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It's monday. Still no info about Guild Flagships


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Because they're still deciding how it's going to work...


Dude lol, we are 2 weeks from launch...do you honestly believe they don't know how it's going to "work" yet? We should probably be past the "design" stages by now...

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Dude lol, we are 2 weeks from launch...do you honestly believe they don't know how it's going to "work" yet? We should probably be past the "design" stages by now...


Dude, yeah, I think they're tweaking the system, bro. So, calm down, brah.


People around here wet their pants when even the slightest change is made to released info, so I don't blame them for wanting stuff set in stone before they announce it.


Look at how people completely lost their minds over LS prices. That sort of hysterical reaction will make anyone leery about releasing info too soon.


So, relax, buddy.

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Dude, yeah, I think they're tweaking the system, bro. So, calm down, brah.


People around here wet their pants when even the slightest change is made to released info, so I don't blame them for wanting stuff set in stone before they announce it.


Look at how people completely lost their minds over LS prices. That sort of hysterical reaction will make anyone leery about releasing info too soon.


So, relax, buddy.


You are really funny :) You are trying to blame us for BioWare mistakes.

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Dude, yeah, I think they're tweaking the system, bro. So, calm down, brah.


People around here wet their pants when even the slightest change is made to released info, so I don't blame them for wanting stuff set in stone before they announce it.


Look at how people completely lost their minds over LS prices. That sort of hysterical reaction will make anyone leery about releasing info too soon.


So, relax, buddy.


LOL! How incompetent do you think they are?

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I still love how people assume they worked through the weekend, an that the first thing that should happen on monday morning is an update...when in fact they were off for the weekend, much like most of the workforce...so literally nothing has changed since Friday. not to mention that they probably start the workweek off with some kind of monday morning meetings. Let them get some work done before demanding an update. Unless you want them to give you an update along the lines of


UPDATE: We were off for the weekend, spending time with our friends, families, and other assorted loved ones. Nothing has changed since Friday.

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I still love how people assume they worked through the weekend, an that the first thing that should happen on monday morning is an update...when in fact they were off for the weekend, much like most of the workforce...so literally nothing has changed since Friday. not to mention that they probably start the workweek off with some kind of monday morning meetings. Let them get some work done before demanding an update. Unless you want them to give you an update along the lines of


UPDATE: We were off for the weekend, spending time with our friends, families, and other assorted loved ones. Nothing has changed since Friday.


finally someone else who gets it!! :D

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The PTS may not see a full release of the patch along the normal timelines for how things are pushed to PTS before they are applied to live servers.


Given the way they promoted the content and offered Early Access to individuals who meet specific criteria, they could delay a PTS release until Early Access has begun to try and prevent people who essentially paid for early access from complaining that people who did not pay were given access before them through the PTS.


I would consider this a foolish thing to do, but given the way MMO communities tend to throw the game devs under the bus at any given opportunity for any little reason, I wouldn't necessarily blame them for doing it this way.



Hopefully though, I'm way off based with the idea and they are planning a thorough test of the new content on the PTS before it releases to live servers.

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I still love how people assume they worked through the weekend, an that the first thing that should happen on monday morning is an update...when in fact they were off for the weekend, much like most of the workforce...so literally nothing has changed since Friday. not to mention that they probably start the workweek off with some kind of monday morning meetings. Let them get some work done before demanding an update. Unless you want them to give you an update along the lines of


UPDATE: We were off for the weekend, spending time with our friends, families, and other assorted loved ones. Nothing has changed since Friday.

No, but we are assuming that they have some info from last Friday that they could share.

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I still love how people assume they worked through the weekend, an that the first thing that should happen on monday morning is an update...when in fact they were off for the weekend ...

... because "update not ready for PTS in time" does not equal "live servers down."


Some things justify calling the troops in for a long weekend. Others do not. It's a game. No one is lines-down and losing money because the PTS is down (well, except maybe those people who make money off of YouTube/Twitch SWTOR streams, but I don't think BW is worried much about that).


Perhaps the OP is one of those latter? Not likely, but ...

