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Solution to hte premade problem. Elietest It cant be all player ability


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Solo ranked shouldn't even exist.


Then there wouldn't be any ranked at all. BW aren't going to spend time on a game system that only a handful would use.


Problem with the "everyone can premade" argument is most don't as all the pvp guilds left, including mine and wouldn't touch a game with such shallow pvp. I doubt conquest will be anything more than a dailies for pvpers zerging down marked pve heros.


So you're stuck with mostly pve casuals that just dick around with no competitive spirit, some pvpers from other games that are dicking around in pve while running pvp solo and some pvp premades hanging on in deluded hope that bw will do something real with pvp. The pvpers and the pvers should never be put against each other unless its with a matchmaking system or its always going to be a bloodbath and its **** to be stuck on that team.


Just get rid of ranked and rank everyone. Dont let the ones with **** ranking in matches with better players.

Edited by Tellenn
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I know how you can reduce your premade problem. Q solo ranked. I mean, its ok in your mind that a group of 4 has to, then why don't you just do it yourself?



BTW, you might still see premades there. It can happen but guess what. If you did all that you say, they could get in regs the same way they do it there.

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Usually, yes. On this subject however, where the solution is so simple, I must simply state it: Grow a pair.


Excuse me, but I was under the impression that it were the ones that are scared ******** about having to face other premades with their own premades who need to "grow a pair".

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I don't understand why premades are so hell bent on making sure they fight PUGs as much as possible. I also don't get why people think that people who solo queue should get **** on so much. When I solo queue and i see 2 healers on the team I'm like awesome, until i realize that the WZ is almost over and i haven't been healed once.....awesome. Edited by HanSollo
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I don't understand why premades are so hell bent on making sure they fight PUGs as much as possible. I just don't understand why people that queue solo should get **** on so much. When I solo queue and i see 2 healers on the team I'm like awesome, until i realize that the WZ is almost over and i haven't been healed once.....awesome.


Premades aren't hell bent on making sure they fight PUG's. Premades want to make sure they don't have to sit in q for 30mins for a pop.

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Premades aren't hell bent on making sure they fight PUG's. Premades want to make sure they don't have to sit in q for 30mins for a pop.


So you want to give the game perimeters addressing the circumstances in which you are willing to play, and then ***** about how long it takes to get a pop. If you don't want to wait then solo queue. If playing with your friends is so much more important then accept the wait time. This is a case of having your cake and eating it too, if your unwilling to play without your friends then you should have a longer queue if you don't care about who is on your team only that your playing then you should have a shorter queue. That's more fair, if an explanation is needed i will provide one.

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It's been multiple years and people are still expecting their random normal warzones/arenas to be fair? 2 four-man premades don't always beat 8-man PUGs. There are so many potential issues with same queues and different queues that it's not worth trying. Both sides have some valid arguments and so they chose the option of the fastest games, while allowing players to play with people they enjoy without having full teams. It's a reasonable compromise for a game mode that is just there to get games going.


If you change it to something like a group prioritization, there are issues with that system as well. You will constantly be getting the same opponents as you just finished a game with the correct composition of groups and re-queued. This will be highly negative when you keep getting opponents who are vastly better/worse than you.


You will also see more 8-man premades. If the queue is going to put my 4-man premade with another one to face another 2 four-man premades, then queue syncing has a lot of the work done for them. It won't be a perfect setup, but will make it that much easier.


You have a higher population of 4s and 2s, so 3s will get left out more often than not since another 3 is required to get to an even number or the 1 guy that gets put in solo will be mad that he isn't with other solo queuers.


All of these are issues with the queue prioritizing group compositions. If you queue into the reg queue to just play a game and have some fun, then do that and don't complain that the random queue is random. If you want a fair fight, queue ranked.


TL;DR Don't expect more from regs than they are intended to be used for.

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I don't understand why premades are so hell bent on making sure they fight PUGs as much as possible.


I'm don't understand why PUGs never figured out to make friends and group up as much as possible.


See, I can do that too.


PS: Premades =/= automatic win in WZ's.

