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Stun locked to death


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As a sage, I would like to see them increase healing, or put a few more tools in the box for survivability.


lol what? You do know the average HPS currently is higher than the average DPS right? Healing does not need to be increased. Sage healers need some love in certain aspects, but healing output is most certainly not one of them.


PVP has been around for a long time, and healers have become the first target on the field. You'd think that they would have taken this into consideration when they designed those classes with pvp in mind.


They did, its this thing called a guard where the tank takes 50% of your damage. Make friends with some tanks. I guarantee they will love having a pocket healer and will have no complaints putting a guard on you if you are actually half decent at healing. Or keep solo queuing like most people do and then complain when you get blown up in a team based game while queuing solo because you didn't have the forethought to make some friends to get proper support in a warzone.



If the goal in pvp is to not have any healers, then they are doing a good job of making that happen.


See the two responses above. :rolleyes:


I think people forget that healers wear light armor, usually have fewer hit points, fewer defensive abilities, while at the same time, at least for a sage, all of their heals (except for rejuv and 1 self heal) are on cast timers, or are channeled, while the high damage, high mitigation classes can activate their abilities instantly, on the move. Maybe give healers a small, spammable instant cast heal to at least allow them to heal on the move?


For the record, outside of tanks all classes are in the 31k-32k range between the tier 1 and tier 2 sets depending on min/max or not. You do not have fewer hit points than everyone else...Unless of course you don't have augments then that is just lol on your part. Also, only sage healers wear light armor. Scoundrels wear medium armor and commandos wear heavy armor.


With that said, I'm not against giving sages some instant cast heals. They do rely heavily on channeled abilities and that hurts them in 4v4.

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I think people forget that healers wear light armor, usually have fewer hit points, fewer defensive abilities, while at the same time, at least for a sage, all of their heals (except for rejuv and 1 self heal) are on cast timers, or are channeled, while the high damage, high mitigation classes can activate their abilities instantly, on the move. Maybe give healers a small, spammable instant cast heal to at least allow them to heal on the move?


You don't seem to be very grounded in how this game works. Healers wear light, medium and heavy armor. They do not have fewer hit points than anyone other than tanks and a couple specs in some trees that allow for more end. They do not have fewer defensive abilities than their dps specs. A healing sage takes much more work to kill than the other two sage specs. As for channeled: sages have plenty but commandos are a bit worse than sages in that arena and scoundrels have lots of instant heals (one of the biggest complaints about them - they're very hard to shut down even in a 2v1).

Edited by Savej
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