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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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Actually you don't play the same price.


Their prices in euroes are the same as their price in dollar -- The numerical value, I mean.


And since the Euro is worth more, Europeans pay more.


For the game itself, for the subscription, for everything.


Lol.. and still I feel like a second-rate customer.

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While today is still classed as a holiday in many parts of Europe and many of you may still be off work or school, this downtime slot was chosen for a number of reasons.


Firstly, in the past, we've talked on a number of occasions about how we will run a global service. Many players raised concerns that patches/updates would land later in the EU than in the US. We stated that as we're running a global service, we'll do everything we can to make sure the updates go live in both regions as close together as possible. For this to be achievable, we need to run maintenance at the same time.


Secondly, although many of you are able to play at this time, this is actually one of the times in the day (and the week) when we have the lowest number of players in game. It's certainly far from peak. Given that many of you are still on holiday, today's maintenance may feel a bit more out of place than usual, but in the future, the number of users impacted will be even smaller.


Finally it's also worth noting that today's downtime was a little longer than usual and in the future, shouldn't be the case.


So hopefully that's gone some way in shedding a light on the reasons as to why we've chosen this slot.

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don#t make the mistakes of other mmo's listen to communities, i payed since vanilla UO they

did it perfect at the beginning , every week at 5pm, server time (europeans like me survived that , not huge ones take out the bugs as the come along

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Originally Posted by ChrisCollins

Firstly, in the past, we've talked on a number of occasions about how we will run a global service. Many players raised concerns that patches/updates would land later in the EU than in the US. We stated that as we're running a global service, we'll do everything we can to make sure the updates go live in both regions as close together as possible. For this to be achievable, we need to run maintenance at the same time.


Secondly, although many of you are able to play at this time, this is actually one of the times in the day (and the week) when we have the lowest number of players in game. It's certainly far from peak.


It might be one of the times when there are the lowest number of players in the game, but I'll bet the European servers are actually quite busy at 5pm. I'm sure that if you continue to use that time period, the European servers will be much less busy at 5pm everyday of the week. MMO players rarely need a good reason to quit playing a new MMO and your handing them a fairly decent reason to get annoyed.


If the maintainence goes a little over as it did today you are cutting into European players prime/peak time hours. It might not be what you'd classify as prime/peak time worldwide, but it's bloody prime time for the Europeans and using marketing speak to fob us off only riles everyone up even more.

Edited by CedrionKatar
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Today very much highlighted the need to stop treating EU customers so badly. It was a bank holiday. The game was out of action most of the day. It is ridiculous that BW persist in treating us like second class citizens.


Our maintenance should be at the same equivalent time as the NA region. If this had been a middle of the night maintenance as you favour your NA customers with then it would not have had anywhere near as big an impact.


You can't even run forums that can cope with the sheer numbers of people that try and get on while you persist on messing everyone around.


Split it all up. Give the EU their own separate forums and separate maintenance. That way we wont be second class. Hell I'd even settle for having it a day later than your priority customers NA region. Do theirs at 2am their time then do us at 2am our time next. It would be a damn site better than this mess you have at present.

Edited by Xerda
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10am - 7pm - hardly a 'couple of hours'


If this becomes the Weekly maintenance I expect to pay lower subs than other mmo's.


In all other mmo's we pay for 7 days. In SW:TOR we pay for 6 days.


I hope today's fiasco was a one-off. If this becomes the norm, if European Players lose a full day per week, I truly believe SW:TOR will lose a great majority of its European market.


Either that or alternate it, so the US lose a day every other week.

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10am - 7pm - hardly a 'couple of hours'


If this becomes the Weekly maintenance I expect to pay lower subs than other mmo's.


In all other mmo's we pay for 7 days. In SW:TOR we pay for 6 days.


I hope today's fiasco was a one-off. If this becomes the norm, if European Players lose a full day per week, I truly believe SW:TOR will lose a great majority of its European market.


Either that or alternate it, so the US lose a day every other week.


A full day is 24 hours.


And WoW often goes down on tuesdays, so your statement about all other MMOs is incorrect.

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Personally, I wish they would either...

1. Switch to a rolling outage schedule, where they only down a single server at a time. This would leave enough servers operational that people making alternate characters to play would not overwhelm the remaining servers. It would also allow everyone to continue playing at whatever time frame works best for them.


2. Switch to a "live update" process, where they can perform most required maintenance without having to take the servers down at all. Guild Wars has been doing this for many years, so I know it is possible.

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Regardless of whether their lies try and say it's off-peak, what happens when extended maintenance is needed and it starts eating up "prime-time"?


What happens to all the people that don't work/go to school/college/uni on Tuesdays, or finish their day early?


What happens to the other Europeans who are already 1 or more hours ahead of the UK?


This is just a massive FU to the EU player base, and with EA I can't say I'm surprised. I knew this sort of thing could be a problem, but I thought that because it was Star Wars it might win me over.

Well the lack of communication, the non-existent customer service and the fact that I pay the same if not more than those in the US, and get a worse service is leading me to consider cancelling already, which is a shame as I do like the game. However, I will not pay a company that treats it's customers this badly.

Before this I had already decided to do my best at avoiding EA titles in the future, and this experience hasn't exactly helped change my opinion.


inb4 trolls.

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I also would like to have maintenance scheduled according to time zone...


