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Regarding Dark Project mats.


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It's also a nice way of getting the PVP kills per planet if you're on a PVE server. Just means that any guilds using their smarts will have two ops groups ready, one for the kill, and one to defend against any others deciding to get involved and try to stop the kill. :D


Not really because you would need three groups, one to kill one to stop others from killing their commander, and then one to defend the first group. But even them unless you have like 100 guildies on the planet you will likely need to withdraw the second group back to bolster the guys defending the group going for the kill.


If you interfere with another guild's attempt on a commander, you made your own attempt a prime target. And the thing is, even if you post a bunch of guards, wiping your attempt on the commander is vastly easier and requires far lower manpower. If I am trying to retaliate on you, I don't need to match your numbers, All I have to do is bull through your picket line into where your group is fighting the commander, and then cause enough trouble to cause a wipe. I don't even have to kill anyone, just CC, taunt, and interrupt.


Thus even a small guild could easily deny a far larger one in retaliation.

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I'd rather have a PVE path linked to current content and not lvl 50 content and not in an OW PVP zone. Say what you like, but I joined a PVE server for a reason.


So, you want an EXTRA reward for doing what you are already doing, rather than actually having to put forth some additional effort to earn those rewards?


Why am I not surprised?

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I'd rather have a PVE path linked to current content and not lvl 50 content and not in an OW PVP zone. Say what you like, but I joined a PVE server for a reason.

Sure. I am aware that you really don't like owPvP, and I do understand your reasons why -- you've been very clear on this subject.


I have to say, there's a certain level of irony here, which I hope hasn't escaped you.


In the past, I've seen people on this forum express disagreement with decisions the devs have made (that impact their preferred method of play). I have also seen you respond to such posts in a rather harsh and dismissive manner.


It would be nice if, in the future, your responses to others disagreements with developer decisions showed a bit more empathy, now that you've had a similar experience.

Edited by Khevar
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Sure. I am aware that you really don't like owPvP, and I do understand your reasons why -- you've been very clear on this subject.


I have to say, there's a certain level of irony here, which I hope hasn't escaped you.


In the past, I've seen people on this forum express disagreement with decisions the devs have made (that impact their preferred method of play). I have also seen you respond to such posts in a rather harsh and dismissive manner.


It would be nice if, in the future, your responses to others disagreements with developer decisions showed a bit more empathy, now that you've had a similar experience.


I can't help how anyone sees or reads my posts. I can say, however, that if I came off as dismissive without good reason, then I do apologize.

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Sure. I am aware that you really don't like owPvP, and I do understand your reasons why -- you've been very clear on this subject.


I have to say, there's a certain level of irony here, which I hope hasn't escaped you.


In the past, I've seen people on this forum express disagreement with decisions the devs have made (that impact their preferred method of play). I have also seen you respond to such posts in a rather harsh and dismissive manner.


It would be nice if, in the future, your responses to others disagreements with developer decisions showed a bit more empathy, now that you've had a similar experience.


Orson Welles agrees with you, kind Sir. Good show.

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I'm coming from an RP server.. I say let us figure out what to do with the commanders instead. We don't need Bio telling us how to play the game. Putting them in the pvp area is solely trollbait and has nothing to do with pvp for pvp's sake on our server. Pvp servers wouldn't care either way for obvious reasons, and the pve servers well... they can figure it out themselves since they can't choose a side and stick with it.



Edited by siegeshot
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Dark Project prices are working as intended. They are supposed to be a lot of effort to get.


I'd really like to hear what their intention is for the amount of time it should take in played time to actually upgrade the ship, and whether their current design is aligned with that number.


I'd guess that whatever number they came up with (assuming it was given more thought than "make it haaard!"), their current implementation far exceeds it.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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..................And I'm not complaining about having to farm mats at all. The problem I have is that I feel like the farming should be of current content and not content that many of us have done for years now.


Possibly for the first time ever I find myself agreeing with you and am not sure I like it!


It remains to be seen in live if awards/rewards etc will be received retrospectively for achievements etc, somehow I doubt it, and I have zero intention of "redoing" any achievements.

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Possibly for the first time ever I find myself agreeing with you and am not sure I like it!


It remains to be seen in live if awards/rewards etc will be received retrospectively for achievements etc, somehow I doubt it, and I have zero intention of "redoing" any achievements.


The only rewards given for Achievements are decorations and it is confirmed they are given retroactively so I'm not sure what you are referring to here? It has no relevance to a discussion about Dark Project materials.

