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Maybe so. Some people tend to have a mentality of entitlement, but I don't see how or why we should cater to that mentality.


It's not about entitlement. Why would you want to risk spending millions on something if you can get kicked out the next moment?


It's not a fair thing to ask of members unless they really know each other. A lot of guilds don't have such a solid structure. Entitlement exists also but that's not the only issue here is what I'm saying.

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kill hyperbeast, kill rakata war droid, disable sleeping dread commanders, aurora cannon, free prisoners, and final area seemed like the fastest route to me, going clockwise.

Agreed. With the two of us, we start LFM for AC after the Hyperbeast, which may mean doing only part of disabling the tubes before AC, and clear trash in AC down to the last force field while waiting for the group to fill. And it is always nice to get the final stage of the War-droid bonus quest at quest pickup. :)

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I just think it's too much.


While I won't go into specifics, I could buy a guild ship on my own... but that's after this entire time of hording/selling probably $1.5-$2k in Cartel Coin packs and gear... and while I'm fine enough to drop that, MANY people are not.


There's a lot of people on here who are up in arms about those upset about the price, but too many people have jobs, lives, families, so on... and a lot of people, their enjoyment, and guilds, are going to suffer over what is about to be a /huge/ shift in guild abilities.

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It's all about money.


Large guilds get more reputation and experience bonuses then small guilds because they have more subs or preferred players who purchase weekly unlocks.


With the guildships being 50mil.. Large guilds will get them almost immediately - small guilds will take a lot more time or maybe never


Large guilds won't have to grind dailies and sell all of their accumulated mats/items to purchase a guild ship. Small guilds will grind and throw everything they get on the market at whatever they can get for it in order to make credits as quickly as possible to get a guildship.


Once the market is flooded with mats and items, prices on the GTN will spiral downward. Player crafted items profit margins will go down with it., causing players to either quit crafting altogether or charge more for their items. Those spending real money on cartel coins will flood the market with CM items at better prices which makes BW more money.


50mil per guildship = BW making more money

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Ok... I get it... 50 Million seems like a lot... It does, I am not going to argue that point... but the math is pretty simple... 50 Million divided by X number of active players / credits per day potential. It isn't that bad.


5 Members guilds (who work a little at it) could be ready by launch... starting from 0.


But, in the end... the guild ship is something that the guild works towards TOGETHER. A seriously low price would have made them too easily obtainable... and thereby seemingly worth less.


If you are concerned that your members will jump ship because XYZ Guild has a ship on day one... then I think you may be underestimating your members, are treating them poorly, have crappy members, or have a somewhat confused idea of what a guild is for.

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I'm sorry man but you are really reaching this time. I've had people spam me invites to guilds all the time decline them. If you are stupid to join a guild through blind spam invite and donate money then you get what you deserve.


I don't believe you actually believe this will be a big as am issue as you say and are trying to be negative just to be negative


just because ure lucky in RL with your RL friends doesnt mean that others are too

I had friends that were good for years and for a reason (money or job in between them)(usually those 2 issues are the prob) they doublecrossing their friends.


Youre to young or to fool that u think that arent these people in RL

Edited by Kissakias
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just because ure lucky in RL with your RL friends doesnt mean that others are too

I had friends that were good for years and for a reason (money or job in between them)(usually those 2 issues are the prob) they doublecrossing their friends.


Youre to young or to fool that u think that arent these people in RL


Your posts make me laugh. With derision.


the point of an MMO is to play with other RL people, and if you happen to directly know the people you're playing with, then good. Now cut the philosophical crap so we can have a conversation about the actual game....

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It's all about money.


Large guilds get more reputation and experience bonuses then small guilds because they have more subs or preferred players who purchase weekly unlocks.


With the guildships being 50mil.. Large guilds will get them almost immediately - small guilds will take a lot more time or maybe never


Large guilds won't have to grind dailies and sell all of their accumulated mats/items to purchase a guild ship. Small guilds will grind and throw everything they get on the market at whatever they can get for it in order to make credits as quickly as possible to get a guildship.


