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Possible buffs


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I thought about mara/sent lately and all those crying for buff to mara. SO I'll propose a few simple one I kinda wish to see.


1° Create a new passive : Enraged Movement/Focused Movement. This passive would allow leap to be used while rooted. Right now roots and slows are the worst enemies of any mara/sent. Keep an Anni/Watchman away and he can't build up his stacks. Keep a Carnage/Combat away during Gore/PS window and it hits like a wet noodle. The only spec not really affected by roots is Rage/Focus cause they can Obliterate/Zealous Leap while rooted!!! Obviously this would affect Anni/Watchman more since they have a close quarter leap but Carnage/Combat have Force Camo to remove movement imparing effects.


2° Make Pulverize/Mind Sear works exactly like Pyro's PPA/Assault Spec IA. Basicly it means every second use of an ability proccing Pulverize/Mind Sear would proc it. RNG would still be in the spec since not proccing on Annihilate/Merciless Slash would force a one GCD delay later in the rotation ro realign Annihilate/Merciless Slash with the new ICD. Anni/Watchman can't keep using Annihilate/Merciless SLash > VS/Slash without running out of energy and missing a Ravage/Master Strike window. (This idea is from Benirons)


3° Make Slaughter/HoJ proc grants a 50% chance to proc Execute/OA on an Ataru Form strike over the normal 30%. This would make sure Carnage/Combat actually can't really do a Gore/PS window without this proc which lower DPS by quite a bit. It would be a good QoLchange without actually removing the RNG from Execute/OA.


4° Make CoP/Rebuke last 10 seconds baseline. Right now, CoP/Rebuke is too easy to ignore. Just a 8 sec mezz and the DCD is lost.


5° Revert UR/GbtF to what it was before the nerf but now UR/GbtF would reduce incoming healing by 50%. At the same time, add in Infatiguable Onslaught/Inexhaustible Zeal 'your healing from DoTs is not longer affected by UR/GbtF debuff'.


Thoughts and opinions????

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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Watchmen/Annihilation just received a large buff and you are already asking for more.


I would wait until after 3.0 hit, when I know they will do a big change to every class. Dont spend the "Please buff/change this" capital until we see where the damage hit us the most.


That said, your ideas are quite solid and have much merit.


Edit: I'll even add one idea of my own:


Add passive Armor Penetration to Combat/Carnage: As every Sentinel/Mara player knows, If you mess up your Precision Slash/Gore Windows, you overall DPS loses a huge chuck of it's power. By adding 30% passive Armor Pen to the tree, say as a PS/Gore add-on or requirement for taking it, then you will take a lot of the sting out of screwing yourself by not using the windows properly. Could be a high as 45%, and you could make it not stack with PS/Gore, and not be unbalanced. This change would make Combat/Carnage more bearable to less skilled players.

Edited by mastervalkar
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Watchmen/Annihilation just received a large buff and you are already asking for more.


I would wait until after 3.0 hit, when I know they will do a big change to every class. Dont spend the "Please buff/change this" capital until we see where the damage hit us the most.


That said, your ideas are quite solid and have much merit.


It isn't a DPS buff.. simply a QoL that would make sure we don't end up with missing 2 Rupture cause both our Annihilate and Vicious Slash missed. And it can happen quite often.


But yeah. You're right we should wait until 3.0...Well my idea are still good enough for 3.0 ;) I doubt they will revamp the specs (beside EngiSniper/SaboSlinger that really need it).


Edited by Ryuku-sama
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I'd like something to make combat less rng dependant and more fluid. With the watchman buffs it much more fun to play instead of the buff bar watching of combat. Of course that wouldn't be a problem if we had a proper moddable ui.
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Watchmen/Annihilation just received a large buff and you are already asking for more.


I would wait until after 3.0 hit, when I know they will do a big change to every class. Dont spend the "Please buff/change this" capital until we see where the damage hit us the most.


That said, your ideas are quite solid and have much merit.


Edit: I'll even add one idea of my own:


Add passive Armor Penetration to Combat/Carnage: As every Sentinel/Mara player knows, If you mess up your Precision Slash/Gore Windows, you overall DPS loses a huge chuck of it's power. By adding 30% passive Armor Pen to the tree, say as a PS/Gore add-on or requirement for taking it, then you will take a lot of the sting out of screwing yourself by not using the windows properly. Could be a high as 45%, and you could make it not stack with PS/Gore, and not be unbalanced. This change would make Combat/Carnage more bearable to less skilled players.



