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So level 50's within one week of launch, what now? Announce freeform space combat.


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I dont know how people managed to even make it to 50, I just hit 20 and already its getting boring. Was enjoying it up until the balmorra bonus quests but now im running all over a massive map


^ This.


We need to see something innovative and fresh, something that will stop us from cancelling our subscriptions before the end of january, I for one have subbed for six month intervals, I'm already considering dropping it to monthly as I have made a big mistake.

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We need to see something innovative and fresh, something that will stop us from cancelling our subscriptions before the end of january, I for one have subbed for six month intervals, I'm already considering dropping it to monthly as I have made a big mistake.


We are not new to this style of mmo, although if done correctly we wll play for years, we need to see that fresh new gameplay.


So back off being defensive and join the call for more innovative and dynamic mechanics, like freeform space combat or new and exciting ideas for our future.


If you just jump on voices that do have legitimate concerns because you hate to see your favorite franchise critiqued then you are no better than the A typical WoW fanboi.[/color]


Dude, why do you keep speaking for others? "We", "Us", "Our", instead try using words like "Me", "Mine", "I".

I like the game just fine the way it currently is. I am lvl 22 after a solid week of playing and thoroughly enjoying the great storyline.

Like the majority of people in this thread keeps stating, you shouldnt have rushed through the levels so fast and instead learned to appreciate the story that Bioware is actually telling.

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Not going to say anything about how fast you got through the content. People play games differently according to their own taste and not everyone is the same.


However, if you are expecting innovative and fresh then I think you have certainly got the wrong game. No, you fan boys back away from the keyboard that was not a dig at the swtor. Swtor is a very good game that follows for the most part established mmo conventions (with a few extras added/missing depending on your viewpoint and personal preferences but that's another conversation .) This game was never going to take any major risks at launch nor any time soon after launch not when EA/Lucas Arts are involved, it just was never on the cards. This may change in the future once maybe another mmo starts to change those conventions but for now I expect this game will follow the same established pattern of most current mmo's.


You are going to just have to be patient, which for someone of your style of gaming, will probably not be the easiest thing to do and if you can't then you may have to look to another mmo to satisfy your gaming requirements.

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Dude, why do you keep speaking for others? "We", "Us", "Our", instead try using words like "Me", "Mine", "I".

I like the game just fine the way it currently is. I am lvl 22 after a solid week of playing and thoroughly enjoying the great storyline.

Like the majority of people in this thread keeps stating, you shouldnt have rushed through the levels so fast and instead learned to appreciate the story that Bioware is actually telling.


I use "we, our and us" because I'm pretty sure I have a better grip on what the playerbase will be feeling in 2-3 months than you do (by then it will be too late). If the carrot is not put out there then the donkeys will leave, sure you and the other fanbois are happy at the mo, and will probably remain happy no matter what EA/BW do.


However the fanbois will not float this game, its the greater playerbase at large that will sustain the life of this IP, I do not think you understand the consequence of apathy within an already tired genre.

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I agree.


Too all the discerning voices who are attacking me, I am not the enemy, I am a huge SW geek and full on MMO player, slam me all you want but I am voicing my concern of the longevity of the the game.


We are not new to this style of mmo, although if done correctly we wll play for years, we need to see that fresh new gameplay.


So back off being defensive and join the call for more innovative and dynamic mechanics, like freeform space combat or new and exciting ideas for our future.


If you just jump on voices that do have legitimate concerns because you hate to see your favorite franchise critiqued then you are no better than the A typical WoW fanboi.


Ok, I'll tell you why you ARE the enemy.


Firstly, there's a stupendous arrogance in the first post that you make here. You set yourself up as a voice of the people, then spout nonsense about "people you know" that have hit 50 without spacebarring and that "people don't enjoy PvP".


After this, you then proclaim that "the game would have stood out in front of others" and "they wouldn't lose subs" if they would JUST do the X, Y and Z that you personally would like. I mean, hell, you obviously have knowledge much more in depth than any of us and anyone at Bioware (y'know the professional game developers and if they'd just listened to you in the first place, we wouldn't be in this mess now.


Later, you write that anybody who disagrees with you is either "a WoW-like fanboi" or "doesn't understand that point" which is a ridiculous strawman set up to utomatically deride any counterargument to your obvious awesomeness.


I would imagine that this is why you were ridiculed. Here's a protip for you; you have no special insight into games. Your experience of playing MMOs means exactly squat in predicting subscription rates and their rise and fall. And most importantly, THIS GAME WAS NOT BUILT FOR YOU. I do wish that every single person would bear this in mind. This is not your personal MMO, and thus every single one of the features or expectations or mechanics that you enjoy may not be in the game. This doesn't make it a bad game.




Now that's out of the way, to address your point specifically, I current have over 130 hours /played on one character and am at level 44 on Voss. I have this amount of playtime because I didn't take advantage of the broken PvP XP system to powerlevel myself way past where the story expects me to be at then faceroll through planets. The game is fun, interesting and challenging when you level within the level ranges of the planets.