Once the market is flooded with mats and items, prices on the GTN will spiral downward. Player crafted items profit margins will go down with it., causing players to either quit crafting altogether or charge more for their items. Those spending real money on cartel coins will flood the market with CM items at better prices which makes BW more money.


50mil per guildship = BW making more money




The main purpose of getting a guild ship looks like to be conquest events.


Judging by the PTS those entail a truckload of crafting war/invasion supplies with materials from lvl2 upward.


If anything the GTN is nailed on to be robbed of mats and the price on those going up, not the other way around.


Same for purchasable currencies that buy special decorations at rep vendors, you already couldn't buy recovered relics on my server last night because someone cleaned it out in preparation and that's with the price creeping up steadily for weeks now.


When guilds with the credits start slogging it off for planetary control and/or crafting for their guild halls it's going to be the easiest time to make credits since mk-9 kits were introduced.


edit: quoted the wrong dude lol

Edited by aeterno
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the money change people to the worst always in seconds


No, people don't change because of money. They were always like that.


In the past 19 weeks, our guild bank balance has gone from around 8 million to almost 150. Guess how much of that money the guild leader has withdrawn. Go ahead, guess.

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I understand that a lot of this is about a credit sink, but as a subscriber, it is kinda a stab in the back that this content is something so far out of my reach. I sometimes get frustrated with a Console game, but I can shrug that off, I payed for it once and am done, but with SWTOR, paying monthly, it's kinda insulting that they think I should have to farm for hours a day. I understand it's supposed to be a Guild effort, but at the same time, it seems like overly preferential treatment for large guilds. Next thing you know they'll be giving big guild Czerka funding or something:(
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I understand that a lot of this is about a credit sink, but as a subscriber, it is kinda a stab in the back that this content is something so far out of my reach. I sometimes get frustrated with a Console game, but I can shrug that off, I payed for it once and am done, but with SWTOR, paying monthly, it's kinda insulting that they think I should have to farm for hours a day. I understand it's supposed to be a Guild effort, but at the same time, it seems like overly preferential treatment for large guilds. Next thing you know they'll be giving big guild Czerka funding or something:(


You do not have to farm for hours a day to earn 50m credits.


TBH I was expecting the guild ship to be 100m or higher.

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Now for the sake of the discussion.


Let's say the 50 millions is the entry ticket.

As the ship would be huge (never saw BioWare did small things btw) it has many rooms with costs in the millions again to unlock each room.


In the end a fully unlocked guild ship being more in between 100-200 millions than closer to 50.


Say what?

Edited by Deewe
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I am fine with 50 million credits. Every guild can have easy access to a Stronghold, so every guild will get some sort of communal place to gather. Guild capital ships are for conquering planets....do you expect small, casual guilds to participate in conquest quests?


I think 50 million credits is bang on perfect. Readily affordable by large guilds but by no means out of reach by small but dedicate guilds. Considering that a simple 2 hour Makeb + CZ + Oricon daily run can get you anywhere between 500 and 700k, there is really no excuse for not being able to come up with the required amount of money. It just requires dedication. If a guild isn't dedicated enough to do that, then frankly, it doesn't deserve a guild a ship.

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I am fine with 50 million credits. Every guild can have easy access to a Stronghold, so every guild will get some sort of communal place to gather. Guild capital ships are for conquering planets....do you expect small, casual guilds to participate in conquest quests?


I think 50 million credits is bang on perfect. Readily affordable by large guilds but by no means out of reach by small but dedicate guilds. Considering that a simple 2 hour Makeb + CZ + Oricon daily run can get you anywhere between 500 and 700k, there is really no excuse for not being able to come up with the required amount of money. It just requires dedication. If a guild isn't dedicated enough to do that, then frankly, it doesn't deserve a guild a ship.


