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So level 50's within one week of launch, what now? Announce freeform space combat.


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Did you plan to have so many people at 50 so soon?


I know people that are not completely hardcore but with christmas holidays have been able to hit 50 within the first week of launch, they did not space bar through voice acting.


Now I know we could reroll, play the other faction, do some PvP or just farm.


But this is NOT a brand new style of game, asking us to do exactly what we were bored with in other mmo's is not going to retain your subs.


The one thing that would have set you apart from the other mmos is freeform space combat. This game would have stood out in front of all other games of its genre had you included this.


But asking us to reroll or pvp (most hate pvp that play mmo's) or just farm will stagnate the player base faster than you can spit.


Either announce something so mouth-wateringly tantilizing that we all continue to prepare for it (farming cash for the freeform ships and weaponry) or watch while hundreds of thousands of subs get cancelled.


Im not whining, I am concerned for our future.


Any post saying "Why did you rush to 50 , take your time." or the like does not understand the point, I am not talking about adding content like questing or even operations.


(Ignore the first few comments, they will be the fanbois that come out in defence no matter what and almost certainly do not understand the points being raised)

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Most people are not 50. Most around 20-30 at the moment.


I dont know what server you play in but the Tomb of Freedon Nadd has a very healthy lvl 50 population.


Remember I am not griping, I am concerned that asking us to do what we were bored to the back teeth with in other MMO's is not going to maintain the amount of subs required to fund the content we need to see.

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While I do understand your concern I must say that people need to stop demanding unrealistic things. This game just launched! It is insane to demand new content NOW because games that have been released for years do too. Please use some logic and see that no game can release with enough content to keep even the hardcore (or semi-hardcore like you mentioned) occupied for 2 months on end.
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Did you plan to have so many people at 50 so soon?


Probably not, because most people at level 50 skipped a pretty massive chunk of the game just to farm xp to powerlevel to 50. So I have pretty much no sympathy for endgamers who are frustrated by the lack of content in a game that's been out for less than a week.


That said, I'll still point you in the direction of this dev post for details about what they're working on for future patches. Space Combat is mentioned, and a secret "special project" is hinted at. Additionally, they're working on a whole lot of other stuff that addresses some of the biggest (non-bug-related) complaints that players seem to have.

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I dont know what server you play in but the Tomb of Freedon Nadd has a very healthy lvl 50 population.


Remember I am not griping, I am concerned that asking us to do what we were bored to the back teeth with in other MMO's is not going to maintain the amount of subs required to fund the content we need to see.


Maybe MMO's aren't for you, then, if doing the things that they feature bores you.

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1. Quit poopsocking.


2. You're asking for a whole new game within a game. Freeform space combat akin to something like Eve Online takes years to develop.


3. Quit poopsocking.



Wrong. It does not take years to develop a space combat system. There are games that pushed some good space expansions out within a year of the initial launch. And that was from scratch.


They already have the ship classes, the type of mods that can be used to upgrade, etc. So in fleshing out space they are already well ahead of the game in creating a freeform environment.

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Sounds like a kid who ate all their candy on Halloween and now wants more. Should of paced yourself through to Easter.


More like a kid who only ate the candy with the highest sugar content, threw the rest away, then decided to complain about his sudden lack of candy.


Try actually watching cutscenes, doing side quests, and running Heroics next time, OP. And if you DID do all of that, you're probably severely sleep-deprived and quite possibly glued to your computer chair.

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So you play an MMORPG, but you hate 75% of the features?


You dont like PVP (saying most people dont like PVP is ******** btw)


You dont follow the story


All you want is endgame raiding. Well you should've known that if you rushed to 50, you wouldn't be able to raid right away. Tho im not quite sure what level 50 content there is at the moment. But the whole fun in rerolling in this game is the amazing class quests. Shouldn't have spaced through those :p

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I dont know what server you play in but the Tomb of Freedon Nadd has a very healthy lvl 50 population.


Remember I am not griping, I am concerned that asking us to do what we were bored to the back teeth with in other MMO's is not going to maintain the amount of subs required to fund the content we need to see.


You should have taken your time instead of powerleveling. Run a different class. I have 3 characters. Level 33, 23, and 10. I also got access at 7AM on the 13th and played with a week off from work. If you're 50 already you either space bar'd through everything, or played day and night nonstop on 1 character and never explored/traded/goof'd off/did world bosses/heroic quests/etc (aka quest hubs were all you did). go try soloing a world boss then. That sounds kinda fun. or roll an alt.

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Did you plan to have so many people at 50 so soon?


I know people that are not completely hardcore but with christmas holidays have been able to hit 50 within the first week of launch, they did not space bar through voice acting.


Now I know we could reroll, play the other faction, do some PvP or just farm.


But this is NOT a brand new style of game, asking us to do exactly what we were bored with in other mmo's is not going to retain your subs.


The one thing that would have set you apart from the other mmos is freeform space combat. This game would have stood out in front of all other games of its genre had you included this.


But asking us to reroll or pvp (most hate pvp that play mmo's) or just farm will stagnate the player base faster than you can spit.


Either announce something so mouth-wateringly tantilizing that we all continue to prepare for it (farming cash for the freeform ships and weaponry) or watch while hundreds of thousands of subs get cancelled.


Im not whining, I am concerned for our future.


(Ignore the first few comments, they will be the fanbois that come out in defence no matter what and almost certainly do not understand the points being raised)


You sure do expect A LOT from a launch MMO. And the fact that you think MOST people hate pvp is a gross generalization that is just simply NOT true.


I do like your idea of freeform space combat however things like that take A LONG time to develop. So like other posters have mentioned if your only intent was to get through the game as fast as possible then you are robbing yourself of the real work bioware has been putting into it the past several years.