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I still love how people assume they worked through the weekend, an that the first thing that should happen on monday morning is an update...when in fact they were off for the weekend, much like most of the workforce...so literally nothing has changed since Friday. not to mention that they probably start the workweek off with some kind of monday morning meetings. Let them get some work done before demanding an update. Unless you want them to give you an update along the lines of


UPDATE: We were off for the weekend, spending time with our friends, families, and other assorted loved ones. Nothing has changed since Friday.


They were off for the weekend having issues with new patch two weeks before its launch? You think this is ok? I assume that you know nothing about this industry.

Edited by mortenpro
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The longer they work on it, IMO, the better. IMO I don't think Strongholds were ready for launch in their current state, and I hope that tweaks and changes are still being made.


Some of the flaws IMO...I will not list my requested improvements, only what I see as flaws in the current design.


1) Too few hooks, areas without hooks that should have had them, not enough variety for hooks.

2) UI problems, poor decoration item viewer.

3) Lack of way to display gear sets other than companions.

4) Some prices could use adjustments to be more uniform across the entire stronghold.

5) Adjustment of the /chair feature to /sit, removal of collision, sit and sleep variety.


For guild ships, I can't comment as to flaws until I actually get hands on. But for now the prices do not include some kind of content-driven unlock in combination with price, which I think was not the best way to go.


At any rate I think they should take as much time as needed to tweak and perfect the feature if possible. This should NOT be rushed IMO.

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They were off for the weekend having issues with new patch two weeks before its launch? You think this is ok? I assume that you know nothing about this industry.


You're not really one to talk. Unless you are actively working in this industry it doesn't matter how much you read or think you know in the end you know no more about it then the rest of us here.

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"No communication at all" however isn't exactly a better solution.

Since you seem to desperately need orange text, here:

We are working hard on the problems with the PTS update but have nothing further to report at this time. We appreciate your patience and your continuing support for Star Wars: The Old Republic. We will have an update for you when we have something more to say.
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I still love how people assume they worked through the weekend, an that the first thing that should happen on monday morning is an update...when in fact they were off for the weekend, much like most of the workforce...so literally nothing has changed since Friday. not to mention that they probably start the workweek off with some kind of monday morning meetings. Let them get some work done before demanding an update. Unless you want them to give you an update along the lines of


UPDATE: We were off for the weekend, spending time with our friends, families, and other assorted loved ones. Nothing has changed since Friday.


It must be nice living in fantasy land. People are forced to work overtime/weekends all the time. Two weeks out and they already had to push the date back once. It is absolutely reasonable to believe work was being done over the weekend.

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It must be nice living in fantasy land. People are forced to work overtime/weekends all the time. Two weeks out and they already had to push the date back once. It is absolutely reasonable to believe work was being done over the weekend.



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Learn to read :)


I recommend you take your own advice.


They were off for the weekend having issues with new patch two weeks before its launch? You think this is ok? I assume that you know nothing about this industry.


1: The community team that Being Eric, Courtney, Hilary, and the rest have nothing to do with the active development or Maintenance of the game, Live servers, or PTS so yes them having the weekend off is completely plausible as they would have nothing to do.


2: That statement makes it sound like you know more about this industry then he does which means my statement stands. If you're not working in this field then you really don't know jack **** yourself and shouldn't make statements that implies you do.


Fact of the matter is Eric made a commend on Friday on the PTS forums about this and it is now Monday one of the more busier days for most companies so instead of being an impatient child cut them some slack and wait patiently for them to get their **** together and update us on the situation.

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Since you seem to desperately need orange text, here:


Any particular reason for that comment?


I'm not loosing sleep over this. All I'm saying is that Bioware could handle communication better in this case. I liked how they worked with players during those class changes a while back, that was awesome.


I don't expect them to work over the weekend, either. Shouldn't happen for anything but a very good reason.

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Any particular reason for that comment?


I'm not loosing sleep over this. All I'm saying is that Bioware could handle communication better in this case. I liked how they worked with players during those class changes a while back, that was awesome.


I don't expect them to work over the weekend, either. Shouldn't happen for anything but a very good reason.



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