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Let me save you all 50 million credits for Legacy Storage


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Then you are the exception, not the rule... LS is wasted development if only 3% of the player base uses it.


Really? And what percentage of the player base makes use of Nightmare Mode content? Think it's more than 3%?


I suppose you think the PVP Tier 1 rewards like the unique Rancors are wasted development, too, huh? Wanna know what percentage of the PVPers got Rank 1 and that Rancor?

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Doesn't help me.


I don't want legacy storage for extra storage but for accessibility so I don't have to make spreadsheets about which character has what and not have to relog so often.


If it was just storage I wanted you'd be right but that's not the point of it for me.


While its not as cheap as the OP's solution, buying the CM unlock off the GTN ought to only run you about 10 mil or so.

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Really? And what percentage of the player base makes use of Nightmare Mode content? Think it's more than 3%?


I suppose you think the PVP Tier 1 rewards like the unique Rancors are wasted development, too, huh? Wanna know what percentage of the PVPers got Rank 1 and that Rancor?


Yes, I do think NiM content is wasted because yes, I do think very few people do it, at least until the lvl cap is raised. NiM 50 Ops are no longer the insane challenge they once were. NiM 55 won't be either once lvl 60 comes out.


Rancor? That is a model that has been reused twice, if it ONLY had been for PvP rewards, then yes, it would have been wasted. I'm quite sure that putting it into the Star Cluster pack has paid for itself over and over by now.


Developing the model is one thing, painting it another color? Meh, not that big a deal.

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Yes, I do think NiM content is wasted because yes, I do think very few people do it, at least until the lvl cap is raised. NiM 50 Ops are no longer the insane challenge they once were. NiM 55 won't be either once lvl 60 comes out.


Rancor? That is a model that has been reused twice, if it ONLY had been for PvP rewards, then yes, it would have been wasted. I'm quite sure that putting it into the Star Cluster pack has paid for itself over and over by now.


Developing the model is one thing, painting it another color? Meh, not that big a deal.


Don't hurt yourself dragging the goalposts. And funny, I haven't seen any of your threads raging about NiM content coming out. Curious that.

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I honestly haven't really been following Strongholds that closely. This legacy storage thing, is it only in your house or is there going to be an interface thingy for it in your ship?


That'd be the deciding factor on if I even use it or not - which loads quicker and which I tend to log off in more frequently.

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Yes, I do think NiM content is wasted because yes, I do think very few people do it..
Yeah, only the best teams in the game do NiM DF/DP, there's no reason at all BW would want to put a little effort into keeping those kinds of players around. (NOT.)


Sheesh. It's always "anything I don't want is a waste" and "anything I don't want to pay for is overpriced" with you, isn't it? Such a narrow selfish perspective ...

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I honestly haven't really been following Strongholds that closely. This legacy storage thing, is it only in your house or is there going to be an interface thingy for it in your ship?


That'd be the deciding factor on if I even use it or not - which loads quicker and which I tend to log off in more frequently.

As far as I know, it is only in the Stronghold. But, Strongholds load as fast as your ship on the PTS, and you can put your Legacy Storage right at the entrance if you like, so you don't waste time walking to it.


Plus, on the PTS moving from Stronghold to Stronghold re-rolls your Crew Skill missions.

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Step 1: Buy Cargo Bay Unlock (Account Wide) x 4 off the GTN (or however many you need) and apply them to your account


Step 2: Press "Create Character"


Congratulations you now have 400 inventory slots for not even a 1/5th the cost of Legacy Storage that'll function all but the same, you simply have to put the effort in to use your fancy mailbox to move things for a few moments of your time.



Really, is anyone so lazy they'd rather spend 50 million than spend a few minutes (if even that) mailing things? Remember, Legacy Storage cannot hold anything you cannot already mail.


Already have max cargo holds, still wanted the legacy bank and was very happy when it was mentioned we were getting one. Just saving time was a factor and the convenience of having one . However this has now faded, I will have the free one, but that's it. the benefit of the legacy bank(s) is not worth the credits. I mean do boiware make money from in game credits (not cartel) if not which I don't see how they do, why set the cost so high? makes no sense to me.


