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Which planet will you put your primary Stronghold on?


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I don't know. Because of stupid limts!


The ones I like are only for one faction and have no starship hook. They are not the real deal.


But on Tatooine I don't like the tiny rooms under ground. Outside there are not many hooks to place something. So I don't like Tatooine. Much space outside that can't be used, and tiny rooms in a maze under ground. Bad design.


On Nar Shadda I don't like the wall textures and the rooms layout.


I like the look of Dromund Kaas, but it's just an incomplete discount Stronghold.


Maybe I ignore Strongholds and make credits with crafting for Strongholds. Or I simply throw my stuff on Nar Shadda for points, without caring about decorating.


BioWare made so many wrong decisions... there is no Stronghold I like and could use without limitations.

Edited by discbox
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Consular -> Coruscant, because he has to be close to the core of the Republic.

Jedi Knight and all the "Leave me alone universe!"-characters > Tatooine, because Hermit and such

All the moneygrabbers, opportunists, showoffs and crime lords -> Nar Shaddaa, because of BlingBling and being close to the credits.

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Free Nar Shaddaa for the first few days/weeks. I'm alarmed by the number of bug reports that look like "I've unlocked this and that, and then it reverted back to the locked state", and since it's my nerves and my money, I'd rather wait, even if it's just credits and cartel coins.


Also, I did overspend. Revan's, Dread Forged relics, white crystal, mats, more mats - when that nine-figure amount suddenly becomes a really long way away, you start worrying.

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I will be getting all of them, but I have no idea where will I make my primary house, because no planet really has the feel I would want from my primary place (I want Tython SH), or lack something (I would be fine with Coruscant, but it does not have a ship hook). So I guess I will end up on Nar Shaddaa, in a floating fortress above the metropolis Edited by Aries_cz
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At first I wanted the Tatooine one but after recognizing the things sticking out of the walls and totally wrong hook limit of 300 with loads of space (one nice room with rest being abandoned or plain looking rooms?) The Nar Shaada one just looks ugly (neon lights - headache *ugh*) I was considering the DK one too but I really dislike dark spaces and rain so coruscant fits perfectly for me. I am already planning how to decorate it :D


My plans:


First Floor

Second Floor


I used the balcony platform for the duelling area so that classes can use their push/pulls :w_big_grin:


EDIT: I used the Kaas Stronghold map since I took the maps from dulfy - layout stays the same anyway

Edited by theskullwalker
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Tatooine for all my toons. I like the openness, and having outdoor areas. A nice view, with the balloon and sandcrawler moving in the distance. The Tatooine rooms are low on my list. I will probably unlock one or two rooms, but I’m in no rush to do so. The rooms are all the same ... round, windowless. Not real appealing to me. The Docking Bay doesn’t interest me at this time. It's nice, lots of space, but I’m not planning to do a lot of decorating. There are a few decorations I want. A mix of functional decorations primarily, and a few other decorations that I like.


I'll probably get both of the Capital world Strongholds, without unlocking additional rooms. I'll get functional items for those Strongholds -- mailbox, cargo bays and GTN, but no decorations.


I don't plan to use the Nar Shaddaa Stronghold at this point. My existing toons will use Tatooine. Capital world Strongholds for use by any new toons I create, until they can access the Tatooine Stronghold. I don't dislike the Nar Shaddaa Stronghold. I just prefer the look, and layout, of the Tatooine Stronghold.


Over time, I can see myself putting more and more decorations in the Tatooine Stronghold. But, slowly, not on any particular schedule. If I see something I like at a good price, I'll get it. If not, I'm okay with not having a lot of decorations.

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Tatooine for me.


It was either Tat or Nar, so all Alts can easily come and go. And the view from the balcony sealed it for me. I love being able to look out and see the rest of my SH from there.


Plus, Nar Shadaa just feels slimy to me (as a planet) (ok, moon).


Same for me here, for the exact same reason. I feel like I have to have that balcony.

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I don't plan on having a main Stronghold; I will divide up my legacy between the four. Currently, none of my individual characters will inhabit more than one Stronghold.


