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The game is failing, it has only 1 mil players log in every month to play :(


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I see great future for SWTOR. And I hope they continue to add systems like GSF and housing (still hoping for Swoop Racing or Pazak).


People only view the mechanics themselves of GSH (its just fluff for decorations) and completely miss the potential social events that can occur


*Build Your Own Dueling Arena for your friends and server members to attend from both factions.


*Have your own Bar/Nightclub for people to gather and RP and interact with at night.


*Create your own shop to sell Items you craft to others.


Not everything in this game has to focus on combat sometimes the moments to relax are just as fun as the action pact aspects. And there will be certainly alot of action with the conquest system coming.


I see great potential with 2.9 alone and can't wait for what they have in store with 3.0


Let me preface by saying I too see a lot of potential...however...the way SWTOR is split up into instances, I fear more activities that continually split the pool of players per server. This could easily be fixed with a server wide chat feature, which already exists in various forms (trade, guild, custom), but Bioware seems reluctant to expand it.


MORE is great!!! I just hope they plan accordingly.

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Legacy storage is no longer all that expensive.


You can't really blame Bioware for not implementing server wide chat. At least as many people don't want it as want it. Annoyance factor aside, it would scroll at a ridiculous rate with that much chat in one window.

Edited by errant_knight
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Or the Ebon Hawk :D


But I also would like to point out that Content is more than just Operations/Raids and Harder Difficulty. They took this year to implement things people have been asking for since launch (GSF, Housing, Guild Capitol Ships). Now they have implemented these systems they can improve upon it. this game has great hope for the future. And most amazing thing is they are still pushing for the level cap expansion for this year (which many people here doubted they would).


I see great future for SWTOR. And I hope they continue to add systems like GSF and housing (still hoping for Swoop Racing or Pazak).


People only view the mechanics themselves of GSH (its just fluff for decorations) and completely miss the potential social events that can occur


*Build Your Own Dueling Arena for your friends and server members to attend from both factions.


*Have your own Bar/Nightclub for people to gather and RP and interact with at night.


*Create your own shop to sell Items you craft to others.


Not everything in this game has to focus on combat sometimes the moments to relax are just as fun as the action pact aspects. And there will be certainly alot of action with the conquest system coming.


I see great potential with 2.9 alone and can't wait for what they have in store with 3.0


I wonder if you're secretly spying on my Guild's chat. We have plans to have Dueling Tournaments at a guildie's Tattooine Homestead. The huge empty Thrasher room is perfect for it.


I'm also planning to turn my Nar Shaddaa Palace into a Night club. I really wish they'd let us rename them.


Lastly, I have plans to use my DK spot to sell my rare crystals.

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They can have one. In my stronghold on Nar Shaddaa. This just in! New Cartel pack called "The Romance Pack" has everything for your great nights in your stronghold.! Vibrating bed, love seat AND chair along with rose petals, dimming lights and Barry White playing on your very own astromech droid and some exotic twi'lek dancers for all your needs! Come and get them while they last!


*spice not included*


I wouldn't be surprised if this and 50 reskins with CC slots were put in housing gamble packs.

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I wonder if you're secretly spying on my Guild's chat. We have plans to have Dueling Tournaments at a guildie's Tattooine Homestead. The huge empty Thrasher room is perfect for it.


I'm also planning to turn my Nar Shaddaa Palace into a Night club. I really wish they'd let us rename them.


Lastly, I have plans to use my DK spot to sell my rare crystals.


I have no Idea what you are talking about *packs up the orbital listening device and makes the jump to hyperspace*


But seriously I plan to turn my Nar Shadaa Sky Palace into a Casino/Nightclub and My Coruscant into a Store for my Droid Parts and Armor sets

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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Amazing retention rate right here. 1 million login's per month over the last 9 months is nothing to be sniffed at I can tell you. Don't forget WS and ESO came out within the last 9 months. Google " swtor 10 million " for some ketchup ( source ).





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I have no Idea what you are talking about *packs up the orbital listening device and makes the jump to hyperspace*


But seriously I plan to turn my Nar Shadaa Sky Palace into a Casino/Nightclub and My Coruscant into a Store for my Droid Parts and Armor sets


I'm really hoping they add some functionality to this. I have a ton of speeders to sell, want to set up a used speeder lot under the tarp on Tatooine. Stick a couple jawa salesmen out there.


Among other things. I am afforing my stronghold and all the rest on the strength of my crafting. I'd love to be able to have a store front type feature....

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Different teams for different games.


Now, these games ain't made to the code of just one team,

What might be right for one, may not be right for some.

A game is born, it's a game of means.

Then along come two, they got nothing but their code

But they got, Diff'rent Teams

It takes, Diff'rent Teams

It takes, Diff'rent Teams to make a game.

Every games got a special kind of story

Every game finds a way to shine,

It don't matter that you got not alot

So what,

They'll have theirs, and you'll have yours, and I'll have mine.

And together we'll be fine....

Because it takes, Diff'rent Teams to make a game.

