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Flashpoint Vote to Kick


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Why are the no checks in place to make sure people can't be removed senselessly? I get that they can't monitor all groups, but how about allowing people to report people for removing them for no reason, or just to deny them the quest completion or endboss loot.


For instance, I was just in a group with a guy who was insulting everyone, calling them children, and a guy who had clearly either bought an account with a 55 on it, or paid for a leveling service. He didn't know how to whisper, use saber charges as an Inquisitor, or not use knockbacks on every fight, at 55. I whispered them both, the rude one telling him to cool his jets, the store bought to ask where he bought his account, hopefully get some proof so I could get him banned. They both took it to group chat and I got booted right before the last boss, rendering the last hour I spent dealing with their immaturity all for naught.


There should be a system in place that allows players to report people who senselessly kick. This is even worse for people who are new 55s going to a 55 FP. People will boot them because they don't like their gear. How are they supposed to get gear if the best places to go and get gear aren't available to them?


Personally I've never liked the vote to kick system as anything more than removing players who are AFK or DC'd. I think it's been horribly abused in EVERY MMO. It's about time somebody finally did something about it.

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Well, I see that you accused them of not knowing how to play and of buying an account or power leveling.


They decided they didn't like you and kicked you.


I've learned to leave groups sooner than an hour into it because of that, when I see people not knowing what they are doing, I don't give them an hour. :)


As for the use of kicking people, most often I vote to kick for lack of gear, more than anything else.

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Wait a minute.. You were openly antagonistic in PMs and then got your feathers ruffled because they kicked you?


Here's a tip, if you couldn't tolerate their behaviour, you could have dropped sooner, put them on ignore and not had to deal with it. Or you could have just swallowed it til the end and then ignored them. Or you could have did what you did and suffered the consequences of that.


Sorry, you asked to be kicked by being confrontational. No sympathies here.

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If it's going to take an hour to do a FP, you should know within 2 minutes. Save yourself the trouble and just leave and put them on ignore. Private messaging someone about them "buying their account" is about the rudest thing I've ever heard of and is something you couldn't possibly know in an hour without them just flat out saying it happened. It's not a crime to be bad at the game. Maybe if you had asked him to not use his knockback skill instead of accusing him you would have improved the group and finished.
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Welcome to the Internet. Now just move on. It happens. You cannot do anything about it. Luckily it's a rare behaviour to kick someone before looting the boss. I've been playing for months and I've encountered such a behaviour not more than two or three times.
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For instance, I was just in a group with a guy who was insulting everyone, calling them children,


From your own description sounds like you were that guy, going out of your way to insult other members. To grant you additional tools to be even more insulting would be a bad idea.

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Why are the no checks in place to make sure people can't be removed senselessly? I get that they can't monitor all groups, but how about allowing people to report people for removing them for no reason, or just to deny them the quest completion or endboss loot.


For instance, I was just in a group with a guy who was insulting everyone, calling them children, and a guy who had clearly either bought an account with a 55 on it, or paid for a leveling service. He didn't know how to whisper, use saber charges as an Inquisitor, or not use knockbacks on every fight, at 55. I whispered them both, the rude one telling him to cool his jets, the store bought to ask where he bought his account, hopefully get some proof so I could get him banned. They both took it to group chat and I got booted right before the last boss, rendering the last hour I spent dealing with their immaturity all for naught.


There should be a system in place that allows players to report people who senselessly kick. This is even worse for people who are new 55s going to a 55 FP. People will boot them because they don't like their gear. How are they supposed to get gear if the best places to go and get gear aren't available to them?


Personally I've never liked the vote to kick system as anything more than removing players who are AFK or DC'd. I think it's been horribly abused in EVERY MMO. It's about time somebody finally did something about it.


Sound like it works fine. The group didn't want you and you were removed. The point of kick system is remove players that don't fit with the rest of the group. You didn't fit in and you got the boot. Try being nicer.