It will be interesting to see if a year from now how many players have the max or even above the first 1 of the legacy banks. There will always be some who will and really its there creds so why not, no objections here, but would be interesting to know the percentage all the same. I wonder how bioware will judge the success of the banks, strongholds and guild ships.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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^ You are correct...


Now how much "work" does it save you to have Legacy storage, only to have to pay 50 million credits for it?


And if you have so much stuff and so many alts that you need spreadsheets, then 5 bays of legacy storage won't be enough anyway.


The math does not lie, for those who it will make a big difference to, it isn't big enough to matter, for those who don't, it costs too much. Actually it costs too much for even you, if you did the math on what you have to profit to afford this, you'd find you are likely better off just not doing those activities in the first place, thus not needing the storage.


The whole thing is one big logic fail.


Don't get me wrong. I find it useful and it will save me a lot of time, but that still doesn't make me want to grind dailies for such an exorbitant amount of credits for what I consider a basic function.


Now the first tab is pretty much free but I find the cc cost as well as the credit cost too high so at these prices I won't be getting more than 1 extra tab which will make it feel disappointing rather than making me happy. I just refuse to pay for overpriced things because as much as I would be able to get the creds together over time. I am certainly not willing to do so and it ticks me off that I would have to choose between a much wanted convenience factor and housing because I certainly won't be able to afford both this year. Dailies bore me much too quickly to keep up with these silly prices.

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As far as I know, it is only in the Stronghold. But, Strongholds load as fast as your ship on the PTS, and you can put your Legacy Storage right at the entrance if you like, so you don't waste time walking to it.


Plus, on the PTS moving from Stronghold to Stronghold re-rolls your Crew Skill missions.


That's good to hear. Is there a quick travel option to your house and back from the rest of the world?

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That's good to hear. Is there a quick travel option to your house and back from the rest of the world?

Yes. It works pretty much like the "Return to Previous Location" option from Group Finder. When I QT'd home from within an instance on Manaan and then returned, it returned me to the just outside the instance.


And when I QT'd to my NS Stronghold, and then QT'd again to my DK Stronghold, the "return to where you were" option took me back to where I was before I went to the NS Stronghold. Pretty nice.


And it means you can reroll your crew skill missions while in the middle of questing fairly quickly, without having to interrupt your questing.


I have not tried QT to a Stronghold from within a Warzone.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Legacy Storage cannot hold anything you cannot already mail.


This is why it is pointless, all it does is make it so you can put crafting mats in there. We all know normal people wanted legacy storage so we could move around at least cosmetic gear, but, as you said, they completely removed the usefulness of it by making it mats only. All legacy storage does as of right now is make it so you can transfer more than 8 stacks of mats and you don't have to pay the mailing fee. Hell, it still only allows us to stack items up to 99.


Bioware, why did you waste your time developing (and screwing up) something that most everyone wanted, but turned it into a only very slightly better version of the mailing system?

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Really? And what percentage of the player base makes use of Nightmare Mode content? Think it's more than 3%?


I suppose you think the PVP Tier 1 rewards like the unique Rancors are wasted development, too, huh? Wanna know what percentage of the PVPers got Rank 1 and that Rancor?


When NiM content is the only real content of an update/patch (like remember when Nightmare DF/DP came out?), yes it does feel like wasted content for while like 10% of players get that to play around with 90% of players do not. Doing NiM 55 content with randoms is all but impossible limiting it to organised guilds/friends.


I sure wasn't happy when the majority of a patch was "Nightmare content!" "But I can't do that what do I get to d-" "NIGHTMARE CONTENT!"


Also the PvP Rancor, as already said, if it just for PvP Season 1 would've been a huge waste of content as only a tiny percentage would ever use an iconic Star Wars beast.


The PvP armor was just recolored HM/NiM Operation armor, so, well, it wasn't really wasteful.




Given they seem to want to make this upcoming Stronghold patch:



Legacy Storage!

Guild Ships!


You'd think they'd not want like 10% of players only expanding past the first LS tab right? Just makes it seem "oh well we buggered this feature up let's ignore it for years".



You're not training for a MMA title fight. You're not doing double integrals. You're sitting on your butt playing a video game. You know? Pressing little buttons and stuff on a keyboard. Let's relax with all of the "OMG YOU ARE SO LAZY and I AM TEH LE3TZ!!!!ONE!!!!!!1!!!!!" talk.


