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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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I would love to see if you change the time for the schedule maintenance for prime time in the US, i bet it would be a lovely time to make one.


Basically you just saying EU paying costumer are 2nd class ones, in "colourful" words.


Blizzard, Turbine, Funcom, NcSoft, Square Soft all run global services but they are not stupid enough to do what you guys are trying to do.


Every time time there's a patch deployment problem or a the maintenance that doesn't go according to plan, the EU costumers will get shafted.


Perfect example is the smallest patch you guys applied today ruined totally peoples plans for their game time with this moronic schedule times


Completely agree. Other companies run a "global service" too, and yet they manage to offer downtimes that are considered better than Bioware are doing.


Also, beginning downtimes during the early hours allows them more flexibility IF they need to extend it without it largely affecting customers like todays downtime has done.

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Yes BioWare you've got us. We Europeans are Vampires, and i have to congratulate you for being the first to find out. I mean how annoying are those updates and maintenances during the night when we can actualy play instead of hide for the sunlight. I can totaly understand how there are less players online during the day then during the night don't forget to congratulate the person in charge of the statistics he did his job wel


ROFL. Very true.

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That customer service message is pure bullcrap. I can't believe that 10am - 7pm on a public holiday is 'not prime time'.


I'll start believing Bioware's excuses when they schedule a full day maintenance in the US on 4th July or Thanksgiving.

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The irony is that the patch wasn't exactly monumental. So what exactly caused this lenght of downtime?


Or was it "baby names have been added to the credits" that caused the servers to explode?


(I really cannot believe ANY company in their right mind would include that line in the patch notes).

Edited by Tarka
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I would love to see if you change the time for the schedule maintenance for prime time in the US, i bet it would be a lovely time to make one.


Basically you just saying EU paying costumer are 2nd class ones, in "colourful" words.


Blizzard, Turbine, Funcom, NcSoft, Square Soft all run global services but they are not stupid enough to do what you guys are trying to do.


Every time time there's a patch deployment problem or a the maintenance that doesn't go according to plan, the EU costumers will get shafted.


Perfect example is the smallest patch you guys applied today ruined totally peoples plans for their game time with this moronic schedule times


I agree with this completely. They can talk all about how they chose this time because it has a low amount of players in EU (on regular weeks), but the fact of the matter is that they would never ever consider this to be a valid time if it had been 10am-4pm US time. Even less so with the risk of extended maintenance.

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It's always like this, US always gets the patches first or better maintenance time. Frankly i am sick of this behavior and for once they could have do it different.


There many games that favor US over EU, atleast we have shared forums or you would find not a single dev reply (if they reply) on it.


My money is good enough just i do not get the same as US, it's a never ending story that happens in most games.

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Firstly, in the past, we've talked on a number of occasions about how we will run a global service. Many players raised concerns that patches/updates would land later in the EU than in the US. We stated that as we're running a global service, we'll do everything we can to make sure the updates go live in both regions as close together as possible. For this to be achievable, we need to run maintenance at the same time.


It really annoys me when a company gives such an obviously spin excuse for a decision that inconveniences customers, especially when that excuse relies on out-of-context information. Eg, like 'security' being why the iPhone is closed, when it's actually that Apple wants a piece of the pie of every paid app.


Was it a concern for EU players that EU servers lag behind US ones when it comes to updates? Sure! But anyone with experience playing MMOs in Europe knows the concern isn't about the difference of a few hours, not even a couple of days, but of WEEKS. We don't want to be left behind with updates, but WE certainly don't need them to happen at the same exact time.


If you really thought WE were concerned about a few hours difference, you must know that if you applied the updates at the same local time (e.g., 4AM CST in US, 4AM GMT in EU) on the same day, that the EU servers would get the updates earlier than the US ones. So in fact in this whole excuse applies to US players, not EU ones, as WE would get the update first.


(Which US players might see as a good thing - if anything went wrong, the update to US servers could be delayed.)


Even if you chose to update for US before EU and do the update 4AM CST in US, 4AM GMT the next day in EU, I think you'd find EU customers would much prefer that tiny delay to having the servers shut down in the middle of the morning. But I don't think that's necessary. Do you really think US customers would be upset that EU ones have access to updated servers when the US is still sleeping?


Surely all of this is obvious to you and everyone else at BW, which leads me to believe the above 'reason' is nothing more than poor spin.

PLEASE do not justify inconveniencing EU players by saying you're doing it because it's what we want - it's very demeaning and patronizing, and is simply NOT true.

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This story must finish sooner as possible.



We pay the same money, and it's not possible that every maintenance in Eu is in the prime time.


Is not a QQ, is not a US/EU fanboys war.


We just want the same consideration, nothing more nothing less.


There are our Euros on the table.


If you want the "World" service, do it in the US prime time and let's see what will happen..


I hope you will understand BW.


Thank you.

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Please Bioware update the Jedi codex for EU players with THE missing line :


  • There is no emotion, there is peace.
  • There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
  • There is no passion, there is serenity.
  • There is no chaos, there is harmony.
  • There is no death, there is the Force.
  • There is no play, there is patch day.