This I absolutely agree with,

2 of my 8 chars are 55, 1 Rep. Guardian, 1 Imp Warrior and both earn about $500-$700k Per ~2 hours of dailies each, in fact I personally think my Imp does it a lot faster, lol.

This is an MMORPG and I believe, we have been given a good balance, the mostly MMO players can get $50 mill no problems with all doing a few dailies each and get it fast if they have a large number of guild members, eg. 10 players averaging $500k for 1, ~ 2 hour 55 level daily run then its 1 day, assuming the guild was broke in the first place lol, while the guilds with only 1, 55 level player still have the same ability to obtain it within 8-10 days if they want, at lower levels the time taken will be longer as it should be in a game, which is not just an MMO, but also an RPG as well.


In Real life I spent years working as a Fitter and Machinist making/fixing machines of all sorts from Heavy Mining Equipment to making gears etc. and in my Estimation there must have been some incredible changes to manufacturing to make the cost of a capital ship so cheap because based on todays costs it would be Billions, lol.

Edited by amarkrieder
changed wording
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50 million isn't even much money in this game. I was actually surprised the guild ship is so cheap, they are practically giving them away for nothing. I wouldn't be surprised to start seeing playr make "solo" guilds just to have their own private capital ship.


200 - 500 million is more along the price I expected.


50 Million is total bs to me, the most i've ever remember making in a character is about 250k from running Warzones because 1 of my Guild Leaders wouldn't allow me to do Ops because of my Gear, others in the Guild wanted to give me a chance. Anyway i left that Guild and the New 1 i'm in lets me start doing Dread stuff with the Gear I have wich some were 154. And I did fine in Dread Fortress StoryMode. Anyways, for me I never ever spend credits on frivilous stuff, I have spents Millions over time, Not at once, But over time gearing My Mando and other alts that still aren't 55 yet, Gearing them for each 5 lvl which costs a lot of money. Millions already spent, and they're not at lvl 55 yet.


Ppl have No right to say that all the ppl that can't afford a Guildship is because they use their credits on Frivilous stuff, that's just bs for me at least. Most ppl spend money on their Companions Gear to which costs millions with alts. Smaller Guilds Cannot afford a Guild ship either because they are too small and don't want to merge with another Guild, or because the Guild members just cannot make that much money. Their are ppl that Have REAL LIVES that play this game, and cannot make this game their life also.


The rest of my Guild i'm in now want a Guildship, but right now I can't afford to help them, which makes me feel like crap, but I would need to do a lot more Ops and FPs that i've never done before and need to learn how to do them. But for right now my Guild also has Real life issues about how much time they can spend in-game to.


Right now for me i'm spending all money on Gear and Augments to be able to do harder Ops, and I don't even have enough money to do that. Others some of my Guildies are Fully geared with exception to alts. My Guild does expect every1 to pitch in, and of course I will have to do a Lot more Ops and Fps when i have time to do them. But right now that's not possible for me. Like I said the most Creds I have ever had is Maybe, and I mean Maybe, is 360k which isn't good, but I try.

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50 Million is total bs to me, the most i've ever remember making in a character is about 250k from running Warzones because 1 of my Guild Leaders wouldn't allow me to do Ops because of my Gear, others in the Guild wanted to give me a chance. Anyway i left that Guild and the New 1 i'm in lets me start doing Dread stuff with the Gear I have wich some were 154. And I did fine in Dread Fortress StoryMode. Anyways, for me I never ever spend credits on frivilous stuff, I have spents Millions over time, Not at once, But over time gearing My Mando and other alts that still aren't 55 yet, Gearing them for each 5 lvl which costs a lot of money. Millions already spent, and they're not at lvl 55 yet.


Ppl have No right to say that all the ppl that can't afford a Guildship is because they use their credits on Frivilous stuff, that's just bs for me at least. Most ppl spend money on their Companions Gear to which costs millions with alts. Smaller Guilds Cannot afford a Guild ship either because they are too small and don't want to merge with another Guild, or because the Guild members just cannot make that much money. Their are ppl that Have REAL LIVES that play this game, and cannot make this game their life also.


