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New graphic engine


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While I am not overly impressed with the engine as it stands, this just isn't going to happen.


The development budget for that would be far better spent on new story content, that will bring in new players and old players back more than a new engine would.

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In the future of this game can you not add a new graphic engine.

Like Cryengine or Frostbite, I think that will make people come back to this game and attract new players.


Changing out the engine is neither easy or cheap so I wouldn't expect to ever see this game use any other engine then the one it currently is.

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Honest question because I cannot find an answer doing a web search:


What MMO if any has completely changed graphics engines?


As I understand it, doing so would be a very involved and complicated process.


The most I have ever seen in an MMO is updating the graphics within the existing engine.

Edited by psandak
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Honest question because I cannot find an answer doing a web search:


What MMO if any has completely changed graphics engines?


As I understand it, doing so would be a very involved and complicated process.


The most I have ever seen in an MMO is updating the graphics within the existing engine.


No MMO I have ever heard of has changed engines after launch and especially not 3 or 4 years after launch.

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While Bioware does this how about you rip out all of the walls in your house, move your house across the country, put brand new walls in place.

But at the same time make sure all of the wires and everything inside the walls and your furniture stay in exactly the same place.

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  • 1 month later...
Funcom did it for Anarchy Online so i see why not? But now all the rumour about Swtor2 so dont think its gona happen doh.. but it can be done



I can't consider that a successful replacement of a rendering engine. They announced the plan in 2007, started the project in 2008, and after SIX years in development, it was still in Closed Beta at the start of 2014. AFAIK, they still haven't officially launched with the new engine in place and are still testing it with a strict NDA in place that prevents anyone from talking about the "upgrade" at all.


A new game engine basically requires almost every single line of code to be rewritten, which is effectively a project that is similar is scope and size to the development of an entirely new game. It's simply not feasible, both economically and programmatically. Its possible, but entirely unfeasible.


Edit: I replied to a necro. Bad Ori. :(

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  • 4 weeks later...
I agree on that .I m playing for 2 months as a subscriber and I find the game really good since it has great PVE and PVP but I not going to continue play it since I m not impressed at all from the graphics engine for a star wars game .It reminds me playing the star wars knights of the old republic game back in the 2004.Even the unreal engine is better from this engine.
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I agree on that .I m playing for 2 months as a subscriber and I find the game really good since it has great PVE and PVP but I not going to continue play it since I m not impressed at all from the graphics engine for a star wars game .It reminds me playing the star wars knights of the old republic game back in the 2004.Even the unreal engine is better from this engine.


I don't think anyone really "likes" the engine, but if you're playing for graphics, you're missing the point. :)

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I don't think anyone really "likes" the engine, but if you're playing for graphics, you're missing the point. :)


You are right on that but without good graphics we are losing the star wars feeling since we have seen great star wars games and movies .For me the whole graphics in the world look the same and I m a little bores seeing stuff that look all alike.

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Eve online has never changed their engine but they have found better ways to optimize it. That being said in the 10 years since the release of Eve they have done a complete graphics overhaul 4 times. As technology improves they improve the game engine, not change it but improve it. Doing a complete graphics overhaul is no easy feat either but it has been done many times.


If this was simply BW then it would be more likely to happen, but since EA is involved and they are money sucking vampires it probably never will. The difference is that CCP is very passionate about their game. The dev team plays it all the time and even compete with the eve community from time to time in PVP. Of course that doesn't say much since Eve online is PVP.


It all depends on what the company stance is towards the game. If it is just a source of revenue as it is to EA than very little will be done as long as it brings in revenue. CCP Games has a different approach with Eve. They have never sold even as many copies of the game as SWTOR did at the onset, but then they have had a steady continual growth rate every year since its release. Now I understand that many of the accounts accounted for are alts (hell I run 3 accounts in Eve myself), but that doesn't matter because there has been steady growth through the 10 year life of the game. CCP believes in making the best SciFi MMO out there and that is what they are passionate about.


Despite my love for everything Eve online I am a subscribing account for SWTOR and will continue to be one into the future. Not because the game is a total blow away MMO but because I love Star Wars. I just don't ever see SWTOR updating anything either graphically or with the game engine ever.

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ESO online which have beautiful graphics, is the same engine as swtor, but a modyfied one... They just have to update or modify the engine, not change it into a something different one. I believe they will do that in the next expansion at 4.0, because consoles and pc graphics increasing....so they have to give a new fresh look into it.



