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"You can make a million credits in under a hour doing Dailies!" MYTH BUSTED


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At 8 members, it equals roughly 60 hours of daily grind. I consider that unnecessarily restrictive for certain playstyles.


How do you arrive at 60? That'd be a credit/hour rate of barely over 100k, which is lower than the norm for dailies.


Even the OP here averaged over 200k/hour, while doing some of the less efficient dailies in the game, and not selling isotope-5s.

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It was waved into my face by one of the "50 million is fine" crowd, Andrellma to be specific. I don't have his specific calculation at hand right now, though he WAS going for a pretty low hourly rate. I don't care much either way because I don't consider 30 or 40 hours to be anything better if its spent in dull credit grinding.
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I don't care much either way because I don't consider 30 or 40 hours to be anything better if its spent in dull credit grinding.

I can completely understand this -- this is main reason I switched to crafting as a primary method of getting credits.


However, I think it's important to consider how much faster dailies are in a group.


If 1 person can do dailies over a 4-5 hours period for 1 million credits, then

8 people could probably do all dailies in about 1-2 hours, and get about 5-6 million credits


This would reduce the individual player's contribution down to about 10-12 hours.


Of course, this is still more than 0 hours of dailies (:p) but it's significantly less than 40-60.

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Dailies ran: Oricon, Section X (minus H4 and weekly), Black Hole, Ilum, and CZ-198 (minus weekly and FPs obviously).

Time Spent: 1 hour 52 minutes, 17 seconds (1.87 hours).

Total credits earned = 878,966

Credits per hour = 470,035.3


Credit Gain Breakdown:


Starting credits = 28,224,433

Credits after mission turn ins, credit drops off mobs, and minus credits spent to send companions on missions = 28,575,681

Net gain from mission turn ins only = 351,248


Credits after vendoring trash drops = 28,633,971

Net gain from missions plus vendor trash = 409,538


66 basic comms gained = 1.89 Isotope5s (Isotope5 = 35 basic comms)

Isos on my server right now are 120k each. 1.89 Isos = 226,800 credits

Net gain from missions, vendor trash, and basic comms = 636,338


Value of crafting mats gathered by companions during the 1.87 hours = 136,147

Net gain = 772,485


40 classic comms = 1/3rd of an Offhand, so approximately 10k credits.

Net gain = 782,485


Approximate value of purple, blue, and orange drops placed on the GTN = 192,961

These items may or may not sell, so we'll only add half the total to our net, half = 96,481 credits

Net gain = 878,966


Credits per hour: 878,966 / 1.87 = 470,035.3


If all those GTN items sell then we are looking at:

Net Gain = 975,446

Credits per hour = 521,629


Why You Can Do Better:


- I ran in tank spec with tank gear on. You might be able to burn through them faster than me as a well geared well played DPS.

- My crew skills were Archaeology and Underworld Trading. With a better combination, you could easily earn quite a bit more than I did from gathering.

- I got zero crits from UT, so pretty much all my UT runs were a net loss of credits.

- I did zero research before hand of what grade Archaeology mats to farm, I just defaulted to grade 9. By mixing in Rich missions of lower grades, I may have earned higher returns.

- I just did the missions that I felt like doing, I did not put any thought into what would get me the most basic comms or anything. I also skipped a lot of bonus missions that were even slightly inconvenient.

- I didn't use my Heroic Moments or anything because I am kind of out of practice at soloing stuff since I hardly have any time to play, so with proper use you could shave even more time off the clock.



This was a fun little experiment. While 1 million per hour is most likely out of reach, you could EASILY earn 500k per hour. I am guessing even as high as 750k per hour would be possible with some planning.

Edited by Icebergy
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I'll never get the crafting materials part, really. Just to make this clear, selling mats is how I gain my credits these days - and profit has dropped off sharply ever since guild ships are announced.

There is a small chance that it'll raise again once people have their ships and start needing more decorations, but as long as people are saving, mat-selling will probably be a very poor way to generate credits, especially once everyone does it.


On top of that, Isotope-5 doesnt sell for nearly as much over here, just like top-level purples don't really go for much. I probably have higher profits trying to sell Hooligan Armor, but that comes and goes.

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(...) Nobody likes dailies. They're boring, monotonous, and an inefficient means of gaining credits...but what you have proven is that even considering all that...they're still effective at gaining massive amounts of credits in a relatively short period of time. (...)


You do realize that you are contradicting yourself? :o

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I'll never get the crafting materials part, really. Just to make this clear, selling mats is how I gain my credits these days - and profit has dropped off sharply ever since guild ships are announced.

There is a small chance that it'll raise again once people have their ships and start needing more decorations, but as long as people are saving, mat-selling will probably be a very poor way to generate credits, especially once everyone does it.


On top of that, Isotope-5 doesnt sell for nearly as much over here, just like top-level purples don't really go for much. I probably have higher profits trying to sell Hooligan Armor, but that comes and goes.


Intelligent people know how to adapt to a changing market.


On my RP server, grade 2 color crystals are going for 1,600+ per unit. Grade 3 are over 2,000. Grade 4 are low (lol) at 950-ish. Grade 5 over 800.


I could probably list the other things that have skyrocketed in value (and profit) since 2.9 hit PTS but that would be me doing the 3 minutes worth of research and analysis you should do instead of complaining that you can't figure it out.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Icebergy, nice work and thanks for the effort! I assume you solo'd that?


