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Other Ways To Earn Stuff


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*sigh* you're missing the entire point and its sad that you even think it's remotely ok for such a design.


What exactly do you expect from a Sub/F2P model? If you want stuff in this game, you're either going to pay with real money, fake money or a massive amount of time.


Hypothetical question here: What if a guild was able to get a Guild Ship without spending credits, but it meant having to wait a year? Would that be okay?

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What exactly do you expect from a Sub/F2P model? If you want stuff in this game, you're either going to pay with real money, fake money or a massive amount of time.


Hypothetical question here: What if a guild was able to get a Guild Ship without spending credits, but it meant having to wait a year? Would that be okay?


I'd like consistent real content that justifies having a subscription. If they are going to keep treating content in such a manner then the game should just go full blown f2p...Though at that point I'd probably just go back to FFXIV.

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50 MILLION credits for full legacy storage? LOL. So full legacy storage = 1 Galaxy class ship? Don't see the logic there.


Why is 50 million credits so ridiculous for an unlock that is permanent and can be easily accessed by every toon on your Legacy?


50 million for a fully unlocked Legacy Storage makes much more sense than 50 million for a locked Flagship belonging to a guild that is likely to dissolve and be defunct in 3-6 months. It's a perfectly reasonable price, plus you have the option to unlock it with CC.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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I'd like consistent real content that justifies having a subscription. If they are going to keep treating content in such a manner then the game should just go full blown f2p...Though at that point I'd probably just go back to FFXIV.


Why wait?

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Plenty has been written about strongholds, legacy storage, and guild ships costing too much (or not enough, depending on your wealth). Some ideas have been tossed around about how to make everything more accessible. Some favor cost reductions, some favor completing a certain achievement so many times in the game. These are good. I'm starting this thread to continue that discussion and bring it all into one place. So here are some of my thoughts on great ways to earn content without alienating a majority of the players (maybe):


1) Strongholds. These would be great to earn through personal missions. Pretty much just like the missions that we play when going through story, except the reward is a house and then expansions on the house with each successive mission. They would increase in difficulty as we play through them. So having a big house would truly be something noteworthy.


2) Legacy storage. Be a subscriber and get full access. Sorry, that's just how I feel it should be.


3) Guild ships. Create a new flashpoint or operation. The difficulty could scale with the group, but it would be significantly difficult. The reward for completing the FP or Op would be the ship. Of course, this could be replayable for other random loot or to unlock additional guild ship perks. Alternatively, a contested area could be created for team PvP. Capture and defense of the area (a shipyard or hangar) would result in earning the ship.


In my opinion, it would be more fun to earn these things through gameplay or new content, rather than just seeing who has the deepest pockets.


What do you think? Have any other great ideas? Let's hear them!


I think this is one more thread where you ask to be able to get what you want without credit cost, or for FREE.


Legacy storage, you want FULL access for FREE, no credit cost, nothing required, just full access for FREE.


You want to do a cheap personal conquest mission on your over geared main and then have a new house simply handed to you, because you don't want to have to pay credits for it.



You want to be able to take a buddy or a few buddies to do a new cheap FP on your over geared mains and then have a brand new guild ship simply handed to you. Then, you want to do that cheap FP over and over to get upgrades for that ship.


IMO, the current credit costs are attainable by all subscribers and guilds, so I see no reason to make any adjustments, especially not for the "have to have it now and for as little effort and cost as possible" crowd.

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There's an important difference: you cannot unlock a Guild ship a little at a time.


Which is why I always thought Guild Ships should follow the LS paradigm: Smaller guilds can buy one for say, 1 million and upgrade appropriately. OR they can trade said ship in on the next bigger / higher cost one.


Even if the Conquest benefits weren't the same (say X% for Galaxy, X/5 % for the much smaller) at least there'd be a sense of participation and not exclusion. Sure people can do the "personal conquest" route (whatever that may be), but something just doesn't 'feel' right about this.

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If they are going to keep treating content in such a manner then the game should just go full blown f2p...Though at that point I'd probably just go back to FFXIV.

And yet you pimp your referral link in your signature. Why refer people to a game you seem to think so poorly of?

It seems kind of mean an sadistic to do so.

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And yet you pimp your referral link in your signature. Why refer people to a game you seem to think so poorly of?

It seems kind of mean an sadistic to do so.


I don't think poorly of the game. I think poorly of the developers.

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I think this is one more thread where you ask to be able to get what you want without credit cost, or for FREE.


Legacy storage, you want FULL access for FREE, no credit cost, nothing required, just full access for FREE.


You want to do a cheap personal conquest mission on your over geared main and then have a new house simply handed to you, because you don't want to have to pay credits for it.



You want to be able to take a buddy or a few buddies to do a new cheap FP on your over geared mains and then have a brand new guild ship simply handed to you. Then, you want to do that cheap FP over and over to get upgrades for that ship.


IMO, the current credit costs are attainable by all subscribers and guilds, so I see no reason to make any adjustments, especially not for the "have to have it now and for as little effort and cost as possible" crowd.


Apparently you didn't even bother to read my post. LS is the only thing I stated should be "free." It'd be a nice subscriber perk, which will net them another $15 every month for every person who decides that's the tipping point to getting a sub.


All the rest of it, I stated would be make significantly difficult. This means you're going to have to earn it. I'd rather earn something by playing the game, doing things that I enjoy, rather than hoarding every credit I make and handing it to the guild after several months.


And besides, when they introduce something new, they could bother putting a freaking story behind it. How did we get this ship? By destroying such and such enemy and earning the emperor's favor. Or because we cleared out the stinking Republic soldiers from a shipyard and took this ship as payment.


