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Announcing End Season 2 Rewards


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I'm glad the rewards suck...


Since most pvp guilds after season 1 figured a way to rig the points system.. ( 4 on mains and 4 on alts, then switch)


So ha ha ha ha ha ..cheaters getting what they deserve... well done to all ranked pvpers lol your rewards blow

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I'm glad the rewards suck...


Since most pvp guilds after season 1 figured a way to rig the points system.. ( 4 on mains and 4 on alts, then switch)


So ha ha ha ha ha ..cheaters getting what they deserve... well done to all ranked pvpers lol your rewards blow


F U man... I got my rank up by queueing solo.

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I'm realy tired of this, i'm stressed myself every day with useless player, fighting, dying to a mystic reward... and now you throw out this?! In wich world you yell out the reward at the end of a season, if i would know this stuff i would play just for fun/commendations.

Change this rewards and give us something useful, next time i want to know for what i fighting for!

Bye bye bugware :mad::mad::mad:

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Reading through this though, I see most of them are just a bunch of crying and whining babies because they don't like the announced rewards, and complaining about how their precious time has been wasted, and how this is just a slap in the face, etc.


I'm glad I still keep my pvp pure and simple, and it's still all about winning or losing. As simple as that.


People PVP for different reasons, doesn't give you the right to insult them because they want to be rewarded for things

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I dont PvP. Well, do enough warzones at low level to get my relic , but thats it. It is fun, but I enjoy Operations better.


THAT BEING SAID, I feel that these rewards (when compared to last seasons) are terrible. Strongholds are a PvE thing. And the people busting their butt to get top pvp ratings are not wasting time in pve. The only one that is useful would be the helmet, which as far as items get, looks lazily done. Hope that next season you get better rewards like the rancor mount was. Something that tells everyone that you pvp.

I dont know about you, but the only time I notice a PvPer is when that dark rancor runs by.

So from a PvEer to the PvP crowd..."Sucks bro. Try again later I guess."

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I just feel that the model for this is terrible! Why tell the PVP community well AFTER the season has started what the rewards will be? I think it that if they announced the season rewards, GOOD rewards, at the beginning of the season, people would have motivation to do the rateds, etc etc. Edited by CrownofGold
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I think the only, and I mean ONLY thing they should have done would be give a Baron Deathmark Armor SET.


The rest of the tiers, both ELO and rewards, are fine. Maybe top AC get mounts, the 1600+ win traders, queue dodgers, etc. should just get armor imo.


Furniture is cool to me and I'm sure many more will come to enjoy strongholds.


See you all next season!

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Why is everyone saying such nasty things about the game and its developers, and threatening to quit over one bad reward season, yes it could have been way better I also read the rewards and thought, none of my characters would wear that and I don't want that in my stronghold. The problem isn't they don't want to give you a great reward, its just there're limited in what they can reward you with, by which I mean anything they give you they can't give everyone else which would be unfair depending on how game changing that item is. That means custom color crystals are out and anything that boosts stats in any way is out. That pretty much leaves custom armor, weapons, pets, mounts, furniture etc. Now the thought of re-usable pvp stims sounds workable in my head, the ones you buy with pvp comms, that would save the pvp winners a lot of their precious comms.


So to sum up, you can get any pve reward you want anytime, they can't get pvp rewards after all is said and done, so they do care they're just being fair.

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So to sum up, you can get any pve reward you want anytime, they can't get pvp rewards after all is said and done, so they do care they're just being fair.


Theoretically, but not practically. Unless all they do is play this game all day, hardcore PvPers with multiple toons don't have the time to PvP AND get PvE gear for the purposes of acquiring those "pve rewards". Considering that these seasons are lasting several months (a substantial amount of time relative to the lifespan of an MMO), I really don't think it's unfair to reward those who perform well in these seasons with exclusive rewards.


By doing well in the highest level content provided to them, PvErs get cool rewards exclusive to that content. I really don't see how "it's not gonna be available forever" is an excuse for PvPers not to get the same treatment.

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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Theoretically, but not practically. Unless all they do is play this game all day, hardcore PvPers with multiple toons don't have the time to PvP AND get PvE gear for the purposes of acquiring those "pve rewards". Considering that these seasons are lasting several months (a substantial amount of time relative to the lifespan of an MMO), I really don't think it's unfair to reward those who perform well in these seasons with exclusive rewards.


By doing well in the highest level content provided to them, PvErs get cool rewards exclusive to that content. I really don't see how "it's not gonna be available forever" is an excuse for PvPers not to get the same treatment.



You don't need PvE gear to do EC, KP or EV. That's three whole operations out of... what... 8-9 total? Almost half.



Also it is a good point because Bioware is just throwing money down the toilet putting resources into making some super special reward only X number of people will ever see, and only during a certain period of the game.


Meanwhile Crest of the Dread Master's will be dropping like flies in a couple years time, and your Ranked PvP Season 1/2 rewards will still be unique.



The only thing stopping you getting PvE rewards is YOU, they'll always be there for you.


I can't get PvP Season 1 rewards in 10 years, they appear during their Season then gone forever. No coming back.



Hence why reskinning content is far better for Bioware and is just common sense. You get something unique, but it hasn't thrown development money away by making the whole model and so on only usable by less than 1% of the population.



You think getting PvE rewards will be at all difficult once the level cap hits 100? As time passes PvE rewards only become easier to get, while PvP rewards vanish forever and continually get something new that will also vanish next season.


Frankly PvP's will be more "special snowflakes" than PvE's will ever be, the only difference is your don't find your rewards special enough to one-up that guy with the Crest of the Dread Master.