Where do I mention leet speak? And aren't you sitting on your butt and pressing keyboard buttons right now too?



But let's expand on the lazy point because it's a good one, here's what you do to transfer things right now:



Log in to Character X


Find item/s


Open Mailbox and send item/s to Character Y


Log out of Character X and into Character Y


Open Mailbox and collect items



Here's what you have to do for Legacy Storage


Log into Character X


Find item/s


Go to Stronghold and throw item/s into Legacy Storage


Log out of Character X into Character Y


Go to Stronghold and collect item/s from Legacy Storage



You're literally doing the same thing but a mailbox doesn't have as much space per mail, but nor does it have a 50 mil pricetag for all the space either. Simply continuing to use the mail system will always cost cheaper and take the same amount of time (UNLESS, as someone else mentioned, you are sending a massive amount of crafting materials between characters constantly).


The only "shortcut" Legacy Storage provides is once you put it in it stays there until you take it out on someone else, you still have to search through your characters to find everything to load the Storage up to whatever capacity you choose.



Again, use the free 80 tabs all you like but the final 4 tabs aren't worth the price to only save you a few minutes at best mailing.

Edited by Transairion
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It's 22. Please provide proof otherwise everyone here will know you are lying.


I had a lot more due to server merges. If they merged 2 servers with 12 characters each you had 24 slots. you couldnt make any more and if you deleted a character the slot went away. but you would have 24 characters on 1 server.

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You are acting like you have to do it all at once...


Set goals. Even the "working people" can do that....


why do you have so much invested in this 50 million price point? do you get a commission? Why do you have so much invested at keeping it this high? you arent my mother to be making sure I do my grinding chores. Do you think this will stretch this no content release 6 months till they get around to making actual content? You are like a guy going to the store and demanding everyone pay full price during a sale. kind of odd actually.

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Grinding for credits by doing dailies in the game is playing the game. Stop trying to say it's not.


Any in-game activity you do is playing the game.


staring at loading screens is playing the game. should the next release be just a bunch of loading screens?

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Yes. It works pretty much like the "Return to Previous Location" option from Group Finder. When I QT'd home from within an instance on Manaan and then returned, it returned me to the just outside the instance.


And when I QT'd to my NS Stronghold, and then QT'd again to my DK Stronghold, the "return to where you were" option took me back to where I was before I went to the NS Stronghold. Pretty nice.


And it means you can reroll your crew skill missions while in the middle of questing fairly quickly, without having to interrupt your questing.


I have not tried QT to a Stronghold from within a Warzone.


That's great, sounds a lot like the recall options for housing in WildStar. Depending on what else I can put in my Stronghold (can we put mail, bank and GTN?) that might make it more useful than my ship.

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I had a lot more due to server merges. If they merged 2 servers with 12 characters each you had 24 slots. you couldnt make any more and if you deleted a character the slot went away. but you would have 24 characters on 1 server.


I had 19 after merger. Had to delete a bunch when a friend came on board.

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why do you have so much invested in this 50 million price point? do you get a commission? Why do you have so much invested at keeping it this high? you arent my mother to be making sure I do my grinding chores. Do you think this will stretch this no content release 6 months till they get around to making actual content? You are like a guy going to the store and demanding everyone pay full price during a sale. kind of odd actually.


I will answer each question and save the bolded for last.


1.) I do not have anything invested in the price point, other than anyone who plays this game can earn 50 Mil.


2.) Do I get a commission? On what? By who?


3.) I don't care if it stays this high or goes higher and lower. People are acting like you have to pay 50 Million all at once or nothing at all and that confuses me. Set Goals for yourself. Your mind will prefer to earn 5 Million first instead of trying to earn 50 million all at once. Simple as that.


4.) I don't care what you do with your time in-game, so be stop with the false accusations that I'm forcing you to do dailies. But the ability to earn 50 Million Credits in-game is there for you, if you don't use it, that's your problem.


5.) Another user who thinks content they don't like isn't actual content. I hate to break the news to you, but you're wrong. Just because you don't like the content, doesn't mean it's not actual content. That's a fact.


Now for the bolded portion.


That isn't even remotely the same thing as there is no "On Sale" for LS going on. And if there was I wouldn't care either way. You need to work on your analogies before you start accusing people of random nonsense... :rolleyes:

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