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Dude I filed a ticket because 2 guys were queuing and vote kicking over and over again. You would load in and someone else was being kicked or you were already vote kicked. I put them both on ignore, and still was grouped with them. I could not use the group finder because they were griefing everyone.


The response I received was that they were not even going to investigate it.

Nothing will be done. BioWare doesn't care 1 bit. The sad thing is Free to Play kids can abuse the system and subscribers could end up canceling.

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There should be a system in place that allows players to report people who senselessly kick. This is even worse for people who are new 55s going to a 55 FP. People will boot them because they don't like their gear. How are they supposed to get gear if the best places to go and get gear aren't available to them? .



There is a system of Progression. If you queue for a 55 Flashpoint in level 40 gear, you don't belong there. You have a responsibility to do solo quests, craft, or buy appropriate gear from the GTN and equip it so you aren't being carried. Some people are trying to improve their gear the only way they can and are much better geared then you, but you come in and win the gear they needed without having carried your own weight. That's not fair at all.

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The guy probably didn't buy his account or used a power lvling service, more then likely he was one of the people who joined the game during the double xp week and used KDY to lvl himself and as such he doesn't know how to properly play his char.
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I'd be rather upset if I was accused of being a cheater. Cheating at a video game? I know it's all the rage with the young people these days, but it just wasn't done in my day. Puts you pretty low on the list of slimy nerd scum in my book. How could you do it and still have any self-respect?


Let's just get this straight for anyone who may encounter me in a flashpoint: I'm not a cheater who bought his Level 55s, I'm simply incompetent and inept, ok? :)

Edited by PLynkes
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Well, I see that you accused them of not knowing how to play and of buying an account or power leveling.


They decided they didn't like you and kicked you.


I've learned to leave groups sooner than an hour into it because of that, when I see people not knowing what they are doing, I don't give them an hour. :)


As for the use of kicking people, most often I vote to kick for lack of gear, more than anything else.




If you have a problem with a group



Personally I rarely if ever use the Vote to Kick option


Just yesterday I was playing my Sage Healer and got a Tactical Flashpoint pop in GF


Myself, 2 sents, and a gunslinger

We get Tython


So we go about clearing the trash elites at the stations


3rd station Sents attack

I cc the Elite Droid

Idiot Gunslinger runs up and over one of those concrete barriers, crouchs down and lets loose with AOE (that also breaks the cc on Droid)

Gunslinger is out of my los so even though I tried I couldnt heal him

He dies (how predictable was that, stupid player dies, what a shock)


I revive him and he instantly says

"thanks for the heals"


I reply

"Excuse me, I tried, you were not in LOS"


So the kid who cant play his own class starts telling me how Im basically suppose to be his pocket healer and only heal, do no damage at all, just heal him


Said sorry to the 2 sents and dropped group saying "Jack$$$ needs to learn how to play his own class"


10 minute lock out instantly got new group,

LOL with 2 gunslingers that knew their class abilities

Fast run through Meltdown

no drama at all


10 minute lock out is so minor there no reason to stress over Vote to kick nonsense

Bad group?

Drop yourself from group and requeue 10 minutes later


If you get bad groups more often then that

Might wanna look in mirror for why because bad groups are by far the except to the rule, not the rule itself.

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There is a system of Progression. If you queue for a 55 Flashpoint in level 40 gear, you don't belong there. You have a responsibility to do solo quests, craft, or buy appropriate gear from the GTN and equip it so you aren't being carried. Some people are trying to improve their gear the only way they can and are much better geared then you, but you come in and win the gear they needed without having carried your own weight. That's not fair at all.


^ This...


I don't mind carrying a little bit, but sometimes it is just nuts...


Just today I was in HM 50 Lost Island, and the healer was in 112 blue gear with a few 96 blues to boot. Under 15K health and the heals were just not there. Not a single 140 to be found anywhere.


Sorry, but that isn't even trying... Get some purple 140s from the Makeb vendor, get some classic comms from Black Hole dailies, and it would be fine.

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This is even worse for people who are new 55s going to a 55 FP. People will boot them because they don't like their gear. How are they supposed to get gear if the best places to go and get gear aren't available to them?


