sorry, but Star Wars is much more powerful Universe. In my opinion, this is the most powerful Universe ever created, next to Harry Potter.

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