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Why I should be able to buy PVP gear with Cartel coins


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This game has been P2W ever since the CM was introduced, bolster just was the icing on the cake for P2W.


To the OP,

PvP is already P2W.

1. Buy CC and get shtuffs.

2. Sell shtuffs on GTN for large amounting s of coin.

3. Use said coin to Buy 53/54/55 PvE mods/gear (that bolster just as well as PvP gear)and the only real "gear" items that are valuable in PvP; AUGMENTS, STIMS, MEDPACS, ADRENALS.


That s about 80% the other 20% are relics and set bonus, which cost what? Maybe 5000 non ranked comms?


Your complaint has little merit with this system already being in place..

Edited by L-RANDLE
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This game has been P2W ever since the CM was introduced, bolster just was the icing on the cake for P2W.


To the OP,

PvP is already P2W.

1. Buy CC and get shtuffs.

2. Sell shtuffs on GTN for large amounting s of coin.

3. Use said coin to Buy 53/54/55 PvE mods/gear (that bolster just as well as PvP gear)and the only real "gear" items that are valuable in PvP; AUGMENTS, STIMS, MEDPACS, ADRENALS.


That s about 80% the other 20% are relics and set bonus, which cost what? Maybe 5000 non ranked comms?


Your complaint has little merit with this system already being in place..


No...just no....lmao. I've seen people do that silly bolster set up and I've run right through them in pvp gear. They are extremely squishy. As usual Randal you never know what you're talking about.

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No...just no....lmao. I've seen people do that silly bolster set up and I've run right through them in pvp gear. They are extremely squishy. As usual Randal you never know what you're talking about.


Regardless of how you "run through" players from a stat perspective the difference is moot. As usual raaaaaaaaaaaansu is still lacking the basic math skill and reading comprehension to be a valid contributor.


I'm not surprised coming from the king of trolls.

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I cant spend enough hours in game to grind ranked in order to obtain and min/max the current top tier set across all my alts. The time required is unreasonable.


I've already sunk over a year into PVP in this game and the grind does nothing for me. Don't get me wrong, I really like the instanced PVP, and world PVP (when it happens) is usually pretty darn awesome. I will continue to play and slowly gear out all my alts. I have elite warlord on my main, and all of my 55 alts are well up over conqueror valor level.


That is my main problem though. Although I will be playing the PVP anyway (its where I get the most enjoyment in the game), and I'm going to get the gear by default just by playing, it takes to long to gear out alts over and over. But I want to. I want all my alts to be geared. However, my personal time is too valuable compared to having geared alts so I don't do it. It takes to effing long.


I want to be able to BUY both teirs of PVP gear sets with the Cartel coins I can save up for my subscription bonus or buy outright.


It's not pay to win, and here is why I believe that.


First, a little anecdotal experience if you care.


I play MWO (Mechwarrior Online) as well, especially when I get too annoyed while playing SWTOR. MWO is a fantastic (battlemech) mech game, that is all about PVP but with giant piloted mechanical tanks, lasers, missiles etc.

The ultimate power in that universe is of course, your battlemech chassis + loadout. Nothing quite as fearsome as watching a Atlas come rolling over the ridge with lasers and AC's pouring out of it while it's shrugging off my medium mechs firepower.

See, in MWO you can (and are encouraged to) buy the chassis using real money (mechwarrior credits). The chassis you own directly affect how effective you can be in a match by providing platforms with different loadouts and features.

The mech chassis you BUY directly effects the amount of firepower you can bring to a match.

However, MWO is definitely NOT pay to win. Simply purchasing a chassis does not guarantee victory. First you have to earn experience in that chassis, and second you actually have to have the skills to play in that chassis. You CAN purchase some clear advantages in chassis weight and loadout, thats all.



So, how does this translate to SWTOR?




The tier of the armor set you have doesn't guarantee you victory. In fact, I have seen and experienced multiple warzones where people (other than myself) whose gear set I know because I know them personally, are destroyed by other people who are less geared but more experienced. It goes without saying that I have ridden that horse too.

But the gear does make a difference in straight up numbers. You do more damage to lower tier geared and take less damage from lower tiered geared players. Period. Indisputable.

In fact the whole paradigm of SWTOR pvp right now is that; If you have put in the time to get the gear you DESERVE to do more damage and take less damage from players who have put in less time than you.


I think this is a terrible reward system for PVP. It affects all players negatively.


Let me buy the PVP gear instead of grinding for PVP gear, and then give rewards for time spent playing PVP that are less disparate than the indisputable advantage that comes from wearing top tier gear.

