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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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Think you can even get a refund if you bought it from Origin, 14 days I recall after the official launch.

In the end you either pay them for their poor services or stop your sub.


I would ask people to cancel anyway even if they want to refresh it so you just give them a clear warning.

You can write why you do it so they might take the hint.

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Over this? That's a bit drastic and silly. Aren't you working until 4/5/6/7PM anyway?


So you're saying of one's working until 3PM it's fine that after work he won't be able to play for few hours+extended each week? Or people that work/learn only on certain days during a week, and mainainence day have free, they also are supposed to be fine with this?


It might be drastic, but since they refuse to aknowledge that current time intrudes on playtime of many europeans, or give serious response for any other issue on those forums(*), it doesn't bode well for our future. So it might be better to drop out now and save yourself frustration.




*OK, I've browsed Dev tracker, and there are some responses, still, most of them are of "we're looking at this" kind. They could do much better here, like with matching color to chest

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Over this? That's a bit drastic and silly. Aren't you working until 4/5/6/7PM anyway?


Regardless this is absolutely astonishing and does need tweaking. It's more when the maintenance runs on for an extra five hours. So 4PM turns into 9PM. That has my worry. But that won't happen often. Perhaps once a month, once every two? Even then it's unfair. North America would break this forum in two if it was the other way around.


As i stated earlier, unsubbing is a great way to provoke forth a response from BW/EA. And the more people unsub over this, and make notes that this is the reason they are unsubbing, the quicker BW/EA will sort this issue.


They wish to earn money, and therefore has to act when their costumers are unhappy with the current situation.



And no, i dont work at that time. I live at work 4 months a year, the remaining 8 months is 'vacation' as i have enough hours during the time at work to qualify as a 100% job.

Edited by jihn
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I'm tired of the whole "why do you care you should be at work" argument.


A great proportion of the community are higher education students who have irregular school times, or people working irregular hours, night shifts or 4/5days a week.


Also, the peak time argument fails, as there are still a great, great many people who want to play at those times. Less than peak time, but still a lot.

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We are just asking for a fair treatment, it is not fair that an american customer get the downtime while he is sleeping and dreaming with Katy Perry or angels... and a european player is eating every week a patch during the day.

Just turn the downtime in europe and america and you will see how mature and understandings are their customers there.

Just as an experiment the next patch time do it this way.


I support this :D

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We are just asking for a fair treatment, it is not fair that an american customer get the downtime while he is sleeping and dreaming with Katy Perry or angels... and a european player is eating every week a patch during the day.

Just turn the downtime in europe and america and you will see how mature and understandings are their customers there.

Just as an experiment the next patch time do it this way.


I would almost agree to this. It's not gonna fix anything, but I would love to see the responses of some of the holier than thou US players I've seen responding to the various threads about this issue...

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Originally Posted by Erelenko

We are just asking for a fair treatment, it is not fair that an american customer get the downtime while he is sleeping and dreaming with Katy Perry or angels... and a european player is eating every week a patch during the day.

Just turn the downtime in europe and america and you will see how mature and understandings are their customers there.

Just as an experiment the next patch time do it this way.


I would sub just to see that.

I can tell you it won't be as civil as this topic haha.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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I'm tired of the whole "why do you care you should be at work" argument.


A great proportion of the community are higher education students who have irregular school times, or people working irregular hours, night shifts or 4/5days a week.


Also, the peak time argument fails, as there are still a great, great many people who want to play at those times. Less than peak time, but still a lot.


I think you're confusing "a great proportion" with "a vocal minority."


Bioware has tooled their scheduled maintenance to a time slot that will effect the least number of players, period. They have the numbers, and they made the decision based off these numbers.


Obviously, you're upset that this effects you negatively, and that's understandable. But calling the developer's competence into question over it is silly at best, and selfish at worst.


They may eventually split maintenance schedules between the two server bases, once the game is running smoothly and they have a solid and consistent playerbase. But until then, you and others who are getting the short end of the stick should consider trying to understand the situation and bearing with it, instead of bombarding the forums with incessant whining.

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I think you're confusing "a great proportion" with "a vocal minority."


Bioware has tooled their scheduled maintenance to a time slot that will effect the least number of players, period. They have the numbers, and they made the decision based off these numbers.


Obviously, you're upset that this effects you negatively, and that's understandable. But calling the developer's competence into question over it is silly at best, and selfish at worst.


They may eventually split maintenance schedules between the two server bases, once the game is running smoothly and they have a solid and consistent playerbase. But until then, you and others who are getting the short end of the stick should consider trying to understand the situation and bearing with it, instead of bombarding the forums with incessant whining.


You assume a lot with your post.


Besides numbers show that during night/morning servers are light, while around 14:00 they are very heavy/full and at 17:00-18:00 they have queues.

Extended maintenance will go right into the peak hours.


I call incompetence on their behaviour and communication, especially since you know their competitors do it better.

This isn't about them calculating, this is just poor EU service.

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I think you're confusing "a great proportion" with "a vocal minority."


Bioware has tooled their scheduled maintenance to a time slot that will effect the least number of players, period. They have the numbers, and they made the decision based off these numbers.


