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Announcing End Season 2 Rewards


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The bounteous and magnificent Giradda the Hutt announces the rewards for Season Two!


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Can i ask when are they going to fix there servers and stop making excuses, most of the people will notice this on downloading patches , or when they enter fleet how they some times take a min or so to log in ,and there Data usage is way out because the Game tries to keep rebooting the game all the time , SO I ask when are you guys going to fix your servers .

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Wow. Absolutely disgusting, nothing included in those "rewards" are appealing at all. I'm actually mad at this. It's like they went to a random dumpster, grabbed whatever they could and made a helmet, went to the dollar store and bought some picture frames and finished the adventure by "discussing" the new titles at a Starbucks.


I play all aspects of this game, (PvP, PvE, and GSF) and try to do well in all. But PvP has always had a special place for me. It's something that can be fresh, fun, competitive, challenging and frustrating all at the same time. I did well enough to receive the Gold rewards but this.... With the current problems hindering ranked and the frustration it causes, these rewards IMO weren't worth it. Bioware you can do better, you have done better.


I think we're all still here because we love Star Wars, enjoy the story and beating space dragons. But there's also a group of people who can enjoy all that was previously stated but primarily enjoy beating the living !@#$ out of each other as well. They are your players, your loyal players. the ones that stuck it through all these months, and possibly years. They deserve at the very least to have their base expectations met.

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I liked the message (I'm angry too), but I found the grammar errors detracted from the impact, so I fixed some them.


Thank you! I was in a blood rage, and had to step away from the pc as soon as i posted that cause a vein on my head was getting scaringly big and pumped. So i didnt even read it again.


Im just so sad that after almost 3 years of playing this game (cause i love it, i do love it), im feeling forced to unsub and completely forget about it. I love the game so much that i've closed my eyes to all the crap they been throwing at us, hoping at some point they would make it up to us if we would only give them time. But all they do is disappoint me further... Whats the point of staying and hoping for better stuff, when clearly the "better stuff" will never come to us. Not while the dev team remains the same. I always thought this was EA stuff, but these rewards, they have nothing to do with corporate stuff. Its just plain dumb and disregarding of the pvp community. Alex, Eric, all of you, i have completely lost faith in everything you do or say. You are not cut out for this business. Find something else to do with your life... If you dont feel like you're good for this, then go away, give the place to someone else. If you feel you're good enough for this, you're just fooling yourselves and nobody else.


I will not spend 1 more dime of my money on cartel stuff. And still considering unsubbing, depending on how many of my friends unsub. I really think the whole pvp community should join forces and retract from any cartel transactions until we get heard. Im sure they would feel it in their pockets if we all banded together to do this.

Edited by DanAxe
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You know I was just telling myself, I really need a helmet with a TREE GROWING OUT OF THE FRONT OF IT.






Don't you PVPer's love how you don't have to repair your helmet now after a WarZone.




Thing that you dom't kno - this helmet is for the PvEers with casual PvPing. Everything is made for the PvEers. Remember they started to cry about rancor and BW gave them cartel and event!

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Never once played a ranked pvp game but holy hell, what a slap in the face.

I used to think not giving us a new Operation for probably 15 months at this point was bad, but looks like the PvP Community again got the short end of the stick. Again.

Literally throwing some random crap together, what could possibly be wrong about that?

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Thing that you dom't kno - this helmet is for the PvEers with casual PvPing. Everything is made for the PvEers. Remember they started to cry about rancor and BW gave them cartel and event!


To be fair, they did announce on the same day that S1 rewards were announced that they would be bringing Rancor mounts to other areas of the game, including operations, cm, and events.

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I don't know what all the anger is about, those are great rewards.


Pve carebear, don't you have your own thread to maintain? the one where you complain about having to pvp in a flagged area??

Edited by Ashwinn
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I post a ranting message about what i feel about what's been done to pvp players and my post gets deleted and i get a warning..... Nice community management there. Apparently crying in outrage is the only way to get a fast response from the community management.. with every step you take u alienate your players even further....


I may have been harsh, but you are 100% responsible for pushing me to that extreme. I've been a loyal player since pre-launch, and I've tried, I've really tried to look past all of the stuff you been throwing at your players, specially the pvp players. If i hadnt tried, i wouldnt still be here after almost 3 years would i?


Did i get a delete and warning because i posted something calling out to pvp players to not spend money on cartel stuff?