Just increase the Precision Slash window to 10-12 seconds. Felling Blow has a 20 second window and Overload Saber has a 15 second window.


Also, adding an armor debuff to Zealous Strike is another possibility.

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Just increase the Precision Slash window to 10-12 seconds. Felling Blow has a 20 second window and Overload Saber has a 15 second window.


Also, adding an armor debuff to Zealous Strike is another possibility.


No. Anymore armor piercing in Combat would be a DPS increase which is exactly what I wanna avoid. RNG-reduction. Yes. Survivability buff. Yes. Easier time to stay on target. Yes. DPS buff. No. Buffing DPS would force a spec revamp to keep it balanced.

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Watchmen/Annihilation just received a large buff and you are already asking for more.


You see the problem was that it was pretty much just a raw dmg buff. Resource management is fair bit mor leniant apart from that literally nothing changed as to how any is working. Bleeds and annihilate hit harder, crit higher. Both ani and carnage need QoL improvements and would be nice soone rather than later since its not a buff strictly speaking. Smoother and more enjoyable gameplay.


Rupture/cauterise coming off of cd naturally or like 3 secs off of it? Freaking pisses me off. Not even going to talk about carnage lol.

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No. Anymore armor piercing in Combat would be a DPS increase which is exactly what I wanna avoid. RNG-reduction. Yes. Survivability buff. Yes. Easier time to stay on target. Yes. DPS buff. No. Buffing DPS would force a spec revamp to keep it balanced.


than don't. I, as a Focus Sentinel would like to see an armor debuff on Zealous Strike. Guardians have an armor debuff with Sundering Strike.


Defensive Roll needs to provide, equal, protection from DOT effects as it does for AOE.

Edited by Ramtar
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than don't. I, as a Focus Sentinel would like to see an armor debuff on Zealous Strike. Guardians have an armor debuff with Sundering Strike.


Defensive Roll needs to provide, equal, protection from DOT effects as it does for AOE.


-.- Did you just say to forgo balance to sent? You do know that as Focus you already have 30% armor pen??


And defensive roll CANNOT defend against DoTs since all DoTs are force/tech elemental/internal. There is no kinetic or energy DoTs. And the DoTs themselves are force/tech (even if Anni only apply them through melee moves)

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-.- Did you just say to forgo balance to sent? You do know that as Focus you already have 30% armor pen??


And defensive roll CANNOT defend against DoTs since all DoTs are force/tech elemental/internal. There is no kinetic or energy DoTs. And the DoTs themselves are force/tech (even if Anni only apply them through melee moves)


..those 13k dispatches are magical in focus :D.

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I thought about mara/sent lately and all those crying for buff to mara. SO I'll propose a few simple one I kinda wish to see.


2° Make Pulverize/Mind Sear works exactly like Pyro's PPA/Assault Spec IA. Basicly it means every second use of an ability proccing Pulverize/Mind Sear would proc it. RNG would still be in the spec since not proccing on Annihilate/Merciless Slash would force a one GCD delay later in the rotation ro realign Annihilate/Merciless Slash with the new ICD. Anni/Watchman can't keep using Annihilate/Merciless SLash > VS/Slash without running out of energy and missing a Ravage/Master Strike window. (This idea is from Benirons)


3° Make Slaughter/HoJ proc grants a 50% chance to proc Execute/OA on an Ataru Form strike over the normal 30%. This would make sure Carnage/Combat actually can't really do a Gore/PS window without this proc which lower DPS by quite a bit. It would be a good QoLchange without actually removing the RNG from Execute/OA.


5° Revert UR/GbtF to what it was before the nerf but now UR/GbtF would reduce incoming healing by 50%. At the same time, add in Infatiguable Onslaught/Inexhaustible Zeal 'your healing from DoTs is not longer affected by UR/GbtF debuff'.


Thoughts and opinions????

2. If you want to play Assault, then play Assault. Watchman is about using a high chance to proc ability with a cooldown to proc a powerful attack. Assault is about using lower chances to proc often ones to proc a much more powerful attack. Watchman has its resource generation entirely tied to the rotation and hence has dynamic GCD's for resource building attacks. Assault has its resource tied to an automatic and consistent system of return. Watchman can't support a rotation of 3 GCD's that cost focus and then 1 building GCD. The current iteration of the specs rotation is perfect as is. The only changes I would think should be done is a revert to a 5 requirement and cost of 4 on Merciless (so I don't fall asleep >30%), and a return of the 2 requirement/1 cost on Dispatch (smooths out Execute).


