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"You can make a million credits in under a hour doing Dailies!" MYTH BUSTED


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This is a video game DOH. It's entertainment. I want everyone who is playing this game to enjoy the new content.


those who want to be entertained by playing house will find away, just like those who enjoy playing barbie found away.

It isn't about the destination, its about the journey.

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I definitely would prefer new and separate content as well, I'm just not counting on it.

The core of my question, though, is if the Guild Conquest system is structured as an "overlay" with new incentives/rewards/etc on top of existing content (the existing Daily quests for example) does that change how you feel about it being such a terrible idea to "gate" that system.


Since the distinction you were drawing was that it's okay to have HM/NiM gated since there's still access to SM and the ability to work your way up to HM/NiM, it seems to me if this is how Conquest works, players would still have access to the basic content (e.g. Dailies) and be able to work their way up to the Conquest overlay.


Again, working in the dark here so this is based on some assumptions, but if there is any truly distinct/separate content from what's already available in-game, I would expect that will be what the Personal Conquest (which doesn't require a Guild Ship) provides access to as well.


Good inquiry. I'd need to think more on it, but honestly it seems like something that would enrich all types of content by giving it more context so if that was what conquest was then I'm actually still for it even moreso. Hell guild ships shouldn't cost a dime if thats the scenario which I don't think it should be.

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Yeah Doh, I totally agree. Gating content is freaking brilliant. I LOVE IT! I hope every tiny worthless guild out there feels bad and quits, leaving only hardworking, hardcore guilds who deserve it!!!


I really like the Avalance and Titan mounts... can you give them to me?

I don't really like doing ops and stuff with my guild... but they look really cool, and I play the game so I should just get them... right?

I shouldn't really have to, you know, work for it... right? :rolleyes:

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Europe/Germany T3-M4 ;)


I like it, it's rather well populated and as said: pvp queue times are really well during my 'playing hours'.


Well no wonder I've never heard any PvP'ers complain about that server :)


Only the english servers.

I just assumed the german and french ones were pretty much dead.

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You can run dailies in groups of four people. I mean, you can run them in ops groups of 8, sure, but you're losing time regrouping every time a quest takes you to an instanced area.


As for X people making X times as much credits, this isn't the case since the credit drops are divided between members and loot grops trigger the need/greed system. These two factors reduce the amount gained from drops.


I'm thinking the optimal setup for farming dailies would be two people and their two companions. And that's only when they're not ridiculosly overgeared. I prefer "soloing" my dailies. Most people slow me down and mess up my rythm.


Well, while loot is divided, the money for completing missions (which is what most people count when doing dailies) is not.

So while you lose out a little on the loot drops, you still gain much more by roflstomping through the content in the time it takes to just run through it without stopping.

When I've done dailies with 3 other people (which isn't often) we have barely even stopped to kill the enemies, AOE's and the combined damage from all 4 players usually just wipes them before we need to stop.

Only time you had to actually stop a bit was on the H4 heroics. And even then it's not more than a few seconds per fight.


Running oricon with 4 people in a group takes half the time it normally takes me to run it.

So that right there means that we could do 2 dailies in the same time it takes to do 1.

AND, if you are pooling your money for a guild ship, you get 4 times as much money (from the missions) to put towards that.

That will equal alot more than just a measly 300-400k per hour.

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So remember how in all the Stronghold/Guild Ships/Legacy Storage topics certain people always claim credits are so easy to make in such a short amount of time? And that you'll be swimming in them in under an hour?



Well I went and tested it and here are my results:


Dailies and Weeklies done:



Section X

Black Hole




Makeb Staged Weekly

GSI Makeb

GSI Tatoonie (only need two planets for Weekly)


Total Time Spent doing Dailies: 5 hours 17 minutes


Total credits earned: 1,385, 888


Barely over a million. And in fact the last 400k of those came from the sheer amount of stuff done on Makeb which took a little over 2 hours itself.


So with Makeb out over three hours of work it was only 985,000 credits and that includes the Dailies on planets NOBODY does to boost the numbers up. I did every bonus and every Heroic (only Section X I had to group for as it requires 4 to complete), so no "hurr durr you skipped stuff!" because I didn't.


I also didn't spend any credits on purchases and didn't die to any mobs so no repair bill inflation.



1 mil in under an hour doing Dailies? Not unless Crate-o-Matic's are dropping off every boss.



Yes by the end of the 5 hours of mindless grinding and watching 2 season's of DBZ Abridged in the background to stay sane I wasn't having fun anymore.


Now do those same dailies again with your other toons like i do, you can make millions in one days time if you have that kind of time, that is. I have 10 toons and now 7 out of those 10 can do lvl 50 to 55 dailies and thats like 500k a piece or more. Actually i only do Ilum, Blk hole, section X, Czerka and Oricon. once in awhile i might do Mekeb, but not to often. Like i said do those with a lot of toons. You can make a couple a million a day. I just dont have that kind of time any more like i use too. But i do alright, i'll get what i need.

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doesn't make it any less true.


Its the classic no lifer attitude.


I spend more time in game so it should be harder for everyone else.


It should relatively easy for everyone to experience everything no matter their playstyle. They all pay the same sub.


Or you could just make it 200 million and get a title "needs to see a doctor" and bw emails parents advising them to stop paying for their childs internet.

Edited by Tellenn
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Its the classic no lifer attitude.


I spend more time in game so it should be harder for everyone else.


It should relatively easy for everyone to experience everything no matter their playstyle. They all pay the same sub.


Or you could just make it 200 million and get a title "needs to see a doctor" and bw emails parents advising them to stop paying for their childs internet.


These self-defeatist posts are getting hilarious... in a pathetic sort of way.