Yes it does.

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I thought the game was going to close down after the F2P conversion and it would go down at the worst failure in MMO history.




I love it when the trolls are wrong.


That doesn't mean we are fine. It just means a group of people (admittedly a minority) were dead wrong. I agree that we need some new OP and FP content soon,

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I thought the game was going to close down after the F2P conversion and it would go down at the worst failure in MMO history.




I love it when the trolls are wrong.


That doesn't mean we are fine. It just means a group of people (admittedly a minority) were dead wrong. I agree that we need some new OP and FP content soon,


Totally agree, this game is flourishing, I have no doubt that each SERVER has 1 million or more players SUBBED!!


Despite the few trolls, I'd say the content has brought in at LEAST hundreds of thousands of new players just in the last 2 weeks or so, specifically from the far East, which is amazing!! PvE, RP, PvP and oh so much more has gone beyond expectations, and I have no doubt this game will hit the 5 million player mark once this new update hits!!!

Edited by Pistols
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Now, these games ain't made to the code of just one team,

What might be right for one, may not be right for some.

A game is born, it's a game of means.

Then along come two, they got nothing but their code

But they got, Diff'rent Teams

It takes, Diff'rent Teams

It takes, Diff'rent Teams to make a game.

Every games got a special kind of story

Every game finds a way to shine,

It don't matter that you got not alot

So what,

They'll have theirs, and you'll have yours, and I'll have mine.

And together we'll be fine....

Because it takes, Diff'rent Teams to make a game.

Yes it does.


What'cha talkin' 'bout ikinai?

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Totally agree, this game is flourishing, I have no doubt that each SERVER has 1 million or more players SUBBED!!


Despite the few trolls, I'd say the content has brought in at LEAST hundreds of thousands of new players just in the last 2 weeks or so, specifically from the far East, which is amazing!! PvE, RP, PvP and oh so much more has gone beyond expectations, and I have no doubt this game will hit the 5 million player mark once this new update hits!!!


See above. Keep pushing the goal line out so success of any kind is labeled as a failure in your mind.


They could announce they solved world hunger and you would make it negative. Carry on ol chap.


Kind of funny how utterly wrong the "game will shut down" and "will be dead in 6 months" trolls were.

Edited by Arkerus
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See above. Keep pushing the goal line out so success of any kind is labeled as a failure in your mind.


They could announce they solved world hunger and you would make it negative. Carry on ol chap.


Kind of funny how utterly wrong the "game will shut down" and "will be dead in 6 months" trolls were.





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SWTOR is so busy, some of its team is working on another game as well. I'm sure its because they are doing so well and all that massive content that has been released this past year is all done.


You honestly don't know how it works, do you? Let me explain...


I work for a large world wide company. My department is divided into several different projects. There are 20 of us. We do several different engineering projects at the same time, yet we get them all done and flourish and start new projects.


That is how companies work these days. Just an FYI...

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Personally I HATE NCSoft for cancelling City of Heroes. Never going to buy one of their games again.

And as for the strongholds, from what I have read and seen on youtube, I will pass on it, Correct me if I am wrong ,but it is 98% just decorating and the only "good" thing was the legacy storage. But it is too limited and expensive.

My first experence with Base building was with COH, I had a Hero side and villian side Bases. I was the only member of the super groups, and I spent 8 months + soloing to get the credits to build them, I bought generators,and rooms and storage racks, and 12 teleports for the different zones(plus unlocking each of the zones). They were very functional. and very good looking, I never used any of the decorations . they were a lot of fun to use . From what I have seen of strongholds, I will skip


COH had real bases..and the prestige for making them came out automaticly and did not affect your money generating efforts. you just had to play.

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You honestly don't know how it works, do you? Let me explain...


I work for a large world wide company. My department is divided into several different projects. There are 20 of us. We do several different engineering projects at the same time, yet we get them all done and flourish and start new projects.


That is how companies work these days. Just an FYI...




...and are you most of the time late with your projects? Promise something and give something else?

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Did not read all comments.

I wouldn't be sorry if this game failed badly with this type of management.


When game released they opened so many servers without checking population numbers.

When people started to whine on forums that servers were empty, many other people called us trolls.

When people started to stop paying for an empty server BW was working on mighty legacy system(i am sure legacy system will save the world one day) instead of merging servers.

When they merged servers people already had quit.

I can count at least 20 people who used to play in Tott Donetta server who had quit cos there was no pvp.

We were kill trading with REPS at ilum.

2 years have passed and they still haven't or couldn't fix engine problems, i love typing stuck at least once a day.

I love PVP lag.

Now i play with 3 other friends who are new to game complaining about lag. We all play GW2, we don't pay for it and we have no problems.

At this point even if they change whole game engine, who can promise it won't have issues?

How many people would return?

And, also i pay this game with 73 ms while playing other games at 20-40 ms. Dunno why.

Starfighter is what i expected from this game when i started, loved it. Now Eve Valkyrie is on its way, if its good, i won't have any other reason to play this.

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