Obviously, you're upset that this effects you negatively, and that's understandable. But calling the developer's competence into question over it is silly at best, and selfish at worst.


They may eventually split maintenance schedules between the two server bases, once the game is running smoothly and they have a solid and consistent playerbase. But until then, you and others who are getting the short end of the stick should consider trying to understand the situation and bearing with it, instead of bombarding the forums with incessant whining.


1. The game has barely been live. What numbers are we talking about?

2. Least players in the game, globally maybe. EU? Definitely not. They even admit the new wednesday maintenance might be extended. As soon as it does it cuts into EU prime time.


You might call it a vocal minority. But don't forget, not everyone wants to visit these forums. I know various people who all agree this is *****, they don't post here however because they don't bother going to forums. But hey, we'll see won't we. The longer this keeps up, the more 'forum shy' folks who're pissed are going to show up and start posting.

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the only way to make a company feel they're making mistakes.. is their wallet.


Money talks indeed.


If everyone that cancels their sub sends either a ticket ingame, or a message through http://www.swtor.com/support/form

Stating that they think this maintenance schedule is unfair to non US players and that it needs to be adressed as soon as possible.

That should send a clear signal to the folks in charge, and get them to pay attention.


A possible solution to the fact that there will always be some people affected by the maintenance could be to rotate it, shifting it forward 6 hours every week.

That way every timezone gets their share of downtime, but atleast it's fair to everyone.


And for God's sake, get a European calendar or something, because the maintenance for next week is in a holiday period for many countries in the EU.

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And for God's sake, get a European calendar or something, because the maintenance for next week is in a holiday period for many countries in the EU.


Which countries have the 4th Jan as a holiday period?


I agree with most of the things people are posting on this subject, but Im still not getting this whole 'Jan 4th is a holiday'

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Bioware has tooled their scheduled maintenance to a time slot that will effect the least number of players, period. They have the numbers, and they made the decision based off these numbers.


Explain this to me please, because I don't understand what numbers BioWare is talking about. The game has been live for less than 2 weeks, during holidays when fewer people play as is. How do you think this will look in January when the normal daily routine resumes? Does BioWare have those numbers as well? Did they base their decision on beta population (which would be ridiculous)?


So please, do tell, where would the numbers come from? Other MMOs do have separate schedules so they obviously have different numbers. Are they all wrong and is BioWare right, or could BioWare maybe, just maybe, have screwed up big time?

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Bioware has tooled their scheduled maintenance to a time slot that will effect the least number of players, period. They have the numbers, and they made the decision based off these numbers.

Realy? What numbers? To quote myself,

On a side note, I wonder how did they came to a conclusion that least people play on tuesday?

Because that's day early acces began and in following days more and more people were playing?

Because that's day game officially launched and in following days more and more people were playing?

Because last tuesday during those hours amount of people playing was equal zero?



They may eventually split maintenance schedules between the two server bases, once the game is running smoothly and they have a solid and consistent playerbase. But until then, you and others who are getting the short end of the stick should consider trying to understand the situation and bearing with it, instead of bombarding the forums with incessant whining.

Playerbase that has no problem with way they do things? Yeah, that's smart.



Almost as smart as taking down forums during mantainence, helps avoid noticing how many people have problem with this.

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WOW lost a lot of subs lately and I can tell you most of these people don't bother posting on the forum, they just quit because they got bored.


In the end various companies have showed that you can do maintenances during EU down time.

They also showed that an extended maintenance can happen.



Ending your maintenance at 17:00-18:00 with risking an extended maintenance is pretty stupid.

You're risking subs and you show that compared to other companies you care less about costumer service.

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Which countries have the 4th Jan as a holiday period?


I agree with most of the things people are posting on this subject, but Im still not getting this whole 'Jan 4th is a holiday'


Over here (Netherlands) most schools and higher learning institutes have two weeks of holiday during christmas and new year.


But it's not a holiday per se, most employed people still need to work. (That said, alot of them are taking 1-2 weeks off work)

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They could just move it back 2 hours and start at 12AM CST, would help a bit in my opinion on the EU times.


Even though I would rather have it done 2 maintenance cycles, one for each time zone.


Actually they could take them down at 11AM CST, after all people need to go to work.

That one hour less should not be to painful while you can prefer for bed and such.

This will solve the problem for the EU and won't cut down a lot of US time.


See you have two good solutions for the problem , that wasn't to hard.

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Even though I would rather have it done 2 maintenance cycles, one for each time zone.


I don't see why this is so hard. The only argument I've heard so far is so that both American and European servers are patched at the same time and players have access to new content simultaneously.


I'm pretty sure people are more annoyed at being locked out of their game for a day than not being able to down the latest raid boss at the exact same time as the Americans...


As for convenience on BioWare's side, that's entirely secondary. Your customers should be king, but right now the European customers are the court's jester -_-

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Cut a border in between the EU and US servers and get it over with. These maintenance times are ridiculous. I'm losing all my free time gaming here considering i work at night times, a problem i never had with other games since they're clever enough to do their maintenance in night times. Wake the hell up Bioware. Your maintenance times are as bad as your customer support! Edited by LordRaevin
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