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The new Nerf sith inquisitor thread


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The OP is def. somewhat stupid for not realizing he's a mirror class, but as an operative healer who pvps a lot, I def. notice inquisitors doing upwards of nearly double the damage than most other people (not all), and have repeatedly been dropped from around 80 percent to 0 in a matter of 1-2 seconds by sorcerers who double crit on their force lightning (i assume). I'm not saying that the sorcerer is necessarily OP or not, but man as an operative healer id love a freaking aoe knockback that everyone else seems to get as a healer. Or let me eviscerate players to match the sorcerers insane burst damage with a bit of my own. Hell, most bounty hunters who know what they're doing seem to do the most damage AND the most healing in games.


Exactly. How are consular mirror if they do half the overall dps of the inquisitor. As i stated in the OP, my rock throw does half as much damage as force lightning. You critics want me to post pics of me doing damage and then taking damage from force lightning?


1 minute ago, i was in alderaan BG doing telekinetic throw against a lvl 30 guy, i was doing 300-500 damage per tick. Same game, went solo against a lvl 40 something inquisitor and his force lightning was doing upwards of 1-2k per tick. Numbers dont lie...

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lol lvl 50 crying about getting jumped by 5 inquisitors


just goes to show you, it takes 0 brains (and skill) to get to 50 within a week of release. Stop your crying and L2P.


That is all.


Over 10 days after Early Release, and many people only leveled, skipping space battles, crew skills and other things.


I got my invite on the 14th and I've hit 43 with my trooper, maxed out Armstech and finished almost every bonus series AND maintained a job (NOTE: But not a social life).

But don't take this as an arguement, just a show of information, some of which might not be needed, and has been given because of my tired brain...

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Like everyone else has said, You are a mirror class. Your low DPS is most likly due to the skill tree you have selected and gear. You may want to consider what stat you are stacking as this plays a major roll in how much DPS you will put out.


There is no disagreement that they do a lot of dmg but then again almost every class can dish a good amount if they select the right skills for it.

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Ok since the last thread got locked for people trolling and stuff, lets make a new thread regarding how OP and unbalanced sith inquisitors are.


Im currently a lvl 50 consular, and get hit by a sith inquistor that is 20 lvls below me for 3-4k several times in quick succession. i have 6 pieces of lvl 50 epic pvp gear and still get torched in seconds by this class.


other classes dont touch me...just inquisitors. They fling around lightning like no tommorow with no CD it seems.


PvP games are now simply about how few seconds the 5 inquisitors on the opposite team take to stun lock and kill you.


Please keep this thread civil and on topic or posts will be reported.


I fell sorry for you, you smoke all classes but there is one class that can beat your class. that must be very unbalanced for you. I think your class should smoke all other classes. That is balance for you.


So, other cant touch you, but there is just one of them that can... NERF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Also its very funny u indeed calling out nerfs for your mirror class, its like you self want to be nerfed. But when where at it, mayby they should, All other classes cant touch you but ur own class. And you get beaten by ur own class hard so that means that you are a baddie. And when you are an baddie who smoke all other classes easy mayby they should nerf it.

Edited by Silcan
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Like everyone else has said, You are a mirror class. Your low DPS is most likly due to the skill tree you have selected and gear. You may want to consider what stat you are stacking as this plays a major roll in how much DPS you will put out.


There is no disagreement that they do a lot of dmg but then again almost every class can dish a good amount if they select the right skills for it.


Well... There is a thing I heard that Force Lightning is Elemental (my trooper only has 7% resistance to Elemental attacks) while Sages' telekinesis is kinetic (being subject to resistance from armor, my trooper's being 45%).


Just a rumor, I haven't checked it myself.

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.. and get hit by a sith inquistor that is 20 lvls below me for 3-4k several times in quick succession. i have 6 pieces of lvl 50 epic pvp gear and still get torched in seconds by this class.




You don't even mention which advanced class.


Jedi Shadow = Sith Assassin

Jedi Consular = Sith Sorcerer

Edited by Ethurian
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You're blowing everything completely out of proportion. Here, watch this video of my 34 Sorcerer on Voidstar:



182k damage

262.8 DPS

Biggest Hit: 1951


Then watch this video of my level 20 Jedi Shadow on Alderaan:


(EDIT: Skip to 9:00 if you want to see me solo a level 29 Sorcerer, 9 levels higher than me, both from 100% HP, and win with 66% HP left...)


122k damage

185.95 DPS

Biggest Hit: 3338


Of course, the warzones are different. You can't compare overall damage and DPS on Alderaan vs. Voidstar by the raw numbers, considering playing for the objectives on Voidstar involves constant fighting, and in close quarters, vs. the shifting around in Alderaan. I'm not asking you to compare the raw numbers.


What I will say though is watch the video. Show me where I'm supposedly hitting for 3-4k with no cooldowns. Please, I'd love to know. Almost everything is on cast times, and it's all significantly lower damage than my Shadow is putting out in each engagement. Yet I do well, and we win. Why? Because nobody is really messing with me! If you can sit around and freely cast whatever you need when it's all on 1.5-3.0 second cast timers, OF COURSE YOU'RE GOING TO DO HIGH DAMAGE!!! Had the enemy team FOCUSED THE RIGHT TARGETS, I would have been shut out hard and would have needed to take a more defensive role.