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I'd really like to hear what their intention is for the amount of time it should take in played time to actually upgrade the ship, and whether their current design is aligned with that number.


I'd guess that whatever number they came up with (assuming it was given more thought than "make it haaard!"), their current implementation far exceeds it.


Sigh. Guess the idea is that once big guilds have finished grinding through ship unlocks, they will stop hitting top10 and other guilds will get a chance for some progression, 6-9 months i guess. That or I am seeeriously overestimating the number of guilds out there and underestimating the number of planets concurrently in play.

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Sigh. Guess the idea is that once big guilds have finished grinding through ship unlocks, they will stop hitting top10 and other guilds will get a chance for some progression, 6-9 months i guess. That or I am seeeriously overestimating the number of guilds out there and underestimating the number of planets concurrently in play.


I doubt that the huge guilds will stop farming the Conquest system by choice. It's good money and something to do.

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One of the advantages of being on the PTS was knowing that grade 7 exotics were going to be in high demand. A few players accumulated stacks and stacks of these items.

For the rest of us, having to run grade 7 Ops just for a RNG crafting drop is ridiculous. That is no reason to play.

Besides that, the amount of materials needed for frameworks is overwhelming. Someone needs to yank some zeros out of those numbers.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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Guilds done by 3.0? Wont happen.

Care to make a wager on that? :D

I felt like digging this up.


Quraswren was pretty confident that nobody would fully unlock their guild flagship before 3.0 dropped. (Although not confident enough to take my wager :cool:)


And yet, at least one guild (Triumph on the Shadowlands) has unlocked a third of their flagship rooms on their flagship in a single week. I wouldn't be but a bit surprised if there were many guilds who have unlocked multiple rooms already.


My wager offer is still open ... :p

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Well, you know what they say, quantity over quality, at least in the case of conquests. We will be waiting for the 1 out of 11 chance that 12 planets come into play to see if we manage to roll a lucky planet and hit the top10 :)
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I felt like digging this up.


Quraswren was pretty confident that nobody would fully unlock their guild flagship before 3.0 dropped. (Although not confident enough to take my wager :cool:)


And yet, at least one guild (Triumph on the Shadowlands) has unlocked a third of their flagship rooms on their flagship in a single week. I wouldn't be but a bit surprised if there were many guilds who have unlocked multiple rooms already.


My wager offer is still open ... :p


if you regularly kill commanders, especially named ones its not impossible at all. get together 24 of your guildies. 2 basic commanders and you have a framework done (or a start of 2, depending on whether you go the same type or different ones) get couple of groups of 24 going in different instances and/or on different planets, kill a few commanders every day, get some named ones with their frameworks... for large guilds that can manage groups these size? no big woop. coupled with getting into top 10 on the leaderboard with members going on alts as well as their mains to multiply number of inscriptions their can get.


yeah, I can see some guilds being done before 3.0


commanders are farmed and/or protected which is awesome for world pvp, but doesn't work out so well for guilds that cannot field larger groups of people. those will take much slower. and dark project mat requirements still suck IMO /shrug

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I doubt that the huge guilds will stop farming the Conquest system by choice. It's good money and something to do.



Conquest is probably one of the biggest credit and time sinks in the game. You don't make money doing conquest, you spend it.

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Conquest is probably one of the biggest credit and time sinks in the game. You don't make money doing conquest, you spend it.


Maybe you do. But, I've made millions, even counting how much I've spent on other stuff. Time spent? yes. money spent? lol no

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Conquest is probably one of the biggest credit and time sinks in the game. You don't make money doing conquest, you spend it.


That was posted before 2.9 hit live and we had a proper overview with all our savings and stores nearby. And yeah, I totally agree, the subtitle "Would sir like some credit sinks in their grinds?" applies to 2.9 even better now that we saw conquests.


Don't get me wrong, I like tinkering with my stronghold and occasionally having a reason to do old content, but the whole system is so thoroughly oriented towards quantity over quality (large guilds and top10 rewards, stronghold completion bonuses) and insane sinks (crafting: mats, rest: time and regrinding stuff over and over and over and over for the RNG gods to have mercy on you) that it is just sad.

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Maybe you do. But, I've made millions, even counting how much I've spent on other stuff. Time spent? yes. money spent? lol no


If by making money you mean selling mats to other people that are spam crafting for points maybe. However outside of the makeb weekly none of the actual conquest objectives are money makers, and since everyone is spam crafting for points the market is flooded with invasion forces and war supplies so there is no money to be made there.

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