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So looks like BW have now confirmed it will always be at this time with what amounts to a "tough if you aren't in the US". This "it's a global service" line would probably have worked if it wasn't for those darned other companies like Trion that also run with a single client yet somehow manage to provide region specific updates ...


In fact the only Company I can think of that has to provide maintenance that affects everyone is CCP and that's simply because everything is on a single server. Poor decision, driven purely I suspect (imho) by profit reasons rather than service considerations.

Edited by Aastarius
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Any excuses they come up with are simply not acceptable, there is no reason we can't have our maintenance in the early hours of Tuesday a few hours before Americans get their maintenance if need be...


How would it negatively affect anyone? Anyone moaning we would get updates earlier by a few hours is being unreasonable, most people wouldn't even be up and playing the game by the time American servers were back online.


Couldn't more obviously be treating us like second class customers with this. Americans get their servers took down during the early hours of the morning... ours are MID day until EVENING in some parts of EU. And if problems crop up oh look we get our prime time cut into.


This wouldn't be allowed to happen in the US, but because they have a slightly larger community they get catered to and we just have to deal with what we are given.


Today is a bank holiday in the UK, I had no time to play Xmas and Boxing Day, I was looking forward to my game time today and I didn't get the chance to log on until 7pm. Can you imagine the forums if Americans had lost an entire day of game time that we have PAID for?

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To sum it up:


This first big maintenance/patch was a bit of a mess. Not a huge one, but messy enough


The european customers were not amused by having their prime time falling under patching, especially since a lame excuse was used to justify it


Europeans already pay more for the game and the monthly fee, we don't need worse service on top of it.


Trion has shown how to do it, just learn from them

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8 hours of "scheduled" maintenance, is one thing.


8 hours of "scheduled" maintenance during the day and during a holiday period is another.


Having 8 hours of "scheduled" downtime, during the day in a holiday period, to the point whereby it begins to eat into "peak time" is another, is plain boneheaded.


Bioware, you really to rethink your approach to downtimes.


But it's not a holiday, it's a normal working day for everyone else.

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Sorry I don't buy it that the quietest time in the EU is the time they chose for maintenance, it's obviously that it was the quietest time for the US.


The quietest time in any MMO, regardless of the time zone, is in the small hours, i.e from 3am onwards. After 10-11am the demand will increase again, doesn't matter if it is a weekday and they expect people to be at work, there will still be more players wanting to play than at 3am in the morning.


I hope they don't continue with these ridiculous maintenance times because I will be losing a LOT of game time each month if that is the case.

Edited by Mandrax
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It's always like this, US always gets the patches first or better maintenance time. Frankly i am sick of this behavior and for once they could have do it different.


There many games that favor US over EU, atleast we have shared forums or you would find not a single dev reply (if they reply) on it.


My money is good enough just i do not get the same as US, it's a never ending story that happens in most games.


I don't mind that the US get the patch first if we get it the next day, so long as it is implemented during sensible hours. Give the US their patch during their 3am-11am time slot and give us ours the next night during our 3am - 11am time slot.

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Reminds me of the start of Warhammer Online. Had such promise, then day by day the problems mounted, and eventually the game died, which subsequently killed Mythic Entertainment.


If EA seriously think they're gonna compete with WoW with this 2nd attempt, BioWare Mythic are gonna have to seriously sort crap like this out, or it won't be long until we'll be reading about how BioWare Mythic is getting 'merged' with yet another company and it's onto attempt number 3.


It's the launch of a game, I don't mind bugs, I can live with them for a while longer, losing a whole day of prime gametime to an 8 hour 'maintenance' followed by another hour of queue time EVERY WEEK is totally unacceptable. This is what you need to be fixing, not changing tooltips and adding baby names to credits. It's a shame, I really thought this would be the game to end the dominance of WoW, but it's looking more and more like just another MMO to add to the pile.


Ah well, so long BioWare, it was nice while it lasted. I'm sure EA will keep a few of you guys on for the next MMO they attempt. As for the rest of you, how's the US jobs market these days? I hear it's not looking too good.

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Sorry I don't buy it that the quietest time in the EU is the time they chose for maintenance, it's obviously that it was the quietest time for the US.


The quietest time in any MMO, regardless of the time zone, is in the small hours, i.e from 3am onwards. After 10-11am the demand will increase again, doesn't matter if it is a weekday and they expect people to be at work, there will still be more players wanting to play than at 3am in the morning.


I hope they don't continue with these ridiculous maintenance times because I will be losing a LOT of game time each month if that is the case.


Same here.

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Peak hours are 5 PM - 11 PM. For CET servers went up at 7:30 PM so it's 2 and half an hour from peak time.


If BW keeps doing that they will have one less customer - I feel treated like second class customer, even tho I pay same price for their product.



Actually you don't play the same price.


Their prices in euroes are the same as their price in dollar -- The numerical value, I mean.


And since the Euro is worth more, Europeans pay more.


For the game itself, for the subscription, for everything.

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