The game is 4 days old and you are already screaming for new content. This is even more stupid because they announced on the main blog YESTERDAY that new content will be available next month. At this point, your "fears" and "concerns" are massively misplaced and you need to have a look at yourself.

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I think the trouble is people are applying the same method to TOR as they are to any other MMO- focusing on getting to endgame. Really right now the meat of the content is in all the different classes, theres like a fully-voiced game equal in content to Skyrim for each class as it is. Although some might not like it, it is an altoholics(aka me) dream. That said the endgame content will come in time, so try not to fret too much. Edited by I_like_black
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More operations is not the answer.


They really need to implement a gameplay format that will not only have us farming for months to attain the best and more eye catching ship candy but will engage and challenge our abilities to fly/fight in open battles.


Freeform space combat is the only thing I can see that will do this.


It will keep us farming for months to buy better, faster more deadly ships and also enable us to fight in 50 on 50 epic space battles, maybe even operations in space, the possibilities are endless!


Imagine a lvl 50 operation needing 25 people to take down a deathstar!


I would sell my soul to you guys for this kind of gameplay...

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Well i'm not rushing myself to lvl50. I know people who want to get to that lvl as fast as possible, but I would rather just enyoy the content from the class/bonus planet missions and a wee bit of pvp until I get to lvl50.


The main action will start for me when I hit 50. :D

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Probably not, because most people at level 50 skipped a pretty massive chunk of the game just to farm xp to powerlevel to 50. So I have pretty much no sympathy for endgamers who are frustrated by the lack of content in a game that's been out for less than a week.


Agreed. Plus, power-levelers will never be satisfied anyway. They'd basically have to roll out new end-game content every week to keep these people happy.

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Wrong. It does not take years to develop a space combat system. There are games that pushed some good space expansions out within a year of the initial launch. And that was from scratch.


They already have the ship classes, the type of mods that can be used to upgrade, etc. So in fleshing out space they are already well ahead of the game in creating a freeform environment.



Star Wars Galaxies JTL comes to mind. That was within half a year of release.

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I didn't "power level" or skip content or poop sock or skip the story and I am level 50. Leveling is fast and easy in this game, like it or not.


After finishing the story I actually have very little motivation to play. It felt like beating a single player game. Now if more people were 50 and I could get some groups going for hard mode FPs and such I think I'd feel differently.

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Did you plan to have so many people at 50 so soon?



Yeah im pretty sure they did plan to have a few hundread people race to 50 and then complain on boards (under the topic of concerned for future of game) about nothing to do.


Honestly I hope they ignore ANYONE who hits 50 in under 6 weeks time. And even thats rushing it unless they play hours like I do.


We all knew (beta testers) that people could rush to 50 in a week


Maybe they were the ones saying xp was fine and blah blah blah in beta, when others saw the problem, so they could rush to 50 but these players are so small a gathering they cant even be refered to as a minority of a minority!


Most people, playing normal hours, will take 6-12 weeks to max out a single character. So thats 48-92 weeks for all the classes, not counting repeats for the opposite factions.


The long term health of this game just fine for the normal MASS MASS MASS MAJORITY of players.


As I read somewhere else to a lvl 50 complaining about lack of end game


STOP abusing your space bar :)

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Did you plan to have so many people at 50 so soon?


I know people that are not completely hardcore but with christmas holidays have been able to hit 50 within the first week of launch, they did not space bar through voice acting.


Now I know we could reroll, play the other faction, do some PvP or just farm.


But this is NOT a brand new style of game, asking us to do exactly what we were bored with in other mmo's is not going to retain your subs.


The one thing that would have set you apart from the other mmos is freeform space combat. This game would have stood out in front of all other games of its genre had you included this.


But asking us to reroll or pvp (most hate pvp that play mmo's) or just farm will stagnate the player base faster than you can spit.


Either announce something so mouth-wateringly tantilizing that we all continue to prepare for it (farming cash for the freeform ships and weaponry) or watch while hundreds of thousands of subs get cancelled.


Im not whining, I am concerned for our future.


Any post saying "Why did you rush to 50 , take your time." or the like does not understand the point, I am not talking about adding content like questing or even operations.


(Ignore the first few comments, they will be the fanbois that come out in defence no matter what and almost certainly do not understand the points being raised)


Or umm you could stop racing to the end and complaining about how theres nothing to do.

You're your own worst nightmare in that regards and have no one to blame but yourself.

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Star Wars Galaxies JTL comes to mind. That was within half a year of release.


It was being developed for at least two years however, it was supposed to be in at launch, like speeders and jedi, both of which were also patched in after launch, to verious degrees of success.


The great speeder parks of december 2003 , when speeders went live spring to mind.

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Most hate pvp? Are you for real? The mother of all baseless assumptions. Good job!


It is not baseless, there are more PvE servers than PvP. Thats just plain fact.


In one of my earliest games Ultima online, they invented the PvE server by cloning Felluca into a world where you cannot fight. Felluca died eventually.


Most people that play mmo's do NOT like pvp.

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You're pretenting like so many people are 50 already, that is not the case.