But seriously, look at the numbers. On each individual attack, I'm actually not doing much damage at all. In fact, considering Mage type classes are often intended to hit harder than any other class in most MMOs, you could even say the Sorcerer damage is pretty weak....


Then go look at my Shadow video, which is considerably lower level. I'm doing a lot more damage, and hitting a lot harder. The fact is, on my Sorcerer it takes me quite a while to actually kill someone... I have to cast a lot of abilities and use every trick I can to stay alive, which often means running.


As a Shadow, my targets die considerably faster and my damage is considerably higher. I'll put up more videos soon if you care to look at the numbers and performance more, but they take too long to upload for me to keep up with all the footage I'm even getting.


All things considered, I can't take anyone seriously who is going to sit here and tell me that Sorcerers are hitting for 3-4k rapidly with no cooldowns... because I've never hit for even 3k with my Sorcerer... or even close... with any of my abilities. And you know what? At level 34, I have all the offensive abilities a Sorcerer is going to get. The only remaining skills between 34 and 50 are healing or movement related.


Damage being normalized, it's a pretty safe bet that this is naturally how it is. And considering your claim that at level 50, Sorcerers 20 levels lower than you (which would make them 30) are doing that much damage... I would say it's safe to assume you're full of crap. And watch the video if you want proof... because at 4 levels above what you're claiming, I'm not doing nearly that much.


I tend to do pretty well on my Sorcerer statistically... but it's not because the class is overpowered or does a lot of damage. It's because it's got a lot to work with.


And both videos are just mediocre rounds anyway. In a typical match on both the Sorcerer and Shadow, if it were the same map and the same circumstances, I would do higher damage on the Shadow every time.

Edited by Maxxacre
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I'm a lvl 27 Consular and I get the 2.5k damage medal almost every single WZ.....you sure you're playing consular right? Do a backstab every once in a while....that hits up to 3.5k


I'm under the impression that the OP is playing Sage, not Shadow. He seems to be talking about Sorcerer.

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exactly. consular gets telekinetic throw which ticks for about 500 or something low like that, you get force lightning which ticks for 2k per tick...thats super unbalanced.


That is an absurd claim. Watch the video I posted. It hits for about 400 a tick, and when it crits it'll hit for around 700... for the one tick that it crits on....


2k per tick? You're high. Sage does the exact same amount of damage.

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Ok since the last thread got locked for people trolling and stuff, lets make a new thread regarding how OP and unbalanced sith inquisitors are.


Im currently a lvl 50 consular, and get hit by a sith inquistor that is 20 lvls below me for 3-4k several times in quick succession. i have 6 pieces of lvl 50 epic pvp gear and still get torched in seconds by this class.


other classes dont touch me...just inquisitors. They fling around lightning like no tommorow with no CD it seems.


PvP games are now simply about how few seconds the 5 inquisitors on the opposite team take to stun lock and kill you.


Please keep this thread civil and on topic or posts will be reported.



You do know that Consular and Inquisitor are the same class with different named spells and different animations right? The spells are the same and do the same damage they just look different and are named different.



That's why they call them mirror classes. Respec.

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Well... There is a thing I heard that Force Lightning is Elemental (my trooper only has 7% resistance to Elemental attacks) while Sages' telekinesis is kinetic (being subject to resistance from armor, my trooper's being 45%).


Just a rumor, I haven't checked it myself.


Most of "spells" are force (lightnings), and very few internal dmg spells (probably 1 dot, another dot and aoe spell if specced madness).

Internal dmg reduction is about 5% + consulars/inquisitors has +10% internal/elemental resist buff.

Dunno why BW made spells reduced by armor, but as lightning speced sorc i never win fair duel agains Trooper (and i must sux cuz every1 clearly know how inquisitors are OP, not consulars, just inquisitors).

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Most of "spells" are force (lightnings), and very few internal dmg spells (probably 1 dot, another dot and aoe spell if specced madness).

Internal dmg reduction is about 5% + consulars/inquisitors has +10% internal/elemental resist buff.

Dunno why BW made spells reduced by armor, but as lightning speced sorc i never win fair duel agains Trooper (and i must sux cuz every1 clearly know how inquisitors are OP, not consulars, just inquisitors).


Good to see someone has common sense here....


But Sorcerers are paper to the Trooper's rock, really... so it's pretty much as it should be. But it's so funny to me how so many people seem to think Sorcerers are ridiculously OP... let me tell you, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.


If you people think Sorcerers are so OP, level one to somewhere in the 20-30 range and come back. First of all, you'll be better at fighting against them because you'll understand their strengths and weaknesses. Second of all, you'll understand just how standard their damage is. It's actually quite low, especially for a mage type.


Considering everyone has interrupts on relatively short cooldowns, maybe you all should learn what spells you need to interrupt. It's really not hard considering the Sorcerer is mostly casting spells on a 2-3 second cast time.

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Sith inquisitor is the OP class in the game hands down. Considering about starting one myself.


I have 1 at lvl 50. I tried friends assassin, now waiting for AC respec... And why its again sorc? Sages are exact mirror with less visible spell aniomation (more subtle makes them even more OP then Sorc). Give it time, and at lvl 50 with pvp expertise gear, there will be lot of qq about Trooper healers (healer in heavy armor? rly?).

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