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Give SWTOR a Chance - Any Feedback Welcome


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i dont know why people like to complain so much about the release of the game and how it was too soon, it should of never been released etc etc. In my opinion you guys are all wrong, this game is perfect, i havent had a problem with anything in this game and yes you may say what about server queues, i really don't mind waiting in a 10min queue to play a great game.


I think everyone has come into this game expecting it to be like WoW, with the mods and dungeon finder etc etc ( this is what everyone is complaining about ) but look at it this way, was the launch of WoW any better than what SWTOR release was... NO IT WASNT, WoW when it was first launched kept on crashing, lagging and yes there were maintances EVERYDAY. Like come on did WoW have a dungeon finder and Mods first week of release...


I think Bioware/EA/Lucasarts did a great job with this game and everyone should give it some time


P.S - Did i mention that i love this game :)

Edited by Anthonyyy
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I enjoy the game and have no reason to complain. Why everybody else is complaining is beyond me.


If people are at level 50 already, it begs the question as to how much time they have to dispense.


If people are already lvl 50 then they must of skipped every cut scene in the game in order to get to end game content. They will be the first to quit

Edited by Anthonyyy
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This is a fantastic game. Any game needs a growing period. Nothing, not even WoW, was this polished at release, with the exception of Rift. Heck, look at all the problems with Skyrim. Can't even play the thing on a PS3! And people defend Bethesda. Give them a freakin chance people, it's only been out less than a week.
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this is one of the best forums i have seen on here. i am glad to see people having common sense. and you are so right about everything. people complain about bugs but are you kidding me have you seen how much crap wow has been threw its almost sad. i think people need to let the game actually be out for more then a few days before they make this huge judgement like they actually know what they are doing when it comes to creating these games.
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You want some feed back


Here goes,


How about the rail shooter they call space combat?


How about the mario brothersesque search for datacrons?


How about the end of story Zergs one is forced you to do?


This game is flawed in an architecural way. They didn't make an MMORPG, they made a single player game and modified it to be an MMO..I am BSed , I feel duped.


I want my purchase money of the digital download and the 6-month sub fee.. returned. they are welcomed to the $5 pre-order fee, thats all they should get for this steaming turd.


Now we can expect the sychophantic fan-boi sock puppets to chime in on how wrong I am and how it's the greatest game ever. Yes we now you are affiliated to BW/EA. Your whisper campaign didn't work for WAR, it won't work for TOR either

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You want some feed back


Here goes,


How about the rail shooter they call space combat?


How about the mario brothersesque search for datacrons?


How about the end of story Zergs one is forced you to do?


This game is flawed in an architecural way. They didn't make an MMORPG, they made a single player game and modified it to be an MMO..I am BSed , I feel duped.


I want my purchase money of the digital download and the 6-month sub fee.. returned. they are welcomed to the $5 pre-order fee, thats all they should get for this steaming turd.


Now we can expect the sychophantic fan-boi sock puppets to chime in on how wrong I am and how it's the greatest game ever. Yes we now you are affiliated to BW/EA. Your whisper campaign didn't work for WAR, it won't work for TOR either


That's a bit of a bleak outlook, don't you think?


Anyway, you are at least somewhat correct; the game isn't great

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They forced the game out with many bugs and a complete lack of easily implemented widely requested features by the 25th because they wanted the holiday sales revenue.


That is the issue I have... for the sake of bottom line they pushed out an unfinished product. The fact that new Operations and Flashpoints are even on the radar, much less a MONTH away is completely unacceptable with how many small staple features they're missing, and how many bugs exist.


I guess they're shooting themselves in the foot with the same bullet Rift did... force out garbage content month after month hoping it keeps people around. The difference is that it will come at the cost of ignoring the smaller requests people are making.


Hopefully they make me eat my words and have everything fixed and small features implemented over the next month before that new content gets added, but I'm probably correct. (Stephen Reid said in a post that more UI customization is on the horizon, but not a big priority. It's like they don't read forums at all. NO ONE has asked for more Ops or FP's.

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I'm giving it a chance — one month to be exact


If drastic improvements aren't made in that time, they won't be recieving additional payment


what kind of DRASTIC improvements are you looking for. you should give so examples of what you are wanting because how are they supposed to give these improvements that you want with out knowing what they are. also try and give them more then 30 days because it takes a lot of work to get things done for a game like this

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what kind of DRASTIC improvements are you looking for. you should give so examples of what you are wanting because how are they supposed to give these improvements that you want with out knowing what they are. also try and give them more then 30 days because it takes a lot of work to get things done for a game like this


I already have an entire thread about which changes are the most crucial; just look at the link in my signature


Didn't want to de-rail this guy's thread with that much text

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I already have an entire thread about which changes are the most crucial; just look at the link in my signature


Didn't want to de-rail this guy's thread with that much text


so you want them to give you all that in one month. ok i am sure that will happen. things take time and most people on this board expect things to be given to them over night.

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When I walk into a major city, planet ect ect and after walking around for over a hour I see 3 or 4 people Im not playing a mmorpg.

I canceled my sub until this is fixed and if its not oh well it will be forgotten just like Aoc was because of its shard system.


that weird because i saw a ton of people yesterday when i was playing.

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When I walk into a major city, planet ect ect and after walking around for over a hour I see 3 or 4 people Im not playing a mmorpg.

I canceled my sub until this is fixed and if its not oh well it will be forgotten just like Aoc was because of its shard system.


The people aren't mostly in major cities because they're in other zones, leveling.

If you only see 3 or 4 people in other zones... You must be playing at 5 AM

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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Yeah there's not many people on..

I mean, there's only 4 people on Balmorra right now, seriously? This isn't an MMO

Although it is 8:00 A.M. and I am a fair bit higher than the general server population...

Whatever, I'm too dumb to connect the dots, I'll just go on forums and complain ;)

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if sharding becomes to big of an issue for a majority im sure they will do something about it as well. but once more things take time. i am not sure how many of you have done programming before but it take forever to find that one or two lines of code that are causing the problem. just give it time i am sure they will get to the bugs and features people want
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if sharding becomes to big of an issue for a majority im sure they will do something about it as well. but once more things take time. i am not sure how many of you have done programming before but it take forever to find that one or two lines of code that are causing the problem. just give it time i am sure they will get to the bugs and features people want


You don't get a second chance to make a first impression.

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Even at prime times there's not much of a difference. People wouldn't be saying this as commonly as they are if it wasn't true.


that weird because i saw a ton of people yesterday when i was playing.


It is a natural human reaction to assume that what you experience and think is what other people experience and think. However, I assure you that it is not that case, and recommend that you keep that instinct in check in the future.

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I think everyone has come into this game expecting it to be like WoW, with the mods and dungeon finder etc etc ( this is what everyone is complaining about ) but look at it this way, was the launch of WoW any better than what SWTOR release was... NO IT WASNT, WoW when it was first launched kept on crashing, lagging and yes there were maintances EVERYDAY. Like come on did WoW have a dungeon finder and Mods first week of release...

I'm loving the game as well but it has a lot of shortcomings like those you mentioned' but I trust they will be rectified!


Yes wow had full addons on launch, complete ui packages was ready from start ;) I didn't have crash issues with wow but I don't have them with swtor either!


Ui modification is a must for a mmo to be successful In the long run today, imo.

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