"I can't be bothered to figure out how to do it in a reasonable amount of playtime, so there's no way anyone else could possibly pull it off."


No. Really. It's not like that at all.


Read the forums. Plenty of guilds comprised of adults with far more limited playtime than most either have done it or are working toward it, sans complaints.


If you can't figure it out, ask for advice. People will help you.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Its the classic no lifer attitude.


I spend more time in game so it should be harder for everyone else.


It should relatively easy for everyone to experience everything no matter their playstyle. They all pay the same sub.


Or you could just make it 200 million and get a title "needs to see a doctor" and bw emails parents advising them to stop paying for their childs internet.


Or you could stop being jealous...

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Its the classic no lifer attitude.


I spend more time in game so it should be harder for everyone else.


It should relatively easy for everyone to experience everything no matter their playstyle. They all pay the same sub.


Or you could just make it 200 million and get a title "needs to see a doctor" and bw emails parents advising them to stop paying for their childs internet.


Everyone has the same opportunity as everyone else. Nothing is preventing them from experiencing the content. The difference is in how long it takes.


I don't play much beyond a few hours a week mainly raiding, so "hardcore no lifer" is not really applicable. I just don't feel everyone should have everything handed to them. Some things need to be earned.


How cheap is cheap enough? How low do we make the bar so that you feel is "correct" to give those whom you feel are worthy enough to have it.


Should ALL people have access? Some will never earn enough to achieve it. So it should just be free?

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Or you could stop being jealous...


Just trying to be helpful. I only play for the career stories pop back every 6 months to do another. Don't have the time to play mmos anymore. Im sure I'm not the only one.


When games start to really drag out content gates its time to worry as thats the devs saying there's less coming after this so make the grind last.

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Just trying to be helpful. I only play for the career stories pop back every 6 months to do another. Don't have the time to play mmos anymore. Im sure I'm not the only one.


When games start to really drag out content gates its time to worry as thats the devs saying there's less coming after this so make the grind last.


I'm not sure how helpful it is posting opinions on something you don't even care about.


I mean really, who's that useful to?

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Just trying to be helpful. I only play for the career stories pop back every 6 months to do another. Don't have the time to play mmos anymore. Im sure I'm not the only one.


When games start to really drag out content gates its time to worry as thats the devs saying there's less coming after this so make the grind last.


Then you shouldn't be worried about all this is if you don't have time to play MMO's and only play the class stories 1 at a time...

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I'm not sure how helpful it is posting opinions on something you don't even care about.


I mean really, who's that useful to?


Whos any of this helpful to? Gaming forums are full of hyperbole and opinion. Devs don't read them.


Sure I cared about this game. An mmo set in the favourite films of my childhood and one of my favourite games franchises turning more and more into a 2005 wow grindfest clone of end game dailies. Fantastic.


Cut the grind and add the content. Stories preferably.

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Whos any of this helpful to? Gaming forums are full of hyperbole and opinion. Devs don't read them.


Sure I cared about this game. An mmo set in the favourite films of my childhood and one of my favourite games franchises turning more and more into a 2005 wow grindfest clone of end game dailies. Fantastic.


Cut the grind and add the content. Stories preferably.


Start here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7576704#edit7576704

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I must admit I love how you're making all efforts to counter each and every post I make. :)


I don't think I've tried to counter more than one of your posts.

And that was just to point out that it is, in fact, possible to earn a guild ship relatively fast if you group up and help eachother out.

Which is kinda the point of a guild in the first place...

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CZ-198, no weekly

Credits: 45,506

Time: 12 minutes

Note that the CZ weekly gives a purple item container. The one I opened yesterday yielded a head armor for which the lowest price on the GTN was more than 50K. Plus it gives 20 Basics, which translates into around 50K credits when converted to Iso-5 and sold. Plus 15K credits, a 2500 credit rep item, and 12 Elites (that cannot be efficiently converted to creds :().


So the weekly mission alone can yield almost 120K credits from quest rewards, plus loot drops. Not sure how long it takes to run the two tac FPs you would need to do, but they can go pretty fast.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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A guild with 100 members active and supporting it should be treated differently than a guild of 20 people with half the guild being nothing but alts and inactive accounts.


First guild has earned their right and built their guild up the right way. The latter is either growing or dieing. The former can still get it, but will take time, the latter, probably shouldn't have it anyway since more often than not it will just be a waste.


Who are you to determine that a 100-member guild is built the "right way" and the other one is "dying or growing" ?


The entire game is designed around 4 and 8 man content, which a few variations - those being Ops available as 16 man variants, and GSF at up to 12 people per side, though they open, again, at 8.


Further, some playstyles tend to favour certain guild sizes. Its just how things happen. Why should 100 members be the correct way to go about it? I'd consider that size rather inpersonal, for my taste.

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If a guild has 100 members or 20 members, 50 million is not a grind fest for either guild to get. Now if it is a guild with 1 member with 20 alts then it would be a grind fest. IMO a person with a guild and is the only current member is a guild in name only.
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Those things are awesome for companion affection too.

For my female Sorc gaining affection with Ashara, Belsavis dailies were practically a necessity, as she didn't like any gifts at all.


When the affection totals finally hit 10000, I was somewhat disappointed I didn't get an achievement for "Warming the heart of an ice-cold-b****"



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If a guild has 100 members or 20 members, 50 million is not a grind fest for either guild to get. Now if it is a guild with 1 member with 20 alts then it would be a grind fest. IMO a person with a guild and is the only current member is a guild in name only.


At 8 members, it equals roughly 60 hours of daily grind. I consider that unnecessarily restrictive for certain playstyles.

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