Every time there is a maintenance (and yeah, we know there *is* a need for maintenance in order to raise quality of the game), we pay for a service which isn't available... Same for queues, BTW...


Having a case like yersterday (27-Dec maintenance) is really frustrating for an European: that's between 10AM and almost 8PM without being able to play - during a day in the holidays seasons where many are on vacation (sometimes only to play the game).


Thanks in advance,

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While today is still classed as a holiday in many parts of Europe and many of you may still be off work or school, this downtime slot was chosen for a number of reasons.


Firstly, in the past, we've talked on a number of occasions about how we will run a global service. Many players raised concerns that patches/updates would land later in the EU than in the US. We stated that as we're running a global service, we'll do everything we can to make sure the updates go live in both regions as close together as possible. For this to be achievable, we need to run maintenance at the same time.


Secondly, although many of you are able to play at this time, this is actually one of the times in the day (and the week) when we have the lowest number of players in game. It's certainly far from peak. Given that many of you are still on holiday, today's maintenance may feel a bit more out of place than usual, but in the future, the number of users impacted will be even smaller.


Finally it's also worth noting that today's downtime was a little longer than usual and in the future, shouldn't be the case.


So hopefully that's gone some way in shedding a light on the reasons as to why we've chosen this slot.



Im sorry, but this is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard from a dev... that 1am to 7am has a higher percentage of online players than in the afternoon?

i sincerely doubt that you even looked at the stats and just pulled that information out of the ether.

This needs addressing, and it will not go away until it has been.

I would spend more time addressing the problems and less time making stuff up tbh.

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If this continues I will be cancelling my sub. I do not pay to lose 4 days out of every month. I can ONLY play during the day and I work nights.


If the USA thinks the middle of the day is a fine time to schedule updates then how about you have the updates in the middle of the US day? Or at least alternate it. I could accept it if every second update was in the day here. but, atm this is just shafting the EU players.

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Apparently Bioware wants all the money, but none of the hassle from EU customers.

I wonder how the yanks would like it if their EU car dealership closes on non EU office hours?

Fact is, many people play this game only because it has EU servers, and not to lose gametime to maintenance performed on a US schedule.

If you add the fact that EU players paid more for the purchase of the game, AND pay more for their subscription, you'd expect some consideration from BW, not the attempt to sweep this under the rug by deleting a valid petition.


+1 for OP

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A full day is 24 hours.


And WoW often goes down on tuesdays, so your statement about all other MMOs is incorrect.


WoW's regular maintenance hours are between 3am and 11am CET, on the occasion it does get extended it's still usually back before early afternoon. BioWare's hours are already into the late afternoon meaning if the maintenance needs extending then it can only go into the early evening, which is not acceptable.


I simply will never believe that there are less players on between 11am and 5pm than there are between 3am and 11am. BioWare are telling lies to it's community. The reason they chose this time slot is because it's when the least US players are online because they did it when most people were in bed.


All we want is to have our maintenance at the same time in our own time zone. The maintenance slot yesterday was planned between 4am and 10am CST, so therefore they should do the EU maintenance between 4am and 10am CET, that is fair. If that means we receive our patches a day later due to the time difference, then so be it. I think the majority of EU players would accept that.

Edited by Mandrax
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all we want is to have our maintenance at the same time in our own time zone. The maintenance slot yesterday was planned between 4am and 10am cst, so therefore they should do the eu maintenance between 4am and 10am cet, that is fair. If that means we receive our patches a day later due to the time difference, then so be it. I think the majority of eu players would accept that.


+ 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000

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System Message: "Bioware is losing reputation with EU User"

System Message: "Mass client account cancelations incoming"


At least in my personal case, if they continue doing the manteniance in US time I'll cancel my subscription and I'll never buy a BW game again.

If they want only US players, don't sell the game in Europe and don't ignore a great social mass like ours.

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System Message: "Bioware is losing reputation with EU User"

System Message: "Mass client account cancelations incoming"


At least in my personal case, if they continue doing the manteniance in US time I'll cancel my subscription and I'll never buy a BW game again.

If they want only US players, don't sell the game in Europe and don't ignore a great social mass like ours.


I'm not one to say that I'm going to be cancelling, and I probably wont, at least not until I get bored with the game, but people shouldn't have to even threaten cancellation.


BioWare need to show some fairness to the EU players. Maintenance should be in the small hours like it is in almost every other MMO. I don't know of a single MMO that plans it's maintenance during the daytime. It's a really stupid time to do maintenance.

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The "many players" argument in regards to patches flying out earlier in certain timezones is, pardon my language, büllshìt.


The only reason they're going for a global simultaneous patching is because it's more viable financially. Understandable, no qualms, but an MMO of this scale has to offer multiple patching windows to their core timezones' customers. Has to. Full stop.

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Actually it's from 11:00 to 17:00 for most EU players.

If they have an extended patch it pretty much cuts into our prime time, which means we just can't play.


The whole point is that both EU and US get the patch at the same time, since we can play on both servers.

They just didn't thought of a minor detail, timezones.



If I am perfectly honest I rather have separated servers/forums than this.

You can say what you want about Blizzard but their costumer support isn't as horrible as Biowares neither are their services.




The fact that they are closing topics about it to silence people is just disgusting.

I guess they will learn it the hard way once people got enough of being walked over.

At start of a game people can accept it but later on, no chance.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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