Also its easy to detect that ESO is using the same engine from the followings.. :


1) draw distanse, is much lighter than swtor so they havet about 4-5x times, more draw distanse...but u can still see some growing grass and rocks thing in the far distanse.. lol


2) they avoid to use capes into armors, they are all capeless, because hero engine is not ideal of having capes, as it seems...swtor for example they pass through the mount engines... :)


but there is also some early eso online videos on youtube and in the titles (company log, etc...they have the HERO engine as advertisement). They removed it after... lol


All swtor needs is :


a fresh look into planets, higher draw distanse and make it be lighter.... Also day night cycle and weather effects and maybe increase the polys in NPC's and characters. That can be done, if they modify the engine for these things.

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the art is fine for starwars, all it needs is higher textures, maybe some more polygons into npc (the heads) and some effects, like I said day/night cycle, that also translates with more skies, especially at night in the planets... and some more effects. Eg storms, sandstorms, fog, etc... GPU heavy things, but they must add it in the engine, no need to modify files, or force things.


And I think swtor also took a reward for its art 2 years ago... so art is fine, some modern polishing, fix the draw distanse and a brand new character creator.

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In the future of this game can you not add a new graphic engine.

Like Cryengine or Frostbite, I think that will make people come back to this game and attract new players.

I totally agree, this game should attract more players with R9 290X, GTX 780 and 980, and get rid of slackers with lesser cards or less than 8-thread CPU.

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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Eve online has never changed their engine but they have found better ways to optimize it. That being said in the 10 years since the release of Eve they have done a complete graphics overhaul 4 times. As technology improves they improve the game engine, not change it but improve it. Doing a complete graphics overhaul is no easy feat either but it has been done many times.


If this was simply BW then it would be more likely to happen, but since EA is involved and they are money sucking vampires it probably never will. The difference is that CCP is very passionate about their game. The dev team plays it all the time and even compete with the eve community from time to time in PVP. Of course that doesn't say much since Eve online is PVP.


It all depends on what the company stance is towards the game. If it is just a source of revenue as it is to EA than very little will be done as long as it brings in revenue. CCP Games has a different approach with Eve. They have never sold even as many copies of the game as SWTOR did at the onset, but then they have had a steady continual growth rate every year since its release. Now I understand that many of the accounts accounted for are alts (hell I run 3 accounts in Eve myself), but that doesn't matter because there has been steady growth through the 10 year life of the game. CCP believes in making the best SciFi MMO out there and that is what they are passionate about.


Despite my love for everything Eve online I am a subscribing account for SWTOR and will continue to be one into the future. Not because the game is a total blow away MMO but because I love Star Wars. I just don't ever see SWTOR updating anything either graphically or with the game engine ever.


I was playing eve for 1-2 years but left it cause I was really bored and the PVP is really unbalanced since 20m ships can kill a 1b ship.Anyway I agree on you that they updating their engine from time to time but I don't see this happening in star wars as I have read .For me the engine looks really old and not something I would want from a star wars game.I don't have a high end PC but I play almost every game in max settings and I have seen real better engines than star wars which were older also(eg unreal engine of lineage 2 is better than star wars engine)

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  • 2 weeks later...

PVP in Eve is not meant to be balanced. When playing Eve you have to forget everything you think about MMO's since it does attempt to be what other MMO's are. a 1 billion ISK ship killed by a 20 million ISK ship solo is doubtful unless you give the actual ships you are speaking of.


If for example the 1 Billion ISK ship is a freighter, then it is perfectly balanced since a freighter is not a combat ship at all but a freight hauler. They are squishy and are not meant to be flown around without combat support. Same thing holds true if the big ship is fitted for PVE and the attacking ship is fitted for pure PVP. Additionally id say a battleship is fit for long range combat (say with artillery cannons) a smaller fast ship or ships can easily get inside of its tracking ability and then become fodder. On the other hand a battleship fit with a good tank and say auto cannons for close range, it will tear apart any number of smaller less expensive ships.


There is not supposed to be a true balance to PVP Eve online, what it is about is knowing the proper fit and having an effective fleet doctrine in place. Someone who says PVP is unbalanced hasn't 1) really done a lot of real PVP in Eve or 2) truly sucks at fitting and or flying a given ship.


but then all of this has nothing to do with the topic at hand now does it.


In saying all of this I love SWTOR for what it is, but nothing out there even comes close to accomplishing what Eve online accomplishes. An absolutely open ended sand box where pretty much anything goes.

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