When PvP's have to deal with item rolls, 1/8 or 1/16 chances of getting loot (if you get any at all!) and lockouts then you can compare. Getting rating compared to clearing content with 8-16 people and hoping for RNG luck on both the item dropping at all AND lockouts... it's almost laughable really.

Edited by Transairion
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You don't need PvE gear to do EC, KP or EV. That's three whole operations out of... what... 8-9 total? Almost half.



Also it is a good point because Bioware is just throwing money down the toilet putting resources into making some super special reward only X number of people will ever see, and only during a certain period of the game.


Meanwhile Crest of the Dread Master's will be dropping like flies in a couple years time, and your Ranked PvP Season 1/2 rewards will still be unique.



The only thing stopping you getting PvE rewards is YOU, they'll always be there for you.


I can't get PvP Season 1 rewards in 10 years, they appear during their Season then gone forever. No coming back.



Hence why reskinning content is far better for Bioware and is just common sense. You get something unique, but it hasn't thrown development money away by making the whole model and so on only usable by less than 1% of the population.



You think getting PvE rewards will be at all difficult once the level cap hits 100? As time passes PvE rewards only become easier to get, while PvP rewards vanish forever and continually get something new that will also vanish next season.


Frankly PvP's will be more "special snowflakes" than PvE's will ever be, the only difference is your don't find your rewards special enough to one-up that guy with the Crest of the Dread Master.



When PvP's have to deal with item rolls, 1/8 or 1/16 chances of getting loot (if you get any at all!) and lockouts then you can compare. Getting rating compared to clearing content with 8-16 people and hoping for RNG luck on both the item dropping at all AND lockouts... it's almost laughable really.


You are vastly overestimating the lifespan of this game. Lol @ "10 years" and level "100".

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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You are vastly overestimating the lifespan of this game. Lol @ "10 years" and level "100".



But overestimating does not make my point invalid either.



There's a difference between creating special unique content that will only appear for a few months then disappear forever, and creating content that lasts for the lifetime of the game.

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I'm extremely glad that I did not partake in very much ranked this season, specifically due to how ineffective Bioware was at even pretending to care about policing those purposefuly throwing ranked matches.


I'm extremely disappointed with the realization that Bioware is unable to produce worth while rewards and incentives.


Congratulations to the top queue syncers for their "top prize". Bioware said last season that people doing such stuff would be singled out and have their rating reset, but you called their bluff this season very well. Of course they are unable to identify you. Instead, you get rewards.

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look the rewards suck, its jut how everyone mostly feels, and about unfair gameplay, season 2 is a pvp tournament great prizes were expected. teir 3 could have gotten like 200,000 credits, tier 2 1,000,000 tier 1 3,000,000 credits, that would have been great, players need to spend millions of credits to get new armor. I spent 7,000,000 for a phantom armor set. so cash prize wouldn't have been to unfair seeing as players can never get a lot of credits and the players have to so a lot for stuff, they could have even rewarded players with a bound dye and armor set of their choice. im basing al this on the fact of unfairness to other players, its not a advantage over other players this way with a unique armor or light saber crystal that no other player could have ,anyone could get a lot of credits or a armor set, but those can take a lot of time and credits, the rewards could have lessened the time and make players a little happier. players feel a unique title and a unique armor set (baron dm) arnt enuff because players already have titles and armor that they love to use and wouldn't want to give up, its feels more like a participation award then a reward for hard work, I mean if you lose ranked you don't really get anything for the match. they could have given top players a 168 armor set of their choice or a madoable old pvp set with no mods in it (the lv 50 pvp sets that were removed by the hutt cartel expansion) as they could have been made into adaptive armor. while some players may leave swtor as suggested by the comments im sure they mayl return as swtor is a good game
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But overestimating does not make my point invalid either.



There's a difference between creating special unique content that will only appear for a few months then disappear forever, and creating content that lasts for the lifetime of the game.


Actually, it kinda does. 4 months is a significant chunk of the game's lifespan. There should be a substantial reward for performance in content that is available for $60 worth of sub time.


You are hung up on this trivial distinction between permanently available content/rewards and temporarily available ones. Temporarily available things are important because they are an incentive to sub and experience that content right now. If there's a PvE mount you really want, you can say to yourself "meh, I can take a break from the game for a couple months and get it when the raid becomes easier (via better gear). Having good temporary content/rewards is key because it says "you need to be subbed and playing this game right now". It's similar to the reason why some inflation is good for an economy. Rewards are supposed to be a "please", not a "thank you".

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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Thank you Bioware. You have virtually guaranteed that I won't have to listen to as much General Chat trolls like Kirito about lame PvP. A lot of the strictly PvPers will leave for other games, which I don't have a problem with. Why are there so many strictly PVPers on a PvE server anyway?!
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Anyone checked this math, or am I missing something?


"The three highest rated characters of each Advanced Class are getting a very unique title. The All-Galaxy title that is specific to the advanced class of the character that receives it, for example “All-Galaxy Guardian”. Only 96 characters will receive this reward. Do you want to be the very best like no one ever was? Here is your chance!"


Since there is only 16 advance classes (8 on each side), that would be 3x16=48...

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The rewards are fairly useless. Why make stronghold rewards when that wasn't even part of the game when the season started? I do like the Baron Deathmark helmet and the super-special titles for the top peeps. This won't keep me from PvPing, as I do it for fun, not the rewards... but this is another low blow by BW.
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Anyone checked this math, or am I missing something?


"The three highest rated characters of each Advanced Class are getting a very unique title. The All-Galaxy title that is specific to the advanced class of the character that receives it, for example “All-Galaxy Guardian”. Only 96 characters will receive this reward. Do you want to be the very best like no one ever was? Here is your chance!"


Since there is only 16 advance classes (8 on each side), that would be 3x16=48...


48x2 for solo AND group ranked.

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