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Maybe MMO's aren't for you, then, if doing the things that they feature bores you.


You say MMO's are not for me, I began my mmo journey Pre Pub16 in UO, played DAoC, EQ1&2, AC, WoW, DDO, LoTRO, AoC and too many free clients to mention.


All these games I have max level chars that experienced nearly all the endgame, from sleeper in EQ and downing vanilla C'thun etc, if this does not qualify my credentials to voice my concern then I dont know what will.


MMO's are for me but to expect us to sub for months while hoping we will see new and innovative content is not enough anymore. Im not asking for it NOW, im asking for the confirmation that we will see something akin to freeform space combat OR something that will drive us to farm and play in anticipation of it.


Flame away but the point is made.

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While I do understand your concern I must say that people need to stop demanding unrealistic things. This game just launched! It is insane to demand new content NOW because games that have been released for years do too. Please use some logic and see that no game can release with enough content to keep even the hardcore (or semi-hardcore like you mentioned) occupied for 2 months on end.


While I agree with most of your statement. only having three instanced warzones at launch is very limiting. Given the amount of development time on this game, common sense (and good market research) would show them that the need for a larger variety content would be needed within a month of launch. There should have been at the very least, six instanced warzes, since they require very little in programming resources to create a nice little self contained area. Then roll out a WZ a month for the first six months until you have a dozen, then add one per quarter to keep adding to the variety. They could roll it into three catatagories (Sports, Civil War, and Epic)


Another way they could do it is allow the players to create their own content via quest creation.


No game at launch can be the end all be all to satifisfy everyone. Again, a good market research into MMOs and their communities would have given a great insight on what should have been incorporated into the game. That would ensure that the game could walk that tight balancing rope of having engaging repeatable content to keep the masses engaged while giving the dev team time to breath and work on enhancements to the game before delving back into the endless cycle of expansion, bug fix, cmmunity griping, bug fix, expansion, blaancing..etc.

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You say MMO's are not for me, I began my mmo journey Pre Pub16 in UO, played DAoC, EQ1&2, AC, WoW, DDO, LoTRO, AoC and too many free clients to mention.


All these games I have max level chars that experienced nearly all the endgame, from sleeper in EQ and downing vanilla C'thun etc, if this does not qualify my credentials to voice my concern then I dont know what will.


MMO's are for me but to expect us to sub for months while hoping we will see new and innovative content is not enough anymore. Im not asking for it NOW, im asking for the confirmation that we will see something akin to freeform space combat OR something that will drive us to farm and play in anticipation of it.


Flame away but the point is made.


You mean expect ME not US.... speak for yourself

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Did you plan to have so many people at 50 so soon?


I know people that are not completely hardcore but with christmas holidays have been able to hit 50 within the first week of launch, they did not space bar through voice acting.


Not going to fly there over boy I know people who not once have missed a story quest or clicked the space bar in there mids 30s and have been playing 16-18 hour days the few 50 on the server and thos i know where playing 12-16 hour days with space bar and only been 50 maybe 1-3 days some 4-5


stop spewing thing you know nothing about also they are all ready planning new things 1-3 weeks after X mas we are geting new Instances already these threads have no logic bunch of Jumpy mick jack in the boxes spewing 1st thing comes to mind without useing there noodles


Edit: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=75980 for thos not usieng there heads <---new stuff comeing soon

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I'd just like to throw in my two cents (that I'm sure everyone will agree with) in saying that, I'd LOVE a space expansion. I'm thinking Jump To Lightspeed over here. Ditch the minigame and go full on space content, with enterable and customizable starships, allow other players to join you, man the guns. God JTL was the single greatest thing to happen to SWG and I'm praying to every deity known to man that they at least take that from SWG. Let them copy everything else from WoW, if they just took that one thing from SWG I'd be one extremely happy panda.
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I just wonder why anyone would race to 50 knowing that the game is brand new and it might be a few months or more before there is any new content. There are bugs that need to be fixed before content is added and that should be a greater short term priority.


Now I will probably hit 50 with my first character in a couple of weeks but I plan to play Sith (currently playing Republic) and try different classes as well. They way I plan to pace myself I'm sure there will be more content added to the game.

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I think i play too much, my girlfriend thinks i play too much, my family thinks i play too much, my co-workers think i play to much!


I have around 2d4h ours of gameplay since release (16th for me), i love gaming but i think it's too much.



What the hell do you ppl do for a living to achieve level 50 so fast? Better yet, do this people even read the storyline, know what they are doing in teh quests? :confused::confused::confused:


edit: oh i'm level 28

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I'd just like to throw in my two cents (that I'm sure everyone will agree with) in saying that, I'd LOVE a space expansion. I'm thinking Jump To Lightspeed over here. Ditch the minigame and go full on space content, with enterable and customizable starships, allow other players to join you, man the guns. God JTL was the single greatest thing to happen to SWG and I'm praying to every deity known to man that they at least take that from SWG. Let them copy everything else from WoW, if they just took that one thing from SWG I'd be one extremely happy panda.


I agree.


Too all the discerning voices who are attacking me, I am not the enemy, I am a huge SW geek and full on MMO player, slam me all you want but I am voicing my concern of the longevity of the the game.


We are not new to this style of mmo, although if done correctly we wll play for years, we need to see that fresh new gameplay.


So back off being defensive and join the call for more innovative and dynamic mechanics, like freeform space combat or new and exciting ideas for our future.


If you just jump on voices that do have legitimate concerns because you hate to see your favorite franchise critiqued then you are no better than the A typical WoW fanboi.

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