The rest of my Guild i'm in now want a Guildship, but right now I can't afford to help them, which makes me feel like crap, but I would need to do a lot more Ops and FPs that i've never done before and need to learn how to do them. But for right now my Guild also has Real life issues about how much time they can spend in-game to.


Right now for me i'm spending all money on Gear and Augments to be able to do harder Ops, and I don't even have enough money to do that. Others some of my Guildies are Fully geared with exception to alts. My Guild does expect every1 to pitch in, and of course I will have to do a Lot more Ops and Fps when i have time to do them. But right now that's not possible for me. Like I said the most Creds I have ever had is Maybe, and I mean Maybe, is 360k which isn't good, but I try.


As stated earlier, they aren't meant to be purchased by everyone on day one. Some guilds will likely have to put forth some effort after it releases. The work load of 50 million is the same no matter what guild you're in. The workload isn't dependant on the quantity of members, simply the quality. If players really want this so badly then they will work together to meet their goals much like augmenting gear etc. Kind of like a group of people trying to meet a common interest, something guilds should be good at? So no matter if you have 2k or 2m, you decide what you contribute to the guild. If you decide crafting materials or augments are more important to you then so be it. But don't hope for the price to be lower just because you place something at a higher priority.


TL;DR: The amount of dedication and commitment of the guildies is the real currency here. And in that regard, some guilds are quite rich.

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15% damage reduction mounts, Flyby attacks and possibly other bonus for the guild that controls the planet.


So basically the first ones to buy a guild ship will also be the 1st one to control planets and get bonus in said planet, which will in turn allow then to keep said control over the planet.


Well that at least seal the deal, small guilds shouldn't even try to get a capital ship, you'll never see the boni since those who got their capital ships early will have an unbreakable hold over key planets.


When it was possible that a guild ship would just give boni if hovering over a planet (without "owning" it) having a guild ship was a good and worthwhile goal for even a small guild, now though? We'll just stick to a guild stronghold, not bitter by the way, this actually saves us a lot of grief/grinding :)

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15% damage reduction mounts, Flyby attacks and possibly other bonus for the guild that controls the planet.


So basically the first ones to buy a guild ship will also be the 1st one to control planets and get bonus in said planet, which will in turn allow then to keep said control over the planet.


Well that at least seal the deal, small guilds shouldn't even try to get a capital ship, you'll never see the boni since those who got their capital ships early will have an unbreakable hold over key planets.


When it was possible that a guild ship would just give boni if hovering over a planet (without "owning" it) having a guild ship was a good and worthwhile goal for even a small guild, now though? We'll just stick to a guild stronghold, not bitter by the way, this actually saves us a lot of grief/grinding :)


I don't see how this is the case. It's a week long competition for planetary control meaning control will likel often switch hands. My guild is about a medium sized guild, and given the present info we can change planets every 3(?) days (or was it 4?) so there is one option. On too of being able to scout out the planets and see what your competition is and choose from the many planets to conquer. Idk how you expect to get bonuses from a guild ship without owning it and being in that guild.


However, I don't entirely disagree with your points. I think bw missed a perfect chance to offer some amazing WPvP content! We will likely see battles on PvP severs, but not much in the lines of actual content. But on a more broad spectrum, they missed a chance to enhance their guild utility and functions. I am hoping for the day of a guild utility update that gives more power to us players.


If they had introduced some form alliance system where two guilds can work together for the credit of conquering a planet then that would indeed be interesting. This would sharpen the teeth of the smaller guilds in my opinion. Of course, we have to look at it from the other angle as well... Two HUGE guilds doing the same to extinguish any competition. Eventually I think it'd boil down to imperial vs republic instead of the individual guilds. But of course we ARE in the middle of a war here, so that kinda makes sense.


Hope you enjoy your guild stronghold! I have no idea where we plan to put ours. Lol. :)

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