If you group you can shave about half the time within each daily area, but obviously not the travel time between daily areas (should be small anyway) or the time it takes to get or turn in the quests. That will reduce the number of things you get from crafting missions but increase your hourly nonetheless.


Plus grouping makes them more fun.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Intelligent people know how to adapt to a changing market.


On my RP server, grade 2 color crystals are going for 1,600+ per unit. Grade 3 are over 2,000. Grade 4 are low (lol) at 950-ish. Grade 5 over 800.


I could probably list the other things that have skyrocketed in value (and profit) since 2.9 hit PTS but that would be me doing the 3 minutes worth of research and analysis you should do instead of complaining that you can't figure it out.


And there you go again making assumptions about what I do or don't do.


Let me answer that the same way as the other thirteen times: Nice for you. Not happening over here.

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And there you go again making assumptions about what I do or don't do.


Let me answer that the same way as the other thirteen times: Nice for you. Not happening over here.


Could you spend 5 minutes at your GTN terminal and randomly sample prices of the following and let us know what they are:


  • Color Crystals, grade 2-9
  • Underworld Metals, grade 2-9
  • Underworld Fabrics, grade 2-9
  • Slicing Tech Parts, grade 2-9



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Icebergy, nice work and thanks for the effort! I assume you solo'd that?


If you group you can shave about half the time within each daily area, but obviously not the travel time between daily areas (should be small anyway) or the time it takes to get or turn in the quests. That will reduce the number of things you get from crafting missions but increase your hourly nonetheless.


Plus grouping makes them more fun.


Yes I soloed it. With a group you would lose a little bit of credits due to having to share the drops and trash drops, but you would substantially increase your speed. Which means much better credits per hour.


What I really hope people take away from my post is the "why you can do better" section. I put very little thought into this and was still able to come away with very decent credits per hour. Stuff like this is fun for me, it made the round of dailies fun to do this analysis and I am already thinking about trying to 'beat my score' next time.


The only thing keeping you poor in this game is you.

Edited by Icebergy
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Dude, actually logging in right now would not be worth the effort, let alone searching through dozens of materials. It wouldn't even proove anything, because I said that prices are dropping significantly already, not that they are completely without profit yet. And unless the trend reverses, which I doubt with everyone in saving mode, many things will be unprofitable very soon. Mythra pretty much already is, dropping as low as 500cr already.


And what others? So far, I've found more agreement than disagreement on that point.

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I have my own system... I run Belsavis Dailies.. followed by black hole and then Czerka then Oricon. I can run those all in about hour to hour and a half If im lazy. I solo all of them. I also sometimes toss in section x. Doing those and selling all loot to vender I make about 300k to 400k. Thats 1 character. I have 3 55's I do that on all 3 and I make about 1 mil. Its easy and I have no issue. My guild has started doing this and we have over 10mil saved up. Its easy.
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Dude, actually logging in right now would not be worth the effort, let alone searching through dozens of materials. It wouldn't even proove anything, because I said that prices are dropping significantly already, not that they are completely without profit yet. And unless the trend reverses, which I doubt with everyone in saving mode, many things will be unprofitable very soon. Mythra pretty much already is, dropping as low as 500cr already.


And what others? So far, I've found more agreement than disagreement on that point.


You are unwilling or unable to answer very, very simple, direct questions.


When asked about materials that are skyrocketing in price because of the new patch, you instead reference materials (Mythra) that aren't of any interest in the new patch.


Are you here to find solutions, offer better alternatives, or just complain?

Edited by DarthTHC
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Run Ilum (lots of credits for the time invested, 20 minutes for 70k or so), followed by Black Hole Weekly, Makeb weekly, and Oricon Weekly. Use basic comms to buy 3 Isotope 5. Sell Isotope 5 for 100 to 120k each. 1 mill credits or so for a couple hours of work (dependent on trash drops mostly--good drops means more creds). Do it on 13 characters throughout the week like me and you'll be absurdly rich in no time. Just gotta have patience and be smart. Add in running FP and ops regularly and it gets even better. Edited by Eitetsu
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You are unwilling or unable to answer very, very simple, direct questions.


When asked about materials that are skyrocketing in price because of the new patch, you instead reference materials (Mythra) that aren't of any interest in the new patch.


Are you here to find solutions, offer better alternatives, or just complain?



No, I am unwilling to indulge your doubts and insults. You can take my word for it, or not. I don't really care.

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You can do dailies in a group and complete them much faster and earn the same credits, minus most of the drops.


Actually I have found the opposite is true, with Oricon being the exception.


Every single time I have tried to form a group, even among my friends or coworkers to do dailies it took me anywhere from 25 percent up to 100 percent longer. The ability to run the weeklies compensated for the extra time, but only just.


It's much more profitable to me to run them solo, and then grab a group for the weekly when one forms.

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You can do dailies in a group and complete them much faster and earn the same credits, minus most of the drops.

Don't forget, you get better loot drops when you are in a group. It says so every time I join one. :)

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Actually I have found the opposite is true, with Oricon being the exception.

Every single time I have tried to form a group, even among my friends or coworkers to do dailies it took me anywhere from 25 percent up to 100 percent longer.

The sled goes no faster than the slowest dog. That's why my wife and I, who do dailies very quickly, only group with players we know are fast or for things like AC that require it. Or to show someone the ropes, in which case speed does not matter.

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