Right now my only real reward for time spent is just a title. I would prefer bonuses other than gear that give advantages to a higher valor player (PvP skill tree's, gear shells with unique set bonuses, optimization options not available at lower valor levels, unique mounts, unique dyes, unique pets, the list goes on). In PVP the gear disparity should NOT be my carrot.

Also, please, I am aware that Bolster is supposed to be alleviating that problem. My personal opinion is that it is somewhat effective, but not as effective as I want it to be. For bolster to really work it should give 100% parity in gear. But the Bolster system is demonstrably buggy and exploitable.

Simplify things for me as a paying customer. You don't have to change your system at all, just put the PVP gear on the Cartel market. Hopefully in the future you can implement better PVP reward systems.


And for all the folks flaming:


Main: Trevalion (Commando)

55 Alts: Deathticle (Shadow), Hightower (Sentinel), Octaire (Guardian)

30-54 Alts: Trevalion (Scoundrel), Epica (Sage), DarkOrb (Gunslinger), Treva'tiger (powertech), ...

Server: Harbinger

Black-Ball legacy


So what you are saying is you want to be able to spend real money to gain instantly what it takes about a week to get the basic of (if you play constantly in WZ's) in order to set up full expertise. Hate to tell you this, but that is the definition of pay to win. I have yet to see someone coming into a WZ in PVE gear (140 off of Makeb or full on end game PVE gear) and not get rolled if the other team has everyone at 2018 expertise because they are in Obroan or Brutalizer (PVP gear).

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"the real value of pvp is having fun" WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! If it was only for fun you wouldn't need GEAR! If it was only for fun then there would be no winners and losers. If it was ONLY FOR FUN YOU WOULD NOT HAVE COME TO THE FORUMS TO POST ANYTHING. You would be having fun regardless of your gear because you know what PVP IS SUPPOSE TO BE FUN. The fun thing about PVP IS WINNING! You may not believe it, but A LOT OF PEOPLE LIKE TO EARN WHAT THEY GET. They don't need money to buy it for them. :rolleyes:


I will also let you know this if SWTOR allowed people to buy PVP gear with cartel coins you don't think that would affect the PVER'S as well. Who do you think makes my mk-9 kits and endgame augments that I buy. What about my grenades. I consider all of these items to be pvp gear as well.


I'm going to have to disagree with your interpretation here Firstly, your not "EARNING" anything. Your spending time in the pvp system, which gives you the rewards just for being there. Does that mean that you think the afker or someone who contributes very little "EARNED" like you did? No, they got the same reward for joining. It doesn't matter (currently) how you spend your time in the pvp system. Whether you win or lose you still get the rewards (tokens) just for showing up. To me, that is not "EARNING" anything. That is just time-in-grade. Its fun to win, and less fun to lose. People play pvp to win. Because there is an artificial stats advantage that helps you win more, people grind the gear. But there is no dependance between the fun of winning and grinding gear. Its just that is the only way the system rewards you.


PVP right now is about "EARNING" an advantage through the gear sets obtained by spending time playing PVP. Ridonkulous. Time spent in pvp (imo) should != advantage over players with less time logged. Time spent in PVP should result in recognizable cosmetic rewards or more flexibility in distributing a players stats. Rating in PVP should result in recognizable cosmetic rewards and flexibility in distributing a players stats beyond the "base". I want people to be able to look/inspect me and see my prowess (or lack of it in my case). But it is a mistake to equate that skill with wearing a gear set that gives you a stat advantage that lets you plow people under.


Give me the gear on the market to bypass the stupid advantage earning bs, which we have all endured since the game came out, and then give better, more recognizable rewards for my pvp time.


Here's my suggestion for compromise, it works for free and subbed players.


1) Remove the expertise stat from all armoring, mods and enhancements in the game

2) Make all the PVP sets just be shells obtainable only through pvp tokens.

3) Keep the relics and ear and implants obtainable through pvp tokens. (no expertise but provide BIS variations)

3) Anyone who joins a pvp match gets the same base set of stats to represent armor and weapon slots, then they can flexibly assign the "extra" stats that come from augment, relic, ear and implant. If a player is not wearing those, then those slots get bolstered to a base set of "extra" stats

4) Get rid of the "ranked" system and make all players gain/lose rank (elo) in any warzone they enter (16 or 4 player). Keep a group and solo queue. Keep a solo + group rating.


The result is warzones where all players have the same base stats with flexibility to tune those stats through augments, relics, ear and implants. The shell your wearing determines the base stats for armor and your set bonus.

Winning gives you rank which = more reward objects

Losing still gives you time in pvp = different reward objects.

You still get tokens to buy gear shells from win/loss + participation.


Then you can start making the rewards for PVP more meaningful (to me) than a simple stats advantage that is annoying to play through.

