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Repeated event content


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Much as I love the Rakghoul event and understand that gear had to remain available under the current reputation system, anyone who was around for the first Rakghoul event knows how great that was. It had developing plot and unique gear that could only be obtained there. Alderran partially maintained that by furthering the rakghoul plot in a shallower way, but it still moved the plot forward. This complete recycling of Alderaan content stops that plot in it's tracks and makes the plague no different than the other events, which is an unfortunate thing in my view.


I get that the staff is much smaller now. I get that story has taken a back seat to repeated content. I even get that they probably had no time to work on moving the rakghoul event forward with all the big new stuff they're adding. I still feel the need to say that I think this is a poor choice that removes the somewhat unique nature of the rakghoul events. While the game has gained much since launch, it's lost just as much, not just in terms of class stories, but in terms of replayability of events. It's lost the spontaneity it once approached events with and the 'can't miss this' nature of content and rewards.


I really hope that one day they have enough staff to take a look at moving back to what events once were, at least in part as well as more meaningful story content with more replayability across classes.

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Aye, it is unfortunate. The best I had hoped for was a completely new set of tunnels so it actually felt like a different place, I didn't however think we'd get new quests.


But I don't think things are gonna get any better in this regard. I guess we should just make the best of it, and have some fun while it's here.

Edited by PLynkes
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While the game has gained much since launch, it's lost just as much, not just in terms of class stories, but in terms of replayability of events. It's lost the spontaneity it once approached events with and the 'can't miss this' nature of content and rewards.


How can it have lost in terms of replayability of events since none of the events near launch were replayable?

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From a new THORN member, I can't tell you it isn't stale =P


Repeated events of this nature seem to be standard operating procedure for MMO's. With the demands the players put on the team for new content, these should be viewed as a side attraction.

Edited by Kremsau
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I don't mind the repeated nature of the event. I just wish that the cave on Tatooine wasn't the exact same cave that was on Alderaan. Does the Rakghoul plague somehow grow an identical cave on whatever planet there's an outbreak on? I guess it does... Somehow. Pffff! Edited by PLynkes
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How can it have lost in terms of replayability of events since none of the events near launch were replayable?


I veered into talking about Makeb and Oricon there. Sorry it wasn't clear. I also was referring to events as a whole. If the Rakghoul event moved the story forward, even slightly with at least *one* different mission doing so, people would be more likely to continue to want to play.


In contrast, the Bounty event has become something that you can shrug and say 'I don't feel like that, maybe next time. I fear this will happen to the rakghoul event now that it's a complete repeat. It's just sad to see something that started so perfectly become so watered down.


That's not to say it isn't still fun, of course, especially for those who weren't here for Alderaan.

Edited by errant_knight
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I don't mind the repeated nature of the event. I just wish that the cave on Tatooine wasn't the exact same cave that was on Alderaan. Does the Rakghoul plague somehow grow an identical cave on whatever planet there's an outbreak on? I guess it does... Somehow. Pffff!


Agreed. Changing the texture color to reflect Tatooine wouldn't have been a big deal and would have done something to make it at least feel like Tatooine.

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I don't mind the repeated nature of the event. I just wish that the cave on Tatooine wasn't the exact same cave that was on Alderaan. Does the Rakghoul plague somehow grow an identical cave on whatever planet there's an outbreak on? I guess it does... Somehow. Pffff!


Agreed. The original events were "can't miss this, must play it on all my alts content". The repeating events not so much.


I played the recent Gree event because I missed it in December. It had been over a year since I last played it, I have levelled three new 55s since then and I like the content. I played it with all three new 55s but only one of them a day, in the past I was running those quests at least three times a day.


The BH event I haven't played since the second time around. I have max rep and all the achievements so meh. Monthly is far too regular for such a lack of content.


I will be playing the Rak event, I love the plague mechanic and I need more rep + achievements for it. But, once I max my rep (probably this week) it will lose a lot of its appeal. A new cave and a different ops beastie would keep it fresh. I don't even care for new rewards, new (or freshened) content is far more enticing.

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The BH event I haven't played since the second time around.

I go out and do bounties when I want more of the BtL stuff you can buy with completed contracts. It is some of the less-ugly BtL armors, and the bowcasters are nice. BioWare was smart to change those from credits to contracts, IMO. :)

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I think its good, mainly cause some of us haven't been able to experience the Rakghoul Event at all yet...Keep bringing it back this way until the Xpac comes out then they can make a new version of it.


Yes, I understand why they did it this way. People wanted it back, there are a lot of new players who haven't done it before, and they're fat too busy with major expansion stuff to make a new event. I get that. I mention it not because I think they could have done it differently this time around (other than retexturing the caves for Tat--that was totally doable), but in hopes that they might consider this for next time around.

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This is the first Tuesday that I logged in and had no motivation to do anything in the game. I did the Rakghoul event once today, but I had to force myself to finish it. I think I'm finally burnt and really have nothing left to do in the game, but I have enjoyed the ride. So long SWTOR players!