I kicked the guy from HM Meltdown.

He was wearing a mix of green/orange items with mods from 37-50 level (and 50 lvl i mean planetary comms mods).

So... Do i have to explain why i kicked him?

He will be a "dead weight" for team.


Also, if you didnt know, you can buy good starting gear by doing planetary daily and gathering Basic comms (Section X, Black Hole). 162 rate is enough for 55 HM.

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I'd be rather upset if I was accused of being a cheater. Cheating at a video game? I know it's all the rage with the young people these days, but it just wasn't done in my day. Puts you pretty low on the list of slimy nerd scum in my book. How could you do it and still have any self-respect?


Let's just get this straight for anyone who may encounter me in a flashpoint: I'm not a cheater who bought his Level 55s, I'm simply incompetent and inept, ok? :)


cheat codes have been around since the original nintendo but if i was accused of cheating then i would probably vote kick too

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I kicked the guy from HM Meltdown.

He was wearing a mix of green/orange items with mods from 37-50 level (and 50 lvl i mean planetary comms mods).

So... Do i have to explain why i kicked him?

He will be a "dead weight" for team.


Also, if you didnt know, you can buy good starting gear by doing planetary daily and gathering Basic comms (Section X, Black Hole). 162 rate is enough for 55 HM.


Doing the storyline that precedes the Oricon operations is MORE than enough for 90% of the content this game offers, PvE wise.


And yet, people somehow still manage to miss it.

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There is a system of Progression. If you queue for a 55 Flashpoint in level 40 gear, you don't belong there. You have a responsibility to do solo quests, craft, or buy appropriate gear from the GTN and equip it so you aren't being carried. Some people are trying to improve their gear the only way they can and are much better geared then you, but you come in and win the gear they needed without having carried your own weight. That's not fair at all.


especially with the tactical fp now there really is no excuse to go in hm 55 flashpoints woefully undergeared unless you are just ignorant to that fact.

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especially with the tactical fp now there really is no excuse to go in hm 55 flashpoints woefully undergeared unless you are just ignorant to that fact.


Worse is when you tell people and they argue and make excuses


Even if told nicely, more than half of the people get all upset.

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cheat codes have been around since the original nintendo but if i was accused of cheating then i would probably vote kick too


There were cheat codes for Game and Watch? That's my era. :)


I wouldn't know, I've never owned a Nintendo machine. It's just that for my generation, cheat codes were something you messed about with after you'd finished the game, to try and squeeze the last ounces of fun out of it. The teenagers of my acquaintance (don't have any kids myself, so I'm talking about relatives and the children of friends) who play video games these days go straight to cheat codes as a first stop, without even trying out the game as it was meant to be played first.



My God, I've turned into one of those "Kids today, eh?" people without even realising it, haven't I? LOL

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162 rate is enough for 55 HM.


I'd honestly be happy to see someone in just the old 146 Campaign / Black Hole gear sometimes. Having green level 40 gear just isn't even trying. I'm happy even if someone is in the old 154 Conqueror PVP gear. It'll do, I don't mind doing some heavy lifting to help others gear up.


Doing the storyline that precedes the Oricon operations is MORE than enough for 90% of the content this game offers, PvE wise.


And yet, people somehow still manage to miss it.


It's okay if they can;


1 - Play their class.

2 - Have decent enough gear to do the storyline on Oricon (it was tough going on my undergeared Jedi Sent, and even more undergeared companion :D).


Skill only takes you so far sometimes, and if someone hasn't really played their class and has skipped Makeb (which itself gives decent enough gear with Basic comms....) then they're not going to be able to do Oricon with ease.


Probably why they appear in HM FP, expecting to be carried. :p


OP, honestly I can't see why you stayed in the HM FP for a whole hour. A good group can fly through most of them, so perhaps you may want to see how it is going in the first 10 mins. Leave if it is that bad, wait the 10 minutes on the lockout and actually get a decent group. It'll still take less than an hour, even with the lockout.

Edited by Transcendent
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