Edited by Pistols
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So you want to give the game perimeters addressing the circumstances in which you are willing to play, and then ***** about how long it takes to get a pop. If you don't want to wait then solo queue. If playing with your friends is so much more important then accept the wait time. This is a case of having your cake and eating it too, if your unwilling to play without your friends then you should have a longer queue if you don't care about who is on your team only that your playing then you should have a shorter queue. That's more fair, if an explanation is needed i will provide one.


Or you can start treating the game like an MMO and stop solo queuing?

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I'm don't understand why PUGs never figured out to make friends and group up as much as possible.


See, I can do that too.


PS: Premades =/= automatic win in WZ's.


I don't understand why people don't understand why people dont get that some of us prefer the chaos of PUG groups


Or you can start treating the game like an MMO and stop solo queuing?


Your right they should just take the solo queue option out all together. I'm sure that wont have a negative effect on queue times at all.

Edited by HanSollo
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Your right they should just take the solo queue option out all together. I'm sure that wont have a negative effect on queue times at all.


You must not understand, "solo queue" is only available in ranked, there is no solo queue in unranked, only "queue solo", they are very different from each other. If they completely eliminated solo queue, unranked warzones would be unaffected in the grand scheme of things.

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So you want to give the game perimeters addressing the circumstances in which you are willing to play, and then ***** about how long it takes to get a pop. If you don't want to wait then solo queue. If playing with your friends is so much more important then accept the wait time. This is a case of having your cake and eating it too, if your unwilling to play without your friends then you should have a longer queue if you don't care about who is on your team only that your playing then you should have a shorter queue. That's more fair, if an explanation is needed i will provide one.


Uhm... solo q would be much longer wait too genius. Also...what's wrong with having you cake and eating it?

Edited by TezMoney
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The one and only problem with premades is that they are not forced to go vs other premades, period!


It's an MMO, so if players want to queue up together they should be able to. It's Bioware's fault for not having cross server queues and for not forcing premades vs premades. It does happen, but not as often as it should.

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The one and only problem with premades is that they are not forced to go vs other premades, period!


It's an MMO, so if players want to queue up together they should be able to. It's Bioware's fault for not having cross server queues and for not forcing premades vs premades. It does happen, but not as often as it should.


Thats because they only had the idiots guide to mmo design from 2004 in the BW library.


Like everything else pvp and server queues are a dinosaur.

Edited by Tellenn
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Thats because they only had the idiots guide to mmo design from 2004 in the BW library.


Like everything else pvp and server queues are a dinosaur.


Yup, how many of you have been in a group with 7 other solo queuers and get put against 2 premade teams of 4? Great coding!

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The one and only problem with premades is that they are not forced to go vs other premades, period!


It's an MMO, so if players want to queue up together they should be able to. It's Bioware's fault for not having cross server queues and for not forcing premades vs premades. It does happen, but not as often as it should.


The queue system does factor in premades though which BW has said themselves and through my own experience this is true. I rarely if ever see a premade when I solo queue. When I queue with a group almost every match the other team has a premade.


With that said, the only problem is solo players refusing to play an mmo like an mmo. Its a social game, learn to socialize. Half the time when I'm in a premade I just mess around. Hell one time I only did rapid shots with no cell and still out dpsed all the pugs on our team and the enemies team. So really, premades are not the problem, pugs are. Remove premades and the same people crying will still lose because the people crying tend to be terrible at the game.

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The queue system does factor in premades though which BW has said themselves and through my own experience this is true. I rarely if ever see a premade when I solo queue. When I queue with a group almost every match the other team has a premade.


With that said, the only problem is solo players refusing to play an mmo like an mmo. Its a social game, learn to socialize. Half the time when I'm in a premade I just mess around. Hell one time I only did rapid shots with no cell and still out dpsed all the pugs on our team and the enemies team. So really, premades are not the problem, pugs are. Remove premades and the same people crying will still lose because the people crying tend to be terrible at the game.


Nobody said you can't premade. Just that there needs to be separate queues.


I've ran in my guild premades for years in other games. This games pvp is/was way too shallow to keep any of the serious guilds from my previous pvp mmos interested. Its just warzones. No realm, no owpvp, just queue and valor grind.