Also, even if they didn't skip through convo's (which I doubt), that would still mean they can't ever have experienced everything the game has to offer + they have way too much time on their hands.


If anything, there is too much to do. I'm level 34, with 86 hours played, and I've skipped all world quests on Taris because I was too high in lvl, skipped a ton on Nar Shaddaa, did like 20% of what Tatooine has to offer and currently explored a fraction of Alderaan, which I will also leave prematurely.


All due to combining questing with PvP and regular instancing.


There is not a shortage of things to do, it's just that a small fraction of people is once again only looking toward the endgame.


It is not baseless, there are more PvE servers than PvP. Thats just plain fact.


In one of my earliest games Ultima online, they invented the PvE server by cloning Felluca into a world where you cannot fight. Felluca died eventually.


Most people that play mmo's do NOT like pvp.


And people who play on PvE servers dislike PvP?

Argument fail.


2nd fail: trying to dismiss the PvP population as insignificant when there are still a crapload of PvP servers, several of which still have 40 minute + queues in Europe.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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I'm on Hyperspace Cannon. We have like 3 level 50's. I'm level 30. About 70% of the server or more is level 10-20.


I love the threads. "IM LEVEL 50 AND NO ONE TO PLAY WITH".. But then you go over here and its "Too many people are level 50!"

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Honestly I hope they ignore ANYONE who hits 50 in under 6 weeks time. And even thats rushing it unless they play hours like I do.


We all knew (beta testers) that people could rush to 50 in a week


Maybe they were the ones saying xp was fine and blah blah blah in beta, when others saw the problem, so they could rush to 50 but these players are so small a gathering they cant even be refered to as a minority of a minority!


Most people, playing normal hours, will take 6-12 weeks to max out a single character. So thats 48-92 weeks for all the classes, not counting repeats for the opposite factions.


The long term health of this game just fine for the normal MASS MASS MASS MAJORITY of players.


As I read somewhere else to a lvl 50 complaining about lack of end game


STOP abusing your space bar :)


Sir, you are clueless. I agree those 50 now are powergamers.


However if you think people are going to level all classes to 50 let alone ONE other alt you are deluded or at the very least a bioware drone worker.


I did not rush to 50, I actually am not quite 50 yet, although many i know are. There will be twice as many in the next few days and by next week Im expecting most will be nearing it.


The argument I am putting forward here is one for the next few weeks, not RIGHT NOW.



I warned of the bad press and problems ahead after the 2nd day of early access of queues on some servers because of the guild launch program and language communities being together. Even now ToFN still has horrendus, I sit now in a queue of 1120. Thats about 2-3 hours.


Sure, you can dismiss these points and blame me for levelling too quick (I have only EVER pushed spacebar on conversations I have heard before, IE: flashpoint chat) but fact is we WILL have a hugh contingent of 50's within the next 3 weeks. So maybe I am early but these concern and this voice will only grow, address it now or suffer the consequences.

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Not going to fly there over boy I know people who not once have missed a story quest or clicked the space bar in there mids 30s and have been playing 16-18 hour days the few 50 on the server and thos i know where playing 12-16 hour days with space bar and only been 50 maybe 1-3 days some 4-5


stop spewing thing you know nothing about also they are all ready planning new things 1-3 weeks after X mas we are geting new Instances already these threads have no logic bunch of Jumpy mick jack in the boxes spewing 1st thing comes to mind without useing there noodles


Edit: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=75980 for thos not usieng there heads <---new stuff comeing soon


I did 50 in 5 1/2 days with minimal spacing, (meaning I read the subtitles and when I finished them hit space, although not for main planet/class quests.) the total came out to 4 days 2 hours played which was me playing for 5 1/2 days doing roughly 18 hours a day. TBH though even if you were to add up all the quest voicing it probably only adds up to at most half a day.


As for things to do I realize that I rushed to 50 and there aren't many people to do things with, right now the main pack of people are 25-40 so I expect to see a lot more 50s to do stuff with in the next 3-5 days.

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I'm on Hyperspace Cannon. We have like 3 level 50's. I'm level 30. About 70% of the server or more is level 10-20.


I love the threads. "IM LEVEL 50 AND NO ONE TO PLAY WITH".. But then you go over here and its "Too many people are level 50!"


All I can say is that it is a newbie server, you are probably playing with people that do not even know what an mmo is.


The Tomb of Freedon Nadd is one of the pop servers, it houses some of the hardcore guilds.


As I said it will not be the fanbois and StarWars fans that float this game.


I do feel I have a good grip on what the average gamer expects and what will keep him subbed, as a vet of ALL major mmo's I think it gives me a valid opinion. Being disregarded by someone that plays casually bothers me not.

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1. Quit poopsocking.


2. You're asking for a whole new game within a game. Freeform space combat akin to something like Eve Online takes years to develop.


3. Quit poopsocking.


EvE online is NOT freeform space combat. Quit showing your ignorance.


Freeform space combat or not space NEEDS TO BE MULTIPLAYER. As it stands now, though fun, is SINGLE PLAYER.


End of Story.

Edited by DarthTolis
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