Some of us still the story element to this game. You know, what's left of it.

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Which is why I always thought Guild Ships should follow the LS paradigm: Smaller guilds can buy one for say, 1 million and upgrade appropriately. OR they can trade said ship in on the next bigger / higher cost one.


Even if the Conquest benefits weren't the same (say X% for Galaxy, X/5 % for the much smaller) at least there'd be a sense of participation and not exclusion. Sure people can do the "personal conquest" route (whatever that may be), but something just doesn't 'feel' right about this.


I'd be cool with this solution, too. Absolutely reasonable.

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All the rest of it, I stated would be make significantly difficult. This means you're going to have to earn it. I'd rather earn something by playing the game, doing things that I enjoy, rather than hoarding every credit I make and handing it to the guild after several months.

Remember that the devs tried this with the HK-51 quest line, and were promptly overwhelmed with a plethora of complaints about being "forced" to do group content and being "forced" to do PvP in the Outlaws den.


You'll notice the next companion, Treek, was credits and CCs (and a single conversation).


I firmly believe that a certain segment of the community successfully browbeat BW into only considering credits and CCs for future releases.

Edited by Khevar
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Remember that the devs tried this with the HK-51 quest line, and were promptly overwhelmed with a plethora of complaints about being "forced" to do group content and being "forced" to do PvP in the Outlaws den.


You'll notice the next companion, Treek, was credits and CCs (and a single conversation).


I firmly believe that a certain segment of the community successfully browbeat BW into only considering credits and CCs for future releases.


HK-51 was poorly done though. The beginning of the quest line was pretty awesome. The ending of the quest line was also pretty awesome. The mind numbing hunting of parts was....retarded. That was really the main issue most people had, not being forced to group up.

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The mind numbing hunting of parts was....retarded. That was really the main issue most people had, not being forced to group up.

I can only go off of my own memory (don't feel like digging up the posts), so I suppose it's possible I'm wrong.


But I remember the complaints about the "searching" came later, when there were fewer people searching. At release were there voluminous complaints about having to do HM flashpoints that couldn't be solo'ed, and even MORE about how putting a vendor in Outlaw's den was the worst possible thing evar evar evar.


Since the next companion had no quests of any kind whatsoever, it's not a stretch to think that they gave up on this idea.


Personally, I'm disappointed in this change. I enjoyed the HK-51 questline tremendously (even the searching parts).

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Very true - though I agree that the searching part should have taken latecomers into consideration. Doing it alone really can be needlessly tedious.


Or the fact that today its a bit more difficult to even find groups for those old flashpoints. Then again, limiting flashpoints by level always seemed stupid to me. I'd think Bioware could make much more use of existing content by offering every flashpoint as a scaling tactical variant, and as a hardmode variant at max level. That would alleviate so many issues, repetition of the exact same six or seven or so hardmodes included.

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Remember that the devs tried this with the HK-51 quest line, and were promptly overwhelmed with a plethora of complaints about being "forced" to do group content and being "forced" to do PvP in the Outlaws den.


You'll notice the next companion, Treek, was credits and CCs (and a single conversation).


I firmly believe that a certain segment of the community successfully browbeat BW into only considering credits and CCs for future releases.


I know where you're coming from, but I don't think it's unreasonable to ask people to do group content for a group (guild) reward. My way does a better job of encouraging teamwork than their "farm dailies" method does.

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I know where you're coming from, but I don't think it's unreasonable to ask people to do group content for a group (guild) reward. My way does a better job of encouraging teamwork than their "farm dailies" method does.

Oh, I agree with you.


I wish I could hop in a DeLorean and go back to 2012 to "shake my fist" at the people complaining about new content behind a long quest. All we get now is credits and CCs. :/

Edited by Khevar
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Remember that the devs tried this with the HK-51 quest line, and were promptly overwhelmed with a plethora of complaints about being "forced" to do group content and being "forced" to do PvP in the Outlaws den.


You'll notice the next companion, Treek, was credits and CCs (and a single conversation).


I firmly believe that a certain segment of the community successfully browbeat BW into only considering credits and CCs for future releases.


Perhaps you're giving that segment of the community, those kinds of complaints, too much credit.

Of these two companions, HK-51 and Treek, which one do you believe was the cheapest to make ? Which one do you think provided more profit to BW ?


I don't believe the complaints about the Outlaws Den bit for HK-51 had anything to do on how Treek was developed and delivered. For example, the Gree event reeks of PvP, during that week many, many, many threads pop complaining about the PvP part of the event and every iteration the event is the same, the flaggin system is exactly the same, etc. All those complaints are ignored.


IMO, Treek was made the way she was exclusively because it was more convenient, in every aspect, for BW. Was it a good change for this segment of the community you speak of ? Sure, but I seriuosly doubt it was a factor when they were deciding on how to make and release Treek.

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Oh, I agree with you.


I wish I could hop in a DeLorean and go back to 2012 to "shake my fist" at the people complaining about new content behind a long quest. All we get now is credits and CCs. :/


you had me at 'hop in a DeLorean'

i'm good with just that part :)

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IMO, Treek was made the way she was exclusively because it was more convenient, in every aspect, for BW. Was it a good change for this segment of the community you speak of ? Sure, but I seriuosly doubt it was a factor when they were deciding on how to make and release Treek.

You may be right, it could be that the devs just didn't want to invest the resources.


If this is the case, however, I find it rather sad. The HK questline wasn't perfect, but it was definitely something new and different. It would have been pretty great to improve on that paradigm for future unlockable content. Not just Treek, but strongholds as well.

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