To get me to find a new guild spend the time building up a team when I don't have as much free time as did at college and uni when I'd join guild nights every day. Just ain't going to happen in a game like swtor where theres nowhere near enough pvp to make me want to commit what free time I have long term, saving that for camelot unchained. In a casual game like swtor thats the majority too.

Edited by Tellenn
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The queue system does factor in premades though which BW has said themselves and through my own experience this is true. I rarely if ever see a premade when I solo queue. When I queue with a group almost every match the other team has a premade.


With that said, the only problem is solo players refusing to play an mmo like an mmo. Its a social game, learn to socialize. Half the time when I'm in a premade I just mess around. Hell one time I only did rapid shots with no cell and still out dpsed all the pugs on our team and the enemies team. So really, premades are not the problem, pugs are. Remove premades and the same people crying will still lose because the people crying tend to be terrible at the game.


And your opinion is formed from your experience. If you solo queued and were up vs premades most of the time, you'd probably think different.


The problem is not the solo queuer, it's the matchmaking system that does not exist.


All most people want is to have fun competitive matches, and that rarely happens, at least on the server I am on.

Edited by BocaProwler
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I am reporting the fact that I am tired of premade pvpers in the game. IT gets exhausting and down right feelings of homicide to play against premade teams. IT make it hard for those that do not have premade teams in pvp. Then they troll and bully your cause they say you suck etc... when in fact one may not suck just cant play very well with 4 people ganking them at a time in pvp. I love pvp but I am tired of the harassment and cyber bullying in pvp. Her is the solution after my *****:


1. Only allow groups of premade 4 to ONLY que for Ranked matches.

2. Allow premade groups of 2 to only que together in general pvp levels 10-29, 30-54, and 55.

3. Never let que of two in general pvp to be in the same match EVER.

4. Groups of 4-8 can que for ranked as a compromise

5. Allow ranked to be matches of 8v8 or 4v4

6. Disable or take away emotes taunting/bullying and "say chat in pvp matches.

7. if someone quits a pvp match make them have a 30 min ban from queuing for pvp, unless it is for a DC or something like that.


Bioware please fix this issue as there are players leaving daily cause of this cyber bullying and abusing others in pvp.


1. doesn't cover the point about really bad pre-mades. There are a lot of them. guildies that are just queueing together to do some daily pvp for ***** and giggles. But now they have to do ranked? They'll just stop pvping. thus, bad solution


2. why 2? what about 3? What's to stop multiple groups of 2 to queue sync and do the same thing? Why can't I play with my friends and guildies?


3. Thus increasing queue times for groups. queue times can be bad enough as it is, but if you tell people that if they want to group with their friends, then they'll have to double their queue times? They'll just quit and go else, thus a negative solution that will never happen.


4. Ranked 4's already exist. Ranked 8 needs to come back.


5. agree


6. Trash talking is part of every competition. If it bothers you, there are ways to solve this. Report them, and at minimum, you can /ignore them if they are really obnoxious. And taking away people's ability to /say chat after a match and maybe actually say something nice, give props, or even apologize to a trouncing, takes away chances for good sportsmanship. Thus bad form. Add that the cyber bullys that are doing it to scrub teams really only make themselves look like douches and doesn't do themselves or their guilds any credit.


IMO, trash talk should exist, and people should only do it in competitive matches. Putting people on tilt is a viable tactic. And can be effective, for example, you are the one trash talking, the come runnign and gunning for you while a stealth sneaks behind and caps a node. I've been on both sides of this. However, in a non-competitive match, trash talking really serves zero purpose.


besides, trash talking isn't a pre-made issue at all. it's a people issue


7. bad idea. People will just find a way around it. alt-fr4 out and/or open task manager and close the game, etc... does the same thing, but no consequence. besides the simple reason that if someone doesn't want to be in a match, let them go. i'd much rather have a guy engaged in a match than someone that doesn't want to be there that stealths out and goes and hides in a corner afk. Forcing people to stay in there only encourages afk'ing thru a match.



Thus, pre-mades are not the problem. This whole article stems from a couple or more pre-made stompings by ******s. The main thing, as said, is that in non-competitive matches, good pre-mades need to stay quiet and just just win, show some class. Even further, if you trounce an opponent, when not in a pre-made, anyone should stay silent and have some class.


pre-mades come in all shapes an sizes.


