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Hahaha Legacy Storage only has 5 tabs for 50 million credits


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You do realize there's a chat in this game right? And we can see what the "playerbase" is thinking right after logging into the game. Guess what! Absurd Legacy Storage price is being ridiculued day and night by the playerbase INSIDE the game since Friday. Handful of posters my butt.


Oh really. So Bioware calculates that playerbase wealth allows to price luxury Tatooine & Nar Shaddaa strongholds at around 10 million each to make them 'profitable', and that Guild Ship should cost 50-130 million (with tens of players on average chipping in). Yet suddenly the same metrics show that 50 million Legacy Storage price (for each individual player) will also be profitable? If the playerbase on average has this kind of resources, why are the individual Strongholds not 100 million then and Guild Ships 1 billion? Is it me or it seems that something doesn't fit here and 1 price point in the expansion has been taken off the Moon?


What he said makes sense if some flunkie intern inadvertently added an extra 0 to the price of Legacy Storage. ;)

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Given that the price of the CC unlock is only 2400(normally equivalent to 2.4 mill on the market) and is tradeable, I'm rather certain the intent is for whales to buy the unlocks and sell them on the GTN. That's why they chose a price point that would encourage us to go to other players.
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Given that the price of the CC unlock is only 2400(normally equivalent to 2.4 mill on the market) and is tradeable, I'm rather certain the intent is for whales to buy the unlocks and sell them on the GTN. That's why they chose a price point that would encourage us to go to other players.


I would rather preffer to think it was simple mistake by zero rather than whaling. I really want to believe it.

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Multi-million credit costs are nothing new to TOR.

Yes they're not. Luxury Strongholds for rich longtime players like Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa were priced at 10 million following Bioware's metrics. Ship GTN was priced at 5 million following Bioware's metrics. Legacy Storage was priced 50 million and Makes. No. Sense. Just like your attempts to defend it.



Edited by Pietrastor
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Good analysis, I believe you're spot on in most of the summaries you do (which I don't thank you for enough).


However...I find it remarkable that the usual group of suspects is the group claiming 50 mil is easy to make. I could have told you who would support it blindfolded. Having said that, I would suggest adding the word "claiming" to your statement above.


Perhaps, but claiming IMO would be insinuating that those that contend (note I use the word contend, not claim) these things would be making disreputable contentions.


I do believe it is a reasonable statement to say some will find it easy, others more difficult.


Thank you for your comments. :)


To the "usual suspects" comment...you know I try not engage in that sort of thing. This is not a contest IMO, and I think that all feedback has value....even that feedback which disagrees with my own.

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This isn't the PTS forum.


To be fair they have specifically said they look at feedback in the general forum...this was of course before they created the suggestions sub forum I believe.


I attack no-one. EVER!


I think Infernixx was speaking to your comment about "the usual suspects".

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Ah Tux. You do make me laugh. Blindfold me on any recent issue... and I can tell you where you stand on the matter. Lol!


It used to be different. You weren't a so called defender but you didn't just jump on the offender bandwagon and your critiques were reasonable and spurred discussion. But you have become factional. It is "us" or "them" for you now. Sadly...

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Yes they're not. Luxury Strongholds for rich longtime players like Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa were priced at 10 million following Bioware's metrics. Ship GTN was priced at 5 million following Bioware's metrics. Legacy Storage was priced 50 million and Makes. No. Sense. Just like your attempts to defend it.




I know the price is upsetting to you but you need to relax. 50mil is for the entirety of the LS unlocked. It's plainly not meant to be opened up by all players all at once.


The whole 'gimme now now now now' mentality is getting out of hand. People need to learn how to pace themselves and recognize 'long-term' goals when they see them.

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I know the price is upsetting to you but you need to relax. 50mil is for the entirety of the LS unlocked. It's plainly not meant to be opened up by all players all at once.


The whole 'gimme now now now now' mentality is getting out of hand. People need to learn how to pace themselves and recognize 'long-term' goals when they see them.

Then I'm asking again, why is Nar Shaddaa stronghold not 100 million in parts/rooms as a long term goal if Bioware deemed 50 million as totally fine for Legacy Stronghold? Why is Ship GTN not 20 million from the get go? Why is Treek not 40 million? Seriously, what's the point of defending this? It has no place in the current game economy. Simple as that. Everything from prices set by Bioware on other features/items, to playerbase-driven GTN prices shows that. The value is nowhere near enough to put it as the most expensive in-game object by a mile. So what argument you have other than defending it for the sake of it? Edited by Pietrastor
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Because i'm pretty sure they're trying to force people to pay using CC than credits.