3. Not a bad idea actually. Makes RNG less of an issue and avoids that fun time where HoJ doesn't proc until PS is 1 GCD from being off CD.


5. In terms of reverting UR, I agree. They said the Heals not being subjected to UR can't be done due to Engine limitations. I would imagine it basically requires a way to make heals from Dots be counted as a sort of special health. Why would it reduce healing though? The way the game has been moving we have been getting more and better "second life" cooldowns.

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2. If you want to play Assault, then play Assault. Watchman is about using a high chance to proc ability with a cooldown to proc a powerful attack. Assault is about using lower chances to proc often ones to proc a much more powerful attack. Watchman has its resource generation entirely tied to the rotation and hence has dynamic GCD's for resource building attacks. Assault has its resource tied to an automatic and consistent system of return. Watchman can't support a rotation of 3 GCD's that cost focus and then 1 building GCD. The current iteration of the specs rotation is perfect as is. The only changes I would think should be done is a revert to a 5 requirement and cost of 4 on Merciless (so I don't fall asleep >30%), and a return of the 2 requirement/1 cost on Dispatch (smooths out Execute).


This response baffled me. The nature of RS in pyro and the nature of rupture in ani is essentally the same. Very low cost, high dmg, and helps resource management. R u telling me u dont get even midly upset if rupture comes off of cd naturally? The proc chances for both trees are extremely close to one another, so why shold ani be so penalised? Name me any other tree that has actual rng tied to its most important dot.


We r not going to have to go annihilate then vicous slash each time, it is unsustainable. The only times we need to do that is when annihilate fails, then we know we can just use vicious slash to get the proc for sure, delay next annihilte by 1 gcd, and keep going from there.


Im neutral about ur rage cost changes, 5 on ani is fair if there is a guarantee on rupture proc in some form. Falling asleep on the dummy? Most of us do, its not very engaging. Getting frustrated in ops due to stupid improbable failures on procs? Heck of a lot bigger problem than falling asleep on a silly dummy.

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2. If you want to play Assault, then play Assault. Watchman is about using a high chance to proc ability with a cooldown to proc a powerful attack. Assault is about using lower chances to proc often ones to proc a much more powerful attack. Watchman has its resource generation entirely tied to the rotation and hence has dynamic GCD's for resource building attacks. Assault has its resource tied to an automatic and consistent system of return. Watchman can't support a rotation of 3 GCD's that cost focus and then 1 building GCD. The current iteration of the specs rotation is perfect as is. The only changes I would think should be done is a revert to a 5 requirement and cost of 4 on Merciless (so I don't fall asleep >30%), and a return of the 2 requirement/1 cost on Dispatch (smooths out Execute).


I remember saying that Anni couldn't sustaina three GCDs rotation with one building GCD long. So actually missing on Annihilate would force us to delay the next Annihilate. It would simply avoid seeing Pulverize skipping a window. This would boost both PvP (Rupture root) and consistency but wouldn't affect damage.


3. Not a bad idea actually. Makes RNG less of an issue and avoids that fun time where HoJ doesn't proc until PS is 1 GCD from being off CD.


??? This wouldn't do nothing to help HoJ to proc. I was more thinking of getting Execute proc for a PS window... But I guess making a system the would increase the likelyness of the second proc if you get the first would be nice too.


5. In terms of reverting UR, I agree. They said the Heals not being subjected to UR can't be done due to Engine limitations. I would imagine it basically requires a way to make heals from Dots be counted as a sort of special health. Why would it reduce healing though? The way the game has been moving we have been getting more and better "second life" cooldowns.


Well I wanna avoid overbuffing. And just making a general debuff on UR is easy... Then you could make a skill in Watchman say that heals from DoTs under UR are buffed by the debuff of UR.

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As they stand, Combat changes in 2.10 are gonna force me to shelf my Sentinel. It's great for PvP, sure, and smoothing out the RNG could be nice in PvE, but boring, uninteresting rotations are terrible. Between this and the Gunny changes from awhile back, both my favorite classes will have had their rotations gutted to bland predictability and may well force me to quit. Easing the RNG on Hand of Justice would be welcome, but we do not need everything to be static and lame.
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As they stand, Combat changes in 2.10 are gonna force me to shelf my Sentinel. It's great for PvP, sure, and smoothing out the RNG could be nice in PvE, but boring, uninteresting rotations are terrible. Between this and the Gunny changes from awhile back, both my favorite classes will have had their rotations gutted to bland predictability and may well force me to quit. Easing the RNG on Hand of Justice would be welcome, but we do not need everything to be static and lame.

This. SO much this.