For instance, PVP armor shells give a unique set bonus

Unique PVP armor shells

Unique solo rating rewards

Unique group rating rewards

Unique color crystals

Unique dye

Unique mounts

Unique pets

Unique vanity items

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- 1000-1500 cartel coins for a full set of warzone commendation pvp gear (50%+ sale the last 2 weeks of the season). No refund?

- Its not play to win. Grinding sucks and its boring. People with busy lives who spend majority of their time off game may really like this option. You perform just regardless of gear thanks to the bolster system and that's a fact.

- My fresh 55's were able to perform #1 and #2 in dmg on a regular basis. Basically every match. Their damage was great due to the bolster system.


I say, look into all the pros and cons. Maybe i am missing something from this but personally, i wouldn't mind someone paying cartel coins to get WARZONE COMM gear..... even on my naked 55 marauder I wouldn't care going against people who instantly got a full wz set. Thats just me. im sure there is a lot of heat on this subject. My vote is yes let it happen. And get that $$$ bioware.


Oh and to the above post. I don't play pvp to win.. well, i want to win, but its not why i play. I play for the chaotic perceptual application of situation rotations.. Thinking about what that enemy is about to do, and making adjustments (sometimes theres nothing you can do, other times its an art form to a degree). Taunting is a prime example. Its just fun thats all. Im one of those people who can play the same warzone for years. Warsong Gulch, huttball, and not get tired of it because i love the situational excitement of player interaction and analyzing what they do with their arsenals under different situations. I have about a 65% win rate before you think I abandon objectives for my entertainment preferences.

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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EARN: to gain or get in return for one's labor or service. Does this say anything about earning more or less depending on your effort. NO. My statement is true and my statement said some people like to earn what they get. I did not say all. If you read your replies on your post you would see that you are the minority.


"Winning gives you rank which = more reward objects

Losing still gives you time in pvp = different reward objects.

You still get tokens to buy gear shells from win/loss + participation. "


This statement is exactly fking pay to win.

If you dont have the money to buy the gear set that puts them at a disadvantage because they can't afford to buy it. The person who can afford the gear will have better gear than the person who cant afford it. = pay to win

"winning gives you rank and more reward objects," but in your first paragraph you state that a person who was afk the whole match doesnt deserve the coms, but how come in your scenario that same person deserves the reward? " Losing still gives different reward objects," but how is that different from how its now? People who win get more coms then people who lose. People who win more ranked also get more rewards than people who dont win. "You still get tokens to buy gear" , but isnt that just like how it is now?


Just be honest OP you are just being lazy. You say you pvp all the time then you wouldve known that in one week playing only 1-2hours shouldve gotten you a full set of obroan no problem. You already have conq gear and with that you should have no problems with regs. If you are talking about ranked then I DO NOT WANT SOME NOOB 55 BUYING A FULL SET AND JUMPING INTO RANKED. If you are good it doesnt matter if you have conq., partisan, obroan, or brutalizer because a good player will keep up in regs regardless.

Edited by sirullrich
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- 1000-1500 cartel coins for a full set of warzone commendation pvp gear (50%+ sale the last 2 weeks of the season). No refund?

- Its not play to win. Grinding sucks and its boring. People with busy lives who spend majority of their time off game may really like this option. You perform just regardless of gear thanks to the bolster system and that's a fact.

- My fresh 55's were able to perform #1 and #2 in dmg on a regular basis. Basically every match. Their damage was great due to the bolster system.


I say, look into all the pros and cons. Maybe i am missing something from this but personally, i wouldn't mind someone paying cartel coins to get WARZONE COMM gear..... even on my naked 55 marauder I wouldn't care going against people who instantly got a full wz set. Thats just me. im sure there is a lot of heat on this subject. My vote is yes let it happen. And get that $$$ bioware.


Oh and to the above post. I don't play pvp to win.. well, i want to win, but its not why i play. I play for the chaotic perceptual application of situation rotations.. Thinking about what that enemy is about to do, and making adjustments (sometimes theres nothing you can do, other times its an art form to a degree). Taunting is a prime example. Its just fun thats all. Im one of those people who can play the same warzone for years. Warsong Gulch, huttball, and not get tired of it because i love the situational excitement of player interaction and analyzing what they do with their arsenals under different situations. I have about a 65% win rate before you think I abandon objectives for my entertainment preferences.


I dont get your statement because if you say grinding pvp coms is boring then isn't pvp boring? How come pvp is only fun when you have gear? I love pvp and that is all I do. I don't mind grinding because, I mean lets be honest, I am already playing pvp and eventually if I play enough my gear will be good enough.

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