Force? How is that? "Provide an incentive" sure, but never "force."

Heck, some QQers even say that a fully-unlocked LS is useless to them. No way are they being "forced."

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Then I'm asking again, why is Nar Shaddaa stronghold not 100 million in parts/rooms as a long term goal if Bioware deemed 50 million as totally fine for Legacy Stronghold? Why is Ship GTN not 20 million from the get go? Why is Treek not 40 million? Seriously, what's the point of defending this? It has no place in the current game economy. Simple as that. Everything from prices set by Bioware on other features/items, to playerbase-driven GTN prices shows that. The value is nowhere near enough to put it as the most expensive in-game object by a mile. So what argument you have other than defending it for the sake of it?


Because there's more to a Stronghold than the initial unlock cost. Decorations, to be specific. People will be spending and millions on their strongholds before it's all said and done, one way or the other.


LS, on the other hand, are just an 'unlock and forget' QoL improvement. I suggest you come to terms with the price. That way, if it lowers before it goes live, you'll be all happy and stuff, but if it isn't, you don't get all frustrated and angry again.

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Another thing I don't get is why they decided to put all of this ultra-expensive stuff in one patch. So, now if my guild wants a ship, I need to contribute a significant number of credits to get that. If I want legacy storage, I need to spend a significant number of credits to unlock that. If I want more than one stronghold, I have to spend a significant number of credits to unlock that. If I want to decorate my stronghold... well, you get the point.


I'm certainly not opposed to being patient. I have to be patient already because I play casually. But doing any ONE of these things will take me several months. It could take years if I want to partake in all of it. I already do a LOT of picking and choosing for content. Lots of people do. Now we're getting cut out of some interesting new content just because BW decided that everyone can just sneeze and be rich in the game. :mad:


Why drop all of this at once? Couldn't it have been introduced a little more thoughtfully, over time? At least I would have had the false hope of making progress for a little while. Now I just... I just don't and I just won't.


this is Galactic Credit Sink(GCS) get with the program. they couldnt think of real content so they did the next best thing.

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I know the price is upsetting to you but you need to relax. 50mil is for the entirety of the LS unlocked. It's plainly not meant to be opened up by all players all at once.


The whole 'gimme now now now now' mentality is getting out of hand. People need to learn how to pace themselves and recognize 'long-term' goals when they see them.


who elected you to the "richard Simmons" of swtor? as a paying subscriber I dont remember anything in the TOS putting you in charge of who gets what.

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who elected you to the "richard Simmons" of swtor? as a paying subscriber I dont remember anything in the TOS putting you in charge of who gets what.


So, you'd prefer to continue to freak out. Okay, whatever floats your boat, I guess.

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How many cartel coins does it cost to unlock?


Because i'm pretty sure they're trying to force people to pay using CC than credits.


As I recall, it was 2500 CC per tab.


For comparison, a cargo bay unlock is 475 CC per tab - 1050 for an account wide tab.


So the Legacy Storage tabs are more than twice the cargo bay cost with the only real added benefit of being accessible by more than one character. In the end, it would still be cheaper to send 80 items to an alt via in-game mail than to unlock an LS tab.


The whole 'gimme now now now now' mentality is getting out of hand. People need to learn how to pace themselves and recognize 'long-term' goals when they see them.


Long-term goals should be reserved for actual gameplay content - like eventually completing all Story Mode Ops, or completing a storyline you haven't done yet on an alt.


Long term goals should not be used for QoL features, unless of course, one thinks that customizable UI should have cost credits to unlock and use various features within, or Group Finder should have cost credits to be able to unlock queing for each flashpoint/Ops.


As I have stated many times previously, I am not one to talk about "MMO standards", but the manner in which BioWare built this game, and its various systems, makes Legacy Storage a necessity that should have been included at launch like Group Finder, Customizable UI, and all those other features that players have been requesting for years.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Because there's more to a Stronghold than the initial unlock cost. Decorations, to be specific. People will be spending and millions on their strongholds before it's all said and done, one way or the other.


LS, on the other hand, are just an 'unlock and forget' QoL improvement. I suggest you come to terms with the price. That way, if it lowers before it goes live, you'll be all happy and stuff, but if it isn't, you don't get all frustrated and angry again.


omg how can you defend this?!? Is there anything you WONT defend??