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As they stand, Combat changes in 2.10 are gonna force me to shelf my Sentinel. It's great for PvP, sure, and smoothing out the RNG could be nice in PvE, but boring, uninteresting rotations are terrible. Between this and the Gunny changes from awhile back, both my favorite classes will have had their rotations gutted to bland predictability and may well force me to quit. Easing the RNG on Hand of Justice would be welcome, but we do not need everything to be static and lame.


You know whats really boring? Attacking pve mobs that do the same thing over and over again.




No but really, lol pve. 2.10 changes are great.

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This response baffled me. The nature of RS in pyro and the nature of rupture in ani is essentally the same. Very low cost, high dmg, and helps resource management. R u telling me u dont get even midly upset if rupture comes off of cd naturally? The proc chances for both trees are extremely close to one another, so why shold ani be so penalised? Name me any other tree that has actual rng tied to its most important dot.


We r not going to have to go annihilate then vicous slash each time, it is unsustainable. The only times we need to do that is when annihilate fails, then we know we can just use vicious slash to get the proc for sure, delay next annihilte by 1 gcd, and keep going from there.


Im neutral about ur rage cost changes, 5 on ani is fair if there is a guarantee on rupture proc in some form. Falling asleep on the dummy? Most of us do, its not very engaging. Getting frustrated in ops due to stupid improbable failures on procs? Heck of a lot bigger problem than falling asleep on a silly dummy.

Yeah, Rail Shot and Rupture are mostly the same, the way that you proc them is not. Watchman has an attack whose cooldown can be linked with the proc that resets it's CD, Assault's ability with a high proc chance (Shock Strike) can't. So while the additive proc system under the ICD is needed for Assault in order to have consistent procs of HiB. On the other hand, Watchman can proc Cauterize with Merciless 75% of the time, and adding an additive proc with Slash makes resource generation non-sustainable and if the system was any like Assault, would always proc Cauterize.


In other words, both have their own style of a rotation and for good reasons, if you like the system of Assault more, play that.

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Yeah, Rail Shot and Rupture are mostly the same, the way that you proc them is not. Watchman has an attack whose cooldown can be linked with the proc that resets it's CD, Assault's ability with a high proc chance (Shock Strike) can't. So while the additive proc system under the ICD is needed for Assault in order to have consistent procs of HiB. On the other hand, Watchman can proc Cauterize with Merciless 75% of the time, and adding an additive proc with Slash makes resource generation non-sustainable and if the system was any like Assault, would always proc Cauterize.


In other words, both have their own style of a rotation and for good reasons, if you like the system of Assault more, play that.


Well... Honestly.. That's exactly why an additive proc would work.. it is non-sustainable.

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would always proc Cauterize.


Yes, that is the idea. Get a guaranteed chane to proc rupture. I dont care if the proc chance of annihilate needs to go down ( honestly I just dont feel the difference of 9% more chance to proc anyway...), the guarantee has to be there somewhere. I almost start crying when two annihilates and two vicous throws fail to get the proc. Its EXTREMELY frustrating and happens too often (yes I know you can do the maths how often it should happen and that 75% chance and all that blah blah).


When I do tough content I dont want to worry about my rotation screwing me over. Rng is not skill and frankly very annoying on such an important move. Skill is how to put ur tree into the fight and squeeze out the most amount of dps u possibly can. Positioning, targetting, dpsing on the move, using defensives to boost dps etc. THAT's skil. Crossing ur fingers that the dice roll goes ur way? Pfft.


Knowing how to counter a move in PVP? Thats skill. Coming up with clever unforeseen combos to win a duel? Thats skill. Losing a duel because Rupture didnt dam proc? Or because slaughter procced after force charge? Thats just dam unfair disadvantage. That is not skill. YOu need to have tools at ur disposal to make ur own luck instead of relying on luck.


And this is to those who like RNG: DING!!!!!!!!!!! A fair number of others absoutley despise it, including myself. So I guess to you I say, go play a different game and let bioware get rid of RNG (arguement sound familiar?).


Edit: I might very well have a different opinion on this if there weren't a general tendency in the recent class changes to get rid of all the RNG in the trees: madness (both sorc and sin), vengence, arsenal all free of it. My hunch is that the vast majority of players who mains these trees r pretty happy with it. The very least that can be done to other trees like ani and carnage is to bring it on the same type of "guaranteed RNG" as Pyro. I love how pyro works and whilst sometimes u can still get srewed, u can "unscrew" urself with a click of 1 or 2 buttons.

Edited by Benirons
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