Some are just friends that are bad pvpers queueing to enjoy playing with friends and guildies. They don'tchat, they don't ventrilo, they don't have coordination.


Some are guildies in voice chat, but are bad at pvp, so while they might be a tad more coordinated, they'll still lose a ton just because they're not that good, but voice chat tends more to be about hanging out talking than pvp strategy and coordination.


Some pre-mades are made in /pvp chat channel, and those come in all shapes and sizes and qualities.


Some pre-mades are made through performances garnered through pvp matches. Friends are made by noticing someones performance. and then invited to join a pre-made. It's how guilds are formed and competitive teams are made.


Some pre-mades of guidlies, in voice chat. They're good, they'll win and stomp the competition. It happens. It happens to everyone, even those in these pre-mades when they are solo queueing. It's part of the game.



As a side thought here too. Not allowing a pre-made, say a group of 4 to queue in norms is also just bad form for BioWare. For example, a ranked team is forming, and just getting to know how they play together, they need a place to play and in essence practice together, thus they pre-made, queue for a reg, and see how they play together. Strengths, weaknesses, improvements, etc.... Because in the ELO system, winning your first 10 matches pretty much matters more than the next 30. thus asking a pre-made to just auto queue for a ranked match when they aren't ready for it, is a recipe for destroying their ranking before they have a chance.

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And your opinion is formed from your experience. If you solo queued and were up vs premades most of the time, you'd probably think different.


Then problem is not the solo queuer, it's the matchmaking system that does not exist.


All most people want is to have fun competitive matches, and that rarely happens, at least on the server I am on.


Talk about selective reading. Did you not see the sentence right before the one you highlighted? It will make your entire argument moot.

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Talk about selective reading. Did you not see the sentence right before the one you highlighted? It will make your entire argument moot.


Except I did not quote you, so what's the point you are trying to make? I quoted Raanu (or something close to that) not you, I didn't have any comment on your post since my opinion pertains to premades.


and again, the problem is the matchmaking or lack of such.

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I am reporting the fact that I am tired of premade pvpers in the game. IT gets exhausting and down right feelings of homicide to play against premade teams. IT make it hard for those that do not have premade teams in pvp. Then they troll and bully your cause they say you suck etc... when in fact one may not suck just cant play very well with 4 people ganking them at a time in pvp. I love pvp but I am tired of the harassment and cyber bullying in pvp. Her is the solution after my *****:


1. Only allow groups of premade 4 to ONLY que for Ranked matches.

2. Allow premade groups of 2 to only que together in general pvp levels 10-29, 30-54, and 55.

3. Never let que of two in general pvp to be in the same match EVER.

4. Groups of 4-8 can que for ranked as a compromise

5. Allow ranked to be matches of 8v8 or 4v4

6. Disable or take away emotes taunting/bullying and "say chat in pvp matches.

7. if someone quits a pvp match make them have a 30 min ban from queuing for pvp, unless it is for a DC or something like that.


Bioware please fix this issue as there are players leaving daily cause of this cyber bullying and abusing others in pvp.


so, adding a side question.


did you look and/or inspect your teammates ahead of time? If half your team is 1400expertise or lower, chances are you're gonna get stomped.


Also, other things to notice that no amount of expertise can solve, ie 5 guys running to pylon at the beginning of the match and all 5 try to click the plyon and no one plays defense. one long shadow holds 5 guys hostage rotating their mez around and no one tries to find him and attack him. 5 people clicking does not make it cap any faster.


being drawn away from a node while a stealth capper slips in behind. no calls when guarding a node. not trying to get open in huttball or one guy thinking he can score when 6 ppl are attacking him and is a ball hog and won't or doesn't know how to pass.


These are siimple reasons that pre-mades, and hell, non pre-mades rofl stomp opposite teams. And it's not because they are uber geared, and better, and in voice chat, etc... It's that they are playing objectives, know the wz, know the strats, and know how to win.


would you, as an example, have your center be the guy that tries to dribble the ball up court and your point guard trying to defend the basket and grab rebounds?

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