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Long-term goals should be reserved for actual gameplay content - like eventually completing all Story Mode Ops, or completing a storyline you haven't done yet on an alt.


Long term goals should not be used for QoL features, unless of course, one thinks that customizable UI should have cost credits to unlock and use various features within, or Group Finder should have cost credits to be able to unlock queing for each flashpoint/Ops.


As I have stated many times previously, I am not one to talk about "MMO standards", but the manner in which BioWare built this game, and its various systems, makes Legacy Storage a necessity that should have been included at launch like Group Finder, Customizable UI, and all those other features that players have been requesting for years.


Well, it's fine and all that you believe that QoL purchases shouldn't be something we work toward gaining and should be able to be gotten immediately. For some people, this will be true. Others, unfortunately, will simply have to put forth some effort to gain those QoL improvements, sadly. I'm sure they'll be just fine, though.


The sooner we all get used to the idea of the price, the better off we'll all be, one way or the other.

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You really think that the people who consider 50 million credits too much for the QoL improvement they'll get from LS will instead choose to pay 80 $ of real money to unlock it?

The most used reason for complaints here is "it's not worth the money" and yet you think people will still decide it's worth REAL money?


I think its not worth the cost for reasons I have previously stated. you think otherwise for reasons previously stated. there are people that will spend $400+ on candycrush purchases. do you think there arent swtor players that will pay $80 buck for this? BW/EA is counting on it, and they will not be wrong.

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Well, it's fine and all that you believe that QoL purchases shouldn't be something we work toward gaining and should be able to be gotten immediately. For some people, this will be true. Others, unfortunately, will simply have to put forth some effort to gain those QoL improvements, sadly. I'm sure they'll be just fine, though.


The sooner we all get used to the idea of the price, the better off we'll all be, one way or the other.


So I guess that BioWare should have charged players to have customizable UI. I guess they should have charged players to use Group Finder. Perhaps BW should start charging us for bug fixes as well, since that could be considered improving the QoL for our gameplay.


I am reminded of an old saying: "If you settle for mediocrity, then mediocrity will be all you get." If players are bothered by the price by no means should they just get used to it. They should continue to complain about it and offer suggestions on what would be better. Otherwise all we will end up with is a mediocre game. Life is full of examples of people gathering up and complaining about something they felt was unfair. Hell, if they didn't do that, we wouldn't have the labor laws in place now that protect workers from the attrocities committed during the rise of the industrial age. But I suppose you would have been one of those people telling those workers they should just get used to the cut in wages and increase in hours and decrease in safe working conditions because we would have been all better off if they didn't strike or form unions (and I am not a Union lover by the way).

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So I guess that BioWare should have charged players to have customizable UI. I guess they should have charged players to use Group Finder. Perhaps BW should start charging us for bug fixes as well, since that could be considered improving the QoL for our gameplay.


I am reminded of an old saying: "If you settle for mediocrity, then mediocrity will be all you get." If players are bothered by the price by no means should they just get used to it. They should continue to complain about it and offer suggestions on what would be better. Otherwise all we will end up with is a mediocre game. Life is full of examples of people gathering up and complaining about something they felt was unfair. Hell, if they didn't do that, we wouldn't have the labor laws in place now that protect workers from the attrocities committed during the rise of the industrial age. But I suppose you would have been one of those people telling those workers they should just get used to the cut in wages and increase in hours and decrease in safe working conditions because we would have been all better off if they didn't strike or form unions (and I am not a Union lover by the way).


If you think that they should do that, you're certainly free to think that. All I see is hyperbole and histrionics. Multi-million credit QoL purchases are nothing new to the game and splitting hairs and making silly comparisons is no way to make your case that the price is too high.


In fact, simply stating "I think the price is too high" would be enough. Not everyone would agree with you, but that wouldn't invalidate your opinion in the slightest.


People forget that when it comes to opinions, no one has the right one or wrong one. They're all just opinions.


I mean, you're sitting there talking about 'unions' and working conditions and wages and mediocrity and bug fixes and whatever else when it just boils down to "I think the price is too high."


I suppose I could respond with an eloquent rebuttal to your wage/union/bug fix/UI thing, but it'd all boil down to "I think the price is fine."


So, I'll just say that.


The price is fine.

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