*enters cryo chamber and flips the switch :rak_01:

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This is the first Tuesday that I logged in and had no motivation to do anything in the game. I did the Rakghoul event once today, but I had to force myself to finish it. I think I'm finally burnt and really have nothing left to do in the game, but I have enjoyed the ride. So long SWTOR players!

*enters cryo chamber and flips the switch :rak_01:


I take breaks from games all the time, then go back to them, then switch to another game and on and on and on it goes, it's fun having choices :)

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I NEVER expected anything differently quite honestly, so I can't say I'm surprised.


I was kinda expecting for them to introduce some new rewards, possibly even an Rakghoul-infected Bantha or Rancor but alas, Bioware will either introduce them later or NOT at all.


Right now, they still need to profit from those with the CM I, which is why people were absolutely NOT allowed to get a Varactyl or Dewback, at the time of the first Resurgence, outside the CM packs.


I'm Legend on this event for like six months or so; I'm still playing it, even though I already got what I wanted but whatever. All hail, Bioware. :rolleyes:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Much as I love the Rakghoul event and understand that gear had to remain available under the current reputation system, anyone who was around for the first Rakghoul event knows how great that was.


That's the disappointing part of this, you would think that it returning to Tatooine would also mean they would have the gear that is available for the Sharp Dresser achievement from the original Rakghoul event (Containment Officer sets). That would have required very little work to do, just change some of the vendor items available.


It was one of the things pointed out to BioWare from when this event returned, and something that would have been a token gesture to players even with the same content (albeit a reskin of the event WB).


Little bit miffed at that. It's like BioWare do not listen to feedback given. An explanation from Eric or Tait would be most welcome on why this hasn't occurred.

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I take breaks from games all the time, then go back to them, then switch to another game and on and on and on it goes, it's fun having choices :)


I gotta say, watching the Guild Ship stream earlier really peaked my interest! From what I saw there will be plenty to do for guilds and the planetary / personal conquests, so between that and finally running with a progression raid team......I'm intrigued :)

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I was around for the very very first rakghoul event on Tattoine, the good one, with the scavenger hunt. I *loved* that event. I had actually hoped that when the raks went to Tattoine, it would be a repeat of that event, with maybe new rewards. The achievement system wasn't even in effect in this very first event, and so I think a lot of people missed out on vital achievements like getting the imp and rep containment suits. Now it looks like it's unlikely that people who missed out on that, will ever have the chance to earn 'snappy dresser' or whatever the achievement for clothes is.


I was pretty disappointed that they'd just taken the Alderaan event and beamed it over to Tattoine. Lazy, lazy lazy. No new npcs or dialogue. Same dailies as before. It took them *so* bloody long to give us this event again, that I thought for certain, they would have created something new.


Can't say I'm shocked. I don't know why I expect such great things from these people. :(

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Its only a stupid copy of the alderaan plague event... Even if the ppl working on it decreased, swtor still is #4 mmorp which generates the most income so the money is there to hire more ppl and to make swtor bigger and more indepth. But it seems EA uses 99% income of swtor to produce new games ( that will eventually fail and not even generate the amount of money the cost).
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Much as I love the Rakghoul event and understand that gear had to remain available under the current reputation system, anyone who was around for the first Rakghoul event knows how great that was. It had developing plot and unique gear that could only be obtained there. Alderran partially maintained that by furthering the rakghoul plot in a shallower way, but it still moved the plot forward. This complete recycling of Alderaan content stops that plot in it's tracks and makes the plague no different than the other events, which is an unfortunate thing in my view.


I get that the staff is much smaller now. I get that story has taken a back seat to repeated content. I even get that they probably had no time to work on moving the rakghoul event forward with all the big new stuff they're adding. I still feel the need to say that I think this is a poor choice that removes the somewhat unique nature of the rakghoul events. While the game has gained much since launch, it's lost just as much, not just in terms of class stories, but in terms of replayability of events. It's lost the spontaneity it once approached events with and the 'can't miss this' nature of content and rewards.


I really hope that one day they have enough staff to take a look at moving back to what events once were, at least in part as well as more meaningful story content with more replayability across classes.


The first rakghoul event was a marvelous success! I loved the nature of the progressive quests (meaning you had to come back each day and do something different) and the spontaneous appearance of the event. (yes, this latest event was unannounced, but hints were dropped EVERYWHERE and the THORN reputation is a dead giveaway that the event is reoccurring.)


The first event even had hidden content, such as the old way to get the crimson rakling. Also, besides the old 'containment officer' armor, all the rewards are identical to that first event. way to screw over all the people who put in the hard work for those unique items.

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Everyone knew this was a recurring event.....if the fact that they told us that didn't make it obvious enough, there's a reputation level to grind for it. The reality is that they need to make these events recurring to make it even worthwhile for the development cost and time. If they put the entire event together and never used that content ever again, then the cost/benefit for them developing it would be very low.
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