Coruscant will be my most "lightside" Stronghold for my Vanguard/Sentinel/Shadow/Scoundrel/Sage/Commando.


Dromund Kaas for some of my Sith and darker characters. Juggernaut/Juggernaut/Marauder/Sorcerer/Assassin/Sniper/Operative/Power Tech.


Nar Shaddaa for my more underworldly types. Operative/ Power Tech / Operative/Gunslinger.


Tatooine for my Mandalorians and their allies. Mercenary/Gunslinger/Sentinel/Guardian


I'll need to start saving in order to unlock everything on Tatooine though. I will reduce the population density of these Strongholds as more are released on other worlds.

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Nar Shaddaa. OOC its the one I get for free with extra rooms so make the most of it, but IC its a major trade hub with a great nightlife and is open to anyone doing anything.


Besides, how many other planets do we visit in this game that might actually be nice places to live? Everywhere else seems to have either sucky weather, civil war, or be an armpit in the middle of nowhere.


I'll stick with Space Vegas, thanks.


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I no longer intend to buy the Tatooine Stronghold. I'm just going to use the free Stronghold on Nar Shaddaa. The Dromund Kaas and Coruscant Strongholds don't cost much, so I'll probably get them. But, no room unlocks on those. I was planning to make the Tatooine Stronghold home base for all my toons. I just did some checking on the things I wanted most.


Cargo bay and GTN. Lots of mats in order to craft the prefabs for them. Okay.


Legacy cargo bay with all tabs unlocked (at the lowered prices). Sure.


Male Twi’lek dancers need Cartel certificates. RNG for dancers? Fine. No thanks, but fine.


Personnel to use for vendoring items and repairs are also behind a Cartel pack certificate wall? I don’t mind paying credits or Cartel Coins for items. However, I’m not fond of paying credits or Cartel Coins for a chance at something.


And, no training dummies for Strongholds at all. :(


I have a mailbox, cargo bay, GTN, repair droid, and training dummy on my ships. My interest in decorating was always minimal, far, far below functional items I regularly use. The Legacy cargo bay is nice, but not nice enough to drop 2.5 million credits on the Tat Stronghold to use it. So, no Tat Stronghold for now. If things change, sure. For now, no.


I got swept away by the look and layout of the Tat Stronghold, without first researching what would be available for it.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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Was planing to make Tatooine my main one but really not sure, or as a two month subscriber(at this moment) just go with Nar Shada if i get part of it unlocked for free.


Wonder if they add more of them over time or not.

Edited by Racjel
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I'll be getting them all.

- My main pub will own Coruscant.

- My main imp will own DK.

- My sentinel who is in Bloodguard Sand People gear and has Doc in the cartel Sand People gear will get Tatooine. (naturally)

- And my Sniper who is oh so suave will get Nar Shaddaa, and probably make that my main stronghold, due to no home planet (Coruscant and DK) gen chats, and that I already have a good ***** of it unlocked.

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Most subscribers will go for free unlocks of NS. Otherwise spend 9000 cc to be a hermit on Tatooine and live in quite solitude.


The main thing I am interested in is not having to deal with reactivation costs for Strongholds. BW stated that if you unlock the first room with CC then you avoid the reactivation costs. Then you can unlock the rest with credits.


So I dunno if you know them but I would be interested to know what the unlock prices are in CC for just the initial unlocks of each Stronghold.

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My Sith Warrior is my Main, and I always wanted a Kaas penthouse with a donwtown view. Yeah, the lack of a starship hook is a bit of a bummer for me too, but I still really like the location and layout. I plan on doing a very Sith Empire heavy theme there.


After I'm done settup up Kaas the way I want I will probably start working on Nar Shaddaa, since I'll have it mostly open already anyhow. I will probably go luxury hotel theme here.


I'll get to tat and cor eventually.

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My primary stronghold will be my main's family compound (and secret Jedi Academy) on Tatooine.


Secondary will be a loose association of bounty hunters, smugglers, and rogue agents based on Nar Shaddaa


And 3rd will a couple of troopers sharing an apartment on Coruscant.


My siths just fly around a lot;)

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