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Lol @ "Forced Participation."


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Seriously, to anyone who sits at the GTN, turn your sound on and learn to move...


If you refuse and get infected, it's your own fault. Some people today.


But if I die it will be horrible and completely ruin my day. This is literally the worst thing that could happen to me, and I didn't ask for it! I play games so that I can avoid the content and events and fun, not have some mouthbreathing tard come and explode all over me. That's just rude and selfish.

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But if I die it will be horrible and completely ruin my day. This is literally the worst thing that could happen to me, and I didn't ask for it! I play games so that I can avoid the content and events and fun, not have some mouthbreathing tard come and explode all over me. That's just rude and selfish.


Sarcasm aside, it would be fun if the infected went same faction pvp flagged too :p


Then again maybe I've just been playing too much Last of Us.

Edited by hadoken
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Sarcasm aside, it would be fun if the infected went same faction pvp flagged too :p


Then again maybe I've just been playing too much Last of Us.


That would be fun. But if you think the complaining is bad now, imagine how it would be if someone dive-bombed onto a group of people at the banks and then everyone turned around and killed them.


Edit: By "now" I am referring to the complaints from the first two times this event played out, and assuming that it's not going to stop this time.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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Really, you can help yourself. Few suggestions:


Buy a vaccine.

Avoid crowded places(Coruscant, Fleet etc).

Avoid Tatooine AT ALL COST!

Stay on the ship.

Go and hide in a cave on Hoth/on Belsavis(I'd personally choose Hoth-it's so beautifully desolate, but then again what's the chance that the afflicted will punch through Esh-Kha?).

Take a break. Nothing will happen if you're logged off...

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I am very excited for this event to be back. However, to create a thread like this because there are some who don't enjoy being infected is juvenile and petty at best.


compared to the dozen or so threads typically started complaining about being infected?

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Ohh no....not this crap again. I HATE THIS EVENT! :mad:


*drops mic and sends vaccine to all my alts.


Look, I can't get involved. I've got work to do. It's not that I like the rakghoul event; I hate it, but there's nothing I can do about it right now... It's all such a long way from here.

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Right. The "Well they did it! first!" approach is less juvenile and petty. :rolleyes:


As opposed to letting people rant on and on about how horrible this event is and how they're forced to participate when all they have to do is MMO Basic 101, Situational Awareness? I mean seriously if you're not going to take the quick moment to mind your surroundings Liam Neeson style, then you deserve getting blown up.

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Not this again. 1. getting infected gives you both money and rep in a very easy way. 2, you can avoid it by using the vaccine. For those who don't want to do that, there are relics available in the staging area in the tunnels for cash not rep that make you immune to the plague for as long as it's equipped so you don't even have to buy vaccine. There, nothing to flail about. /endthread. Edited by errant_knight
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Not this again. 1. getting infected gives you both money and rep in a very easy way. 2, you can avoid it by using the vaccine. For those who don't want to do that, there are relics available in the staging area in the tunnels for cash not rep that make you immune to the plague for as long as it's equipped so you don't even have to buy vaccine. There, nothing to flail about. /endthread.


I think you misread the thread, I'm pointing at the people complaining about this as well.

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Not this again. 1. getting infected gives you both money and rep in a very easy way. 2, you can avoid it by using the vaccine. For those who don't want to do that, there are relics available in the staging area in the tunnels for cash not rep that make you immune to the plague for as long as it's equipped so you don't even have to buy vaccine. There, nothing to flail about. /endthread.


You forgot one other way to avoid it....which is precisely what I'm gonna do btw. Spend this entire week working on my "perfect playthru" of DA:O.

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Sarcasm aside, it would be fun if the infected went same faction pvp flagged too :p

Perhaps next time, BioWare could have being final-stage infected force auto-accept of duel challenges. It fits nicely with the Imperial edict that all infected people be eliminated immediately. Plus, it reduces the time-to-die for infected players who are looking to explode. Win-Win, baby!! :)

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