Or was it because i said you guys deserve a collective lawsuit for lying to your playerbase over and over? A player base that pays monthly for a service that is poorly delivered? Am i being punished for saying this out loud when apparently not many people have the courage to say it? It doesnt make it less true tho, and you know it. And thats why you will delete my post again i guess. You will only alienate me further to the point of unsubbing.


A line from the warning i got:

"When creating and replying to threads, please make sure your posts are constructive. Posts that are inflammatory and meant to provoke negative reactions or disrupt constructive discussions are not permitted on the forums. "

Disrupt constructive discussions? Was this ever a discussion? Please enlight me, cause this looks in no way like a discussion. This looks like you promising, and promising, and hinting, and not delevering and expecting players to just shut up about it, while you all seem to take a 2month+ vacation and nobody hears anything from the dev team (ye i know your working, not on vacation, but complete disregard for your community is something im pretty sure is not part of your job requirements)


You want constructive posts? I've done them for over a year when the game launched. Reporting bugs and whatnot in a constructive manner. Go ahead, check your logs and see what happened. After a year it was just impossible to be constructive about anything.


You want players to stop complaining, and hating and insulting? Start delivering, and stop making promises (or hints of promises) you cant possibly deliver. You keep talking about "transparency", well its time to show some of that, cause i aint seen it yet...


I'd really like to understand your whole philosophy about all this, cause sincerely, its beyond my comprehension... Its just really really sad. So sad, sometimes its impossible to bottle all in, and you have to explode. Its the first time i had any reaction from you guys, and ofc, it was a negative reaction.... I dont think the problem is on my side... Just take a moment to introspect and honestly tell me to my face i am wrong... I've tried really hard to believe in you since the announcement of this game... Bioware is my favourite gaming company, EVER. Except when it comes to swtor. Bioware has been known and reknown to be the company that stands out mostly because of their respect and feedback to their playerbase. That is not the case on this game. You seem to care about our opinions, but the truth is you dont... I now understand the retirement of the great great Doctors Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk after the "EA Bear HUG". Their hearts would break if they could see whats been going on around with this game....


Do what you think is fit with this post. I dont care anymore....

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These rewards are garbage. Is Bioware purposely trying to lose their pvp subscribers? Trust me when I say I never complain about anything but I am tired of pvpers getting the short end of the stick. This is so disappointing.
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As someone who only really only pvp's this is just disappointing...I honestly feel like im being punished with these rewards that all my effort and time I put into ranked was worth absolutely nothing


LMAO I always thought that most pvpers would get at it just to prove their competitive nature you know, to realize that you're actually better and more skilled than others, and that others are better and more skilled than you.


Rewards are good and all, but the single most important aspect of pvping is winning.


Reading through this though, I see most of them are just a bunch of crying and whining babies because they don't like the announced rewards, and complaining about how their precious time has been wasted, and how this is just a slap in the face, etc.


I'm glad I still keep my pvp pure and simple, and it's still all about winning or losing. As simple as that.

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By the way, grats on yet again making an unpopular post on Friday afternoon so that you can leave for the weekend and not have to comment on the majority of people's posts.


Oh yeah, I guess they did say they had learned from posting the H2F fiasco on a Friday (or was it really late Thursday?) and then leaving the anger and hatred to fester and stew for the weekend...


Fallen to the dark side, EAware has.


(Probably about the most constructive thing I can say. I'm relieved I didn't really bother with ranked PVP this season--premonitions of more EAware fail, I had?)

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I do not understand how people are surprised that the PvP rewards are shorter than the previous ones as they stated when they announced the change to shorter seasons will mean "LESS" rewards. Still not a bad helmet.


That is not logical. If the season is shorter then you have to put better rewards cause less people/chars will have time to get top rating. In way you make the season harder. Plus time of the season has not big deal. Even if long season i can still miss alll the season and play only the last 2 months to get top rating, so where is your/their logic?


I see it that way - they make excuses to do noting for the PvPers! Oh there we go 3 new cartel packs are coming.. charge your credit cards! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :rolleyes:

Edited by ilifus
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I feel for you disppointed PvPers. You get bonus rewards for playing a game and having fun. It is so unfair. How can they only give you such rewards. You deserve more and better. You invested so much having fun into this game and now this slap in the face. Really, if I would be you, I would ragequit this game and go to, I don't know, ESO or Wildstar.


I personally would be happy to get any of these rewards. But I don't enjoy playing ranked and I only play what is fun for me. Because that is what playing games is all about: having fun. That is the one reward that counts for me.

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